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林宏  岳凌云 《城市》2010,(10):20-22
近年来,在经济迅速发展的同时,杭州的资源和生态环境透支也越来越严重,特别是土地、水、能源和环境容量等已成为制约经济社会发展的系列瓶颈:目前,杭州人均耕地面积只有0.46亩(306.7平方米),未来需求满足率不N50%;人均水资源占有量仅为世界平均水平的1/4,未来保证率不到1/2;一次性能源几乎全部进口,未来缺口不断扩大;化学需氧量、二氧化硫、一次颗粒物、氨氮和氮氧化物等减排任务艰巨,环境容量进一步下降。  相似文献   

大学生服务新农村机制思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳燕 《职业时空》2007,3(9):16-17


The risk of child sexual exploitation is a growing concern, both within community and child care settings. Within community services working with vulnerable young people, the risks of exploitation are pervasive and present a constant management problem for professionals. This makes the need for focused educational interventions within such settings all the more vital. This case study aims to describe the assessment, formulation, intervention, and outcomes of a young female considered to be at risk of sexual exploitation. It was hypothesised that, after completion of a psychoeducational group designed to enhance knowledge and skills around child sexual exploitation, positive outcomes would be seen in psychometric assessment, risk-taking behavior, and risk awareness. Results demonstrated no clinically significant change for measures of impulsivity, resourcefulness, or self-reported difficulties. A significant increase was seen for self-reported self-esteem, and all outcomes revealed a positive direction of change. Observational accounts of behavioral and attitudinal change produced more positive results, revealing an increase in prosocial behaviors and a reduction in risk-taking behaviors. Outcomes are discussed in relation to the individual’s history and the residential care environment. Implications for future research and practice are outlined, and the study limitations are considered.  相似文献   

As demographic shifts make the Social Security program financially vulnerable, the responsibility for income security in old age will shift from the government to elderly people. In this changing environment, the accumulation of wealth will be a crucial issue because wealth holders can draw income from assets, which can supplement retirement income. Thus, wealth (or net worth) is a proximate indicator of economic well-being of the elderly. This article presents the findings of a study of the net worth of elderly people with disabilities. The major findings were that a smaller proportion of elderly people with disabilities has assets of any type compared with elderly people with no disability; the dollar value of each type of asset is smaller among elderly people with disabilities than among elderly people with no disability; and the net worth of people with disabilities is smaller than that of elderly people with no disability even after other variables were controlled.  相似文献   

树品牌、创名牌是人们在市场竞争条件下逐渐形成的共识,人们希望通过品牌对产品、企业加以区别;通过品牌形成品牌追随;通过品牌扩展市场,品牌的创立、名牌的形成正好能帮助企业实现上述目的,成为企业有力的竞争武器。那么品牌究竟是什么呢?  相似文献   

区域一体化视角下天津市高速公路网发展需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原涛  杨夫军  梅荣利 《城市》2008,(8):38-42
京津冀与珠三角、长三角是全国城镇体系规划中的三大城镇群。就目前发展态势来看.京津冀区域在经济发展水平、一体化进程上与长三角、珠三角还有一定的差距,这与以往京津冀三省市在经济发展上各自为政、互为对手的发展思路有很大的关系。在珠三角、长三角区域内部相互协调、优势互补,实现区域经济整体快速发展示范作用带动影响下。  相似文献   

浅谈"飞地经济"中"飞地"的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘姿含 《城市》2010,(8):59-61
“飞地经济”是指发达地区与欠发达地区双方政府打破行政区划限制,把“飞出地”方的资金和项目放到行政上互不隶属的“飞人地”方的工业基地,通过规划、建设、管理和税收分配等合作机制,实现互利共赢的持续或跨越发展的经济模式。  相似文献   

据报载,上世纪70、80年代留下无数老上海人爱情印记的“情人墙”,有望在今天重返外滩。果真如此,或许是上海的一大幸事,不仅年轻人可以重温父辈的浪漫情境,而且也可能为这个城市增添一点新的文化元素。像这种具有浓郁海派味道的文化元素,时下已是非常难得了。如今,一些游客到了上海往往不无遗憾,不知道海派文化的特色究竟在哪  相似文献   

The recent move to revitalize social democracy in the UK under the New Labour government, explored by Giddens as 'the Third Way', embraces many of Etzioni's ideas on communitarianism. The principles that emerge from these political philosophies, such as the involvement of local communities in policy consultations and implementation, have largely been welcomed as a reflection of the aim of revitalizing civic society in the context of a range of social policies. It is argued, however, that for children, contrary to this general trend, many of these policies represent attempts to increase the social control of children. Their effect has been to restrict children's agency and their rights, rather than to increase their participation as citizens, and thus,in spite of the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children continue to be marginalized.  相似文献   

Under Connecticut's recently implemented public/private partnership to finance long-term care, individuals will no longer need to impoverish themselves in order to receive Medicaid assistance. To encourage those people who can afford to buy a private long-term care insurance policy to do so, the state promises to shield one dollar in assets from Medicaid "spend-down" rules for every dollar a private policy pays out for Medicaid-covered services. This article describes the Partnership, shows how dwindling resources and budget constraints affected the development of this model, and then contrasts Connecticut's experience with that of other states and describes what can be learned from this demonstration.  相似文献   

通过对14名青年进行深度访谈分析发现,基于LBS功能的移动社交新媒体对当代青年的性行为产生了认知层面的影响,并在相当大的程度上冲击了当代青年面对非伴侣性行为的态度。新媒体为青年的性行为提供了宣泄渠道,使"约炮"现象从态度到行为层面被青年人所默许。新媒体使身体嵌入网络空间,使性变为符号化的表征。新媒体成为一种精神致幻工具,使陌生人性爱关系演变为一种纯粹欲望的交换关系,具有一定的虚拟麻醉功能。由新媒体所带来的"约炮"现象反映了当下都市青年人的性迷茫,应从社会心理和文化伦理层面做更多研究。  相似文献   

The effects of the changing spatial distribution of the population in the United States are examined. "Hypotheses concerning the changing relationship of sustenance organization components and nonmetropolitan net migration rates between the 1960s and 1970s are tested. Multiple regression analysis reveals the following changes in the demographic impact of five types of economic activity from the 1960s to the 1970s: manufacturing--positive to insignificant; agriculture and mining--negative to positive; service--positive effect increases; and retail--insignificant for both periods." The author notes that "the introduction of settlement pattern characteristics as control variables does not change these relationships. The [R squared] for all the sustenance activity variables taken as a whole is 21 percent for 1960 and six percent for 1970, suggesting that alternatives to the traditional explanations of nonmetropolitan demographic change should be more fully developed."  相似文献   

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