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王景全 《城市》2011,(8):52-56
乡村休闲是指以满足城市居民休闲需求为目的、以乡村空间环境和乡村特有的生态资源与文化资源为依托,以观光、度假、娱乐及乡土文化体验为主要内容的一种休闲形式。环城市乡村休闲产业承载着增加城市休闲供给、带动乡村经济发展的重要经济与社会功能,是城乡合作、互利双赢的产业和统筹城乡发展的重要平台与切入点。  相似文献   

马聪玲 《城市》2015,(10):69-74
城市公园是国民旅游休闲的重要空间,是国际化、现代化城市必备的功能区。城市公园的规模、文化价值、分布密度及其与城市周边公共交通、商业设施和服务的衔接程度,不仅决定着城市公园旅游休闲利用的深度和广度,也为旅游休闲相关产业依托城市公园周边实现集群化发展提供了可能。然而,以城市公园为代表的城市公共休闲空间在形成之初却受到城市化进程、产业和人口流动、城市超大型活动、空间文化价值等多重因素的影响,并不天然地与城市常住人口的日常休闲需求以及外来人口的空间流动特征相契合。如何协调城市公园建设和后续的旅游休闲利用,对于提升城市土地利用效率、促进产业要素在空间集聚、深化国民休闲旅游,意义重大。  相似文献   

城市作为文化的载体,城市文化建设体现了"以人为本"的城市基本责任与发展方向,其中城市休闲文化发展将提升城市文化品位,提高市民生活质量,丰富游客旅游体验。在新型城市化背景下,面对市民游憩休闲与游客旅游休闲需求,促进"城市文化休闲化、城市休闲文化化",建设城市休闲文化,丰富市民与游客休闲生活应该成为城市规划、建设与管理的指导思想和基本政策之一。  相似文献   

王景全 《城市观察》2012,(4):94-104
休闲产业是文化经济化和经济文化化的契合点,发展休闲产业是工业化中后期城市转型发展的战略选择,是体验消费背景下城市经济发展的文化路径。发展休闲产业对于完善城市功能、丰富城市文化内涵、提升高端要素聚集能力、推动产业升级、促进城市内涵式发展、增强可持续发展能力和核心竞争力具有综合性、整体性、长远性、全方位的战略意义。应站在科学发展的高度,把休闲产业作为城市发展的战略产业,纳入经济社会发展的总体规划和城市建设的总体布局。  相似文献   

刘立峰 《现代交际》2011,(11):120+119-120,119
大众休闲文化的品位与社会经济发展状况相适应。当前,我国大众休闲文化表现出旅游休闲、体育休闲、娱乐休闲、购物休闲、网络休闲等主要特征,表征着社会经济的快速发展刺激着大众日益增长着的休闲文化需求,大众休闲文化品位与经济发展程度相伴相生的客观规律。  相似文献   

周辉 《城市观察》2021,74(4):81-86
城市更新是经济发展的必然结果,又是改善居住环境、美化城市面貌以及为城市经济增长提供动力的重要手段,休闲的嵌入能使城市更新更好地满足人的需求和未来产业发展环境的需要.在此逻辑下,文章针对城市近郊"诉求复杂、构成多样、区位适游"等地域特点,紧抓"优质休闲游憩空间和特色活力区"的城郊未来休闲发展愿景和"产业路径依赖且结构单一、现代服务业滞后活力不足、休闲空间建设被忽视并与主城区互动有限"等近郊地区的突出更新建设问题,提出以休闲空间的嵌入和提升改造推动近郊地区高质量更新发展的思路,并提出了四项重点休闲嵌入式更新策略.  相似文献   

日常休闲是流动儿童与居住环境互动交流的重要方式,日常休闲的特征及满意程度可能会影响到流动儿童融入城市的进程。对上海某小学流动儿童的实地调研发现,流动儿童的社会融合状况处在一般水平。流动儿童的日常休闲方式、范围及频率等日常休闲特征都对流动儿童社会融合产生影响,日常休闲环境作为流动儿童休闲行为的空间载体,日常休闲环境感知影响流动儿童的社会融合。日常休闲满意状况是流动儿童休闲行为体验的结果,影响流动儿童的社会融合。  相似文献   

高春菊 《职业时空》2010,6(8):16-17
随着经济社会的发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,休闲消费开始走入人们的生活并在生活中占据重要地位,休闲经济亦逐渐成为城市经济发展的新模式。文章从衡水实际出发,认为发展衡水休闲经济着力点应放在本地优势资源上,以特色文化资源和农业资源为主,重点发展休闲文化产业和休闲农业经济。  相似文献   

马聪玲 《城市》2015,(3):53-56
城市公共休闲空间是指供城市居民共同享有的休息、娱乐、游憩的空间场所和设施,是政府提供给居民享有的公共物品和服务,对于城市居民生活质量提升意义重大。城市休闲空间可以分为私人休闲空间、半公共休闲空间、公共休闲空间。从旅游利用的角度对城市休闲空间进行分类,城市公园、沿街绿地、步行街区、滨水区等均属于公共休闲空间。城市公园是城市公共休闲空间的重要组成部分,是指由政府或其他团体建设经营,融休闲游憩、环境生态、园林艺术、科教健身、文化艺术和防灾避难等多项功能于一体,向全社会开放,有较完善的设施和良好的绿化环境的城市公共开放空间和绿地。  相似文献   

历史街区是反映传统历史文化发展脉络的载体,伴随休闲经济时代的来临,历史街区休闲空间的发展已成为势不可挡的发展趋势。然而,当前我国在现代休闲生活向历史街区回归过程中,由于缺乏一定的理论支持与相应经验借鉴,使得历史街区休闲空间面临诸多问题。文章以日本古川町为例,通过阐述其历史街区中的古川建筑休闲空间、鲤鱼池休闲空间以及传统祭奠活动所形成的临时休闲空间的具体营造手法,以期为我国历史街区休闲空间营造提出普遍的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Card gambling among the Awa, a previously nongambling society, was introduced by returning labor migrants responsible for transplanting many aspects of urban migrant culture back in their rural Highlands villages. Presently Awa card gambling is seasonal and mainly recreational, and not smoothly integrated into their society as a whole. As rural villages like the Awa begin to develop economically, card playing has become less a form of recreation and a more divisive social, economic, and political arena of competition. Card gambling is neither a functional substitute for waning traditional activities, nor a microcosmic mirror of traditional society. It is best seen as a reflection of colonial history and a recent import of urban/plantation culture, which together are shaping a society in the throes of rapid modernization.  相似文献   

城市体育产业发展的根基与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代体育是随着工业化和城市化而产生的,在整个工业化和城市化的进程中,体育始终在竞技、娱乐、健身、休闲等价值取向中得到普及。城市体育产业发展的最重要根基是城市体育文化。体育文化深入人心,体育产业才能持续发展。城市体育产业的发展还需要考虑与城市主题的契合,要注意构建体育文化和产业体系,要注意结合城市体育传统和经济实力来引进和推广体育项目。  相似文献   


This article discusses the sportization of pastimes. This is perhaps one of the most important issues facing the sociology of sport, leisure, and recreation. The article offers some initial dialogue toward the development of a theory that would explain the myriad of activities which continue to evolve from leisure time pursuits of a few, into more organized recreation for many, and then into highly competitive sports. The status of this subarea of sociology is discussed within the context that the sportization of pastimes may generate enough research interest so as to catapult this subarea into mainstream sociology.  相似文献   

There is a long, documented history of the relationships among leisure, recreation, and education dating back to Greek philosophy.Originally there was little differentiation among the terms as they were presented as a unified process for youth and human development. Over time, each of these fields has developed, and their definitions have been shaped and reshaped. Using some of the original conceptions from Aristotle and Plato, coupled with foundational premises suggested by Dewey, this article frames current youth development efforts in a historical context. The authors suggest that perhaps what the separate professions might define as high-quality leisure, recreation, and educational experiences still maintain links among each. They further suggest that planned experiences with increasing levels of coordination can strengthen these links and develop an "education-for-leisure" perspective among participating youth and the choices they make. Self-determination theory (SDT) refers to the autonomy in choosing a particular behavior or action. Youth development opportunities that make connections between the content of a regular school day and choice of activity during out-of-school time can inculcate self-determined leisure choices that are productive. Planned and intentional educational experiences expand the possibilities for productive recreational choices. This article therefore proposes a framework for increasing levels of coordination among educational and recreational entities so that participating youth can develop and adopt an education-for-leisure disposition.  相似文献   

Although a variety of recreation programs provide valuable settings for youth development and should continue, the home should be considered the first and perhaps the most essential context for positive youth development. Family leisure experiences are purposively or intentionally planned by invested adults (parents) to create and maintain meaningful relationships and provide supportive opportunities for their children to learn skills and develop behaviors that will not only strengthen current family life but ultimately contribute to their overall positive development. The article presents family leisure research from a youth perspective and sets out the implications of the role of home-based core types of leisure that families engage in.  相似文献   

This article analyses the process of globalization from the perspective of a 'political economy of space' where the interactions of the processes of capitalist accumulation within contexts of geographic and social space has profound shaping effects upon the nature of politics, economics and society more generally. The argument will show that contemporary globalization has two dimensions: outward into geographic space, and inward into culture and society. The focus then moves to culture and information technology within the space economy of late capitalism and argues that a crisis of finite geographic space has led to the deepening of the commodificationary processes of capitalist accumulation into the 'identity-spaces' of culture and society. For hugely popular 'cyber-gurus' such as Howard Rheingold and Myron W . Krueger, the development of information technologies such as the Internet-derived 'virtual communities' are spaces where new forms of democracy and 'being' can emerge. This article argues that 'cyberspace' and 'virtual communities' are deeply dystopic and alienated spaces, and cyber-Utopian dreams of other, possible worlds made virtual through information technology are at best naive, when it is realised that the information revolution that evolved from the processes of a particular type of globalization, has conceived and developed technologies with primarily profit, productivity, surveillance labour-saving and escapism in mind.  相似文献   

汤茜草 《城市观察》2010,(1):188-192
无形城市是在“后”之时代和全球地域空间这样的时空背景下涌现的新城市形态,它以高流动性和不确定性为主要特征。这种特征成就了特定的城市社会群体,也使得城市社会生活呈现出极具时代感的特征。城市社会心理体现了个性的张扬和自由的释放;城市生活方式因讲究格调和充分享受闲暇而得到提升;城市居民的交往方式既处在一个平等开放的互动平台之上,但也处在互动深度遭受质疑的困境之中。  相似文献   

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