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文章提出了一个合格的图书馆员应具备的良好的个人素质及其重要性。并从四个方面论述了一名优秀的图书馆员与社会责任的关系及作用。 相似文献
通过解析雅斯贝尔斯交往理论的蕴涵:交往的过程是爱的斗争,真正的交往是生存交往,不同境况中的交往,以期剖析其对道德教育的启示.因此,在道德教育过程中,师生之间的道德诉求为爱的理解;教师引导学生进行富有爱意和理解的敞亮交往;引导学生追求精神的道德交往境界. 相似文献
城市时代的风险管理应以威胁城市公共安全的重大危险源为主要对象,加强对城市有毒、有害、易燃、易爆等危险源的辨识、监测、风险评价和控制等,做好城市公共安全规划、城市重大事故应急预案与应急救援辅助决策支持等方面的工作。 相似文献
社会政策行动是一种在政府主导下民众广泛参与的公共行动体系,其基本方式是通过国家进行再分配和提供公共产品的方式去满足全体社会成员的需要。因此,社会政策是一种公共性的行动过程,是通过公共行动(如税收等)去调动必要的资源(如资金等),并依照社会的公共目标去进行再分配和提供公共服务(如教育、医疗、社会福利等)。 相似文献
陈小春 《青春岁月:学术版》2014,(22)
自由主义,自近代诞生以来一直是西方政治思想的主要流派之一,也始终被视为西方国家的主流政治思想,它凝聚了西方政治文化的精髓,以至于有的学者声称西方只有一种意识形态,就是自由主义.虽然一般认为自由主义“形成于17世纪英国资产阶级革命时期.不过,西方自由传统可以追溯到古代社会.”其中,中世纪基督教自身的个人得救教义和教权与王权形成的二元政治观无疑为自由主义的诞生提供了营养和温床,在近代自由主义的诞生方面起到了重大作用. 相似文献
2010年农历虎年,是我84岁的本命年。我出生在湖北,23岁参军北上,1949。1950年在张家口学习培训,调北京工作后也曾下放到河北邢台碾子头乡柴家庄村劳动锻炼,与乡亲们同吃同住同劳动,河北省是我的第二故乡。我高兴借写此文之机,祝我多年不见的河北老年朋友们幸福快乐、健康长寿。 相似文献
为深入探讨市场经济条件下道德教育的困境及其突破路径等现实理论问题,2010年12月由上海市伦理学会道德教育专业委员会、上海社会科学院青少年研究所《当代青年研究》杂志社和华东师范大学公民发展与现代德育研究中心联合举办的“市场经济条件下道德教育的困境与突破”学术研讨会在上海社会科学院召开。来自上海社会科学院、复旦大学、华东师范大学等高校和科研院所的40位专家学者围绕“市场经济条件下道德教育困境的辨识理路”、“市场经济条件下道德教育困境的内部探究”、“市场经济条件下道德教育困境的外部求解”以及“市场经济条件下道德教育困境的责任担当”等议题.进行了广泛的交流和探讨。 相似文献
企业社会责任不仅限于慈善事业或企业社会形象的提升,而是更多地与增强企业竞争力、促进地区发展,助力城市治理、加快转变政府职能等联系在一起。通过对近年来浦东新区企业社会责任体系建设的历程、现状特征、主要经验和面临困难进行梳理,对浦东新区未来保持和提升地区责任竞争力提出建设性意见。 相似文献
社会学中存在着不同学派、范式和发展策略之间的相互竞争、论战、甚至隔阂和对抗,但这一学科也有着共有的话语场域、共同关注的论题、共享性的概念、理论和方法体系。这是一种复杂的学科品性:它是论战与共识、自由发挥与兼容共存、多重体系与共同遗产的结合。这一品性之中必然有社会学成为一门学科的基点,这需要从中剥离出最具共性的意涵和实质性的 相似文献
Wendy Foote 《Social Work Education》2013,32(4):424-438
Critical reflection is a concept in social work education that holds a significant place—it provides both foundational theoretical ideas about the practice of social work, and is also a process used in career-long learning. Understanding critical reflection as a threshold theory concept—a higher education learning and teaching concept—providing a framework which assists educators in teaching critical reflection. Threshold theory identifies certain concepts as foundational within a discipline—these are transformative in profoundly altering the way students understand the subject. As with critical reflection, they are also integrative, conceptually difficult or ‘troublesome’ and difficult to forget. The intrinsic nature of critical reflection makes its use as a conceptual model in practice a complex task: it requires the integration of theoretical knowledge, in a multiple-step methodology. Students must fully engage with the process, in identifying the impact of their lived experience, values and beliefs on their practice, as well as power, social structures and influential discourses. This article argues that threshold theory assists educators in understanding the nature of learning that is required for students to master critical reflection in social work education 相似文献
最近一段时间来,随着《公民道德建设实施纲要》的颁布和宣传,全社会都在关注公民道德建设。加强公民道德建设,逐步形成与发展社会主义市场经济相适应的社会主义道德体系,是提高全民族素质的一项基础性工程,对弘扬民族精神和时代精神,形成良好的社会道德风尚,全面推进建设有中国特色社会主义伟大事业,具有十分重要的意义。但是,要使纲要在实践中得到真正落 相似文献
Abstract Despite educators' and practitioners' assumptions, research on the professional socialization of social work students has generally failed to document an impact of the educational process and has consequently hampered informed debate on the nature, outcome, and processes of social work education. In this paper the impact of social work education on the individual is reconceptualized in terms of Kelly's personal construct theory, which posits the individual in social work education as personally construing the social work systems of meaning. This conceptualization formed the basis of a cross-sectional study of students at the beginning, middle, and end of social work education. The comparison showed that graduating students used a repertoire of more abstract social work constructs. They also showed an understanding of social work and its role in the world consistent with that articulated by the department in which they completed their professional education. However, a disjuncture was noted between the graduates' understanding of social work and its role in the world (social change) and the constructs they used to understand situations encountered by social workers. Possible reasons for this disjuncture are suggested. 相似文献
我国高校心理健康教育的发展历史表明,心理健康教育是高校德育在新形势下提高实效性、实现创新性的一个重要抓手.当前研究重点已转到创建心理健康教育模式的探讨上.本文提出了心理健康教育的全面性、发展性,以促进高校的德育创新和实践探索. 相似文献
Cath Holmström 《Social Work Education》2014,33(4):451-468
This article considers the importance of an explicit focus upon the ‘character’ of social work applicants and students in debates regarding suitability for professional education and practice. Drawing upon the growing body of literature concerning gate-keeping decisions and the literature exploring the relevance of virtue ethics for social work, this article examines the benefits of an approach that foregrounds the assessment and development of moral character. The discussion is located within the context of the most recent reforms to social work education within England, whilst recognising the international relevance of these debates. It is argued that incorporating an approach informed by virtue ethics has the potential to bridge traditional fault-lines within selection debates that have focused upon the tensions between a widening access perspective and a focus upon academic ability. Crucially, this article examines the curriculum and pedagogic issues arising from a commitment to provide opportunities to develop moral character and virtue. The article argues that a dual focus upon selection and pedagogic issues, with an explicit focus upon character throughout, is critical to the development of wise, effective and virtuous social workers who are able to exercise sound judgment and wisdom across a range of practice contexts. 相似文献
近年来,企业舞弊事件频传,使得企业管理者道德认知水平成为人们热议的焦点,商科学生未来将成为企业的管理者,他们的道德认知水平对企业诚信影响很大。本研究以问卷方式调查上海某高校商科学生和社会工作专业学生是否因主修课程不同,其道德认知水平有所不同。结果显示商科课程对道德认知水平提升有限,未来我国商科教育应加强商业伦理课程的教学。 相似文献