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在充分肯定当代西方文论对中国文论建设产生的积极影响的同时,有必要对当代西方文论本身进行辨析,考察其应用于中国文艺实践的有效性,并最终思考中国文论的重建问题。当代西方文论的主要局限有:脱离文学实践,用其他学科的现成理论阐释文学文本、解释文学经验,并将之推广为普遍的文学规则;出于对以往理论和方法的批判乃至颠覆,将具有合理因素的观点推延至极端;套用科学主义的恒定模式阐释具体文本。当代西方文论生长于西方文化土壤,与中国文化之间存在着语言差异、伦理差异和审美差异,这决定了其理论运用的有限性。中国文论建设的基点,一是抛弃对外来理论的过分倚重,重归中国文学实践;二是坚持民族化方向,回到中国语境,充分吸纳中国传统文论遗产;三是认识、处理好外部研究与内部研究的关系问题,建构二者辩证统一的研究范式。  相似文献   

陈茂林 《学术交流》2003,(4):114-119
20世纪的西方文论丰富多彩 ,更迭频繁。随着全球化时代的到来 ,文化研究将成为新世纪的显学之一。文化研究具有跨学科性、开放性、批判性与政治性的特征。新世纪文论界的另一显学是生态批评。它是研究文学和自然环境之间相互关系的学问。它把文学批评放在地球生态圈这一大语境下 ,以独特的生态批评视角和对全人类生存前景的终极关怀而充满生机和活力。它的宽泛性、跨学科性和开放性使它与现存文学理论交叉结合起来 ,使文学研究走向更加广阔的生态学视野  相似文献   

孙琪  王媛媛 《探求》2007,(1):70-72
随着全球化趋势的加深,中国文论面临着巨大的挑战。鉴于此,我们必须进一步处理好继承中国古代文论和借鉴西方文论的关系,从而改变现代文论的“失语”现状,实现古代文论的“现代转型”,本文从精神和知识论两个层面提出了一些完成“现代转型”的设想。  相似文献   

西方学术视野中的当代中国精神生活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘擎 《浙江学刊》2007,19(5):61-69
西方学术界对当代中国人精神生活的研究主要论及改革开放以来中国社会的文化发展和中国人的价值观念、态度和认同的变迁。本文以近20年来英文学术界出版的相关著作与论文为主要资源,试图概括性地介绍英语学术界对当代中国一些与精神生活相关的问题的观察与分析,主要集中三个方面:宗教生活,民族主义与身份认同,以及知识分子。  相似文献   

张明 《学习与探索》2005,(3):122-125
20世纪以来,国内出版了众多各具特色的文学批评史著作,但总的来看,文学批评史的研究仍有许多尚待开发和完善的方面。具体来说,至少应包括以下几点:其一,要通过对文学批评史的梳理,充分体现出整个中国传统文化精神的特色;其二,通过古今主体间精神对话的方式,揭示出中国古代文学批评理论的现代意义;其三,要正确处理“史”(资料搜集)与“论”(理论阐述)的关系。  相似文献   

周仁成  曹顺庆 《求是学刊》2013,40(1):119-126
中国古代文论的现代转换必然要求对之进行学科考古学的研究,然而学科一词本为舶来品,其双重含义已经预示了中国古代文论成为学科过程中所遭遇到的科学的规驯。通过对中国近代以来的大学制度的学科设置考察发现,中国古代文论首先通过官方教育机构对西方自然科学的译介而渐渐拥有了学科建制,这一过程直到黄侃在北京大学讲《文心雕龙》得到完成。五四前后,诉诸科学与逻辑而发生的白话文运动,从语言上斩断了中国古代文论的话语之根,使之成为国故归入历史档案。接下来进行的整理国故运动与科玄之争确立起中国古代文论进行科学研究的立法依据,以至完成二次规驯。最终通过郭绍虞与罗根泽的《中国文学批评史》所确立的内容与体系,完成了科学对中国古代文论的改造,使之成为一门科学的系统的学科。  相似文献   

《周易》以阴阳为其核心观念,通过"天人合一"理论的落实和道、气、文三者之间的关联,对中国古代文论产生了较大影响。文章主要从"阳尊阴卑"、"阴阳对待"、"阴阳和合"等三个方面分而述之:"阳尊阴卑"观念的形成导致古代文论对风骨、劲健的偏爱;"阴阳对待"构成"阴柔之美"与"阳刚之美"的区分;"阴阳和合"则以"文质彬彬"和"含蓄蕴藉"为内容。  相似文献   

“意境”的用法在中国现代文论的发展与建构当中不断调整:王国维用“意境”概念强调文艺应该注重真情实感,而不是辞藻、形式;宗白华则把意境泛化为与功利境界、伦理境界、政治境界、学术境界、宗教境界相异的“审美境界”;李泽厚把意境理解为形象与情感在更高层面上的统一,是“最高度的和谐”的美.20世纪80年代以后,“民族性”成为意境理论建构中的一面旗帜,但实际上却使“意境”的内涵不断膨胀.放弃“意境”理论的宏大建构,回归“意境”一词在文学批评实践中的具体应用,才是最终的解决之道.  相似文献   

陈福滨 《唐都学刊》2014,(4):127-128
13世纪,马可波罗(Marco Polo 1254-1324)于元朝随父、叔通过丝绸之路来到中国,回意大利后因参加威尼斯、热那亚战役被俘,在狱中口述见闻,由鲁斯蒂谦(Rustichello da Pisa-?)执笔写成《马可波罗游记》,该游记使得众多的欧洲人得以了解中亚和中国.16世纪耶稣会士利玛窦(马泰奥·里奇Matteo Ricci 1552-1610)在明神宗万历十一年(1583)来到中国,对中国典籍进行钻研以会通西学,传播天主教教义及西方天文、数学、地理等科学知识技术,带给了朝臣士大夫们的启迪.17至18世纪由于“中国礼仪之争”,导致清康熙(1654-1722)晚年至道光的禁教政策,闭关自守的结果致使昧于对西方的认知;直到鸦片战争,西方挟着船坚炮利的威势打开中国门户以后,中国面临了数千年未有之变局,被迫加入了世界体系,使得中国开始对列强的束缚加以反省,亟思从列强的压迫、宰制中解放出来.在受到“西方的冲击”与“传统的冲击”双重压力下,遂对中国现代化产生了“全盘性的转换”。  相似文献   

20世纪中国文论的现代转型与发展,目标是寻求建立中国文论的现代知识形态,百年来经历了世纪初的转型发轫期、世纪中现代文论系统的形成期和新时期突破解构中的创新建构等几个阶段.新时期文论的创新发展走出了几种不同的路向,取得了一批相应的成果.当代文论仍保持着多元创新探索的态势,从总的趋向看是正在走向积极的重新建构.当代文论的创新建构,面临着如何重建中国文论的现代性精神,文论的体系化、学科化、科学化,以及与此相关的一些思想观念方法的问题.  相似文献   

There are two mistaken tendencies in the development of a Chinese literary discourse in academia. One is the “red dancing shoes” phenomenon, where scholars run helter- skelter after the latest developments in Western literary theory; the other is the “bound feet” phenomenon, where tradition-bound scholars believe that tradition must be kept unchanged and that Chinese literary theory should be cleansed of all alien elements. Neither approach is desirable. Contemporary Chinese literary theory should be grounded in present realities and should distinguish between substance and function. “Substance” has to consist of China’s present literary creation and critical practice; only thus can we appropriate Western and traditional Chinese literary theories in the service of today’s needs, and make the ancient serve the modern and the foreign the Chinese. This will enable us to develop a literary discourse that is both contemporary and Chinese.  相似文献   

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is no longer a disease of the rich in the West. Hitherto, no study has been carried out in the West or in the Chinese context that documents the experiences of poor people suffering from AN. This qualitative study aims to identify the subjective experiences of seven Chinese emaciated adolescents and young women coming from low‐income families, their family difficulties and needs, and resilience in coping. The results of the study have shown that family poverty has significantly triggered the onset of AN for two emaciated adolescents, while factors such as parents’ marital discord and relentless pursuit of thinness have also been reported. Family difficulties experienced included problems in parenting, inadequate financial resources, and insufficient information and access to health and social services. Strong family motivation and filial piety are found to be important cultural assets conducive to recovery. Implications of this study for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

杨建科 《唐都学刊》2005,21(5):90-94
技术转移是实现地区经济社会跨越式发展的重要途径,西部地区经济社会跨越式发展需要大量的技术转移作为支撑。而人才流动是技术转移的最有效的途径,影响技术转移和人才流动的因素是多重的,这也决定着技术转移和人才流动的模式的多元化,在进行西部环境优化和政策优惠的同时,我们也应当本着发展创新的思路,不拘一格地引进技术和人才。  相似文献   

Influenced by its historical beginnings, the production and modelling of knowledge in social work has become a small but diverse field. Ten key models exploring the nature of knowledge and its production in social work are reviewed against significant ideas from the interdisciplinary knowledge production literature beyond social work. In so doing, the place of holistic approaches to modelling the knowledge production process within social work and the human services is highlighted. It is argued that despite the number of models that attempt to describe the knowledge production process, there is scope for a more comprehensive, holistic, complex approach to modelling knowledge production in social work and the human services.  相似文献   

宋棠  刘岳 《学术交流》2003,(9):112-116
现实中的全球化与理想中的全球化有巨大差异。全球化是世界一体化趋势最明显的体现,但同时也是各种文化与价值观念由于生存空间和利益的原因冲突最剧烈的时期,在对待中西方文化价值交流和中国的文化与价值转型问题上的理想主义倾向是不切实际的和危险的。指导中国文化与价值转型的原则应为:本土性、内生性、市场性及反思性。只有在这种现实主义选择的前提下,才能实现保证中国文化自觉和经济自主,彻底保障中国国家利益的文化与价值转型。  相似文献   

The modern missionary movement has contributed profoundly not only to changing the religious topography of this globe—approximately one-third of the world's population is Christian now—but also, often enough, it has changed the social topography as well. Missionary activity is still one of the major agents of global transformation in the twentieth century. This paper looks at some of the driving machines of transformation, namely the images, visions, and concepts of time, space and global social change that were produced within the missionary movement as part of its spiritual topography. Three motivational trends are identified, each of which represents a fundamentally different way of approaching non-western space and time and thus leads to different models of missionary social intervention: the emancipative-integrationist approach, the racist-imperialistic attitude, and the egalitarian-inversionist trend. The overall findings of this paper are, perhaps, more or less ambivalent: visions of human salvation and global social change, missionary or other, are historically powerful. Necessary as they are for the life of humankind, global visions ought to be handled with care. They need to be tested and discussed, particularly with those who are targeted.  相似文献   

The visualization of social theory is an important part of the development and communication of our theoretical ideas. While most theorists use figures of some kind, few if any have formal training, or guiding rules or principles for the representation of theory. This has often led to poor visualization efforts, and the visual culture of sociology continues to lag behind the natural sciences. The intent of this paper is to serve as a practical and empirically aided guide for social theorists, by providing insights surrounding the cognitive and perceptual properties of certain elements and figures. Through these properties we identify four major problems in theory visualization: vagueness, reduction, unwanted spatial inferences and unwanted metaphorical inferences. We offer solutions to these problems, and to improving theory visualization more generally. Our hope is that this paper will serve as a resource for more thoughtful and informed visualization for practicing social theorists.  相似文献   

The study investigates the welfare systems in Western Europe in the course of the so-called 'short 20th century' (1918–1990) from a long-term comparative perspective and focusing on the convergent versus divergent features of development. Various indicators examined show that in terms of relative level of welfare expenditures, features of welfare institutions and social rights, there were significant differences between Western European countries in the first half of the 20th century, but diversity significantly decreased by the 1950s, and the tendency of convergence continued steadily in the next two decades. Subsequently, changes in variation between countries from the 1970s onwards displayed a somewhat less clear-cut pattern, but in several areas the convergence continued. As a result, in 1990 the differences between the Western European countries can be regarded as less significant in that respect than in the middle and especially at the beginning of the 20th century.  相似文献   

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