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本文对现阶段我国人口经济发展测评系统的构建进行了探讨,认为现代人口转变、人口素质与人力资源开发、经济增长质量以及生活质量是决定人口经济发展进程与水平的基本要素和主要标志。以上述四大要素的指标体系为基础设计了我国人口经济发展的测评系统,又进一步阐述了该测评系统主要指标的设定标准、测评指标与国际接轨以及该测评系统的应用条件等问题  相似文献   

1998年,一位华东师范大学的博士创立了NormStar--中国最早从事人才测评研究的服务机构.2000年,他完成自己的博士论文<现代人才测评理论与方法研究>,这是国内第一篇系统研究人才测评的论文.十多年来,他一直在人才测评理论与实践的结合之路上不懈探索着、创新着.  相似文献   

骆潇  张英 《职业》2010,(3):33-33
1998年,一位华东师范大学的博士创立了NormStar——中国最早从事人才测评研究的服务机构。2000年,他完成自己的博士论文《现代人才测评理论与方法研究》,这是国内第一篇系统研究人才测评的论文。十多年来,他一直在人才测评理论与实践的结合之路上不懈探索着、创新着。  相似文献   

为提高人才培养质量,适应新的社会形势,高校需要建立一套系统全面、科学合理的大学生综合素质测评指标体系,因此,积极探寻内容与方法高匹配度的大学生综合素质测评体系,已经成为各高校面临的一项重要任务。本文以鞍山师范学院为例,探寻构建测评内容与方法匹配度较高的大学生综合素质测评体系,主要包括德育素质、智育素质、体育素质和创新能力素质四个方面。  相似文献   

黄伟慧 《职业》2012,(36):89-91
到目前为止,我国尚无一套针对中等职业学校学生群体的有关职业性向测评方面的科学性、系统性的量表。因此,当务之急是建立与完善中等职业学校学生在职业生涯教育中的职业性向测评体系。针对中等职业教育的实际情况和发展需要,笔者根据自己长期的教学经验,结合有关专业理论,就职业性向测评系统的建立与完善进行了探讨。  相似文献   

武德 《交通与港航》2009,23(1):15-16
针对目前我国公共交通存在的一些亟待解决的问题,提出合理制定城市交通规划,加大对城市交通系统基础设施的投资力度,提高公共交通管理水平,逐步引进高新公交技术等建议。  相似文献   

以规范的指标体系和科学的评估方法,对大学生的礼仪素养进行综合测评十分必要。礼仪测评的内容有自重自控、尊人敬人和不损不辱三大块,测评的方式有意识测评、技能测评和技能测评三种。  相似文献   

南昌市青山湖区拥有一支努力打造"服务型、制度型、公正型、创新型"的公安队伍,时刻保卫着人民群众的生命财产安全。在深化大走访爱民实践的活动中,转变观念,引入信息化技术,在全国公安系统率先使用"群众满意度短信测评服务平台",通过发送满意度测评短信的方式,请群众对公安民警的工作进行测评,把民警工作的评价权直接交给广大人民群众,为创新建立和谐警民关系的长效机制作出了有益探索。  相似文献   

为应对上海市地面公交客运量逐年下降趋势,十四五期间上海将积极推进骨干公交通道重塑、加快中运量公交系统建设,因此亟需一套全面、系统的骨干公交通道客流特征分析方法。该文基于交通卡数据等多源数据的客流OD推算技术,提出骨干公交通道客流特征分析方法,并以北横通道为例对通道公交供给服务特征,站点、线路、断面、通道四个方面的客流时空分布特征,以及公交乘客出行特征进行深入分析,为后续骨干公交通道建设工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

陈良贵  徐鹏 《交通与港航》2009,23(6):4-7,18
随着信息技术在交通运输业中的推广应用,利用车辆的电子身份证——电子证照系统加强交通行业安全监管显得日益迫切。该文就电子证照系统的核心部分——电子证照信息系统方案进行了设计,并对每一部分的组成结构和功能进行了介绍。  相似文献   

经济适用房在我国住房保障体系中占有重要的地位。然而,经济适用房在保障对象家庭收入考核方面存在着考核标准过低和缺乏考核范围的问题。经济适用房保障对象不应仅仅涉及低收入家庭,而应当定位于中低收入家庭;基于按揭贷款视角的家庭收入范围界定比较科学和可操作性强,可根据居民家庭收入的不同分为6种贷款方式,解决"夹心层"住房难的问题;要加强审查经济适用房申请者家庭收入的考核,并制订严格的监督措施以及违规惩罚措施。  相似文献   

王中雅  王浩 《职业时空》2012,(2):118-119
教育教学过程是一个连续的持续改进的过程。针对汽车检测与维修技术专业的原有专业课程体系的特点,分析了原课程体系存在的问题和不足,进行了课程重组、内容调整、教学模式等方面的改革探索与实践,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Focusing on U.S. red meat inspection regulations, in the context of alternative food networks (AFNs), we explore the implications of different levels of governmental governance for the number of red meat slaughter establishments in the United States. We argue that disaggregating “the state” makes possible a more nuanced consideration of the effects of different tiers of governance. We use regression analysis with data for 40 U.S. states over 40 years to examine the effects of state (subnational) inspection programs and implementation of the federal Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulations on the number of slaughter establishments by type. In this analysis we test two common beliefs among AFN actors: that state inspection helps, and HACCP hurts, small slaughter establishments. It also allows us to make a case for disaggregating governance tiers as we find that state inspection programs and HACCP have significant and opposite effects on the number of federally and non–federally inspected slaughter establishments. Our analysis supports the belief that state inspection is important to small slaughter establishments, but does not support the belief that HACCP has had a negative effect on them. Our conclusion is that agrifood scholars need to pay attention to different forms of governmental governance even with the increased focus on private and third‐party certifications.  相似文献   

日本食品供应链管理模式的经验借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖涪林 《科学发展》2012,(11):100-106
日本食品供应链管理的重点放在发展食品安全追踪方面;而海外进口食品的安全,则主要依靠严格的进口检验检疫制度和综合商社通过供应链管理来控制。日本以农协体系为基础、以农产品流通模式和食品安全管理模式为特征的食品供应链管理模式,符合中国食品供应链管理的发展条件,对中国食品安全管理具有很强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

John Johnson acted as special visiting attorney for absentee planter James Adam Gordon between 1824 and 1825. In addition to his detailed reports on Gordon's estates in Antigua and St Vincent, Johnson's private journals and correspondence have survived. Through detailed analysis of these records and related source material, it is possible to assess the impact of amelioration policies and review the practical operation of plantation management systems at the beginning of slavery's final decade in the British West Indies. The failure of Johnson's mission indicates that absentee owners were obliged to accept regulatory limitations, including restrictions on the use of independent inspection, at a time when the plantation system faced serious problems.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that individuals often comply with regulations even though the frequency of inspections and audits is low. We report a laboratory experiment based on the dynamic model suggested by Harrington (1988) to explain this puzzle in which participants move between two inspection groups that differ in the probability of inspection and severity of fine. Enforcement leverage arises in the Harrington model from movement between the groups based on previous observed compliance and noncompliance. We find that compliance behavior does not change as sharply as the model predicts. A simple model of bounded rationality explains these deviations from optimal behavior. (JEL C91, Q20, Q28 )  相似文献   

This article looks at the legal framework for defining and responding to elder abuse and neglect in the English legal system. The role of the criminal law, domestic violence legislation, the provision of Local Authority services, registration and inspection of residential homes and dealing with financial matters are considered for their appropriateness to deal with issues and abuse. The emphasis throughout is on a legal paradigm of rights, duties and remedies. Proposals for legal reform are also discussed, and some comparisons are made with other legal systems.  相似文献   

该文将各种无损检测技术进行了分类、比较介绍。并阐明了目前应用于我国供水管道的检测技术发展状况,以及对今后的展望。  相似文献   

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