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基于2013年我国七个大城市“流动人口管理和服务对策研究”调查数据,使用OLS回归和分位数回归方法,实证分析了职业流动、人力资本对流动人口收入影响及其代际差异。结果显示:一是人力资本对流动人口收入水平有着显著正向影响。但人力资本对两代流动人口的收入影响不同,其中受教育年限、现职业工作年限对新生代流动人口收入的促进更大,在外务工年限对第一代流动人口收入的促进作用更大。二是职业流动与第二代流动人口的收入呈现显著相关性,然而并非线性的影响,而是呈现倒U型非线性模式;但职业流动对第一代流动人口收入影响不显著。文章最后结合研究得出的观点和结论,探讨了本项研究的政策启示。  相似文献   

人口迁移流动是改变人口数量和人力资本空间分布格局的重要因素,人口迁移流动造成的人口数量和人力资本空间分布变化是否一致及其对区域经济社会发展的影响是一个需要更加深入研究的问题。本文针对我国人口流动过程中形成的人口素质结构转变进行理论思考和实证研究,探讨其形成的经济原因和造成的经济影响。相关数据显示我国高等教育群体和中等教育及以下群体长期以来一直处于净流向相同的状态,而2013-2015年以来各省陆续出现净流向相反的现象,形成了人口数量和人口素质的替代效应。高等教育人才的净流入地区是经济发达省份、地理条件优越省份以及少数民族自治区,北京、天津、上海、浙江、江苏以及广东省等三大都市圈内的六个省市的高等教育净流入人才占跨省高等教育净流入总人口的绝大多数。人口替代对当地的经济影响表现为三点:第一,改变当地劳动力资源禀赋结构,使高等教育群体及中等教育群体人数的比较优势发生变化;第二,改变地区平均受教育年限,影响地区科技创新能力;第三,拉大地区劳动力收入差距。据此提出两点政策建议:首先,地方省市可以通过市场化的产业结构调整手段控制相应的流动人口群体规模,而不必依靠限制人口流动的政策以及硬性提出人口调控目标来管理流动人口规模。其次,地方政府要做好地区经济规划以及定位,充分认识现在的人口替代对于未来地区创新能力以及劳动力收入差距的影响。  相似文献   

城市外来人口劳动福利获得歧视分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以2008年四大城市的外来人口问卷调查资料为基础,对比分析了本地市民、外来市民和农民工在劳动福利总量及具体福利项目获得上存在的差异及其影响因素,并测算了外来人口所受到的歧视程度。结果表明,三群体在劳动福利获得上存在梯度差异;劳动合同和城市因素对各群体的影响均显著,农民工受人力资本和社会禀赋的双重影响,本地市民和外来市民则受雇主类型的影响较大;与本地市民相比,农民工和外来市民在劳动福利获得上均存在歧视,且前者所受歧视程度大于后者。与外来市民相比,农民工在社会保险参与率上存在歧视,但在假期获得上不存在歧视。  相似文献   

利用国家人口和计划生育委员会于2010年上半年进行的"流动人口动态监测调查"数据及2009年《中国统计年鉴》中的数据,运用二元逻辑斯蒂回归模型,从人力资本和经济结构两个方面,对中国流动人口从业状态的影响因素进行了分析,得出如下结论:受教育程度一般、接受过就业培训、工作经验较丰富的流动人口,其实现就业的可能性较大;流动人口迁入地的产业比较劳动生产率结构比值越高、城镇居民粮食支出比例越低,流动人口实现就业的可能性越大。最后提出了旨在促进流动人口实现就业的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

林李月  朱宇 《人口研究》2008,32(3):48-56
本文基于一项在福建省6个城市所做的问卷调查,探讨了两栖状态下流动人口在流入地的居住状况及其制约机制这一重要问题.分析结果表明,流动人口的两栖状态即循环流动的特性和过客心理比户籍制度和个人特征对流动人口在城镇居住状态的影响更为显著,而且这种影响使得受教育程度、收入水平等个人因素对流动人口居住状态的影响出现了"反常"现象.最后,根据分析的结果有针对性地提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   

李萌 《人口研究》2004,28(6):70-75
根据武汉市调查数据,对不同部门流动者的收入进行研究.结果表明,在建筑业、酒家、宾馆服务业和自雇经营等非正规部门内,乡城流动人口的受教育积蓄、参加培训等人力资本特征对收入有着显著的贡献,职业培训对流动者经济地位获得的重要性甚至不亚于正规教育的作用;而在那些类似的正规部门的"企业单位"、"机关、医院、院校"里打工的流动者,人力资本对收入的贡献不仅不显著,反而被严重扭曲.  相似文献   

侯力 《人口学刊》2022,(6):88-101
获得更高的教育回报是人口流动的重要原因。近年来城城流动人口规模不断扩大,平均受教育水平相对较高,在向较大规模城市流动过程中实现了个体收益的增长。本文利用2018年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据分析教育对城城流动人口收入增长的影响,探讨其城市异质性和区域异质性以及2013-2018年教育回报率的时序变动。研究结果表明:第一,教育对流动人口收入增长具有显著正向影响,无论是只包含明瑟方程核心变量,还是引入不同特征的控制变量,个体的教育回报率均是显著正向的;第二,特大及以上规模城市中教育对城城流动人口收入增长影响显著高于其他城市;第三,2013-2017年城城流动人口教育回报率呈上升态势,2018年略有下降;第四,城市规模越大,个体受教育水平的提升越会增加流动人口进入具有较高门槛且工资相对高的职业的概率,同时也更倾向于选择成为雇员获得更高的工资收入。基于此,文章认为要尽快消除限制大城市发展和现代化都市圈建设的障碍,加快推动户籍制度改革和土地要素市场化改革,实现人口等要素合理流动和高效配置。  相似文献   

生育意愿是夫妻双方对生育行为的共同意向且夫妻双方相互影响。人口流动容易导致夫妻分居两地,那么流动人口的配偶随迁情况对其生育意愿会产生什么影响?本文使用二维交叉表和排序选择模型估计方法,利用2014年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据分析配偶随迁对流动人口生育意愿的影响。结果表明在"单独二孩"政策下,约21.5%的单独夫妇流动人口明确表示会再生育一个孩子,说明他们的生育意愿并不强烈,而且更倾向于选择在未来较远时间进行生育。配偶随迁显著地弱化了流动人口生育意愿,与配偶未随迁的流动人口相比,配偶随迁的流动人口想再要一个孩子的对数发生比降低0.135个单位,说明尽管夫妻一同流动会提高生育可行性,但由于流动人口夫妇一起进入新的环境中,生育观念发生显著变化,生育成本也大幅提高,最终降低了流动人口的生育意愿。对于明确有再生育意愿的流动人口,配偶随迁也会推迟再生育时间。另外,流动人口男孩偏好对其生育意愿及生育时间具有显著影响,当流动人口家庭仅拥有男孩时,他们更偏向于选择不再生育孩子,即使愿意再生育一个孩子,也更倾向于在未来较远的时间生育,存在明显的生育时间的推迟效应。总体而言,伴随着人口流动家庭化趋势,流动人口生育意愿存在弱化效应,生育时间存在推迟效应。  相似文献   

家庭禀赋对农民外出务工行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于2007年8~9月对湖北省丹江口市、郧县和河南省淅川县58村3145户农村居民的抽样调查,以新迁移经济学为理论基础,利用OLS回归模型,分析构成农户家庭禀赋的物质资本、社会资本和人力资本对成员外出务工决策的影响.研究表明,农户家庭禀赋对农民外出务工决策有着显著的影响,家庭人力资本和社会资本越丰富,成员外出的可能性越大.家庭财富积累状况和耕地数量与成员外出务工人数和可能性成"U"字形相关关系,家庭经济条件较差和较好的农民更倾向于外出务工.农民外出务工存在着家庭内在延续效应,有外出务工经验的家庭,家庭成员更容易外出.  相似文献   

伴随着经济地理格局的空间演变,我国人口迁移流动更趋活跃。文章在梳理已有研究基础上,首先基于新空间经济学理论构建了多区域人口区位选择模型,揭示了人口空间流动的影响机制;然后以西北地区为例,选取2017年CMDS微观个体数据和城市层面特征数据匹配,通过构建Logistic模型检验人口流动决策的影响因素及其内在机理。研究发现:从西北地区整体来看,区域地方品质、经济发展水平、市场潜能、收入水平是影响人口域外流出的主要因素,而提高第二产业比重及工业化水平有助于抑制人口域外流出;从西部地区分省区来看其影响因素具有区域异质性,宁夏人口域内外流动对于地方品质敏感度最大,接近陕西的16.47倍、甘肃的2.72倍,产业结构对宁夏地区人口流动的影响也很大,而收入水平对陕西人口域内外流动具有显著影响;从流动人口受教育水平看其影响因素亦具有人力资本异质性,大专及以上流动人口对于地方品质的敏感度最大,约是初中及以下流动人口的1.90倍、高中与中专流动人口的1.39倍;地方品质是影响未来人口流动的决定性因素。研究结论可为优化西北地区人口资源空间配置,推进西部大开发形成新格局提供有益参考。  相似文献   

新生代农民工就业条件行业差距实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,选取流动人口典型就业行业(包括制造业、建筑业、批发零售和住宿餐饮业)。探讨行业之间就业条件差距的代际变化情况,分析新生代农民工丁资、劳动强度、社会保险状况等就业条件的行业差距及其影响因素。研究结果表明,不同行业农民工就业条件的代际差距有明显扩大趋势,反映出行业发展的不均衡与部分劳动者的权益损害。行业待遇差距过大,将会恶化劳动力供给结构不均衡,甚至加剧近些年出现的“用工荒”现象,不利于我国宏观经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

We examine the effect of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) on migrants' wages using data gathered in 39 Mexican communities and their U.S. destination areas. We examine changes in the determinants of wages before and after the passage of IRCA, as well as the effects of its massive legalization program. Migrants' wages deteriorated steadily between 1970 and 1995, but IRCA did not foment discrimination against Mexican workers per se. Rather, it appears to have encouraged greater discrimination against undocumented migrants, with employers passing the costs and risks of unauthorized hiring on to the workers. Although available data do not permit us to eliminate competing explanations entirely, limited controls suggest that the post-IRCA wage penalty against undocumented migrants did not stem from an expansion of the immigrant labor supply, an increase in the use of labor subcontracting, or a deterioration of the U.S. labor market.  相似文献   

A key component of the strategic plan for any company is the determination of the optimal number of workers needed to produce the desired level of output. Unless workers of different ages have the same skills and productivity, managers must also decide on the best age structure of their workforce and adopt compensation and employment policies to achieve these objectives. Employer responses to the shifts in the demand for their output impact the age distribution of the workforce while employment and compensation policies influence age specific hiring, retention, and retirement rates. This paper examines how demographic models can be used to project the future age structure of a labor force. In addition, we describe how compensation policies can be used to alter trends in the age distribution of employees. Thus, employers can develop strategic plans for achieving the desired labor force.  相似文献   

We investigate risk aversion as a driver of labor market discrimination against homosexual men. We show that more hiring discrimination by more risk-averse employers is consistent with taste-based and statistical discrimination. To test this hypothesis we conduct a scenario experiment in which experimental employers take a fictitious hiring decision concerning a heterosexual or homosexual male job candidate. In addition, participants are surveyed on their risk aversion and other characteristics that might correlate with this risk aversion. Analysis of the (post-)experimental data confirms our hypothesis. The likelihood of a beneficial hiring decision for homosexual male candidates decreases by 31.7% when employers are a standard deviation more risk-averse.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of national health insurance on the labor market, by considering the case of Taiwan, which implemented national health insurance in March 1995. Taiwan’s national health insurance is financed by premiums, which are proportional to an employee’s salary. These premiums may introduce distortions to the labor market. Based on repeated cross-sections of individual data we find that, on average, private sector employees’ work hours declined relative to their public sector counterparts, whereas their relative wage rates were almost unchanged with the introduction of national health insurance. The results suggest that neither private sector employers nor their employees were able to shift their premium burden to each other.   相似文献   

This article critically evaluates the legal doctrine of comparable worth, including recent federal court decisions related to it. The doctrine mandates equal pay for jobs requiring comparable—but not equal—skill, effort and responsibility. As a standard for determining whether sex discrimination in pay has occurred, comparable worth is an economically defective concept and inappropriate to the task.The comparable worth standard is based solely on job content, measured in terms of the internal characteristics of the work performed and conditions of work. This standard completely ignores external market forces which affect the supply of labor and the pay that employers must offer to attract and retain their workers. For example, although female workers receive only about 60 percent of the pay earned by their male counterparts, between two-thirds and three-quarters of this male-female differential in pay is associated with gender differences in the nature and availability of labor.The importance of external market forces in establishing the value of jobs is best demonstrated in higher education by comparing the labor markets for and salaries of various academic disciplines. The observed differences in academic salaries by discipline are not the result of job discrimination but, rather, reflect differences in the opportunity costs facing faculty in terms of the employment alternatives outside of higher education. Even though significant differences in salary levels exist between disciplines, higher education is still plagued by chronic and substantial labor market imbalances. These imbalances are an indication that salary levels have not varied sufficiently to fully reflect external market forces.This article is a revision of the President's Lecture presented by the author at Widener University on November 29, 1983.  相似文献   

As the United States has entered its postindustrial stage of economic development, mass immigration has again become a distinguishing feature of the U.S. economy. In all of its diverse forms, immigration presently accounts for anywhere from one-quarter to one-third of the annual growth of the U.S. labor force. By the turn of the 21st century, it could conceivably comprise all of such growth.Immigration is the one aspect of population and labor force growth that public policy should be able to shape and control. Unfortunately, however, the extant public policies that govern the size and composition of the immigrant and refugee flows are largely unrelated to emerging economic considerations.The revival of mass immigration is not taking place in a vacuum. Indeed, it appears that the labor market is being radically transformed. The demand for labor is increasingly favoring those workers with skill and education. There are diminishing needs for job seekers without these human capital endowments. On the labor supply side, it is unfortunately the case that the United States already has a significant number of adults who are ill-prepared for many jobs that are being created.To assist in this effort to enhance efficiency, immigration policy should be flexible. It should be capable of responding to changing domestic economic conditions. Currently, the nation's immigration policy is dominated by political motivations that give priority to family reunification and humanitarian goals. Immigration can be a short run means to provide skilled and educated workers to fill critical worker shortages. But in the long run, equity considerations derived from the nation's multiracial and multicultural character of the labor force also come into play. It is imperative that citizen workers be prepared for the high quality jobs in the growth industries of its postindustrial economy. Immigration must not inhibit market pressures from encouraging employers to provide better opportunities for training and employment of citizens.The obverse is also true. It is essential that immigration does not provide only workers who can be employed in the declining occupations and industries. With a sizeable adult illiteracy problem already, the nation can ill-afford to increase the pool of unskilled and poorly educated workers, which increases the competition among such workers for the shrinking number of jobs available to them.  相似文献   

王兴周 《南方人口》2006,21(2):32-39
本文在实证研究的基础上,发现农民工素质结构发生了明显转型,在此基础上农民工,尤其是第三代农民工对工作的期望值从量和质两方面都大大提高,这与农民工输入地僵化的经济生态发生错位,由此导致农民工尤其是第三代农民工就业心态不稳定,这是民工荒突然出现的内在原因。为此,地方政府应该在职业培训、宣传推广、失业救助、社会交往、行业管理几方面有所作为;对企业来说,不提高农民工薪酬不行,只提高薪酬也不行,还应该尽力改善农民工尤其是第三代农民工关注的“非经济指标”。  相似文献   

利用2008年在北京、上海、天津和广州四个城市进行的问卷调查资料,使用分位数回归和OLS回归两种方法对农民工工资的影响因素进行计量分析。研究发现,一般人力资本和企业特殊人力资本都对工资收入水平有正向影响。收入水平越高的工作,其人力资本的回报率越高。强关系是农民工最主要的职业搜寻渠道,但通过强关系找到的工作的工资水平显著地偏低。工资匹配理论和职业搜寻理论的理论框架更适用于对农民工劳动力市场的分析,然而,和这两个理论的结论不同,工作流动并不能显著提高农民工的工资水平。  相似文献   

经济转型时期“用工荒”现象及其成因的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饶勇 《中国人口科学》2012,(3):66-77,112
文章从技能型劳动者的分类界定入手,对不同类型劳动者所面临的"用工荒"现象及其成因机制进行微观视角的分类研究。结果发现,当前的"用工荒"现象包含了多种类型的劳动者短缺,其中非技能型劳动者短缺的主要原因是被扭曲的收入分配比例和无保障的弹性用工模式导致新生代农民工供给激励不足,随着企业转型升级进程加快,此类"用工荒"现象将得到有效缓解;而造成技能型劳动者短缺的原因,既包括经济转型发展使对技能型劳动者的需求结构性增长,也有基于历史和现实原因的劳动者供给数量不足。技能型劳动者培育过程中的劳资双方行为"协调失灵"、政府职能缺位、社会化培训体系建设滞后和劳动力市场的无序发展等因素都是导致技能型劳动者增长速度滞后于经济转型发展要求、进而导致技能型劳动者"用工荒"现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

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