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张广茂:辽宁省美术家协会会员、辽宁省书法家协会会员、辽宁省散文学会会员、沈阳市书法家协会常务理事、沈阳市青年书法家协会副主席、沈阳书画院专业书画家。出版有《少年书法三百六十五天》《颜真卿多宝塔碑笔法详解》《颜真卿自书告身帖笔法详解》《董浩叔叔谈绘画》(合著)等书。  相似文献   

姜鹏 《青岛画报》2013,(8):72-75
在青岛开发区,流传着一个感人的故事,故事的主人公是一位曾经从事国防科研26年、为铸造中国核盾牌做出过贡献的核武老人——魏世杰。魏世杰老人1964年毕业于山东大学物理系,是原核工业部九院副研究员,参加过我国第一颗原子弹和氢弹的研制工作,有1 7项科研成果获国防科委、核工业部奖励。热爱文学创作的魏世杰,还出版过《海洋之谜》、《东方蘑菇云》、《隐姓埋名的人》、《禁地  相似文献   

最初知道何中州这个名字,是在一位朋友家,朋友家的书房里挂着一个小镜框,里面镶着一幅字:小草年年发。朋友是位小说家,对墙上的这副字大加赞赏,也为自己家里挂着这幅字很是得意,像何中州这样的老中医写的字才是好呢。朋友介绍说,老先生不是天天为书法而练字,而是给病人开药方,天天写处方,写得一手好字。朋友的胃不好,当年在内蒙建设兵团时伤了胃。朋友是经人介绍认识的何老先生,治疗的过程中,  相似文献   

2008年1月18日,国家建设部向社会公示36个国家级园林城市,调兵山榜上有名。调兵山成为东北地区第一个拥有国家园林城市称号的县级市。  相似文献   

魏雯 《今日辽宁》2013,(2):56-58
张爱玲说,一座城的倾倒,成全了两个人私心。而有时候,一座城的出名,也可以因为一个人,兴城如是。孩童时期知道袁崇焕,是在金庸的武侠小说里,所谓民族英雄,便应如此。而偶然在现实生活中接触这个名字,却是因了一次海滨之旅。游海的间隙,听说小城中有座古城,晨起前往一探,却发现内中大有玄机。兴城古名宁远,古城始建于明宣德三年(1428年),当年的宁远城城高3丈,次年,增建外城周围9里又124步,且与内城齐高。外  相似文献   

2002年11月28日,小泉首相的咨询机构“对外关系工作组”提出了题为《21世纪日本外交基本战略》的研究报告。该报告所探讨的内容主要是如何应对中国。从强化日美同盟的建议,到加强其他双边与多边关系的设想,无一不是围绕中国问题排兵布阵。贯穿战略报告的基调,乃是一种全方位的“中国威胁论”。该报告承袭了日本决策层20世纪80年代以来推动的“政治大国化”、“普通国家化”进程的理念。逐步摆脱战后体制、走向政治大国,乃是该报告追求的基本目标。该报告总体上反映着现阶段日本各界对其21世纪外交战略的犹豫彷徨状况,尚未能从“战略贫困”的迷惘中摆脱出来。  相似文献   

英国作家格雷厄姆.格林的长篇巨作《一个自行发完病毒的病例》是一部充斥着众多矛盾的作品:小说主角奎利想去遥远的非洲茫茫森林之中葬送自己,然而在葬送奎利自身的过程中,他大彻大悟且逐渐想去寻觅自己;奎利不管是在葬送自己,还是在找寻自己的那个艰辛和漫长的过程之中,其言语都表现出了他那种暴力和软弱的多重性格;神秘莫测的非洲大陆广阔无垠的茂密森林预示着衰落和灭亡,但也给人一种对美好未来的憧憬和期盼。以上众多矛盾构成了一个让人感到非常神奇的格林之原:放逐与找寻的合二为一,找寻和被找寻的对立合一,莽原和绿原的合二为一,信仰和理智的对立合一。  相似文献   

A rejoinder     

我得知恢复高考的消息,是从乡下那绑在大树上的广播喇叭里。那时,我正在乡下蹲点,学大寨。已是深秋季节,庄稼已经收割完毕。空旷的田野感染得我心里空荡荡的。考还是不考?这可是个严肃的问题。考,当然愿意了。读高中就是为了上大学。可像我这样年近30岁的人,能录取几个呢,考上的几率有多大呢?万一落榜,绝对不是件轻松的事,也不是轻描淡写说说就可以了事的(那时我已经抽调到沈阳市于洪区毛泽东思想宣传站创作组,每月工资38元,属国家干部),你得生活在自己的阴影里好长时间。树还活一张皮呢,何况人乎?!况且,考不上的可能性非常大。文革前,我虽…  相似文献   


This article proposes the term “perceptual abstraction” to describe the methods of artists who take bodily contingency as their medium. It focuses on the low-frequency drone work of an anonymous figure called Eleh. Like others in the Minimalist tradition, Eleh follows a processual ethic that begins from a minimum of structural elements and asks how they might reshape one another over time. What sets Eleh apart, however, is its singular focus on frequencies within, and sometimes beyond, the lowest reaches of human hearing. These tones play strangely on the sensorium because they can evade cochlear audition even while haunting other registers. This is bass as an agent of bodily mystification, and in Eleh's hands it becomes a sonic strategy for modulating felt space and fleshy thought. If Eleh diverges from most Minimalists in these ways, then liner notes and cover art point to another, more like-minded body of work. Might Op(tical) Art—with its interest in “charging fields” and rhythmically unraveling retinal perception—share at least as much with Eleh, at the level of affective strategy? If so, could we posit an alternate, transversal lineage of artistic practices defined not by form or tradition, but by a desire to confound perception, by whatever aesthetic and sensory routes?  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):289-308

Despite their well-known etymological disparity the aesthetic remains synonymous with the beautiful. The basis of this relationship is the notion that the sensory, represented by the aesthetic, needs to be seen in terms of beauty before it can be elevated to the plane of ideas and social ethics. In truth the association undermines the potential for aesthetics to demonstrate the sensory nature of consciousness and justice. Outlining an earlier conception of aesthetics as sensual consciousness and contrasting this with the impoverishment of the beautiful as either a sensory or ethico-political concept, this article argues the case for aesthetics to be given both a distinct and superior status to the beautiful.  相似文献   


The author explores the social identity of older persons and their potential for taking leadership roles in their families and communities as mentors to young persons with disability. Dealt with is the powerlessness of both these groups within society and the way in which they may be able to empower each other. It is posited that serious and active grandparenting and mentoring have the potential of filling a large gap in the continuum of meaningful and productive activities for older adults and provide highly valuable support and human resource to young persons with disabilities.  相似文献   


This article examines the nondeliberative approach in social work with groups through five qualities inherent in the modality. It explores how the practice stands out as unique and valuable within the field: how it taps what other modalities may not by truly meeting the members where they are in space and time. Using examples taken from an array of social group work programs spanning 20 years, it illustrates how the nondeliberative approach takes place in diverse locations and utilizes diverse mediums and modes of communication. Special recognition is given to Norma Lang who articulated the theory about this approach.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the experience of an older lesbian in managing the disclosure of her sexual identity. Specifically, the team wanted to better understand the ways she managed her identity in an assisted living facility. Using a qualitative case study methodology, 2 in-depth interviews were conducted. The following 5 themes were identified in the data: keeping her own counsel, maintaining “family” connection, celebrating second chances, living outside the L box, and staying morally centered. Practice and research implications are offered and the case study is used to expand understanding of disclosure management and resiliency theory.  相似文献   

求职过程的微观分析:结构特征模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张顺  郭小弦 《社会》2012,32(3):38-54
本文将人力资本理论、地位获得模型和劳动力市场分割理论置于中国社会转型背景下的微观求职过程,研究经济地位与社会地位获得影响因素的差异性。研究发现,在控制了其他特征结构变量之后,教育回报率显著下降,显示了结构性因素的重要性;先赋性与自致性因素对社会地位与经济地位获得有不同的影响;体制分割下,先赋性与自致性因素对求职结果的作用强度有着显著差异。  相似文献   

This second special issue on single-system designs begins with an essay celebrating the life and work of Ludwig L. Geismar, who contributions to social work research include penetrating investigations on poverty, the multi-problem family, delinquency, and child-care. For nearly forty years, he has blended theory, research, and practice with persistent energy and vitality, and has set an important benchmark in social work scholarship. It is important that social work researchers know from whence we began so as to understand where we are now and where we are likely to be headed. This essay honors one of the significant contributors to that understanding: Ludwig L. Geismar.  相似文献   

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