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正2013年底,福布斯中文版第二年推出30个中国内地旅游业最发达城市榜单,江西无一城市上榜。江西旅游,以山水旅游、红色旅游为主打,以庐山、井冈山等景区闻名于世。城市旅游,是否为江西旅游发展的短板?在创建旅游强省的过程中,江西的城市旅游该如何发展?景区独大的现状许多游客知道庐山、三清山,却不知道九江市、上饶市;知道滕王阁、南昌,但不知道滕王阁在南昌;城市旅游发展得不错的景德镇,没去过的人仍以为它是一个古镇,跟一个市并无多大关系。"景区比城市的名气大,这不是江西独有的情况,在全国范围内普遍存在。"省旅游局副巡视员曾宜富向记者介绍,在中国旅游发展  相似文献   

任致远 《城市》2016,(12):70-73
我国城市已经迈入经济新常态下转型发展的新阶段,在这个形势下,凡具有一定自然和人文条件的地方,发展旅游城市是明智选择.我国决心建设美丽城市,加快新常态下城市转型发展的新形势,无疑给旅游城市发展提供了机遇和选择的可能,加之我国各地皆有得天独厚的旅游资源和未开辟的旅游处女地,把旅游城市作为城市转型发展的明智选择,以文化为媒,促旅游建设,就一定能够出现旅游城市蓬勃发展的新局面.  相似文献   

城市广场是城市公共游憩空间的重要组成部分。在城市文化旅游日益发展的背景下,中心城区遗产型广场这一特殊的游憩空间既要满足本地市民的游憩需求,又要迎合城市旅游开发与城市形象建设,本研究以广州陈家祠岭南文化广场为例,通过对其进行使用后评价(POE)研究,表明陈家祠文化广场的规划和管理由于更多地是服务于外地游客,因此在空间设计和使用上排斥了很多本土化的休闲活动,既不能满足本地居民强烈的休闲需求,也不能让游客体验到遗产型城市广场的文化性。文章最后对此类城市广场的规划和管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

城市作为文化的载体,城市文化建设体现了"以人为本"的城市基本责任与发展方向,其中城市休闲文化发展将提升城市文化品位,提高市民生活质量,丰富游客旅游体验。在新型城市化背景下,面对市民游憩休闲与游客旅游休闲需求,促进"城市文化休闲化、城市休闲文化化",建设城市休闲文化,丰富市民与游客休闲生活应该成为城市规划、建设与管理的指导思想和基本政策之一。  相似文献   

城市旅游形象定位研究——以连云港市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张莉 《城市》2002,(1):48-50
随着越来越多旅游地的开发建成,旅游地之间的竞争越来越激烈,为了提高旅游地的竞争力,吸引更多的游客,以促进当地旅游业的发展,许多城市开始对其旅游形象进行定位。本文旨在以连云港市为例来探讨城市旅游形象的概念,城市旅游形象定位的意义、依据的原则,以期能够对其他城市旅游形象  相似文献   

中国旅游研究院的报告显示,今年避暑旅游市场规模约在5000亿元至6000亿元。在综合气候舒适度、景观游赏度、游客满意度和综合风险度4个指标后,贵阳排名全国60个主要旅游城市避暑旅游的适宜性之首。与此同时,各地"避暑季"旅游的开幕式,也接踵举行。一个准确的城市形象定位对一座城市的旅游经济发展有着举足轻重的作用,近年来,各地都在"旅游形象定位"、"旅游形象策划"、"旅游形象营销"等方面下功夫,并配套举办了一系列旅游节会,期待以鲜明独特的旅游形象增强城市旅游的综合竞争力。表面上看,效果非常好,从各地的报道来  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,人民生活水平相应提高,人们的休闲时间越来越多,旅游成为人们生活休闲不可缺少的部分,旅游景区的建设就成为人们旅游选择的重要指标之一。为适应这一需求,我国各地的旅游景区的建设也在不断加快,但多是以硬件建设为主,忽视了旅游景区标识系统的建设。旅游景区标识系统在一定程度上反映了旅游景区的人文发展水平。景区标识系统的落后,使得致游客到景区后,对景点设置、游览路线、公共设施位置等茫然无措,影响游客对景区的观感。因此,对旅游景区标识系统进行研究是提高游客旅游质量必不可少的因素。本文通过对旅游景区标识系统的构成及作用进行介绍,列举了在标识系统设计中容易被忽视的问题,对旅游景区标识系统的设计要求做了阐述。  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区的建设给区内11个城市的旅游业带来了发展机遇,本文以粤港澳大湾区11个城市旅游竞争力为研究对象,构建了资源及环境吸引力、行业发展水平、旅游接待能力、经济发展水平4个一级城市旅游竞争力评价指标体系,用熵值法对11个城市的旅游竞争力进行测量和分析,在此基础上采用聚类分析方法对城市竞争力水平进行分层,对各个层级的城市旅游业发展提出建议。  相似文献   

高颖 《现代妇女》2014,(12):I0039-I0039
在国际竞争日趋激烈、全球文化相互激荡的大背景下,城市文化的重地位日益凸现;同时伴随国内旅游行业的飞速发展,旅游需求日趋个性化和主题化。本文研究通过将城市文化建设与城市的旅游发展战略相结合,以城市文化建设为基础。促进新兴主题化旅游的快速发展,同时深度挖掘主题化旅游的人文及物化资源,提升城市文化软实力,增强城市的创造力与凝聚力,促进城市的全面发展,构建城市核心竞争力。  相似文献   

在当前社会主义新农村建设的大潮中,乡村旅游景区景观规划也在不断发展。视觉艺术设计是景观设计中的重要部分,合理的空间设计、鲜明的视觉艺术效果、良好的生态旅游环境是乡村旅游景区吸引游客的重要法宝。本文中,笔者主要对乡村旅游景区墙体视觉艺术设计进行深入研究,对墙体视觉艺术设计中所包含的各个要素及景区人文环境进行分析,以打造本土化品牌形象和极具乡土气息和视觉元素相融合的旅游景区。  相似文献   

The historic cities of Brazil, despite its colonial structure, don't fail to go through transformations that affect contemporary cities, which is the main source of problems, leading to new approaches to urban issues such as mobility and accessibility. The uncontrolled growth of tourism in the historic cities can be considered as a big problem, because at the same time, they have committed to the conservation of its built heritage and demand control of the activities that occur in their areas without harm. Then, a permanent dialogue between conservatives and planners could be accomplished by joining the various sectoral policies. The study of urban mobility in historical sites was in fact the focus of this work because of their peculiarities, such as its specific characteristics of urban structure, morphology and occupation. In fact, the development of tourism in historic centers generates specific demands, such as adaptation to new uses of the houses, intensive movement of people and vehicles, illegal parking, among others. Beyond threatening the city preservation, does not provide mobility and accessibility to tourists, because these cities were not designed for the tourism conditions and needs of contemporary life. Characteristic features of Brazilian baroque cities, such as topography , the narrow streets, narrow or nonexistent sidewalks, steep turns and ramps strong, are not suitable for heavy vehicles, traffic and pedestrian circulation. Thus, studies concerning conservation urban integrated are aimed at an approach to interaction between historic preservation of the environment with the dynamic socio-economic of the local.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程的加速,许多大城市在外来农民工落户政策方面有所宽松,使一大批学历较高、有稳定收入来源的新一代农民工得以在大城市或者省会城市落户扎根,成为了真正意义上的"新市民"。这些正值婚育期的"新市民"随着户籍身份的改变,其家庭教育也呈现出新的特点,这些特点中既有"新市民"对城市生活的主动适应,也有对原来农村家庭教育文化的扬弃,城乡家教文化的杂糅相陈在一定程度上影响到了这类家庭儿童的社会融合。  相似文献   

The Summer Olympics bring hundreds of thousands of visitors and generate upward of $10 billion in spending for the host city. This large influx of tourism dollars is only part of the overall impact of hosting the Olympic Games. In order to host the visitors and sporting events, cities must make sizable investments in infrastructure such as airports, arenas, and highways. Additionally, the publicity and international exposure of a host city may benefit international trade and capital flows. Proponents argue that this investment will pay off through increased economic growth, but research confirming these claims is lacking. This paper examines whether hosting an Olympiad improves a city's long‐term growth. In order to control for the self‐selection of cities that host Olympic Games, this paper matches Olympic host cities with cities that were finalists for the Olympic Games, but were not selected by the International Olympic Committee. A difference‐in‐difference estimator examines post‐Olympic impacts for host cities between 1950 and 2005. Regression results provide no long‐term impacts of hosting an Olympics on two measures of population, real Gross Domestic Product per capita and trade openness. (JEL O18, R11)  相似文献   

Women living in marginalised urban neighbourhoods are often excluded from the economic, political, and social resources available to other city dwellers. The focus on the decentralisation of services and resource provision in urban areas presents an opportunity to citizens, including women, to organise to hold local government to account. This article builds on case studies and lessons learned from 18 months of the Huairou Commission's Transparency & Accountability Initiative, with specific reference to initiatives in Metro Manila, Philippines, Thankot, Nepal, and Jinja, Uganda. Here, organised groups of grassroots women have established innovative, community-driven mechanisms to participate in and monitor decision-making and service delivery in cities.  相似文献   

Drawing on Charles Tilly’s work on inequality, democracy and cities, we explore the local level dynamics of democratization across urban settings in India, South Africa, and Brazil. In all three cases, democratic institutions are consolidated, but there is tremendous variation in the quality of the democratic relationship between cities and their citizens. We follow Tilly’s focus on citizenship as the key element in democratization and argue that explaining variance across our three cases calls for analyzing patterns of inequality through the kind of relational lens used by Tilly and recognizing that patterns of contestation are shaped by shifting political relationships between the nation and the city. We conclude that Tilly’s theoretical frame is nicely sustained by the comparative analysis of cases very different from those that stimulated his original formulations.  相似文献   


In recognition of the value of biodiversity for cities and citizens, a number of international programs have been designed to help municipal governments sustain, protect, and augment the biodiversity and ecosystem services within their jurisdictions. A key component of these programs is public engagement, where citizens assume a more active role in maintaining urban biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. Yet, there are few studies which have as their focus public knowledge of the importance of nature, biodiversity, and ecosystem services in cities. To these ends, this study was conducted to develop a better understanding of how the public understands and interacts with urban biodiversity, particularly in comparison to subject matter experts. Using topics generated from expert interviews and the literature, an interview guide was developed for the general public, structured around the general themes of a definition of urban biodiversity, as well as the perceived benefits, costs, and threats related to urban biodiversity. While there were similarities in the responses of citizens and experts, some differences did emerge in terms of accounting for specific urban ecosystems, acceptable interventions to support and enhance biodiversity, and the character and extent of the cultural services derived from urban nature. Insights from this work can be used to inform education and information efforts for the public, as well as raise awareness among city planners and nature professionals of the array of urban ecosystem services recognized and made use of by the public.


This research examines government policies and urban transformation in China through a study of Hangzhou City, which is undergoing dramatic growth and restructuring. As the southern center of the Yangtze River Delta, an emerging global city region of China, Hangzhou has been restlessly searching for strategies to promote economic growth and survive the competition with Shanghai. This paper analyzes Hangzhou’s development strategies, including globalization, tourism, industrial development, and urban development, in the context of shifting macro conditions and local responses. We hold that urban policies in China are situated in the broad economic restructuring and the gradual, experiential national reform and are therefore transitional. The paper suggests that China’s urban policies are state institution-directed, growth-oriented, and land-based, imposing unprecedented challenges to sustainability and livability. Land development and spatial restructuring are central to urban policies in China. Last, while Hangzhou’s development strategies and policies to some extent reflect policy convergence across cities in China, local/spatial contexts, including local settings, territorial rescaling and land conditions, are underlying the functioning of development/entrepreneurial states.  相似文献   

当前西方城市发展的主流思想是强调公民参与和以可持续治理为中心。在公民参与城市治理的制度建设方面,西方国家已经形成了较为系统全面的体系。反观国内,公民参与缺乏系统全面的制度保障,公民参与城市治理的机会太少,参与的有效性大打折扣,城市发展规划和城市管理的一些政策主要还是依靠领导"拍脑袋"做出,很少考虑到民众的利益诉求。为此,有必要吸收借鉴西方公民参与城市治理方面制度建设的先进经验来提升当前我国城市治理中公民参与的有效性和科学性,继而推进我国城市的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

学习型城市建设的核心问题是重塑城市居民再教育的体系。文章通过调查分析广州市居民再教育的实践现状,发现广州市在构建学习型组织方面仍然处于初级阶段;双网的整合和协同上存在一定障碍;经验的推广和本土特色明显不足等问题。从战略论的角度,战略目标应该考虑以市民的学习意愿为本位,确立有明确内涵和广州特色的居民再教育模式,塑造具备学习能力和精神的广州人形象。  相似文献   

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