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桐溪 《伴侣(A版)》2015,(3):14-16
2014年11月19日,青年演员邓家佳与相恋十年的男友林玉承在澳洲举行了婚礼.婚礼现场的邓家佳数度落泪,在交换戒指之际,她动情地对新郎林玉承说:“自从遇到你,幸福就在我的身边如影随形.当我满身疲惫的时候,你给了我一个宽广的胸膛;当我迷茫困惑之际,你给了我一个温暖的港湾……” 邓家佳曾出演过《十全九美》《爱情公寓》等知名电视剧,其饰演的“唐悠悠”既可爱又有些无厘头,是众多剧迷的超级银幕偶像.不过,与邓家佳的名气相比,林玉承却是一个圈外人,他俩之所以能牵手成功,缘于林玉承对邓家佳倾力关心,陪她走过了风雨十年……  相似文献   

任天军 《职业》2016,(10):18-18
  而刘冰雪与白鲸结缘也只是偶然。那是读大学的一个假期,刘冰雪陪同学去哈尔滨极地海洋馆游玩,第一次见到白鲸,她就喜欢上了白鲸优美的身影。它那粗壮的躯体,呈独特的白色或黄色,中央横断面大致呈圆形,往两端逐渐变细,觅食时的躯干更显肥胖圆润;头圆且比例小;颈部能点头及转头;喙短;没有背鳍,胸鳍却宽阔呈刮刀状,还活动自如。而当看白鲸进行精彩表演,还不停发出不同“人语声”时,从小就喜欢动物的刘冰雪更对白鲸产生了好感。  相似文献   

陈曦 《中国扶贫》2016,(3):81-83
他曾是一名军人,以服从命令为天职,在部队踏实肯干,吃苦在前,练兵场上不怕危险,勇敢向前,当兵五年,荣立两次三等功,成为一名光荣的共产党员. 如今,他是一名村官,以造福百姓为天职,舍小家,为大家,真心实意为群众办实事、干好事,修路打井架农电,招商引资把厂办,发展养鸡栽树莓,年年收入几百万.  相似文献   

王玉琴 《职业》2016,(16):15-17
近日,一条“天文学家观测到有史以来最强超新星爆发”的新闻,震撼世界天文圈。这颗名为ASASSN-15lh的天体,距离地球38亿光年,最高光度超过5700亿个太阳,亮度相当于整个银河系千亿颗恒星总光度的20倍。这是迄今为止人类记录到的最强“超新星”。它由34岁的中国人东苏勃最早发现,2016年1月15日出版的美国《科学》杂志刊登了这一研究,东苏勃是论文第一作者。他到底是一个什么样的“天文奇才”?  相似文献   

项目简介: 坐落于首都中央的城市高尔夫别墅的碧海方舟,位于北四环与京承高速公路黄金交叉点上,动静相宜.在11.95公顷的占地上,碧海方舟规划了52栋顶极豪华别墅及10栋别墅型公寓.整个项目被周边三大高尔夫球场所营造的总面积超过180万平米的生态绿植丛林包围,独享62万平米的绿色视野.站在碧海方舟别墅区内的2.8万平米浩瀚的中国湖畔,生活的律动从蜿蜒起伏的果岭上驰骋开去,直教人忍不住慨叹人生的神奇和美好.  相似文献   

李雨濛 《安家》2006,(9):289-292
在北京最难耐的八月,我驱车前往天伦随园,或许是已经入行有些时日对看项目已经没有了新奇.从八达岭高速经昌平西关环岛,穿过昌平市区,途径水库路,一片郁郁葱葱、青山怀抱的自然风光地带呈现眼前,再往前不远可以看到一片粉墙黛瓦的房屋,再走入其中层林环绕,隐约中传来袅袅曲音,空灵悠扬.寻音而入,林中江南建筑,藐藐天籁即出于此,此境此曲让人惬入梦里江南,随园的一切是那种可以唤起如女人想拥有无数首饰的幻想.对,就是这种强烈想拥有的感觉,无论你是否富有,只要你有一份江南梦,一份难以释怀的中国梦,你都会想成为随园的主人.  相似文献   

墨非 《伴侣(A版)》2015,(3):24-26
时运不济,失业女孩做了大款情人 在成为“小三”之前,赵美春的职场生涯一路坎坷. 今年25岁的赵美春是吉林省东丰县人,父亲在镇上经营着一家小杂货店,母亲是农民,家里还有一个弟弟.2008年夏天,赵美春从中专毕业后,做过酒店迎宾员,当过商场售货员,工作很辛苦,收入却很低.为此,她一直闷闷不乐. 两年后,赵美春成功应聘到一家保健品公司做文员.从商场售货员变身白领,她心里着实高兴了一把.  相似文献   

王潇,人称"潇洒姐",新女性励志典型,毕业于中国传媒大学播音系,曾在中央电视台一套节目直播整点新闻,曾就职干美国安可顾问公司战略传播部. 2004年,她以总分第一名的成绩考入中国人民大学艺术学院研究生院;2006年创业,成立目后佐道设计顾问有限公司;2008年发表网络红文《写在三十岁到来这一天》;2010年出版《女人明白要趁早》……  相似文献   

  由广东电视台等单位主办的中国胸模大赛到今年已经举办了八届,比赛的目的一方面是为了帮助乳房有缺陷的女性实现拥有完美乳房的梦想,同时还在于借助大赛这个平台传播乳房健康知识,唤起更多的人群关注女性乳房健康。  相似文献   

“犟三丫”训练场上展风采 1991年12月,中国人民解放军新组建的八一女子军事五项队里,走进一位叫王恋英的队员,她剪着利落的短发,脸蛋晒得黑黑的,训练起来更有股拼命的劲头,让那些要求严苛的教官暗暗称叹. 时年21岁的王恋英出生于河北游泳之乡安新县的一个农民家庭,英雄的白洋淀给予了王恋英英雄的灵性.小时候,她同男孩子一样,上树掏鸟蛋、下水摸鱼虾,不仅练就了一身好水性,而且养成了不服输的倔强性格.她在家排行老三,村里人亲切地称她“犟三丫”.“犟三丫”9岁进体校,14岁被八一游泳队看中,走进了绿色的军营.  相似文献   

分析了公用事业由国有独资经营向公有制多种实现形式转化必须把握好的几个方面。同时,政府应加强对公用事业的宏观控制力。  相似文献   

主要从思想建设、产业结构调整、城乡一体化方面探讨廊坊市抓住发展机遇,加快科学发展的思路。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the recognition of facial expressions of six emotions as a function of sex and level of education (high school, college, university) of the subjects. Three hundred French-speaking citizens of Quebec had to judge which emotion was expressed in various facial stimuli presented on slides. Results show that overall, the recognition of emotions was very good. However, there were significant and strong differences between emotions and sex and levels of education did not have strong effects on the results.This research was supported by grant EQ-1717 from Fonds FCAC (Gouvernment du Quebec).  相似文献   

The idea of a community of learners is based on the premise that learning occurs as people participate in shared endeavors with others, with all playing active but often asymmetrical roles in sociocultural activity. This contrasts with models of learning that are based on one‐sided notions of learning— either that it occurs through transmission of knowledge from experts or acquisition of knowledge by novices, with the learner or the others (respectively) in a passive role. In this paper, I develop the distinction between the community of learners and one‐sided approaches from the perspective of a theory of learning as participation, and use two lines of research to illustrate the transitions in perspective necessary to understand the idea of communities of learners. One line of research examines differing models of teaching and learning employed by caregivers and toddlers from Guatemalan Mayan and middle‐class European‐American families; the other line of research involves a study of how middle‐class parents make a transition from their own schooling background to participate in instruction in a public US elementary school.  相似文献   

中国经济崛起和城市化进程过程中农民工的贡献有目共睹,城市让生活更美好的诱惑使得中国的新老两代农民工从农村流入城市,2008年1月1日的《劳动合同法》和《劳动争议调解仲裁法》让社会看到了改善农民工权利状况的希望,然而新生代农民工的权利保护尤其是作为一名劳动者的权利保护的现状依然不如人意,没有救济的权利不是真正的权利、迟来的正义是非正义,每年岁末对于农民工权益的突击性保障并不能从根本上解决问题,把包括农民工权益保障的社会问题纳入法治框架内、通过探析新生代农民工权利阙如问题及原因进而发现从制度层面进行解决才是解决农民工权益保障问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

The authors reexamine the study of generational differences in adjustment among the children of immigrants by arguing that the country of origin defines and shapes the adaptation process across generations. Using a sample of children in Toronto, the authors demonstrate that generational differences in the mental health of children occur only in families from countries of origin at the lowest levels of economic development. Among those at the lowest levels of economic development, a mental health advantage in the first generation evolves to a disadvantage in the 2.5 generation relative to third or later generational children. Children from backgrounds characterized by higher economic development show no initial or eventual differences from the native born. Using data from the Toronto Study of Intact Families, the authors are able to explain differences among children from low economic development backgrounds specifically in terms of increasing family conflict and decreasing school involvement across generations.  相似文献   

This study looked for to lift information regarding laundries inserted in industries of animal products origin, to understand the activities developed in the section and to structure a Manual of Planning and Technical Information for laundries to industries of animal products origin, with the intention of subsidizing the planning, structuring and control of this work place, because norms or regulations that supervise don't exist or aid their managers and workers as for the operation of this work place.  相似文献   

介绍国内进行交通影响分析所采用的方法和研究范围,评述在建设项目规划阶段和设计阶段的交通影响分析至少应涉及的内容和深度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to adapt to the Italian context a very commonly used international instrument to detect problem gambling, the canadian problem gambling index (CPGI), and assess its psychometric properties. Cross-cultural adaptation of CPGI was performed in several steps and the questionnaire was administered as a survey among Italian general population (n = 5,292). Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was 0.87 and can be considered to be highly reliable. Construct validity was assessed first by means of a principal component analysis and then by means of confirmatory factor analysis, showing that only one factor, problem gambling, was extracted from the CPGI questionnaire (an eigenvalues of 4,684 with percentage of variance 52 %). As far as convergent validity is concerned, CPGI was compared with Lie/Bet questionnaire, a two-item screening tool for detecting problem gamblers, and with both depression and stress scales. A short form DSM-IV CIDI questionnaire was used for depression and VRS scale, a rating scale, was used for rapid stress evaluation. A strong convergent validity with these instruments was found and these findings are consistent with past research on problem gambling, where another way to confirm the validity is to determine the extent to which it correlates with other qualities or measures known to be directly related to problem gambling. In sum, despite the lack of a direct comparison with a classic gold-standard such as DSM-IV, the Italian version of CPGI exhibits good psychometric properties and can be used among the Italian general population to identify at-risk problem gamblers.  相似文献   

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