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Javier Alvarez Manuel Arellano 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2003,71(4):1121-1159
In this paper we derive the asymptotic properties of within groups (WG), GMM, and LIML estimators for an autoregressive model with random effects when both T and N tend to infinity. GMM and LIML are consistent and asymptotically equivalent to the WG estimator. When T/N→ 0 the fixed T results for GMM and LIML remain valid, but WG, although consistent, has an asymptotic bias in its asymptotic distribution. When T/N tends to a positive constant, the WG, GMM, and LIML estimators exhibit negative asymptotic biases of order 1/T, 1/N, and 1/(2N−T), respectively. In addition, the crude GMM estimator that neglects the autocorrelation in first differenced errors is inconsistent as T/N→c>0, despite being consistent for fixed T. Finally, we discuss the properties of a random effects pseudo MLE with unrestricted initial conditions when both T and N tend to infinity. 相似文献
Donald W. K. Andrews 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2005,73(5):1551-1585
This paper considers regression models for cross‐section data that exhibit cross‐section dependence due to common shocks, such as macroeconomic shocks. The paper analyzes the properties of least squares (LS) estimators in this context. The results of the paper allow for any form of cross‐section dependence and heterogeneity across population units. The probability limits of the LS estimators are determined, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for consistency. The asymptotic distributions of the estimators are found to be mixed normal after recentering and scaling. The t, Wald, and F statistics are found to have asymptotic standard normal, χ2, and scaled χ2 distributions, respectively, under the null hypothesis when the conditions required for consistency of the parameter under test hold. However, the absolute values of t, Wald, and F statistics are found to diverge to infinity under the null hypothesis when these conditions fail. Confidence intervals exhibit similarly dichotomous behavior. Hence, common shocks are found to be innocuous in some circumstances, but quite problematic in others. Models with factor structures for errors and regressors are considered. Using the general results, conditions are determined under which consistency of the LS estimators holds and fails in models with factor structures. The results are extended to cover heterogeneous and functional factor structures in which common factors have different impacts on different population units. 相似文献
This article proposes an intertemporal risk‐value (IRV) model that integrates probability‐time tradeoff, time‐value tradeoff, and risk‐value tradeoff into one unified framework. We obtain a general probability‐time tradeoff, which yields a formal representation form to reflect the psychological distance of a decisionmaker in evaluating a temporal lottery. This intuition of probability‐time tradeoff is supported by robust empirical findings as well as by psychological theory. Through an explicit formalization of probability‐time tradeoff, an IRV model taking into account three fundamental dimensions, namely, value, probability, and time, is established. The object of evaluation in our framework is a complex lottery. We also give some insights into the structure of the IRV model using a wildcatter problem. 相似文献
Fariba Hashemi 《LABOUR》2002,16(1):89-102
This paper proposes a model to describe the continuous time‐evolution of density of the cross‐sectional distribution of unemployment rates. The model is founded on the theory of analytical diffusion processes. The steady‐state distribution as well as the dynamic behaviour of the model are analytically derived. Parameters in the resulting analytical expressions are then fitted to US regional data. The empirical portion of the paper illustrates the usefulness of modeling the temporal evolution of the cross‐sectional distribution of unemployment rate, rather than simply attending to equilibrium implications of the process. 相似文献
In this article, we develop an interorganizational justice model to explain cross‐border interorganizational relationships. The model contends that cultural distance (construed as the cultural differences between offshoring partners) would influence behavioral uncertainty and the boundary spanners' perceptions of justice. Specifically, the model predicts that high levels of behavioral uncertainty are likely to reduce relational commitment, whereas low levels of behavioral uncertainty are likely to enhance relational commitment. However, boundary spanners' perceptions of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice would mitigate the negative impact of behavioral uncertainty on relational commitment. The model also predicts that culturally similar boundary spanners would be more likely to share similar perceptions of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice than culturally dissimilar boundary spanners. This model has implications for further theoretical discussion and empirical research as well as management practice. Managers could use the interorganizational justice model to assess shared perceptions of justice among boundary spanners and develop transcultural justice competencies. 相似文献
Mathieu Lefbvre 《LABOUR》2012,26(2):137-155
This paper presents a model where young and old workers compete for one type of jobs in the presence of retirement opportunity. Within this framework, we show that increased retirement opportunities (such as a decrease of the retirement age) has most of the time a depressing impact on the unemployment rate. Indeed the number of vacancies posted by firms is influenced by the probability that an old worker is going into retirement. We show that the degree to which younger workers are influenced by retirement of older workers depends on the relative productivity of young and older workers. It is only when older workers are much more productive than young workers that retirement may benefit to unemployment. 相似文献
Drawing on person–environment fit and national identity theory, the article proposes that person–national culture fit is likely to influence the promotability of host‐country nationals in multinational firms. Focusing on fit with upward influence tactics, it suggests that the parent company's national culture influences managerial expectations of host‐country nationals in foreign subsidiaries. It argues that host‐country managers who demonstrate upward influence tactics that are culturally appropriate to the parent company's national culture will be more promotable than those who do not. Higher‐level supervisors were asked to assess the promotability of two direct subordinates, who were independently surveyed about the upward influence tactics they used. The study contrasted ingratiation, exchange of benefits and coalition, and directness influence tactics of host‐country nationals in domestic Ecuadorian firms with American and German multinationals in Ecuador. Compatible with our hypotheses, data from a sample of 79 firms suggest that exchange of benefits and coalition are more likely to be associated with promotability in German than in domestic Ecuadorian firms. In addition, upward‐appeal assertiveness is more likely to be associated with promotability in American than in domestic Ecuadorian firms. 相似文献
This study utilizes old and new Norovirus (NoV) human challenge data to model the dose‐response relationship for human NoV infection. The combined data set is used to update estimates from a previously published beta‐Poisson dose‐response model that includes parameters for virus aggregation and for a beta‐distribution that describes variable susceptibility among hosts. The quality of the beta‐Poisson model is examined and a simpler model is proposed. The new model (fractional Poisson) characterizes hosts as either perfectly susceptible or perfectly immune, requiring a single parameter (the fraction of perfectly susceptible hosts) in place of the two‐parameter beta‐distribution. A second parameter is included to account for virus aggregation in the same fashion as it is added to the beta‐Poisson model. Infection probability is simply the product of the probability of nonzero exposure (at least one virus or aggregate is ingested) and the fraction of susceptible hosts. The model is computationally simple and appears to be well suited to the data from the NoV human challenge studies. The model's deviance is similar to that of the beta‐Poisson, but with one parameter, rather than two. As a result, the Akaike information criterion favors the fractional Poisson over the beta‐Poisson model. At low, environmentally relevant exposure levels (<100), estimation error is small for the fractional Poisson model; however, caution is advised because no subjects were challenged at such a low dose. New low‐dose data would be of great value to further clarify the NoV dose‐response relationship and to support improved risk assessment for environmentally relevant exposures. 相似文献
This article examines the relationship between values and risk perceptions regarding terror attacks. The participants in the study are university students from Turkey (n = 536) and Israel (n = 298). Schwartz value theory (1992, 1994) is applied to conceptualize and measure values. Cognitive (perceived likelihood and perceived severity) and emotional (fear, helplessness, anger, distress, insecurity, hopelessness, sadness, and anxiety) responses about the potential of (i) being personally exposed to a terror attack, and (ii) a terror attack that may occur in one's country are assessed to measure risk perceptions. Comparison of the two groups suggests that the Turkish participants are significantly more emotional about terror risks than the Israeli respondents. Both groups perceive the risk of a terror attack that may occur in their country more likely than the risk of being personally exposed to a terror attack. No significant differences are found in emotional representations and perceived severity ratings regarding these risks. Results provide support for the existence of a link between values and risk perceptions of terror attacks. In both countries, self‐direction values are negatively related to emotional representations, whereas security values are positively correlated with emotions; hedonism and stimulation values are negatively related to perceived likelihood. Current findings are discussed in relation to previous results, theoretical approaches (the social amplification of risk framework and cultural theory of risk), and practical implications (increasing community support for a course of action, training programs for risk communicators). 相似文献
Public risk perceptions of mass disasters carry considerable influences, both psychologically and economically, despite their oft‐times imprecise nature. Prior research has identified the presence of an optimistic bias that affects risk perception, but there is a dearth of literature examining how these perceptions differ among cultures—particularly with regard to mass disasters. The present study explores differences among Japanese, Argentinean, and North American mental health workers in their rates of the optimistic bias in risk perceptions as contrasted between natural disasters and terrorist events. The results indicate a significant difference among cultures in levels of perceived risk that do not correspond to actual exposure rates. Japanese groups had the highest risk perceptions for both types of hazards and North Americans and Argentineans had the lowest risk perceptions for terrorism. Additionally, participants across all cultures rated risk to self as lower than risk to others (optimistic bias) across all disaster types. These findings suggest that cultural factors may have a greater influence on risk perception than social exposure, and that the belief that one is more immune to disasters compared to others may be a cross‐cultural phenomenon. 相似文献
Esperanza López Vázquez 《Risk analysis》2011,31(12):1919-1934
Several recent studies have identified the significant role social trust in regulatory organizations plays in the public acceptance of various technologies and activities. In a cross‐cultural investigation, the current work explores empirically the relationship between social trust in management authorities and the degree of public acceptability of hazards for individuals residing in either developed or emerging Latin American economies using confirmatory rather than exploratory techniques. Undergraduates in Mexico, Brazil, and Chile and the United States and Spain assessed trust in regulatory authorities, public acceptance, personal knowledge, and the risks and benefits for 23 activities and technological hazards. Four findings were encountered. (i) In Latin American nations trust in regulatory entities was strongly and significantly (directly as well as indirectly) linked with the public's acceptance of any activity or technology. In developed countries trust and acceptability are essentially linked indirectly (through perceived risk and perceived benefit). (ii) Lack of knowledge strengthened the magnitude and statistical significance of the trust‐acceptability relationship in both developed and developing countries. (iii) For high levels of claimed knowledge, the impact on the trust‐acceptability relationship varied depending upon the origin of the sample. (iv) Confirmatory analysis revealed the relative importance of perceived benefit over perceived risk in meditating the trust‐acceptability causal chain. 相似文献
Hunger and deprivation, lack of education, sanitation, and health care are only a few pressing issues related to poverty in developing countries. Addressing such complex social issues requires pooling complementary resources of the civil, public, and private sector. Over the last decade, stakeholders tried to cocreate innovative solutions in cross‐sector social partnerships (CSSPs) at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP), but collaboration proved to be very challenging. Practitioners become increasingly frustrated with operational differences, intransparency, and mismatched goals in partnerships. This study unravels the black box of collaboration and delivers empirical insights on trust and power in CSSPs based on social exchange theory. Structural equation modeling (SEM) enables us explore relationships beyond case‐based insights. Our rigorous empirical analysis covers 207 interorganizational relationships and outlines a crucial gatekeeping function of trust in CSSPs. Findings provide strong empirical support for conceptual works calling for an “integrative orientation” in CSSPs. Furthermore, we pinpoint the role of intermediates and draw implications for future research. 相似文献
Zhaolin Li 《Production and Operations Management》2007,16(3):369-380
This paper studies a single‐period assortment optimization problem with unequal cost parameters. The consumer choice process is characterized by a Multinomial Logit (MNL) model. When the store traffic is a continuous random variable, we explicitly derive the structure of the optimal assortment. Our approach is to use a comprehensive measure–profit rate to evaluate the profitability of each variant and then determine which product should be offered. We demonstrate that the optimal assortment contains the few items that have the highest profit rate. When the store traffic is discrete, the optimal solution is difficult to obtain. We propose a “profit rate” heuristic, which is inspired by the result for the case of continuous store traffic. In a special case with equal cost parameters and normal demand distribution, the profit rate heuristic is indeed optimal. Using randomly generated data, we test the effectiveness of the heuristic and find that the average percentage error is less than 0.1% and that the hit rate is above 90%. Our research provides managerial insights on assortment planning and accentuates the importance of measuring the profitability of each product when the demand is random and cannibalization among different products exists. 相似文献
This paper provides an empirical analysis of the effects of employer‐provided health insurance, Medicare, and Social Security on retirement behavior. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, we estimate a dynamic programming model of retirement that accounts for both saving and uncertain medical expenses. Our results suggest that Medicare is important for understanding retirement behavior, and that uncertainty and saving are both important for understanding the labor supply responses to Medicare. Half the value placed by a typical worker on his employer‐provided health insurance is the value of reduced medical expense risk. Raising the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 leads individuals to work an additional 0.074 years over ages 60–69. In comparison, eliminating 2 years worth of Social Security benefits increases years of work by 0.076 years. 相似文献
In this paper, we use data from the International Social Survey Project to present a cross‐country comparison of attitudes about the labor force participation of mothers. We also estimate earnings functions and probits for full‐time work and examine whether there is a link between attitudes and women’s actual labor market experience across countries. We find that while a woman’s own attitude about work does not directly influence her wage, it does influence the probability that she works full time. 相似文献
Ultra‐high‐frequency data is defined to be a full record of transactions and their associated characteristics. The transaction arrival times and accompanying measures can be analyzed as marked point processes. The ACD point process developed by Engle and Russell (1998) is applied to IBM transactions arrival times to develop semiparametric hazard estimates and conditional intensities. Combining these intensities with a GARCH model of prices produces ultra‐high‐frequency measures of volatility. Both returns and variances are found to be negatively influenced by long durations as suggested by asymmetric information models of market micro‐structure. 相似文献
Konstantinos Drakos 《Risk analysis》2011,31(1):143-159
The diffusion mechanism of terrorist shocks to third countries’ stock market responses is explored by employing a Heckit model. Stock market response is broken down to (i) the direction of reaction and (ii) conditional on negative reaction, its magnitude. The analysis puts forward two behavioral factors (memory‐based utility/availability heuristic, social amplification of risk), proxied by past terrorism record and terrorism risk concern as the shocks’ diffusion channels. The findings are that the likelihood and the size of negative stock market reaction increase with terrorism record and risk concern. Additionally, weak evidence is uncovered for a mitigation of risk concern's impact by favorable macroeconomic stance. Furthermore, the impact of behavioral factors, especially over the magnitude of reaction, is robust when controlling for economic linkages. The latter are also significant predictors of the direction of stock market reaction, but not of its magnitude. 相似文献
Martin F. Hellwig Klaus M. Schmidt 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2002,70(6):2225-2264
This paper studies the relation between discrete–time and continuous–time principal–agent models. We derive the continuous–time model as a limit of discrete–time models with ever shorter periods and show that optimal incentive schemes in the discrete–time models approximate the optimal incentive scheme in the continuous model, which is linear in accounts. Under the additional assumption that the principal observes only cumulative total profits at the end and the agent can destroy profits unnoticed, an incentive scheme that is linear in total profits is shown to be approximately optimal in the discrete–time model when the length of the period is small. 相似文献
Francesco Bartolucci Valentina Nigro 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2010,78(2):719-733
A model for binary panel data is introduced which allows for state dependence and unobserved heterogeneity beyond the effect of available covariates. The model is of quadratic exponential type and its structure closely resembles that of the dynamic logit model. However, it has the advantage of being easily estimable via conditional likelihood with at least two observations (further to an initial observation) and even in the presence of time dummies among the regressors. 相似文献
Daniele Checchi 《LABOUR》2003,17(2):153-201
Abstract. In the current debate on the relationship between inequality in income distribution and growth, one of the possible links works through access to education. Starting from an optimal demand for education where, among other things, the years of education depend on family income, we derive two testable predictions in the analysis of aggregate data on school enrolments: a negative (linear) dependence of enrolment rates on the Gini concentration index on income distribution; and a positive dependence on public resources invested in education and/or on skill premium in the labour market. These predictions are tested on a (unbalanced) panel of 108 countries for the period 1960–95. The main finding of this analysis is that, once we control for the degree of development with the (log of) per capita output, financial constraints seem mainly relevant in limiting the access to secondary education. However, when considering gender differences, there is evidence that female participation in education is more conditioned by family wealth, in some cases starting from primary education. Finally, there is weak evidence that public resources spent on education raise the enrolment rates. 相似文献