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工程项目的进度计划管理在项目管理中有着非常重要的地位,一个完善的工程项目进度计划是一个工程项目成功的关键因素之一。因此,对工程项目管理中的进度计划进行研究分析是非常重要的。文章对工程项目进度计划的编制、优化以及控制进行了分析和研究,对工程项目进度计划管理有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

随着竞争的日益加剧,企业为了保证生存严格控制运营成本,因此不会随意增加员工数量,但同时又面临承接时间紧、工作量大的项目任务。为了满足客户要求,此类项目管理经常出现关键资源、特殊资源冲突的现象,这通常会导致前一个项目的失败或严重损失。 本论文以降低关键资源对项目的依赖程度为核心,以资源约束理论为制定项目计划的理论基础,经过仔细的分析、研究以及“中等职业学校学生信息管理系统”的案例实践,探索出一系列有效方法用于减少或防止资源冲突对项目的不利影响。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了电力工程进度计划的概念和编制方法,分析了电力工程进度的关键点,并提出相关管理方案。  相似文献   

PERT和CPM既是一种编制计划的方法,又是一种科学的管理方法。本文通过汽车库的施工进度计划实例分析,探讨如何才能缩短工期、降低消耗、达到提高效率的目的。  相似文献   

东电生产项目管理方式围绕着组织机构的建立、通过对项目产品的物理结构和工艺过程分析而进行时间估计和活动排序、执行过程中的跟踪、协调、督促、奖罚等一系列方法和步骤来实现项目生产的进度管理与控制,达到按期产出的目的。  相似文献   

一、高度重视工程项目施工准备工程项目施工准备是施工生产的重要组成部分,是对工程目标,资源供应和施工方案的选择,及其空间布置和时间排列等诸方面的统筹安排,是土建施工和设备安装得以顺利进行的根本保证。因此,认真做好施工前的技术  相似文献   

电力市场竞争激烈,各电力企业狠抓项目管理,以保证企业的信誉和效益。”改为“随着企业管理逐步规范,对工程项目管理提出更高要求,如何利用项目管理的理念组织好工程项目的实施变得日益重要。本文对进度计划的概念和编制方法进行了介绍,并总结了输变电工程项目进度计划的关键点,期望为榆变电工程项目的进度计划提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

刘迎 《经营管理者》2012,(16):209-210
<正>越南化学工业公司海防33万吨/年DAP项目是越南国内第一座DAP项目,包括年产40万吨硫酸装置、年产15万吨磷酸装置、年产33万吨磷酸二铵装置、年产3600吨氟硅酸钠装置和一座电站设备各一套。2005年开始建设,2009年完工投产,2011年获化学工业境外优质工程奖。我有幸作为控制经理参与了这个项目的全过程的管理工作。  相似文献   

在当前众多的项目管理软件中,Microsoft Project软件具有突出的优点。文章介绍了Project软件及其主要管理功能,探讨了其在项目进度管理方面的具体应用。  相似文献   

李猛 《管理科学文摘》2012,(15):242-242
文章分析了电力工程项目的进度控制方式,提出了项目事前控制、过程控制和事后控制的要点,并就电力项目的进度纠偏及优化提出措施。  相似文献   

A new approach for transforming MRP orders, planned periodically, e.g. on a weekly base, into a detailed sequence of jobs is presented. In this model for a single machine environment, the jobs are partitioned into families and a family specific set-up time is required at the start of each period and of each batch, where a batch is a maximal set of jobs in the same family, that are processed consecutively. An integer program is formulated for both the problem of minimizing the number of overloaded periods and the problem of minimizing the total overtime. These programs generate benchmark results for the heuristic approach. A heuristic model is developed that constructs a schedule in which overloaded periods are relieved and set-up time is saved. In this approach, the job sequence is constructed by repeatedly solving a knapsack problem. The weights used in this knapsack problem relate to the preferred priorities of the jobs not yet scheduled and determine the quality of the final sequence. The different features of the heuristic model are compared using a large set of test problems. The results show that the quality of the final sequence depends on an appropriate choice for the weights.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years there has been a growing need to improve integration between business planning and R & D activities. One reason for this has been a decrease in the returns on R & D investments. An understanding of the relationship between demand and technological innovation is needed to achieve this integration. The planning approach will be very different depending on whether the company's business is based on ‘technology-push’ or ‘demand-pull’, and whether planning is controlled by the R & D or the marketing function.  相似文献   

本文讨论了企业改革的特点,将其视为一个项目.并用项目管理的观点分析改革项目的生命周期各阶段的特征,提出了相应的项目管理的方法和手段.  相似文献   

Engineers are making the transition from technical specialty to technical management very early in their careers. This transition is gaining an ever increasing importance as the rapidly changing technologies, the severe resource constraints and the strong pressures for high productivity bring engineering and the management of engineering into a sharply focused limelight.As engineers prepare for this transition, they feel the need for a special type of training to provide them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes for their new roles. Engineering education gives them the tools, techniques and concepts for rational decision making in their technical specialties, but does not prepare them to extend their training into the management area. To bridge this gap, universities are now offering formal educational programs designed for engineers and scientists moving into technical management positions while maintaining their background identity. These are rigorous programs blending mathematical approaches, behavioral considerations, organizational concepts and decision-making methodologies in a delicate balance. The strong demand for the Engineering Management programs is evident in the rapid growth pattern followed by these programs. This growth has been particularly visible since the mid-1970s, and shows no sign of a slow-down.This paper is based on a study of the graduate programs in Engineering Management offered throughout the world. It is a comparative analysis of program characteristics, students, faculty and curricula.  相似文献   

Project scheduling, risk analysis and project tracking are key parameters to a project's success or failure. Research on the relative sensitivity of project activities during the project scheduling phase as well as research on project performance measurement during project progress have been published throughout the academic literature and the popular press. Obviously, the interest in activity sensitivity information and project performance measurement from both the academics and the practitioners lies in the need to focus a project manager's attention on those activities that influence the performance of the project. When management has knowledge about the current project performance and has a certain feeling of the relative sensitivity of the various project activities on the project objective, a better management focus and a more accurate response during project tracking should positively contribute to the overall performance of the project.  相似文献   

工期和费用是影响IT服务外包项目成败的两个重要因素,且两者之间呈负相关的关系。在IT服务外包项目执行前,发包方与接包方需要就项目的工期和费用达成一致。通常,发包方并不完全了解外包项目的市场行情,在这种情况下,就需要一种有效的方式使发包方和接包方之间就工期和费用达成一致。本文设计了改进的英氏逆拍卖机制,针对一对多的情况设计了新的拍卖协议;针对工期和费用的多属性情况,引入多属性效用理论解决,设计了相应的效用增加函数。最后通过一个算例来演示所设计的拍卖机制对解决此类决策问题的作用。得出一些结论:所设计机制能够以拍卖方式描述费用和工期管理流程;找到了发包方和接包方的最佳增量效用,并且建议的拍卖协议是发包方和接包方获得双赢结果的机制;从不同大小的案例中可以得到完全一致的结果,这表明设计的拍卖机制的有效性和效用增加函数对协商结果的有效性。  相似文献   

ERP项目的实施很难,而负责一个跨地域的ERP项目就更难。这需要项目经理具有项目管理经验的同时,还应该采用一些先进的项目管理工具以及高效的项目沟通手段解决跨地域带来的项目沟通问题。本文介绍了Project 2003以及远程控制软件Radmin在项目管理上的应用实例,对同类项目的管理控制有一定的启发和帮助。  相似文献   

近年来中国建筑业发展很快,但建筑施工企业却面临强大的竞争压力。本文着重讨论了建筑施工企业进行项目管理业务拓展的必要性、可行性以及运作时应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to increase the probability of identifying venture ideas with commercial potential. To accomplish that objective, we test competing search theories. Historically, the commonly accepted approach to discovery has been alertness, a state of heightened awareness during which one engages in boundaryless search. An emerging approach is constrained, systematic search, which is the application of rigorous search techniques within domains where an entrepreneur is most knowledgeable. We conduct an experiment in which we randomly assign 60 information technology professionals into 2 groups to evaluate these competing search theories. The findings suggest that systematic search is superior to alertness in discovering commercially viable innovations. We also found that systematic search may have pedagogical promise.  相似文献   

In spite of the frequent calls for a much more integrated approach, the field of management still faces the ever continuing challenges in attempting to bridge the gap between academic research and managerial actions and practices. The field of strategic alliances and firms’ networks are those among which research and practice are more diverging. Trying to cover this separation, the article presents an empirical research on automotive industry that investigates the effects on innovation performance of the position that firms occupy in the network of alliances. The hypothesis that guides this research is that innovation is generated not only from the resources that a company is able to develop internally, but also through access to resources and capabilities owned by the external companies and organizations that the firm itself is tied to through alliances and cooperation agreements. Beyond this broad argument, the paper links tightly research and practice showing way and how the quality of access to resources owned by partners is influenced by the position occupied in the network of alliances and not only by the existence of single collaborative ties. Assuming a managerial approach which relies on the milestones of network research, different types of positioning in the network of alliances are discussed and tested on their impact on innovation.  相似文献   

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