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Estimating microbial dose–response is an important aspect of a food safety risk assessment. In recent years, there has been considerable interest to advance these models with potential incorporation of gene expression data. The aim of this study was to develop a novel machine learning model that considers the weights of expression of Salmonella genes that could be associated with illness, given exposure, in hosts. Here, an elastic net-based weighted Poisson regression method was proposed to identify Salmonella enterica genes that could be significantly associated with the illness response, irrespective of serovar. The best-fit elastic net model was obtained by 10-fold cross-validation. The best-fit elastic net model identified 33 gene expression–dose interaction terms that added to the predictability of the model. Of these, nine genes associated with Salmonella metabolism and virulence were found to be significant by the best-fit Poisson regression model (p < 0.05). This method could improve or redefine dose–response relationships for illness from relative proportions of significant genes from a microbial genetic dataset, which would help in refining endpoint and risk estimations.  相似文献   


Despite the encouraging results obtained from the application of Green Lean, organizations have found the integration of Green and Lean, and their implementation as an integrated approach, challenging. This paper therefore presents a model for integrating Lean and Green based on the Gemba-Kaizen approach. The proposed model was developed on the basis of a through literature review on Gemba and Kaizen, conducted on peer reviewed journal articles and pragmatic books, and the more than 40 years of accumulated experience of the authors as academics, researchers, industrialists and consultants. The model was validated through two cases study in the aerospace and automotive industries. The results showed that the proposed model helped the case organizations to reduce the consumption of resources and improve their environmental performance. The proposed model can be the basis for further research on Lean and Green, contributing to help organizations to improve their sustainability performance.  相似文献   

In response to calls for context-specificity in leadership research, we developed and validated a Situational Judgment Test of the Full Range of Leadership Model (SJT-FRLM). Three consecutive studies were conducted following the typical steps of test development. Study 1 served measure development and pilot testing: item stems were generated empirically, item responses were developed with a theory-driven approach, and pilot testing was based on a leader sample. Study 2 served to analyze construct- and criterion-related validity of the instrument. Moreover, an empirical scoring key was developed that weights each item response according to its relation with leadership effectiveness in each situation. In Study 3, we demonstrated incremental validity and interrater agreement. The test fills an important gap in literature because it not only has predictive validity above and beyond established measures, but also takes into account the contextual element of leadership.  相似文献   

The article analyzes processes and objectives of transnational higher-education partnerships (THEPs) devoted to research and sustainable development by applying concepts and insights from chaos theory, Rosenau??s work on turbulence, Farazmand??s contributions on institutionalized chaos and the management of cascading crises, and the transnational-competence framework. The bifurcation of research and development activity into asymmetrical and symmetrical processes and objectives provides the focus for analysis. Building on Farazmand??s insight regarding the positive possibilities of transformative change, the conclusion explores possibilities for amplifying the symmetrical trajectory. Given the structural forces of global capitalism and local political constraints, the range of symmetrical process- and outcome-path possibilities for THEPs is now bounded by the strange attractors of resource inequalities and collaborative decision making.  相似文献   

Global economic forces have been prompting the institutional changes in the public sector based on the market-oriented principles and such changes greatly have affected the postal savings system in Japan. Postal savings system’s public roles were fundamentally changed because of current administrative reform undertakings. In this article, firstly the role of collecting savings from ordinary citizens for fiscal policies was reviewed and the assessment of this public role is conducted. Secondly, abolishment of Universal Service Obligation due to the privatization of the postal savings system and the possible occurrence of Financial Exclusion are analyzed.
Masahiko MetokiEmail:

Yuko Kaneko   is Professor on the study of public administration at the University of Yamagata, Japan. She moved from the government to the university in 2005. Her working experiences include public management, administrative reform, administrative inspection, and study on local autonomy. She has been involved in the activities of the international organizations from the 1990s. Masahiko Metoki   entered service in the government of Japan in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in 1983, immediately after graduation from the University of Tokyo (BA). He worked mainly for international cooperation in the fields of telecommunications and Postal Savings. He was also deeply involved in the activities of the United Postal Union as a chair of committees of postal financial services. He was transferred to JAPAN POST SERVICE Co., Ltd. on the occasion of Privatization of Japan Post.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2000,11(2):227-250
This article presents a model of relational leadership based on a review of leader-member exchange (LMX) and interpersonal trust. This model asserts that the LMX relationship is built through interpersonal exchanges in which parties to the relationship evaluate the ability, benevolence, and integrity of each other. These perceptions, in turn, influence the behaviors predicted by LMX researchers. This integrated model of relational leadership provides insights into the dynamics of leader-subordinate relationships and resolves some of the inconsistencies in the LMX research without losing the richness and uniqueness of the exchange theory. A number of propositions for future research in relational leadership are also suggested.  相似文献   


Claims that opportunism is widespread in the process of buyer–supplier exchange are commonplace, but direct supporting evidence for such claims is largely absent from the relevant literature. This article offers a critique of the treatment of opportunism in supply chains by re-establishing the importance of guile in the concept and investigates existing published, empirical measures of buyer and supplier opportunistic behaviour. This article offers evidence that, despite the frequency with which the concept is discussed in the literature and applied in research and the emphasis given to the risks it generates for management, opportunism with guile between buyers and suppliers appears to be rare in practice. This article is the first critical assessment of the concept’s treatment in the Operations Management field, and it argues that practitioners are currently being poorly advised with respect to the phenomenon, as well as drawing conclusions for both practitioners and researchers that differ radically from the prevailing consensus on the subject.  相似文献   

For a graph G, \(\alpha '(G)\) is the matching number of G. Let \(k\ge 2\) be an integer, \(K_{n}\) be the complete graph of order n. Assume that \(G_{1}, G_{2}, \ldots , G_{k}\) is a k-decomposition of \(K_{n}\). In this paper, we show that (1)
$$\begin{aligned} \left\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\right\rfloor \le \sum _{i=1}^{k} \alpha '(G_{i})\le k\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\right\rfloor . \end{aligned}$$
(2) If each \(G_{i}\) is non-empty for \(i = 1, \ldots , k\), then for \(n\ge 6k\),
$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i=1}^{k} \alpha '(G_{i})\ge \left\lfloor \frac{n+k-1}{2}\right\rfloor . \end{aligned}$$
(3) If \(G_{i}\) has no isolated vertices for \(i = 1, \ldots , k\), then for \(n\ge 8k\),
$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i=1}^{k} \alpha '(G_{i})\ge \left\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\right\rfloor +k. \end{aligned}$$
The bounds in (1), (2) and (3) are sharp. (4) When \(k= 2\), we characterize all the extremal graphs which attain the lower bounds in (1), (2) and (3), respectively.

This report presents a model of the supply and demand for the world's energy during the period from 1900 to 2020. This model leads to the conclusion that even without new kinds of energy sources becoming practical, world energy demand can be met during the next 50 years with only a gradual increase in energy costs. Assumptions with respect to exhaustion of reserves that I regard as mildly conservative lead to a demand that can be satisfied by a 1.5 per cent per year energy price increase. This would raise the percentage of world GNP devoted to primary energy from the present 3–4 per cent in the year 2020. Eliminating per capita economic growth would reduce the required annual price increase only from 1.5 to 1.8 per cent. Eliminating normal technological progress in existing energy technologies would increase the required annual price increase from 1.5 to 2.7 per cent. The model shows oil and gas reaching their maximum share of the energy market during the 1980's. By 2020 approximately 50 per cent of all energy comes from nuclear power.The model provides a framework for the analysis of the world energy market under a wide variety of assumptions. In particular, the model allows explicitly for assumptions about technological progress, economies and diseconomies of scale, and the rate of substitution of cheaper energy sources for more expensive ones.  相似文献   

We discuss using the presumed ‘wisdom of the crowd’ to reduce the bullwhip effect in supply chains by enhancing the accuracy of demand forecast. Our case study describes a joint project of a leading European technology company (We chose RAGD as a pseudonym for the company throughout the study.) and the University of Kassel on a smartphone application for end customers to gather early information for this producer’s forecast. Our results confirm the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ hypothesis: A group of experts, in our case technicians who install and maintain RAGD-products, is capable of anticipating market fluctuations six weeks in advance. This only holds true if the ‘crowd’ of technicians is large enough. Our business climate index outperforms the company forecast in the first six months, when on average 22 technicians took part per week. We discuss successes and limitations of the cooperation and provide recommendations for similar projects.  相似文献   

A path in an edge-colored graph is called a monochromatic path if all the edges on the path are colored with one same color. An edge-coloring of G is a monochromatic connection coloring (MC-coloring, for short) if there is a monochromatic path joining any two vertices in G. For a connected graph G, the monochromatic connection number of G, denoted by mc(G), is defined to be the maximum number of colors used in an MC-coloring of G. These concepts were introduced by Caro and Yuster, and they got some nice results. In this paper, we study two kinds of Erd?s–Gallai-type problems for mc(G), and completely solve them.  相似文献   

There is an implicit assumption in the UK Treasury’s publications on public-private partnerships (PPP)—also more commonly known in the United Kingdom as private finance initiative (PFI)—that accountability and value for money (VFM) are related concepts. While recent academic studies on PPP/PFI (from now on as PFI) have focused on VFM, there is a notable absence of studies exploring the ‘presumed’ relationships between accountability and VFM. Drawing on Dubnick’s (Dubnick and Romzek in American public administration, politics and the management of expectations. Macmillan, New York, 1991, Research in public administration. JAI, Greenwich, 1993; Dubnick in Public service ethics and the cultures of blame, 1996, Public sector ethics: finding and implementing values. Routledge, London, 1998, Int J Org Theory Behav 6(3):405–441, 2003, Public Perform Manage Rev 28(3):376–417, 2005; Dubnick and Justice in But can you trust them to be ethical, 2002) framework for accountability and PFI literature, we develop a research framework for exploring potential relationships between accountability and VFM in PFI projects by proposing alternative accountability cultures, processes and mechanisms for PFI. The PFI accountability model is then exposed to four criteria—warrantability, tractability, measurability and feasibility. Our preliminary interviews provide us guidance in identifying some of the cultures, processes and mechanisms indicated in our model which should enable future researchers to test not only the UK Government’s claimed relationships between accountability and VFM using more specific PFI empirical data, but also a potential relationship between accountability and performance in general.  相似文献   

We propose a hybrid evolutionary–neural approach for binary classification that incorporates a special training data over-fitting minimizing selection procedure for improving the prediction accuracy on holdout sample. Our approach integrates parallel global search capability of genetic algorithms (GAs) and local gradient-descent search of the back-propagation algorithm. Using a set of simulated and real life data sets, we illustrate that the proposed hybrid approach fares well, both in training and holdout samples, when compared to the traditional back-propagation artificial neural network (ANN) and a genetic algorithm-based artificial neural network (GA-ANN).  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is not a vigorous contemporary literature in the UK which addresses implementation studies as part of the public policy process, whereas this is not the case in the USA. A review of the literature is presented, and a critique of the more traditional thematic groupings used to review the literature is given. A revised thematic review of the literature is presented based on the four themes of: (1) the role of knowledge and learning in policy implementation; (2) the processes of policy implementation; (3) the role of actors and agents in implementation; and (4) the role of bureaucratic discretion. The paper argues for a revival of research into public policy implementation and suggests a research agenda for the future which can use the aforementioned themes from the literature.  相似文献   

This study explores the diversity of corporate governance practices in the MENA region, with particular emphasis on Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Interviews with senior managers find that the state, foreign investors and large family groups act as monitors of corporations in both countries, whereas the role of institutional investors and other shareholder activist groups is minimal. Ownership was more concentrated in Egypt than in Saudi Arabia, particularly in family firms. However, control is firmly in the hands of dominant shareholders even when ownership concentration is not high enough to merit such control and boards are dominated by majority shareholders. The high levels of concentrated ownership and control, and the low levels of disclosure and transparency, clearly differentiates the corporate governance system in the region from that in Anglo-American countries while the importance of state and family shareholders reflects characteristics of organisation and control found in many developing countries, predominantly those in Asia. However, it remains premature to speak of a unique MENA model of corporate governance.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the study of efficient governance of public–private partnerships (PPPs) through an inductive comparative case study of three riding schools in Sweden. Each school is a three-party PPP between a private firm, a democratic nonprofit association, and a municipality. The results indicate that efficient PPPs mixing private, collective, and communal interests can be established through an adaptive governance strategy. The private firm can shield the democratic association from market influence through adapting to market conditions; the municipality can create a governance strategy; and the democratic association can focus on providing riding services and fostering democratic governance.
Elin SmithEmail:

In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in delistings from stock exchanges in the US and Europe, and this trend has been partly attributed to increasing administrative costs in listed companies. Has corporate governance regulation gone too far? We examine delistings from European stock exchanges 1996–2004 and find that standard corporate governance regulation—like investor protection and corporate governance codes—is associated with more delistings and in particularly going private transactions. In contrast, the tendency to go private is found to be lower, when the quality of overall governance is high. The results continue to hold when we take into consideration that governance policy may be endogenous.  相似文献   

In 1999 the health care industry created the National Quality Forum—a network administrative organization—to address issues of health care quality in a new way by bringing together organizations from the public and private sectors and providing them with a forum to discuss and debate measures of quality, and ultimately, to effect change. Little, however, is known about the decision making processes of network administrative organizations despite the fact that their decisions may have far-reaching impacts on public policy. Using a grounded theory approach, this paper examines the creation and development of the NQF’s Consensus Development Process and identifies and discusses five key principles that underlie the process. This paper argues that in order to create a decision-making process for a network administrative organization that is balanced and inclusive of diverse interests a leader must consider and incorporate principles that are representative of the larger environment.  相似文献   

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