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The case-cohort study design is widely used to reduce cost when collecting expensive covariates in large cohort studies with survival or competing risks outcomes. A case-cohort study dataset consists of two parts: (a) a random sample and (b) all cases or failures from a specific cause of interest. Clinicians often assess covariate effects on competing risks outcomes. The proportional subdistribution hazards model directly evaluates the effect of a covariate on the cumulative incidence function under the non-covariate-dependent censoring assumption for the full cohort study. However, the non-covariate-dependent censoring assumption is often violated in many biomedical studies. In this article, we propose a proportional subdistribution hazards model for case-cohort studies with stratified data with covariate-adjusted censoring weight. We further propose an efficient estimator when extra information from the other causes is available under case-cohort studies. The proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Simulation studies show (a) the proposed estimator is unbiased when the censoring distribution depends on covariates and (b) the proposed efficient estimator gains estimation efficiency when using extra information from the other causes. We analyze a bone marrow transplant dataset and a coronary heart disease dataset using the proposed method.  相似文献   

Recognizing that the efficiency in relative risk estimation for the Cox proportional hazards model is largely constrained by the total number of cases, Prentice (1986) proposed the case-cohort design in which covariates are measured on all cases and on a random sample of the cohort. Subsequent to Prentice, other methods of estimation and sampling have been proposed for these designs. We formalize an approach to variance estimation suggested by Barlow (1994), and derive a robust variance estimator based on the influence function. We consider the applicability of the variance estimator to all the proposed case-cohort estimators, and derive the influence function when known sampling probabilities in the estimators are replaced by observed sampling fractions. We discuss the modifications required when cases are missing covariate information. The missingness may occur by chance, and be completely at random; or may occur as part of the sampling design, and depend upon other observed covariates. We provide an adaptation of S-plus code that allows estimating influence function variances in the presence of such missing covariates. Using examples from our current case-cohort studies on esophageal and gastric cancer, we illustrate how our results our useful in solving design and analytic issues that arise in practice.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies, nonlinear mixed-effects models have been widely applied to describe the intra- and the inter-subject variations in data. The inter-subject variation usually receives great attention and it may be partially explained by time-dependent covariates. However, some covariates may be measured with substantial errors and may contain missing values. We proposed a multiple imputation method, implemented by a Markov Chain Monte-Carlo method along with Gibbs sampler, to address the covariate measurement errors and missing data in nonlinear mixed-effects models. The multiple imputation method is illustrated in a real data example. Simulation studies show that the multiple imputation method outperforms the commonly used naive methods.  相似文献   

Missing covariates data with censored outcomes put a challenge in the analysis of clinical data especially in small sample settings. Multiple imputation (MI) techniques are popularly used to impute missing covariates and the data are then analyzed through methods that can handle censoring. However, techniques based on MI are available to impute censored data also but they are not much in practice. In the present study, we applied a method based on multiple imputation by chained equations to impute missing values of covariates and also to impute censored outcomes using restricted survival time in small sample settings. The complete data were then analyzed using linear regression models. Simulation studies and a real example of CHD data show that the present method produced better estimates and lower standard errors when applied on the data having missing covariate values and censored outcomes than the analysis of the data having censored outcome but excluding cases with missing covariates or the analysis when cases with missing covariate values and censored outcomes were excluded from the data (complete case analysis).  相似文献   

Semiparametric transformation models provide flexible regression models for survival analysis, including the Cox proportional hazards and the proportional odds models as special cases. We consider the application of semiparametric transformation models in case-cohort studies, where the covariate data are observed only on cases and on a subcohort randomly sampled from the full cohort. We first propose an approximate profile likelihood approach with full-cohort data, which amounts to the pseudo-partial likelihood approach of Zucker [2005. A pseudo-partial likelihood method for semiparametric survival regression with covariate errors. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 100, 1264–1277]. Simulation results show that our proposal is almost as efficient as the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. We then extend this approach to the case-cohort design, applying the Horvitz–Thompson weighting method to the estimating equations from the approximated profile likelihood. Two levels of weights can be utilized to achieve unbiasedness and to gain efficiency. The resulting estimator has a closed-form asymptotic covariance matrix, and is found in simulations to be substantially more efficient than the estimator based on martingale estimating equations. The extension to left-truncated data will be discussed. We illustrate the proposed method on data from a cardiovascular risk factor study conducted in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Various methods have been suggested in the literature to handle a missing covariate in the presence of surrogate covariates. These methods belong to one of two paradigms. In the imputation paradigm, Pepe and Fleming (1991) and Reilly and Pepe (1995) suggested filling in missing covariates using the empirical distribution of the covariate obtained from the observed data. We can proceed one step further by imputing the missing covariate using nonparametric maximum likelihood estimates (NPMLE) of the density of the covariate. Recently Murphy and Van der Vaart (1998a) showed that such an approach yields a consistent, asymptotically normal, and semiparametric efficient estimate for the logistic regression coefficient. In the weighting paradigm, Zhao and Lipsitz (1992) suggested an estimating function using completely observed records after weighting inversely by the probability of observation. An extension of this weighting approach designed to achieve semiparametric efficient bound is considered by Robins, Hsieh and Newey (RHN) (1995). The two ends of each paradigm (NPMLE and RHN) attain the efficiency bound and are asymptotically equivalent. However, both require a substantial amount of computation. A question arises whether and when, in practical situations, this extensive computation is worthwhile. In this paper we investigate the performance of single and multiple imputation estimates, weighting estimates, semiparametric efficient estimates, and two new imputation estimates. Simulation studies suggest that the sample size should be substantially large (e.g. n=2000) for NPMLE and RHN to be more efficient than simpler imputation estimates. When the sample size is moderately large (n≤ 1500), simpler imputation estimates have as small a variance as semiparametric efficient estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In a case–cohort design a random sample from the study cohort, referred as a subcohort, and all the cases outside the subcohort are selected for collecting extra covariate data. The union of the selected subcohort and all cases are referred as the case–cohort set. Such a design is generally employed when the collection of information on an extra covariate for the study cohort is expensive. An advantage of the case–cohort design over more traditional case–control and the nested case–control designs is that it provides a set of controls which can be used for multiple end-points, in which case there is information on some covariates and event follow-up for the whole study cohort. Here, we propose a Bayesian approach to analyse such a case–cohort design as a cohort design with incomplete data on the extra covariate. We construct likelihood expressions when multiple end-points are of interest simultaneously and propose a Bayesian data augmentation method to estimate the model parameters. A simulation study is carried out to illustrate the method and the results are compared with the complete cohort analysis.  相似文献   

In stratified case-cohort designs, samplings of case-cohort samples are conducted via a stratified random sampling based on covariate information available on the entire cohort members. In this paper, we extended the work of Kang & Cai (2009) to a generalized stratified case-cohort study design for failure time data with multiple disease outcomes. Under this study design, we developed weighted estimating procedures for model parameters in marginal multiplicative intensity models and for the cumulative baseline hazard function. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are studied using martingales, modern empirical process theory, and results for finite population sampling.  相似文献   

Under the case-cohort design introduced by Prentice (Biometrica 73:1–11, 1986), the covariate histories are ascertained only for the subjects who experience the event of interest (i.e., the cases) during the follow-up period and for a relatively small random sample from the original cohort (i.e., the subcohort). The case-cohort design has been widely used in clinical and epidemiological studies to assess the effects of covariates on failure times. Most statistical methods developed for the case-cohort design use the proportional hazards model, and few methods allow for time-varying regression coefficients. In addition, most methods disregard data from subjects outside of the subcohort, which can result in inefficient inference. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes an estimation procedure for the semiparametric additive hazards model with case-cohort/two-phase sampling data, allowing the covariates of interest to be missing for cases as well as for non-cases. A more flexible form of the additive model is considered that allows the effects of some covariates to be time varying while specifying the effects of others to be constant. An augmented inverse probability weighted estimation procedure is proposed. The proposed method allows utilizing the auxiliary information that correlates with the phase-two covariates to improve efficiency. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. An extensive simulation study shows that the augmented inverse probability weighted estimation is more efficient than the widely adopted inverse probability weighted complete-case estimation method. The method is applied to analyze data from a preventive HIV vaccine efficacy trial.  相似文献   

An estimation procedure is proposed for the Cox model in cohort studies with validation sampling, where crude covariate information is observed for the full cohort and true covariate information is collected on a validation set sampled randomly from the full cohort. The method proposed makes use of the partial information from data that are available on the entire cohort by fitting a working Cox model relating crude covariates to the failure time. The resulting estimator is consistent regardless of the specification of the working model and is asymptotically more efficient than the validation-set-only estimator. Approximate asymptotic relative efficiencies with respect to some alternative methods are derived under a simple scenario and further studied numerically. The finite sample performance is investigated and compared with alternative methods via simulation studies. A similar procedure also works for the case where the validation set is a stratified random sample from the cohort.  相似文献   

Randomly censored covariates arise frequently in epidemiologic studies. The most commonly used methods, including complete case and single imputation or substitution, suffer from inefficiency and bias. They make strong parametric assumptions or they consider limit of detection censoring only. We employ multiple imputation, in conjunction with semi-parametric modeling of the censored covariate, to overcome these shortcomings and to facilitate robust estimation. We develop a multiple imputation approach for randomly censored covariates within the framework of a logistic regression model. We use the non-parametric estimate of the covariate distribution or the semi-parametric Cox model estimate in the presence of additional covariates in the model. We evaluate this procedure in simulations, and compare its operating characteristics to those from the complete case analysis and a survival regression approach. We apply the procedures to an Alzheimer's study of the association between amyloid positivity and maternal age of onset of dementia. Multiple imputation achieves lower standard errors and higher power than the complete case approach under heavy and moderate censoring and is comparable under light censoring. The survival regression approach achieves the highest power among all procedures, but does not produce interpretable estimates of association. Multiple imputation offers a favorable alternative to complete case analysis and ad hoc substitution methods in the presence of randomly censored covariates within the framework of logistic regression.  相似文献   

Exposure Stratified Case-Cohort Designs   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
A variant of the case-cohort design is proposed for the situation in which a correlate of the exposure (or prognostic factor) of interest is available for all cohort members, and exposure information is to be collected for a case-cohort sample. The cohort is stratified according to the correlate, and the subcohort is selected by stratified random sampling. A number of possible methods for the analysis of such exposure stratified case-cohort samples are presented, some of their statistical properties developed, and approximate relative efficiency and optimal allocation to the strata discussed. The methods are compared to each other, and to randomly sampled case-cohort studies, in a limited computer simulation study. We found that all of the proposed analysis methods performed well and were more efficient than a randomly sampled case-cohort study.  相似文献   

The case-cohort design is widely used as a means of reducing the cost in large cohort studies, especially when the disease rate is low and covariate measurements may be expensive, and has been discussed by many authors. In this paper, we discuss regression analysis of case-cohort studies that produce interval-censored failure time with dependent censoring, a situation for which there does not seem to exist an established approach. For inference, a sieve inverse probability weighting estimation procedure is developed with the use of Bernstein polynomials to approximate the unknown baseline cumulative hazard functions. The proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and the asymptotic normality of the resulting regression parameter estimators is established. A simulation study is conducted to assess the finite sample properties of the proposed approach and indicates that it works well in practical situations. The proposed method is applied to an HIV/AIDS case-cohort study that motivated this investigation.  相似文献   

The author considers time‐to‐event data from case‐cohort designs. As existing methods are either inefficient or based on restrictive assumptions concerning the censoring mechanism, he proposes a semi‐parametrically efficient estimator under the usual assumptions for Cox regression models. The estimator in question is obtained by a one‐step Newton‐Raphson approximation that solves the efficient score equations with initial value obtained from an existing method. The author proves that the estimator is consistent, asymptotically efficient and normally distributed in the limit. He also resorts to simulations to show that the proposed estimator performs well in finite samples and that it considerably improves the efficiency of existing pseudo‐likelihood estimators when a correlate of the missing covariate is available. Although he focuses on the situation where covariates are discrete, the author also explores how the method can be applied to models with continuous covariates.  相似文献   

Semiparametric accelerated failure time (AFT) models directly relate the expected failure times to covariates and are a useful alternative to models that work on the hazard function or the survival function. For case-cohort data, much less development has been done with AFT models. In addition to the missing covariates outside of the sub-cohort in controls, challenges from AFT model inferences with full cohort are retained. The regression parameter estimator is hard to compute because the most widely used rank-based estimating equations are not smooth. Further, its variance depends on the unspecified error distribution, and most methods rely on computationally intensive bootstrap to estimate it. We propose fast rank-based inference procedures for AFT models, applying recent methodological advances to the context of case-cohort data. Parameters are estimated with an induced smoothing approach that smooths the estimating functions and facilitates the numerical solution. Variance estimators are obtained through efficient resampling methods for nonsmooth estimating functions that avoids full blown bootstrap. Simulation studies suggest that the recommended procedure provides fast and valid inferences among several competing procedures. Application to a tumor study demonstrates the utility of the proposed method in routine data analysis.  相似文献   

Genetic data are now collected frequently in clinical studies and epidemiological cohort studies. For a large study, it may be prohibitively expensive to genotype all study subjects, especially with the next-generation sequencing technology. Two-phase sampling, such as case-cohort and nested case-control sampling, is cost-effective in such settings but entails considerable analysis challenges, especially if efficient estimators are desired. Another type of missing data arises when the investigators are interested in the haplotypes or the genetic markers that are not on the genotyping platform used for the current study. Valid and efficient analysis of such missing data is also interesting and challenging. This article provides an overview of these issues and outlines some directions for future research.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a latent class based multiple imputation approach for analyzing missing categorical covariate data in a highly stratified data model. In this approach, we impute the missing data assuming a latent class imputation model and we use likelihood methods to analyze the imputed data. Via extensive simulations, we study its statistical properties and make comparisons with complete case analysis, multiple imputation, saturated log-linear multiple imputation and the Expectation–Maximization approach under seven missing data mechanisms (including missing completely at random, missing at random and not missing at random). These methods are compared with respect to bias, asymptotic standard error, type I error, and 95% coverage probabilities of parameter estimates. Simulations show that, under many missingness scenarios, latent class multiple imputation performs favorably when jointly considering these criteria. A data example from a matched case–control study of the association between multiple myeloma and polymorphisms of the Inter-Leukin 6 genes is considered.  相似文献   

Missing covariate data are common in biomedical studies. In this article, by using the non parametric kernel regression technique, a new imputation approach is developed for the Cox-proportional hazard regression model with missing covariates. This method achieves the same efficiency as the fully augmented weighted estimators (Qi et al. 2005. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100:1250) and has a simpler form. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are derived and analyzed. The comparisons between the proposed imputation method and several other existing methods are conducted via a number of simulation studies and a mouse leukemia data.  相似文献   

Case‐cohort design has been demonstrated to be an economical and efficient approach in large cohort studies when the measurement of some covariates on all individuals is expensive. Various methods have been proposed for case‐cohort data when the dimension of covariates is smaller than sample size. However, limited work has been done for high‐dimensional case‐cohort data which are frequently collected in large epidemiological studies. In this paper, we propose a variable screening method for ultrahigh‐dimensional case‐cohort data under the framework of proportional model, which allows the covariate dimension increases with sample size at exponential rate. Our procedure enjoys the sure screening property and the ranking consistency under some mild regularity conditions. We further extend this method to an iterative version to handle the scenarios where some covariates are jointly important but are marginally unrelated or weakly correlated to the response. The finite sample performance of the proposed procedure is evaluated via both simulation studies and an application to a real data from the breast cancer study.  相似文献   

By employing all the observed information and the optimal augmentation term, we propose an augmented inverse probability weighted fractional imputation method (AFI) to handle covariates missing at random in quantile regression. Compared with the existing completely case analysis, inverse probability weighting, multiple imputation and fractional imputation based on quantile regression model with missing covarites, we carry out simulation study to investigate its performance in estimation accuracy and efficiency, computational efficiency and estimation robustness. We also talk about the influence of imputation replicates in our AFI. Finally, we apply our methodology to part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data.  相似文献   

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