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姚君喜 《社科纵横》2004,19(3):101-103
国内不乏对西方美学史系统研究的著述 ,但都不是非常系统和全面。由蒋孔阳、朱立元先生主编的《西方美学通史》(七卷本 ) ,堪称是目前国内最为系统和完备的一部西方美学通史的著述。该著从独特的美学史观出发 ,立足于现代视界 ,以其宏大的体系和缜密的结构 ,构筑了一部活的西方美学通史 ,本文将对该著独特的理论视界和美学史观进行评述。  相似文献   

牛宏宝 《求是学刊》2001,28(3):72-79
本文把中国美学对西方美学的接受作为一典型的阐释学境域.在此境域中,中国学者对西方美学的接受与阐释显示出了一种普遍的结构性倾向,即用老庄一脉思想所模塑的传统"艺术心性论"来会解西方近代以来的美学,此"艺术心性论"隐蔽地发挥着融合中西--形成新的美学知识范式的结构性作用.由此剖析了王国维、宗白华、朱光潜三大家美学思想中未明言的艺术层面和由此产生的对西方美学的"误解".  相似文献   

王元骧 《浙江学刊》2006,2(6):77-87
王阳明和康德作为中西哲学史上两位杰出的代表,他们对于审美的理解有着共同的特征,即都十分强调内在性的原则、非功利性的原则和主体性的原则。但由于文化背景和思维方式的不同,使得他们的理论也出现了很大的差异。比较分析他们各自的优势和局限,对于我们批判地吸取和融会他们的思想精华,创建有民族特色的当代中国美学有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

段虹 《求是学刊》2007,34(6):135-138
蔡元培美学思想作为他教育思想的重要组成部分,是他批判地继承了中国传统文化中的合理内容,吸收了康德、席勒等西方先进美学思想,并加以创新的产物。他以审美的普遍性和超脱性为理论依据,将其美学思想结合到培养完善健全人格和改造社会的实践中,对中国近代教育产生了积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

中西美学在审美客体上存在着巨大的差异,中国儒家美学主张天人合一,肯定人与自然、个体与社会的统一,力求从这种统一中去寻求美,也就是说,在中国美学中,审美客体决不是纯粹的自然,它应该是内容(伦理道德)与感性形式(自然形式)的统一;在西方美学中,审美客体更多的指向自然世界,更多地注重外在的感性形式,即便是指向人,也主要是指向人的外在感性形体,而不关乎伦理道德层面,是一种纯粹客观的美学。  相似文献   

中国和西方国家的社会保障支出在预算表的凸现性、覆盖面、类别及比重、管理制度、支出质量、支出效率等方面存在差异。我国应在坚持“公平优先 ,兼顾效率”的原则下 ,建立多元化的社会保障支出体系 ,单独编制社会保障预算 ,提高社会保障效率。  相似文献   

侦探小说是以案件的发生和推理侦破过程为主要描写领域的小说。学术界一般把1841年爱伦.坡发表的《莫格街凶杀案》作为世界侦探小说诞生的标志,而真正使侦探小说风靡全球的则是柯南.道尔和他的《福尔摩斯探案》。西方侦探小说对中国侦探小说的产生具有重要影响,因此中国现代侦探小说和西方侦探小说必然具有一定的相似性。但中国现代侦探小说和西方侦探小说在小说功能、小说题材、办案依据、对官方侦探的评价以及小说平民色彩方面有一定的差异性。  相似文献   

张法 《求是学刊》2014,(3):115-123,2
中国型海洋美学的建构,以中国以及世界的海洋审美经验和海洋观为基础。西方的海洋定位是从地理到文化,中国的海洋定位是从文化到地理。西方的海洋观是从波塞冬到科学-上帝,在人与海的二元中以海洋的客观性为基础总结而来的,中国的海洋观是从人兽合体的四海之神到兽形人性的四海龙王到神性观音再到人性妈祖,在人与海的二元中以人的理想而定型。海洋美学的建构应从现实、宗教、科学、艺术四个方面进行梳理、分析、总结,并与其他文化的海洋经验互动而产生出来。  相似文献   

老子的美学思想是中国美学得以发展的基础。黑格尔是西方美学的集大成者,其著作《美学》对现代西方美学的发展更是起到不可替代作用。比较和分析老子的"美"与黑格尔的"美"的共通性和差异性,探析二者的美学思想,无论是对于促进中西方文化交流,还是对于追寻美的本质及其历程而言,都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张法 《求是学刊》2013,40(2):108-114
1900年以来的西方美学可以重新定义为西方当代美学,它包括三个面相:现代美学、后现代美学、全球化美学。全球化美学在新世纪的主潮是生态型美学、生活型美学、身体美学,其特点是把西方自近代以来的区分型美学转到了与各非西方文化同调的交汇型美学上来,这不但表明西方美学发展到一个重大转折时期,而且也表明世界美学发展到一个重构时期。  相似文献   

2 0世纪 90年代美学界令人瞩目的景观是实践美学与后实践美学之间的论争 ,以及修辞论美学、否定主义美学的异军突起。这场批评与反批评、超越与双重超越的论争展示了世纪之交美学界多元化的理论景观 ,集中体现了中国美学正在发生的深刻变化和发展的趋势 ,显示出中国美学蓄势待发的生机活力和前途。但也存在一些问题值得人们去进一步思考 :后实践美学自身存在的诸多局限 ;美学理论与争鸣和现实的脱节 ;美学界匮乏原创冲动  相似文献   

自席勒以来,审美教育成为现代化进程中人类所面对的基本精神问题与社会问题之一,也是现代人类始终没有很好解决的重大理论问题,因而有必要对审美教育的基本理念进行历史考察,以实现对审美教育的现代性重建。在历史的视野中,希腊人对审美和教育倾注了极大的关怀,至18世纪卢梭,更是将教育、情感、培养问题判读为人类复归的基本问题。但是,直到康德,审美与教育才在人类自由定位和全面解放的路径上全面相遇,审美教育的核心理念逐渐生成,之后才有现代审美教育思想的产生、发展。  相似文献   

This article employs a comparative framework in the analysis of the professional characteristics of social work in Israel. Using the attributes and the power approaches to professions, Israeli social work is analysed according to eight variables: a protected 'trademark', monopoly over social care and delivery of services within state welfare systems, occupational autonomy, length of training and control over training, internal differentiation by levels of expertise and competence, professional organisation, a sanction-backed code of ethics, and material and symbolic rewards. The analysis reveals that Israeli social work has undergone an extensive professionalisation process and that it has characteristics that are not common in other countries. Initial explanations for this process are offered and discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of Hong Kong residents, this article explores the attitudes towards the welfare state and whether or not there are significant differences between different social classes with regard to their approval of the welfare state. The findings were then compared with those for Sweden and the USA. The study shows that Hong Kong residents strongly approve of the welfare state. The strength of their support is similar to that in Sweden and is far stronger than in the USA. In Hong Kong, the influence of social class on attitudes towards the welfare state is negligible. In some cases, the privileged classes expressed greater approval for the welfare state than the underprivileged classes. This is in striking contrast to the experiences in Sweden and the USA where the underprivileged classes are more supportive of the welfare state than are the privileged classes.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates that American historiography has ignored the concept of Fascism as a category of analysis to help explain and understand the American interwar period. It makes the case that incorporating this concept can help us understand American history in transnational and comparative terms, as part of a larger global history of interwar politics. It is a propaedeutic analysis of existing scholarship – one that does not survey a recent trend in American historiography so much as suggest a new one. Through a textual reading of historical scholarship on American political extremism, and a parallel reading of comparative fascism scholarship from non-American contexts, the article sheds light on the usefulness of a comparative approach. It concludes that Fascism as a category of analysis, when applied to a national-historical context that has long overlooked it (except as a symptom of particularist German-American or Italian-American immigrant identities), will help us recognize that there was a discernibly ‘native’, ‘all American’ fascism in the United States between the wars – one that clearly failed, but was still a real force in American politics and society.  相似文献   

This study proposes a theoretical explanation for the main causes of the third sector's strength. A Boolean comparative analysis based mainly on the theoretical frameworks of Rokkan and Esping-Andersen indicates that the combination of state-supported urban interests and Protestantism are necessary conditions. This result is very close to Max Weber's explanation of civil society which presupposes the facilitating role of the autonomous state. Thus, the empirical results are reinterpreted within the context of a Weberian explanatory framework. The implications of this endeavor within the historical context of developing countries are further explicated.  相似文献   

The study investigates the welfare systems in Western Europe in the course of the so-called 'short 20th century' (1918–1990) from a long-term comparative perspective and focusing on the convergent versus divergent features of development. Various indicators examined show that in terms of relative level of welfare expenditures, features of welfare institutions and social rights, there were significant differences between Western European countries in the first half of the 20th century, but diversity significantly decreased by the 1950s, and the tendency of convergence continued steadily in the next two decades. Subsequently, changes in variation between countries from the 1970s onwards displayed a somewhat less clear-cut pattern, but in several areas the convergence continued. As a result, in 1990 the differences between the Western European countries can be regarded as less significant in that respect than in the middle and especially at the beginning of the 20th century.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义是马克思主义的基本原理和中国实际与当今时代特征相结合的产物,是中国社会主义初级阶段上的社会主义,是改革开放的社会主义,是资本和市场存在并发挥重要作用的社会主义,是在共产党领导下利用资本主义来进行现代化建设的社会主义。随着历史条件的变化,马克思恩格斯当年提出的科学社会主义理想面临诸多挑战,应对这些挑战,破解当代人类发展的历史之谜,是中国马克思主义者的历史责任。  相似文献   

在中国古代山水画中,艺术美与环境美并没有呈现出一种对立的姿态,而是统一于绘画之中。从环境美学研究的角度看,北宋的山水画作品最具研究价值。宋代郭熙基于山水画创作提出了“可行、可望、可游、可居”的环境观,其中对可游、可居山水的重视成为他思想中的独特之处。从北宋山水画作品中的点景人物、人工建筑以及家畜形象上,可以发现其中蕴含着强烈的家园意识。  相似文献   

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