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终极控制人、金字塔控制与控股股东的"掏空"行为研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘运国  吴小云 《管理学报》2009,6(12):1661-1669
以我国上市公司2004~2007年相关数据为基础,从终极控制人的股权属性、金字塔控制结构、控制权和现金流权的分离3个维度对上市公司纵向股权结构与控股股东的“掏空”行为进行了实证研究。结果发现:中央政府控制的上市公司被控股股东“掏空”的总程度最小,地方政府和自然人控制的上市公司被控股股东“掏空”的总程度没有显著差异;政府控制的控股股东更多地通过生产性经营来“掏空”上市公司,自然人控制的股东则更多地通过非经营性方式来“掏空”上市公司;自然人对上市公司的金字塔控制层级越多,控制权和现金流权的分离程度越大,控股股东对上市公司的“掏空”行为越严重;在中央政府控制的上市公司中,金字塔控制层级越少,控制股东的“掏空”行为越严重,控制权和现金流权有分离的上市公司被控股股东占用的资金高于控制权和现金流权没有分离的公司。  相似文献   

国有企业股份制改造与公司控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国有企业进行股份制改造并上市发行股票是我国改造国有大中型企业的重要途径,我们将国有企业股份制改造分为四种模式,并考察了改制模式、控股股东控制上市公司程度及其经济后果的关系。通过分析1997-2000年我国285个国有企业首次公开发行后三年的数据,我们发现改制模式的不同深刻地影响控股股东对控制程度的选择,非完整改造公司的控股股东选择控制程度高的模式的概率较高。另外,我们还发现控股股东对于上市公司控制程度越高,控股股东占用上市公司资金及与上市公司关联交易的程度越严重,但是,很大程度上,控制程度对于资金占用与关联交易的影响来自于改制模式的不同,也就是改制模式不同深刻地影响上市公司的治理结构,并进而影响了关联交易程度和控股股东对于上市公司利益的侵占。本文的研究结论所蕴含的启示是,很大程度上,控股股东控制上市公司的动机来源于上市前国有企业的不彻底改造,并且这种不彻底的改造方式已经对公司治理效率产生严重的不良影响。  相似文献   

我国上市公司多元化经营的决定因素研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文从主观动机和客观条件两个方面,对我国上市公司的多元化决定因素进行了实证检验。研究结果表明,我国上市公司是否多元化以及多元化的程度受多种因素影响。就主观动机而言,传统认为的多元化经营的经济理性动机、组织理性动机以及个人理性动机,也不同程度地影响着我国上市公司进行多元化经营模式的选择。但相比较而言,我国上市公司的多元化经营模式的选择,更多的是基于组织理性动机(降低公司风险)和个人理性动机(公司高管出于利己动机的考虑)。同时,在客观条件方面,公司规模、股权结构、公司上市的时间长短以及公司所处的行业等因素也对上市公司多元化及其程度产生显著影响。  相似文献   

采用2010-2019年中国A股上市公司样本数据,研究发现控股股东股权质押会增加公司战略激进度。进一步研究发现,当上市公司两职合一和控股股东持股比例较高时,控股股东股权质押与公司战略激进度的关系会更显著。再者,研究发现控制权维护条件下激进的战略调整会相应增加公司的真实盈余管理操纵程度。最后,基于综合评估经济后果的视角,研究发现控股股东股权质押情形下,公司激进的战略调整并不利于公司的未来价值提升。  相似文献   

以上市公司作为行为主体的股票增发和以控股股东作为行为主体的掏空与支持行为之间是否存在相关关系,是一个值得关注的话题。本文选取2004-2008年间中国民营上市公司作为研究样本,对增发前后上市公司业绩变化、控股股东掏空与支持行为变化以及上市公司业绩变化与控股股东行为变化之间的关系进行分析。研究发现,控股股东的支持与掏空行为和上市公司实施增发行为之间存在着紧密联系,控股股东会倾向于在增发之前运用支持手段促进上市公司增发得以顺利实施,而在增发成功之后倾向于实施掏空行为,并且控股股东的这种支持与掏空行为对上市公司业绩有着显著影响。本文的研究丰富了控股股东掏空和支持行为与上市公司业绩之间关系的文献,并从上市公司增发的角度对掏空与支持行为并存的现象给出了解释。  相似文献   

以 2002 年~2003 年间中国上市公司为研究样本,从控股股东无偿占用上市公司资金的角度,详细考察了金字塔股权结构下控股股东的控制权、现金流量权以及二者的分离程度对其掠夺动机和行为的影响.研究发现,随着控股股东控制权增加而形成的壕沟防御效应加剧了其对中小投资者的利益侵害行为,随着现金流量权增加而形成的利益协同效应削弱了其攫取私利的动机,并且由金字塔股权结构引发的两权分离加剧了控股股东的掏空行为.进一步的研究表明,严厉、高效运转的税收体制提高了内部人掠夺行为的风险和成本,对控股股东的越权和违规行为形成有效的防范和制约.  相似文献   

本文借鉴LLSv的掏空模型,模型化推导了控股股东对上市公司的隐蔽掏空模式,建立了控股股东持股比例与掏空程度的分段函数关系.以2004年我国沪深A股上市公司对子公司担保的386起事件为样本,并把样本分为过度担保组和适度担保组,运用事件研究法进行实证检验.发现过度担保样本组累计超额收益率显著为负,而适度担保组的市场反应为正但不显著,由此推测过度担保的上市公司具有向控股股东输送利益的倾向.多元回归结果表明,对于第一大股东持股比例和国家持股比例的回归系数而言,60%均是其有效的临界点.当大股东持股比例低于60%时,大股东存在通过上市公司对子公司担保的方式掏空上市公司的现象,但回归系数不显著;当持股比例高于60%时,则产生了显著的利益协调效应.能有效地抑制掏空.通过分类变量和股权临界变量的多种组合,回归发现,国有性质的上市公司被控股股东掏空程度更高;与第一大股东持股比例变量相比.国家持股比例变量的股权临界值对CAR的影响更加显著.  相似文献   

本文运用中国2004-2007年有关并购后所有权转移的191家上市公司数据检验2006年我国公司法调整及股权分置改革后,对上市公司中小股东投资者的法律保护是否加强.结果发现,并购后控股股东掏空动机整体较之前有所降低,对中小投资者的保护较之前有所加强;同时,控制权与现金流权分离程度的敏感性大于前期.敏感性增加意味着控股股东在对与掏空行为密切相关的两权分离程度的关注程度、伺机抉择性更强;掏空的方式、方法、手段将更具隐秘性、多样性.股权分置改革完成不能由此结束由两权分离所带来的掏空行为;在海外的一些发达或新兴市场的上市公司不存在股权分置问题,但同样存在类似行为.由此,投资者的法律保护任重而道远.  相似文献   

本文以我国2000至2005年期间A股上市公司为研究对象,探讨在政府控制的特殊经济环境下,股权安排对会计盈余质量的影响,试图从会计契约角度对公司治理有效性做出新的诠析。本研究发现,控股股东对盈余质量的影响是非线性的,而第二大股东则对控股股东的壕沟防御效应起到有效的遏制作用。研究还发现,在政府行政干预力度加大和内部人利益侵害行为加剧的双重推动下,国有上市公司财务报告质量将进一步被降低。  相似文献   

民营上市公司控制类型、多元化经营与企业绩效   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文将2006年度民营上市公司分为直接上市和间接上市两种类型,考察了所有权与控制权分离程度、多元化经营与企业绩效之间的关系。发现间接上市民营公司所有权与控制权分离程度、多元化经营程度均显著高于直接上市民营公司。多元回归结果表明,直接上市民营公司最终控制人金字塔持股和多元化经营对企业绩效没有显著影响;而间接上市民营公司最终控制人所有权与控制权分离程度和多元化程度越高,企业绩效越低,说明代理问题在此类公司比较突出。所有权与控制权分离程度和多元化指标的交互关系也为此提供了进一步的证据。本文的贡献在于对民营上市公司进行了更为细致的分类,并从动机和行为两方面考察了其所导致的经济后果。研究增进了对我国民营上市公司的认识,对理解民营上市公司控制类型以及多元化经营也提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

杨坤  肖淑玉 《管理学报》2011,8(4):539-543
以57家中国服务企业为样本,通过均值比较和回归分析研究了信息不对称同服务型企业多元化程度,以及多元化程度与服务型企业绩效之间的关系。研究发现,在服务企业中,经验服务业的多元化程度高于搜索服务业的多元化程度;服务企业的经营绩效与多元化程度呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of ownership on product and international diversification. While ownership concentration has received considerable attention from agency theorists we argue that a more nuanced analysis is necessary. We consider how the identity of owners moderates the impact of ownership concentration on diversification strategies. We develop a framework that explains how the combination of different motivations, resources and capabilities associated with different types of owners results in significantly variable relationships between ownership concentration and both product and international diversification. From a theoretical perspective this suggests a social contextualization and extension of the agency theoretic approach that characterizes the field. Based on a study of 222 European firms between 1994 and 2007 we show that family ownership concentration has a positive impact on product and a negative impact on international diversification while the impact of institutional and state ownership concentration is negative on product diversification and positive on international diversification compared with family ownership. This is the first study to provide a comprehensive framework explaining how ownership concentration and identity interact and affect both international and product diversification.  相似文献   

Technological diversification has been linked to a wide range of phenomena, including financial performance, innovation, product diversification and inter‐organizational relationships. This is the first systematic review of this literature and provides an overview of its historical development and conceptual foundations. It finds that the role of contingency factors impacting the positive relationship between technological diversification and financial performance needs further exploration. Also, it finds that the research on the links between technological diversification and inter‐organizational relationships requires consolidation. This paper suggests three avenues for further research. First, it sets out an agenda for identifying the antecedents of technological diversification. Second, it identifies contextual factors that could shape the relationship between technological diversification and performance. Third, it argues that technological diversification research must engage with contemporary technological and organizational developments such as digital organizations, open boundaries and networks.  相似文献   

 企业集团作为商业银行的重要客户,其内部信用风险传递机制的仿真与预测研究对于商业银行的风险控制尤其重要。而传统的仿真方法或者没有考虑到企业集团其本身的结构特性,或者过分依赖于具体随机过程的假定,大大降低了其结论的可靠性。因此,本文引入在生物与计算机领域广泛使用的元胞模型对企业集团内部关联信用风险传递机制进行仿真与模拟。研究发现,企业集团中的信用风险传递会出现风险分散和风险扩大两种不同的效应,并且母公司可以选择对各子公司的最优控制度使得母公司的违约概率最低。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether free cash flow arguments or the internal capital market perspective better explains diversification decisions. Based on a unique panel of hand-collected data from listed and unlisted Italian firms for the 1980–2010 time period, the results of this study generally reveal the predominant role of the internal capital market arguments. The benefits of unrelated diversification, which include the avoidance of costly external financing, outweigh its costs, which involve opportunistic problems. Although the literature suggests two distinct forces concurrently affect diversification decisions, in the Italian context, financial benefits appear to be the prevailing motivation for unrelated diversification decisions. Furthermore, the internal capital market argument has a strong effect on decisions to engage in unrelated diversification, particularly with respect to firms that are sensitive to financial constraints.  相似文献   

The risk implications of product diversification have received considerable attention from scholars. However, our understanding of the effects of geographic diversification on risk is more limited. Relying on resource-based theory to frame our arguments, we argue that despite some similarities, the two types of diversification have differing effects on firm risk. We first establish the risk reducing effects for product diversification. We then integrate the unique aspects of geographic diversification that serve as a boundary condition to the RBV perspective, arguing for the risk increasing effects of geographic diversification. Finally, since many firms pursue both forms of diversification simultaneously, we explore the joint effects of both product and geographic diversification. We test our hypotheses in a longitudinal model on a sample of S&P 500 firms. Our findings suggest that total product diversification, as well as related diversification reduce risk, while total geographic diversification increases risk. Furthermore, our data provide evidence of a complex combination of joint effects of these two forms of diversification. These findings offer a more complete understanding of the risk effects of corporate diversification.  相似文献   

The link between diversification and performance has become an important topic for research in diverse fields such as strategic management, industrial organization and financial management. However, a synthesis of the research done in developed and emerging markets is missing. This paper attempts such a synthesis by comparing and contrasting the past cumulative empirical research evidence on the relationship between diversification and firm performance in the context of developed economies to the more recent work in the emerging economies. The empirical literature has been divided into three broad perspectives, and the paper highlights the considerable diversity in its findings in developed and emerging markets across each of these perspectives. Based on this study, it is proposed that related diversification is preferable in developed economies and should be based on specific resources, whereas unrelated diversification is appropriate in emerging economies and should be based on generic resources. Although agency problems exist in both contexts, it is argued that the type of problem differs in developed and emerging markets. The paper concludes by identifying three directions for future research. First, the relationship between diversification and performance should be examined across each industry separately and not in aggregate. Secondly, future research needs to examine the organizational mechanisms required to make diversification successful. Finally, the relationship needs to be examined under unstable and dynamic situations such as the current global economic downturn.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the prestige distance between a new chief executive officer (CEO) and the chairperson of the board (COB) can influence changes in the firm’s level of diversification. We draw on social comparison theory and activity theory to argue that the prestige distance between a CEO and COB alters the interaction and communication between the two leaders, and accordingly influences the firm’s ability to change its diversification posture. We test our hypotheses on a dataset of 135 firms and find that the prestige distance in CEO-COB dyads has a U-shaped relationship with the change in the firm’s level of diversification. Our results reveal that low CEO-COB prestige distance, and to a lesser extent high CEO-COB prestige distance, creates conditions for greater changes in the firm’s level of diversification. Further, we find that this U-shaped relationship is more pronounced when the CEO-COB dyad has greater age differences and flattens when the dyad shares age similarity.  相似文献   

Although it is well established in the current staffing literature that why and how multinational enterprises (MNEs) allocate more or fewer expatriates in some subsidiaries than others, little is known about why and how some MNEs utilize more or fewer expatriates than other MNEs. This paper builds on regionalization theory to argue that intra- and inter-regional diversification has to do with the overall use of expatriates in MNEs. An empirical investigation of Korean MNEs demonstrates that the degree of intra- and inter-regional diversification has significant impacts on the level of expatriate utilization by MNEs. The results also reveal an interesting moderating influence of subsidiary value chain activities. MNEs tend to vigorously adjust their use of expatriates in downstream subsidiaries depending on the degree of intra- and inter-regional diversification. However, they do not adjust their use of expatriates in manufacturing subsidiaries upon the degree of international diversification. Overall, this study extends our understanding of how MNEs manage a geographically dispersed organization in a semi-globalized world.  相似文献   

私营企业的企业家背景、多元化战略与企业业绩   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文运用"高阶理论"考察了私营企业的企业家背景、多元化战略选择以及企业业绩之间的关系.研究发现,与低学历的、年长的、创业前没有"企业负责人"经历的企业家相比,高学历的、年轻的以及创业之前曾担任过"企业负责人"的企业家更倾向于选择多元化战略.研究也发现,高学历、低年龄、"企业负责人"经历与高的销售额、资产额、资产增长率和净资产增长率正相关;多元化战略能够带来更大的资产规模、更高的资产增长率和净资产增长率,但对利润率没有显著的影响.同时,企业家的背景与多元化战略的交互作用同样影响着企业的业绩.创业前有过"企业负责人"经历的企业家采用多元化战略可以带来更好的业绩,而没有这种经历的企业家则会收到负面的效果.有意思的是,高学历和低学历的企业家采用多元化战略都提高了企业的销售额、资产额和净资产增长率,而中等学历的企业家采取多元化战略则带来了相反的效果.本文最后对该现象的可能原因进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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