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创业会经历情绪过山车,创业者的情绪调节是创业成功的关键。然而,现有创业研究对情绪调节的关注较少,碎片化的研究导致情绪调节难以发展为一个有前景的研究领域。本文对创业中情绪调节的研究进行系统梳理发现:从情绪调节内涵来看,研究将情绪调节作为一种结构性的特质或能力而非过程;从情绪调节与创业的关系来看,主要聚焦于特质观或能力观,且两种视角的研究相互割裂,难以建立起创业中情绪调节的整合框架。鉴于此,本文尝试引入过程视角,在对情绪调节进行重新概念化基础上,基于情感事件理论,以情绪调节的过程观为核心,整合特质观和能力观构建创业中的情绪调节过程模型。基于该模型,本文提出情绪调节在创业研究中的前沿主题。  相似文献   

内层网络是孵化平台有效发挥哺育功能、实现赋能目标的核心载体.如何构建并优化内层网络以促进被孵企业更好成长已成为创业孵化的重要议题.本文基于资源与学习双重视角,以我国创业孵化行业头部企业启迪之星为案例对象,通过解构内层网络发展过程中孵化平台资源行动与创业企业学习行为的演化过程,提炼孵化内层网络提升创业绩效的内在机理.研究发现:(1)孵化平台资源行动和创业企业学习行为是孵化内层网络提升创业绩效的重要行为过程.内层网络结构和质量状况是孵化平台资源行动选择的前提条件,依据内层网络发展情境孵化平台采取的资源行动并在此基础上创业企业开展的学习行为是创业绩效提升的关键环节与实现方式.(2)随着内层网络结构及质量的完善,孵化平台资源行动重心呈现"资源构筑—资源编排—资源协奏—资源延拓"的进阶特征,在此过程中,创业企业学习行为重心也适应性地呈现"认知学习—经验学习—实践学习"的进阶特征.(3)在内层网络发展的不同阶段,孵化平台主导资源行动与创业企业主导学习行为之间存在适配关系.在相应的孵化平台资源行动作用下,内层网络资源禀赋和企业创业能力是创业学习行为选择的关键考量.本文拓展了孵化平台内层网络领域关于影响路径与机制的研究,对孵化平台有效利用内层网络提升孵育效率具有参考价值.  相似文献   

基于创业角度解读奇瑞的自主创新策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过回顾奇瑞汽车有限公司从1997年成立至今的艰苦创业历程,从创业研究的视角,基于Timmons创业过程模型,分析了奇瑞在其实施自主创新过程中是如何协调、整合市场机会、创业团队,以及资源等关键要素的。指出,国内企业要成功地实施自主创新策略,应该借鉴成功的创业模式。  相似文献   

创业者所拥有的初始资源基础及其可利用的社会资本对于新企业绩效的重要作用已被广泛证实,但对于二者在创业行动层面的角色尚缺乏深入探索.基于此,本文从关系强度与关系资源的角度考量社会资本,考察了初始资源、关系强度和关系资源与创业行动效率间的关系,以及资源获取匹配度对该作用过程的调节作用.结果显示,在创业过程中,拥有充裕的初始资源,能够利用丰富的社会资本的创业者更易于快速采取创业行动,促进新企业生成.当创业者利用关系资源获取与初始资源相匹配的资源时,关系资源促进创业行动效率的作用更为显著.本文的理论贡献在于深入行动效率挖掘初始资源与社会资本改善创业行动效率的作用机制,从资源匹配的视角剖析社会资本的作用机理,研究发现,社会资本作用的发挥源于其为创业者所提供资源的匹配效果,而非其自身的存量特征,这是解释创业行动效率差异的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

李雷  李倩  刘博 《管理学报》2021,18(5):722-730
立足于合法性溢出视角和组织场域治理视角,提出两组关于分隔机制的竞争性假设,探讨“创业孵化型平台企业在给创业企业共享合法性过程中,如何避免反受其害”。研究表明:分隔机制可以作为一种调节因素,缓解创业企业不愿创新或不端行为对创业孵化型平台企业合法性的破坏,但不能通过直接约束创业企业的意愿或行为,来保护创业孵化型平台企业的合法性。  相似文献   

国际新创企业的国际化发展是一个知识不断获取和积累的过程,外派员工知识的溢出和转移对国际企业知识存量的增加具有重要作用。本文以国际新创企业的知识整合为主线,从创业者的视角,探讨基于创业知识溢出的国际新创企业知识整合机制的理论框架。研究发现:第一,国际新创企业的国际化发展阶段与国际化知识存量共同演化。在海外市场拓展的过程中,外派人员扮演着创业者的角色,其创业知识的高知识位势是促使知识溢出的重要前提。第二,从组织和创业者两个层面来探讨了国际化知识整合的机制。在创业者层面,在无经验知识阶段是通过跨文化创业进行知识转移,短期经验知识阶段通过创业模仿和跨文化创业进行知识转移,而在国际化知识阶段则是通过自主创业和跨文化创业进行知识转移;在组织层面,针对创业者在不同阶段的行为和知识的变化,企业的角色从支持者慢慢向协调者和治理者演化。  相似文献   

彭新敏  刘电光 《管理世界》2021,37(4):180-197
后发企业在技术追赶过程中,既存在显性的技术能力劣势,又面临隐性的市场认知劣势,因此在构建技术能力之外还需通过改变市场认知才能突破追赶困境,然而现有研究尚未将市场认知作为独立的理论视角,且市场认知演化的关键过程及其内在机制仍未被充分揭示。本文通过对海天在注塑机领域实现赶超的案例研究,探究了后发企业在技术追赶过程中市场认知的演化过程及其机制。研究发现:(1)后发企业在"追赶—超越追赶—行业前沿"3个阶段中,市场认知相应地经历了"合法化身份—差异化形象—引领性地位"的连续演化过程。(2)在此过程中,模拟机制、转换机制和塑造机制依次发挥了重要作用。其中,后发企业通过由类比行动和获取外部资源构成的模拟机制,获得了市场合法化身份;通过由疏离行动和重组内部价值构成的转化机制,取得了市场差异化形象;通过由分化行动和重构未来方向构成的塑造机制,实现了市场引领性地位。据此,本文提出一个在技术追赶动态情境下市场认知演化的阶段式过程理论模型,明确了市场认知演化的前因、机制和结果,为后发企业克服市场认知劣势,最终摆脱技术追赶困境提供了管理启示。  相似文献   

作为平台生态系统一类特殊参与主体,价值支持型企业通过进行大量平台专属性投资以“借势成长”,但企业的发展与壮大也极可能引发“与平台主关系断裂”的危机,亟须通过再创业来维持其生存和发展。然而,价值支持型企业所面临的“现存资源的平台专属性”及“协同伙伴的平台锁定性”两大再创业困境,挑战了传统情境下对于企业再创业的分析思路。本文以蘑菇街为样本对象,通过分析其在与淘宝平台关系断裂后8年间的关键战略行动,发现价值支持型企业再创业的关键在于降低协同价值型资源专属性、构建并提高独立价值型资源差异性,具体通过“资源置换—资源筛选—资源拓展”的一系列资源编排行动予以实现,而且再创业过程中呈现的“身份脱离—身份塑造—身份强化”是价值支持型企业采取不同资源编排行动的核心动因。由此,本文构建起平台关系断裂情境下价值支持型企业基于“身份需求导向—资源编排行动—价值活动目标”逻辑链条的再创业过程模型,以期对平台生态参与者异质性、生态参与者战略等研究领域有所贡献,为高度嵌入特定平台的参与者群体提供应对“大树下不长草”困境的指导。  相似文献   

本文从“职业流动”视角关注CEO群体一种被忽视的先前经验——先前创业经验,并探讨其对CEO随后战略决策的影响。基于组织烙印理论,本文认为CEO先前创业过程中所经历的强资源约束情境,影响了其信息处理机制,使其偏好新颖的资源配置决策。个体的信息处理机制会在持续接触可靠信息后发生改变,基于此,本文进一步引出CEO行业经验及政府政策导向这两个可能影响烙印衰减及加强的机制,探讨其对CEO先前创业经验影响战略决策的边界条件。研究以2009-2018年中国创业板三个行业企业为样本,对上述观点检验后发现:CEO先前创业次数越多,其所在企业资源配置方式越新颖;CEO在现任企业所处行业的工作经验弱化了主效应关系,而政府鼓励创新创业活动的政策导向则强化了主效应关系。本文识别了中国情境下既有企业与创业企业通过个体职业流动而产生的互动现象,并通过既有企业战略决策阐释了创业烙印的内涵,推进了蓬勃发展的职业流动视角下的创业研究。本文为创业者的职业生涯管理、既有企业的雇佣政策提供实践启示。  相似文献   

现有基于西方视角的社会企业研究普遍将社会和经济双重目标看作二律背反的悖论,强调二者的冲突性,忽略了可能的协同作用,不仅造成研究路径的多重分化,也直接导致现实中社会企业合法性获得的困难。为弥补上述不足,本文基于东方阴阳平衡观,利用2017年中国社会企业专项调查的数据,探讨了组织理念混合性对于使命偏离的影响,实证结果表明:(1)组织理念混合性能够显著抑制社会企业使命偏离的发生;(2)治理结构完备性和商业模式分化程度分别加强和减弱了上述关系。本文试图在中西方研究视角比较与对话中揭示东方管理哲学在社会创业领域的巨大潜力,是社会创业本土化研究的尝试,拓展了阴阳平衡观在新的组织管理领域的应用,丰富了社会企业治理的相关研究。  相似文献   

A review of the literature on organizational culture change suggests that the field might benefit from studies combining both etic (researcher) and emic (employee) perspectives to examine individuals’ views regarding how and why their culture has changed. This paper seeks to deepen researchers’ knowledge of how individuals perceive organizational culture change by undertaking a two‐part study within an organization that has undergone planned cultural change initiatives. More specifically survey (i.e. etic view) data and interview (i.e. emic view) data are used to explore: (1) factors associated with (a) whether an individual will perceive that culture change has occurred, and (b) whether they categorize this change as for the better, for the worse or one that could not be categorized using these two labels; and (2) individuals’ rationales for why the culture has changed. The findings are mixed regarding the extent to which they support or refute existing research on organizational culture change.  相似文献   

When and how do existential crises, threatening business continuity, stimulate organizational change or cause the opposite—rigid preservation of established business practices? This question remains unresolved, despite three decades of deliberations in the academic literature, which still yields contradicting theoretical arguments and empirical results. One view argues and finds support for the hypothesis that posits an amplified propensity to change within threatened organizations. The other view supports the threat-rigidity thesis, implying reinforcing habitual practices. In this paper, we provide a novel holistic typology of organizational crises and then review the literature on the topic, summarizing existing insights within a theoretical framework comprising three interrelated sequential processes: organizational cognition, decision-making, and implementation. We analyze the gaps in the field's knowledge within each process and propose a research agenda to address these voids.  相似文献   

Although the effects of many environmental and contextual variables on organizational structure have been studied extensively, the relationships of these variables among themselves and with organizational structure remain largely inconclusive. Based on the information-processing (IP) view of organization, this study builds and tests an integrated model to investigate the factors that are likely to be associated with an organization's information intensity. The model includes two organizational contextual variables: competitive pressure and organizational innovativeness, two IP-related variables: information intensity and information technology (IT) importance, and two dimensions of organizational structure: centralization and formalization. Based on data collected in Taiwan, the results show the significant role of information intensity in mediating the effects of competitive pressure and innovativeness on IT importance and structures, thus lending strong support to the IP view of organization.  相似文献   

What motivates religious nonprofit health care providers? This paper uses a change in financing of nonprofit health care providers in Uganda to test two theories of organizational behavior. We show that financial aid leads to more laboratory testing, lower user charges, and increased utilization. These findings are consistent with the view that religious nonprofit providers are intrinsically motivated to serve (poor) people and that these preferences matter quantitatively. (JEL: L31, I11 O15)  相似文献   

Using the act frequency approach we developed and operationalized two constructs: perceived organizational readiness for change and perceived organizational unreadiness for change. Using a sample drawn from five Canadian public sector organizations, it was found that perceived readiness for change can be conceptualized with three sub-constructs: commitment of senior managers to the change, competence of change agents, and support of the immediate manager. Perceived unreadiness for change had two sub-constructs: poor communication of change and adverse impact of change on work. Using structural equation modelling techniques, the measurement scales of all these constructs were tested for reliability and validity using job stress and perceived organizational support as outcome variables.  相似文献   

樊耘  张翼  杨照鹏 《管理学报》2009,6(7):910-917
在回顾相关研究文献的基础上建立了假设的理论模型,并以高级管理人员培训班学员为研究对象进行了实证分析,得出有关具有审慎普适性的结论:组织文化友好性的价值层面、事实层面,以及二者之间差异分别对组织变革中员工的认知反应有正面影响;事实层面的文化友好性对组织变革中员工的行为反应具有较强的正面影响,价值层面的影响则不显著,而二者之间差异则对其具有负面影响.研究结果为组织变革中员工的态度提供了组织文化方面的解释,对于指导变革实践具有较好的参考价值.  相似文献   

基于知识创新的企业成长内在机理模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识创新推动组织演化与变革。根据知识创新来源,推动企业成长不外乎存在两种动力:一是组织内部知识的推动力;二是组织外部知识驱动力。企业成长是一个开放的知识创新系统行为,本文首先运用组织知识演化模型分析了企业成长的非线性特征和影响机制;在此基础上,构建系统模型探索了知识创新背景下的企业成长内在机理,并借助于组织学习和知识共享,运用算例进行了分析和验证。  相似文献   

In this chapter, we put forth the premise that people's motivated tendency to justify and defend their external systems has important, and largely unexplored, implications for the field of organizational behavior. Drawing on recent theoretical and empirical work emerging from System Justification Theory (Jost & Banaji, 1994), we propose that people's desire to view prevailing structural arrangements in a positive light may uniquely contribute to our understanding of the psychology of people in organizational settings. We begin by specifically highlighting System Justification Theory's implications for: organizational change, employee citizenship behaviors, and integration of a diverse workforce. We then review empirical work on the situations in which people's system-justification motive is likely to be particularly pronounced and discuss how these situations may manifest in organizational contexts. Following this, we describe several streams of research on the consequences of the system-justification motive, with a focus on the implications of these findings for organizational members’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in the workplace.  相似文献   

Most conceptualizations of organizational learning are generally underpinned by some notion of unitarism. Theories typically assume shared visions, values, conceptions or identities. This paper, however, considers the dilemmas faced in organizations where identities and visions are not shared, and where conceptions and ideologies are diverse and possibly in conflict. Such organizations, here called hypocrisies, are characterized by divergent norms and stakeholder identities. Seeing learning as changes in shared conceptions between actors at different levels, a case is presented of change in a multi–norm white–collar trade union. This shows the difficulty of promoting unitaristically conceived notions of organizational learning from the centre and that learning is problematic where power is dispersed within the organization. This challenges the view that learning organizations can be associated with empowerment. The paper concludes by arguing for the setting–aside of unitaristic assumptions of organizational learning and, instead, conceiving interventions in terms of local learning arenas for democratic dialogue in a context of organizational diversity.  相似文献   

Operations Management (OM) research on organizational culture has to change to be able to inform practice. Currently, organizational culture research in OM is largely confined to narrow topical and methodological niches and culture is most frequently used as an explanatory variable in quantitative, survey‐based research. We argue that the relegation of culture to this niche is due to self‐imposed methodological blinders that hobble the OM field. We then present four research imperatives to reinvigorate organizational culture research within our field. We urge OM scholars to view culture as a dynamic concept that can be influenced, to adopt alternative methods, to use non‐traditional data sources, and to rethink assumptions about dependent variables. We also identify gaps in the current knowledge and new research questions for the OM domain. We conclude that the field of OM could greatly expand its understanding of organizational culture and in so doing greatly improve business practice, but that to do so will require a change in the culture of the operations management research community.  相似文献   

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