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董李锋 《城市观察》2013,27(5):158-162
城市现代化是21世纪城市发展的必然趋势,然而,在这个过程中,城市却显得日益雷同,城市个性的缺失已成为城市发展的一个共性。本文从分析城市个性要素入手,论述了城市在现代化进程中在城市外观、产业结构、城市功能、文化及城市社会上的个性缺失,并提出了城市现代化个性追求的道路模式。  相似文献   

尽管过去二十几年城市设计领域蓬勃发展,但围绕城市环境的问题却仍未得到解决。全球化、移民、数字技术的爆炸以及围绕消费的服务经济都有着重要的空间和设计意义,而如何设计我们的城市还能反映出从气候变化到肥胖的流行等一系列问题。本文将过去几十年社会经济转型的空间意义,探讨城市设计在应对本文列举出的挑战时所扮演的角色及所承担的义务。  相似文献   

Is there a need for a theory of urban ecology?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Although urban ecosystems are governed by the same ecological laws as rural ecosystems, the relative importance of certain ecological patterns and processes differs between the two types of ecosystems. For instance, as compared to rural areas, urban habitats are usually more islandlike, more often represent early successional stages, and more easily invaded by alien species. All these features are results of the intense human influence on urban landscapes. The question then arises whether a distinct theory of urban ecology is needed for understanding ecological patterns and processes in the urban setting. The answer is no, because urban ecosystems can be successfully studied using existing ecological theories, such as the metapopulation theory. However, due to the intense human presence approaches that include the human aspect are useful in studying urban systems. For instance, the human ecosystem model, which emphasizes human impact by identifying social components with connections to ecology, is a useful approach in urban studies. This model, combined with the urban–rural gradient approach, forms an effective tool for studying key ecological features of urban ecosystems. Better understanding of these features would increase our ability to predict changes that land use causes in urban ecosystems, and would help to integrate ecology better into urban planning.  相似文献   

以广州城市色彩环境为例,在大量实地调研的基础上,阐述广州城市色彩的主要构成因素及其色彩特征,对建立属于广州的城市色彩体系提出城市色彩规划策略建议,并提出以城市色彩结构特征为内在依据的色彩规划策略建议。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了改革开放后的城市转型以及上海文化创意产业的发展历程,之后以上海M5040意园的产业空间转化为例,剖析了城市转型过程中所表现出的空间规划另类思维。  相似文献   

单菁菁 《城市观察》2011,12(2):5-14
旧城保护与更新是一项复杂的系统工程,本文结合快速城市化背景下我国城市更新面,临的主要问题,通过对欧美国家旧城保护与更新的实践及其经验教训分析,从中探寻旧城保护与更新_的有效途径与模式,为我国的城市更新与可持续发展提供有益借鉴,  相似文献   

Midnight Basketball is one example of a new generation of social resource programs which are designed to mend the social fabric of inner city communities. In this paper, we present the results of an evaluation of Milwaukee's Midnight Basketball League, In the Paint at One Two, which indicates that the ''returns'' on the money invested in the program are far greater than the returns on the enormously popular punitive and paternalistic policies and programs currently advocated at all levels of government. During the first year, the Midnight Basketball program (1) reduced crime rates by 30% in the target area, (2) created a safe haven in which participants (and the fans) could engage in positive social activities, (3) channeled the energy of gang members in a positive direction, and (4) significantly improved the educational and career aspirations of program participants. Nearly all of the participants indicate that such leagues should be developed throughout the city of Milwaukee.  相似文献   

全球化与知识经济的迅速发展,使城市的职能正在发生革命性的变化,城市的职能已由工业城市的生产制造功能、服务城市的管理与协调职能向创意城市的创新、创意职能转化。本文在阐述广州城市职能演变基础上,提出了广州创新城市建设的建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a special case of restoration of municipal urban planning practice in a post-conflict context. In Kosovo, the administrative environment in which the practice of urban planning and mobility management is embedded is characterized by a high degree of instability. The main reason for this is the transition from a rather centralized form of urban planning, a typical aspect of the Yugoslav planned economy, into a markedly free form of development, characterized by loose control by the authorities. Although this trend can be observed to some extent in many former socialist countries, the Kosovo war in 1999 has dramatically accelerated this process. Given the very European-oriented historic settlement structure, based on a hierarchy of relatively small and compact cities, this trend entails many problems in the areas of environment, infrastructure, mobility, landscape, and property rights.This paper gives an overview of the reasons for this evolution and assesses possible solutions based on field experience from two support programmes (MuSPP by UN-Habitat, and MobKos by the Flemish Government (Belgium)) that are operating in the regional city of Peja/Pe?.  相似文献   

王桢桢 《城市观察》2010,(3):123-130
城市更新是城市改造、重建、再生和延续的过程。从广州城市改造的经验观察,实践中所运用的政府、市场以及混合改造模式都存在治理困境。政府改造模式导致“角色”错位,市场改造模式导致公共利益受损,混合改造模式导致成本外溢。传统的改造模式由于没有将改造成本内部化,不论是政府行为还是市场行为都会产生负外部性。笔者由此提出新的治理模式——利益共同体模式。这种模式区分行动者的不同角色,以产权为纽带,以外部性成本内部化为基础,通过合约安排使政府、开发商和原住地居民组成利益共享、风险共担的共同体。在这样一个“利益共享、风险共担”的新模式运作下,旧城改造不再是单一的政府和市场行为,而是一个兼顾公共利益和私人利益的社区集体行为。这种治理模式符合社会发展与和谐社会的理念,能将旧城改造的成本内部化,使产权人享有真正意义的决策权,有利于社区的可持续性发展。‘  相似文献   

徐莹  黄健文 《城市观察》2011,12(2):60-66
我国旧城更新改造的相关称谓从最初的“旧城改建”到最近的“三旧”改造,其间出现的多元变化反映了称谓背后的旧城更新改造观念转变。本文从我国旧城的更新改造背景了解、相关称谓区分解释、观念转变剖析以及观念转变意义总结这几方面加以探讨,指出虽然旧城更新改造观念在从总体来看取得了进步,但相关称谓的研究改进仍不容忽视,而称谓背后的正确观念树立更需继续加强。  相似文献   

吴琳 《城市观察》2011,(3):183-192
宋代城市不仅是中国农业社会从纯粹消费型城市到以手工业、服务业为主的生产型城市的转折时期,也处于当时时代横向比较中的高峰段,在雄厚的经济基础上,宋代都市人文景观形成以下特点:开放的城市格局;园林化的城市建筑;更加人文化的城市景观;浪漫、繁华的都市格调。宋词(诗)是那个城市"黄金时代"的直接产物。在诗词中,回望我们的先人曾经创造过的城市美好生活,是我们今天建设美好生活的无价之宝。  相似文献   

进入后城市化时代的韩国在城市转型为知识城市中一直走在亚洲前列,充分分析韩国城市转型中的几个典型案例,有助于我国在城市化快速发展阶段吸纳新经验,创新新模式,增加新的路径选择。  相似文献   

城市景观设计与城市生态平衡关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划是城市发展的战略、纲领和管理城市的依据。按照深入贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,现代城市规划更加注重城市生态的内涵,包括生态城市规划、生态城市设计和生态城市建设。生态城市设计是以真实地实现城市生态化目标,较好地体现不同城市拥有的城市生态环境、城市文化、城市形象和城市风格为基本出发点和归结点。城市景观设计与城市产业设计、城市住区设计一起,构成生态城市设计的三大基本设计方面。本文主要是从城市景观设计方面来探究与城市生态平衡的关系,发挥和提升城市景观设计在规划、设计、建设和管理生态城市中的功能性作用。  相似文献   

文化旅游的兴起是当今旅游业发展的一大趋势。城市更新是城市发展的一种重要途径。随着文化消费时代的来临、文化经济的快速发展,文化旅游在城市更新发展中扮演着日益重要的角色。本文主要以广州为例,探讨了城市更新背景下文化旅游发展的意义、面临的问题和挑战以及进一步的思考。  相似文献   

城市功能与低碳化关系的几个层面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市是未来应对气候变化的主战场。低碳城市建设将成为未来城市化发展的主要方向。鉴于当前关于低碳城市建设的道路尚不清晰,本文从城市周边生态服务体系的培育出发,论述了其对于低碳城市建设的支撑作用,同时从低碳城市的内部建设,包括城市规划与建设的低碳化、城市运行低碳化以及生活方式低碳化三个层面,来论述低碳城市建设的架构及其内在联系。指出全生命周期的碳排放管理是贯穿低碳城市建设各个层面的核心理念,不同层面的低碳化措施可以相互影响、协同作用,从而构成了低碳城市的有机整体。  相似文献   

黄卫东  唐怡 《城市观察》2011,12(2):86-94
快速城市化背景下,随着经济的快速增长和城市空间的不断拓展,通过城市更新进行存量土地资源的整合和潜力挖掘,已经成为实现城市社会经济可持续发展的重要途径。同时,深圳相对成熟的市场化环境也使得当地城市更新面临着更加复杂的局面。本文试图通过对深圳近年来城市更新规划实践的梳理,基于实证分析总结市场化背景下城市更新的经验和教训,为国内其他城市的城市更新实践提供一些参考。  相似文献   

This article interrogates the participation of youth in constructing and defining the African urban landscape. It seeks to examine youth popular culture and performance practices that combine indigenous sound aesthetics with enactments of cultural memory to construct the urban landscape of Botswana. Particularly, the article examines youth cultural and expressive forms such as hip-hop and Kwaito musical genres, popularised traditional music, and the satirical dramatic impersonations of radio personality Dignash Morapedi. These performances elaborate African syncretic formations that underscore the power of African popular culture to integrate, reinvigorate, and transform various social spaces and identities. Urban youths use these performance forms to demonstrate how innovative practices could be used to interrogate social realities such as unemployment, poverty, and HIV/AIDS. Using the notion of “urban noise,” the article teases out a strategy of critique that articulates the various ways that the youth acoustically construct, produce, and navigate the African city.  相似文献   

刘纯彬  张晨 《城市观察》2009,1(1):63-69
21世纪是城市群主导经济发展的世纪,城市群逐渐成为区域经济的增长极。然而与美国波士华城市群相比,我国京津冀城市群在空间结构已失先天优势的基础上,又凸显出城市承栽功能集中、城市发展关系不协调等问题。比较分析两大城市群特点,有助于我们发现问题,获得有益的对策启示。  相似文献   

Rainfall interception by Santa Monica's municipal urban forest   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Effects of urban forests on rainfall interception and runoff reduction have been conceptualized, but not well quantified. In this study rainfall interception by street and park trees in Santa Monica, California is simulated. A mass and energy balance rainfall interception model is used to simulate rainfall interception processes (e.g., gross precipitation, free throughfall, canopy drip, stemflow, and evaporation). Annual rainfall interception by the 29,299 street and park trees was 193,168 m3 (6.6 m3/tree), or 1.6% of total precipitation. The annual value of avoided stormwater treatment and flood control costs associated with reduced runoff was $110,890 ($3.60/tree). Interception rate varied with tree species and sizes. Rainfall interception ranged from 15.3% (0.8 m3/tree) for a small Jacaranda mimosifolia (3.5 cm diameter at breast height) to 66.5% (20.8 m3/tree) for a mature Tristania conferta (38.1 cm). In a 25-year storm, interception by all street and park trees was 12,139.5 m3 (0.4%), each tree yielding $0.60 (0.4 m3/tree) in avoided flood control costs. Rainfall interception varied seasonally, averaging 14.8% during a 21.7 mm winter storm and 79.5% during a 20.3 mm summer storm for a large, deciduous Platanus acerifolia tree. Effects of differences in temporal precipitation patterns, tree population traits, and pruning practices on interception in Santa Monica, Modesto, and Sacramento, California are described.  相似文献   

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