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顾客-企业交互对服务创新的影响:基于组织学习的视角 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于组织学习的视角,提出了解释顾客与服务创新关系的理论框架,分析了顾客-企业交互通过影响组织向顾客学习的动机和行为,进而影响服务创新绩效的路径。对陕西、广东和江苏3个省份的122家服务企业进行问卷调查,实证分析发现:①顾客一企业交互的3个维度,即合作生产、顾客接触和服务定制,与组织向顾客学习之间显著正相关;②这种正向关系受到创新氛围调节影响,创新氛围越强,越容易发挥顾客-企业交互对于组织学习的促进作用;③组织向顾客学习对服务创新绩效有显著的正向影响。 相似文献
基于SVM的Web日志挖掘及潜在客户发现 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
潜在的客户资源是商家未来的利润来源,发现了潜在的客户就可以制定相应的商业决策,并进行有针对性的客户关系管理。使用SVM方法对Web日志文件进行挖掘,以发现站点访问者中潜在客户的共同行为模式,并将其分为不同级别的目标客户群。同时,通过试验4种不同比例的训练样本,研究了非对称数据对分类结果的影响,以期获得较优的模型。 相似文献
在大数据时代,商业模式的创新与变革成为必然.本文运用学习导向和动态能力相关理论,对学习导向、大数据能力与商业模式创新之间的直接关系以及大数据能力在学习导向与商业模式创新中的中介效应展开研究,并考察产业类型的调节效应.结果 表明:学习导向和大数据能力与商业模式创新显著正相关;学习承诺、共享愿景以及开放心智与大数据感知识别能力、大数据整合能力显著正相关;学习承诺和深度分析与洞察能力之间显著正相关,但共享愿景、开放心智和深度分析与洞察能力没有显著关系;大数据能力在学习导向与商业模式创新关系中具有中介作用,呈现出学习导向→大数据能力→商业模式创新的路径机制;产业类型对学习导向与大数据能力、大数据能力与商业模式创新具有调节作用,但对学习导向与商业模式创新之间的关系不具有调节效应. 相似文献
This paper develops a structured method from the perspective of value to organise and optimise the business processes of a product servitised supply chain (PSSC). This method integrates the modelling tool of e3value with the associated value measurement, evaluation and analysis techniques. It enables visualisation, modelling and optimisation of the business processes of a PSSC. At the same time, the value co-creation and potential contribution to an organisation’s profitability can also be enhanced. The findings not only facilitate organisations that are attempting to adopt servitisation by helping avert any paradox, but also help a servitised organisation to identify the key business processes and clarify their influences to supply chain operations. 相似文献
一人若从外部接受了许多博大精深的思想,必定把自己的思想挤压得缩成了一点点;一人若从自己的体证中得到一些简单常识,常常会成为点醒他人的神灵。2009年过半,两段因缘改变了我对人生和企业的认识。 相似文献
Recent research on environmental scanning has shown it to be an important part of many organisational processes related to strategy. A fundamental aspect of scanning behaviour is the mode or channel through which information is gathered. Existing research on mode selection and source use has suggested that managers prefer to use personal sources that are either internal to or external to the organisation depending on context. What is not clear, however, is why one source may be preferred to another and how different scanning modes might complement each other. We explore these issues through the collection and analysis of interview data from seven organisations of widely differing sizes. Using the organisation itself as the unit of analysis, we offer a number of theoretical contributions concerned with mode and source use in environmental scanning activity. We find that quality of information source may be less important in explaining source use than previous studies suggest. We also uncover heavy reliance on internal reporting on the environment, compiled using multiple channels, in larger companies. Furthermore, we present a variety of instances where scanning modes were used to complement one another in different ways, the patterns changing according to organisation size. Our findings, while exploratory and theoretical in nature, also have practical implications for growing organisations that wish to ensure their environment is scanned as effectively as possible. 相似文献
竞争优势的新来源:与顾客共创价值 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
企业和顾客共创价值是未来市场竞争的焦点,但目前缺乏对这一新系统中各关键因素间作用机制的分析。本文对这一问题进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,重视顾客参与价值创造不仅能明显提高企业柔性,加快响应速度,还能增强企业的顾客化定制能力,这种新能力显著区别于传统竞争能力,是一种新的核心竞争力。本文的研究结论有助于转变原有价值创造过程中企业将顾客排除在外的传统价值创造理念,为企业赢得未来市场竞争的优势提供新思路和新途径。 相似文献
Networks within Industrial Districts: Organising Knowledge Creation and Transfer by Means of Moderate Hierarchies 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
This paper furnishes evidence of innovative modes of organisationof inter-firm relationships and knowledge management within industrialdistricts. With the aid of a district firm, we first highlight the marked tendency among the largest companies to eschew an exclusively endogenous innovative process. Next, we analyse how the leading firm can play an active role within a network by assigning outside its boundaries tasks that were once undertaken in-house. This happens gradually with the moderate hierarchisation of originally destructured network relationships. In its attempt to organise innovative modes of design and manufacturing, without losing control and strategic legitimisation, the leading firm elects a coordinating agent withdirect responsibility over a selected team of specialist suppliers. 相似文献
服务接触中顾客所提出的模糊性要求,为服务交互管理带来诸多挑战。动态刻画面向模糊性要求的服务交互价值共创过程为理解和应对模糊性要求提供了具体的视角。本研究通过构建服务交互价值共创模型,模拟面向模糊性要求情景的单人单次和单人多次服务交互的价值共创过程。结果表明,三个核心判断条件识别出价值共创的四种典型情形;多次交互情境下,员工自由应对时平均能力提升方向不定,员工间个体能力差异也较大,而企业对员工的干预能有效提升员工能力和服务质量。该研究首次动态阐释了非常规波动下顾企价值共创的具体过程,也明确了企业对员工应对模糊性要求干预的必要性和有效性。 相似文献
截至目前,国内学者对于顾客生命周期的计量问题,无论是方法研究方面还是实证研究方面都未形成统一的结论。在生物学、医学等领域较为流行的生存分析方法基础上,针对实际的顾客生存资料调研数据,采用威布尔分布法和乘积极限法来估计商业银行信用卡顾客的生命周期,得出信用卡顾客的半数生存期为30个月的结论。这种将参数与非参数相结合的计量方法为国内信用卡顾客的生命周期计量提供了一种思路。 相似文献
Wright GF 《Physician executive》1995,21(6):21-24
This article is one physician's account of his experiences in managing a large multispecialty group practice. While he was able to accomplish much in his tenure during the latter half of the 1980s, it was, on balance, a negative experience. He describes both the high and the low points of the period and assesses how both contributed to his eventual downfall. While personal, the account has important implications for others involved in the rapidly changing, personally rewarding, and eminently challenging health car system in which physician executives work. 相似文献
One of the most important classical typologies within the organizational learning literature is the distinction between adaptive and generative learning. However, the processes of these types of learning, particularly the latter, have not been widely analyzed and incorporated into the organizational learning process. This paper puts forward a new understanding of adaptive and generative learning within organizations, grounded in some ideas from complexity theories: mainly self‐organization and implicate order. Adaptive learning involves any improvement or development of the explicate order through a process of self‐organization. Self‐organization is a self‐referential process characterized by logical deductive reasoning, concentration, discussion and improvement. Generative learning involves any approach to the implicate order through a process of self‐transcendence. Self‐transcendence is a holo‐organizational process characterized by intuition, attention, dialogue and inquiry. The main implications of the two types of learning for organizational learning are discussed. 相似文献
作为重要的战略资源,大数据中包含诸多关键的管理问题.文章首先评述了基于不同视角对大数据的认识.然后,从管理的视角看大数据,指出大数据是一类重要的战略性信息资源,并从复杂性、决策有用性、高速增长性、价值稀疏性、可重复开采性和功能多样性等6个方面探究了大数据资源的管理特征.最后,提炼并探讨了大数据资源的获取问题、加工问题、应用问题、产权问题、产业问题和法规问题等6个方面的关键管理问题. 相似文献
顾客退货逆向物流与价值链增值的系统动力学模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
循环经济下,不同的逆向物流网络路径具有不同的价值增值方式.为研究顾客退货逆向物流与企业价值链增值反馈机制,借助系统动力学的反馈机理,建立顾客退货物流系统动力学因果关系反馈图和系统动力学流图,采用excel软件进行顾客退货逆向物流与价值链增值的系统动力学模拟,为分析并预测企业日常经济活动提供决策借鉴.最后给出数值算例验证方法的有效性. 相似文献