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When the public relations firm D-A-Y was dissolved into Ogilvy & Mather Public Relations November 1, 1988, the longest lived public relations agency disappeared into the sands of time that enveloped the first four agencies started in the first decade of the waning century. The D in D-A-Y stood for Pendleton Dudley, a venerable pioneer in this vocation, who had opened his agency in Wall Street in 1909 at the urging of his good friend, Ivy Lee. Dudley, a rugged, independent product of frontier America, headed his firm for fifty-seven years—a longevity record surpassed only by that of Edward L. Bernays, who started his firm in 1919 in the Post World War I public relations boom.Pendleton Dudley—known to his close friends as Pen and to his associates in his firm as PD, was born September 8, 1876, in a small frontier town of Troy, Missouri, when America was an agricultural nation. He came to pioneer as a counselor to the corporate giants, AT&T among them, in a complex, interdependent corporate industrial America. Pen Dudley did much to infuse this field with respectability in a time when it was viewed with suspicion or disdain in its early years. He was a strong advocate of research as the only sound basis for planning and executing programs to influence public behavior. He was also active in the Public Relations Society of America after it was formed in 1948 and was in the forefront of those creating the now extinct Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education. In 1965, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the New York PRSA Chapter. He died at the age of 90 in 1966.The author is Dean Emeritus of Journalism at the University of Georgia, and co-author Effective Public Relations, 6th Ed.  相似文献   

来自土耳其的诺扬·罗拿是一个地地道道的“中国通”。从驻华外交官到银行家,罗拿在中国生活了30余年。工作之余,他和太太蕾赞积极参与各类公益活动,为他们生活的社区贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

An assumption of comparative advantage (CA) is that all members in efficient households specialize in market or household work. The CA for Oregon farm households was measured by differences between husbands and wives in wages and schooling for nonfarm work, and in farm decision-making responsibility and years lived on a farm for farm work. The spouse with the advantage is assumed to spend more time in that work sector and less time in household work than his (her) spouse. The hypothesis is supported for market work. For farm decision making, results are consistent with the hypothesis but not significant. Years lived on a farm is consistent for husbands, but wives who have the CA do significantly less farm work than wives of men who hold the CA. Experience may not be a good measure of CA, or perhaps farm work provides process satisfaction to farm men (and their wives) who work longer hours.She directs the Family Resource Management Graduate Program. Her research interests center on concepts and measures of management, household work, and well-being in the United States and across cultures.His current research interests include family saving and investing behavior. He received his Ph.D. from Oregon State University in 1992. This research was funded by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Jacques Ellul was converted to Marx and then to Christianity 4 years later. He lived with this contradiction until his death in 1994. Marx and the Bible were dialectical in his mind, with his sociological pole rooted in Marx and his religious commitments in Karl Barth. God's otherness and His freedom in Barth are the central components of Ellul's theology and theological method. Thus, he was not a pessimist but dialectically saw God's perfect freedom as the source of human freedom over against technological necessity. For life to be meaningful in high-tech societies, a total personal transformation is necessary. Ellul challenged Christians to prophetic witness—not as fatalists but to confront la technique without compromise.  相似文献   

The obituary was short, to the point. It noted that he was thirty-seven years old, had died of pneumonia at Broadlawns Medical Center, and was survived by a wife, a daughter, his mother, five brothers and two sisters. Nine of the twenty-two lines that appeared on June 1, 1993, in the Des Moines Register reported on demographics about these relatives. Between the middle and last name was inserted, in quotation marks, the word "Wolfman." The information, squeezed in with other similar summaries about other people who had died recently, noted that he was a "self-employed carpenter," that he was from, and his family continued to be in and around, Fort Worth, Texas, and that the services would be at Hamilton's Funeral Home, with burial at Rest-haven Cemetery in West Des Moines.
It is not possible that twenty-two short lines could do justice to thirty-seven years of any person's life. Yet that is what he was allotted. The summer after he died was the summer of the Great Iowa Flood. Wolfman, as everyone called him, never lived to experience the natural event that brought notoriety to the city and devastation to the lives of so many people who shared his community but never knew he existed. I doubt that many people in Des Moines who brushed against his life even knew that his real name was Billy Dean Roberts.  相似文献   

To date little has been known, and less written, about the life of Hugh George Brennan, Glasgow University's first lecturer in Russian. The uncovering of previously unused Russian and British sources throwing fresh light on his life, intellectual development and occupations has made possible a fuller assessment of a significant figure in Glasgow's contribution to Slavonic Studies. Brennan lived and taught in Russia for 20 years. The resulting intense and unusually intimate experience of Russian life probably explains unconventional aspects of his Glasgow appointment. Brennan was an undoubted educational and social success in Russia. Events in the shape of the February Revolution of 1917 forced him to return to Britain. Glasgow's timely offer of a new position was the start of a very different life. This aspect of Brennan's career is reviewed mainly through his commitment to extensive public activities.  相似文献   

1789年法国入侵埃及,埃及的“被现代化”从此开始。1816年埃及官方首次向欧洲派出留学生,在行动上完成了从“被现代化”向“主动现代化”的转变。塔哈塔维是埃及首批赴法留学生的指导老师,后改变身份成为留学生,主攻法阿翻译。塔哈塔维在法国生活了五年,期间深受西方文化影响,并逐渐形成自己的政治观、社会观和教育观等。回国后他继续从事旨在介绍西方先进文化的翻译工作,成为埃及乃至整个阿拉伯一伊斯兰地区历史上翻译和介绍西方现代政治思想的第一人,其思想对伊斯兰现代主义的形成影响巨大,并成为伊斯兰现代文化启蒙的先驱者之一。  相似文献   

Contrary to most slave revolts, the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) has left a rich archival record that includes documents written by the dominant classes as well as by the people of African descent. Of these, the most notable author was Toussaint Louverture, who during the 1790s wrote hundreds of letters, pamphlets, and proclamations (a few of them in his own hand) in an effort to shape official and public opinion in France and Saint-Domingue (Haiti). Particularly worthy of note is a 21-page memoir that Louverture wrote shortly before his death and that defended his public record as governor of Saint-Domingue.  相似文献   

Drawing on his work in the area of narrative gerontology, the author reflects on the measure of congruence that exists between the theories he has been developing about the storied complexity of adult development and his lived experience as an aging individual himself. His reflections include a discussion of his former career as a parish minister and his ongoing passion for “the writing life”. He concludes with some speculation on the possibility of combining his interests in narrative and aging with his continuing interest in theological themes.  相似文献   

“人是文明交流互鉴最好的载体。深化人文交流互鉴是消除隔阂和误解、促进民心相知相通的重要途径。”2019年5月,习近平总书记在亚洲文明对话大会开幕式上发表主旨演汫。近年来,越来越多外国留学生来到中国逐梦、圆梦,在寻常生活中,与中国百姓共享开放带来的获得感。  相似文献   

关于中国妇女缠足的起源众说纷纭,一说始于南唐后主李煜。缠足习俗在近代被废止至今,经历了百年。在青年艺术家陈霄翱看来,缠足带给妇女的不仅仅是身体上的伤害,更是对她们心灵的束缚与摧残。他用近两年的时间走访了200多个村庄,通过镜头记录中国最后—代缠足老人的生活。  相似文献   

Conflicting assumptions have been proffered about Marshall McLuhan's Roman Catholic beliefs: (a) that he was a "compartmentalized Catholic" who kept his Sunday beliefs separate from his Monday-to-Saturday academic thinking; (b) that his Catholicism was ubiquitous, and thus the "global village" is a longing for one world body as camouflaged Teilhard de Chardin; (c) that McLuhan was an academic who addressed all topics, including religious ones, orally and in writing but not with a proselytizing perspective; (d) that as a convert to Catholicism (in the spirit of Chesterton and Lewis) he was a clever and subtle evangelical who infused academe with adapted theology; and (e) that some mixture of these assumptions is likely to be true, although McLuhan kept his articles of faith largely off the record. Based on interviews with McLuhan and with some of his closest colleagues and friends, as well as on research about the religious vein within McLuhan's writing, I report aspects of the "Marist McLuhan," that is, the McLuhan moved by Mary, and by her church, as well as aspects of McLuhan's theological subtext within his writing and thinking.  相似文献   

Rarely do serving senior civil servants speak in public or write for the record: that has tended to be the prerogative of the ministers whom they support. Until February 2002, Sir John Vereker was Permanent Secretary of the UK Department for International Development (DFID). He was invited to address an audience of politicians and development experts, at the All‐Party Parliamentary Group on Overseas Development, on his unique experience of serving for equal periods as head of the former Overseas Development Administration and DFID, at a time of intense policy change. He secured the assent of his Secretary of State and the Editors of Development Policy Review judged that his contribution deserved to be read by a wider audience.  相似文献   

With the passing of Robert M. Pirsig, I felt that it was an appropriate time to write a tribute to his work and the influence it has had on my own theorising in regard to autistic ways of being. This reflection utilises the concept of an ‘aut-ethnography’ to examine passages that I had highlighted word by word when I first read Pirsig’s book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. These fragments contain links to a number of theoretical ‘lines of flight’ within my own work and that of others, from his concepts of dynamic ‘quality’ to his discussion on the tension between scientific method and lived experience.  相似文献   

This essay is a response to Stein (2019; 2020) and his use of lived experience to tell the story of violence and the Holocaust. I discuss these works’ contributions to public sociology and teaching.  相似文献   

The tensions between the competing discourses of the medical and the social models of disability have traditionally provided a platform for discussion and research in the fields of disability studies and special needs education. Over the last 30 years a wealth of literature has consolidated the debate and produced particular knowledge of impairment and disability. In this paper we argue that by privileging notions of ‘deficit’ within these medical or social model perspectives the richness of the lived experience of people with impairments is denied. The individual becomes lost within a framework of medical symptoms or social inequalities. This paper considers alternative approaches which reveal a fuller picture of the lives of people with impairments. The authors conducted two separate empirical studies, one employing a Deleuzo‐Guattarian perspective, the other a Bourdieusian perspective. In this paper we illustrate how these theories of practice can reveal situated understandings of the individual with impairments and his/her daily life. By embracing new understandings and different theoretical perspectives we show how new knowledge can emerge to illuminate the fluid and ever‐changing notions of ‘disability’, ‘inclusion’ and ‘exclusion’, which form elements of the individual lived experience of the research participants.  相似文献   

The hypothesis in this study asserted that independence is an infinitely variable self concept, unique to the individual which concerns control and choice rather than any absolute measure of competence. The study involved interviewing six disabled people who had lived in institutional care for at least three years and had lived in the community for a minimum of one year. The comparative data between life in an institution and living in the community was explored in relation to the concept of independence. The interviewees were able to determine, quite precisely, what independence in the community meant to them. Independence involved choice, control and power in, and over, the management of their lives and the environment in which they lived.  相似文献   

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