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A k-colouring of a graph G=(V,E) is a mapping c:V→{1,2,…,k} such that c(u)≠c(v) whenever uv is an edge. The reconfiguration graph of the k-colourings of G contains as its vertex set the k-colourings of G, and two colourings are joined by an edge if they differ in colour on just one vertex of G. We introduce a class of k-colourable graphs, which we call k-colour-dense graphs. We show that for each k-colour-dense graph G, the reconfiguration graph of the ?-colourings of G is connected and has diameter O(|V|2), for all ?k+1. We show that this graph class contains the k-colourable chordal graphs and that it contains all chordal bipartite graphs when k=2. Moreover, we prove that for each k≥2 there is a k-colourable chordal graph G whose reconfiguration graph of the (k+1)-colourings has diameter Θ(|V|2).  相似文献   

We study the recently introduced Connected Feedback Vertex Set (CFVS) problem from the view-point of parameterized algorithms. CFVS is the connected variant of the classical Feedback Vertex Set problem and is defined as follows: given a graph G=(V,E) and an integer k, decide whether there exists F?V, |F|??k, such that G[V?F] is a forest and G[F] is connected. We show that Connected Feedback Vertex Set can be solved in time O(2 O(k) n O(1)) on general graphs and in time $O(2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log k)}n^{O(1)})$ on graphs excluding a fixed graph H as a minor. Our result on general undirected graphs uses, as a subroutine, a parameterized algorithm for Group Steiner Tree, a well studied variant of Steiner Tree. We find the algorithm for Group Steiner Tree of independent interest and believe that it could be useful for obtaining parameterized algorithms for other connectivity problems.  相似文献   

Given a set P of n points and a straight line L, we study three important variations of minimum enclosing circle problem as follows:
  1. Computing k identical circles of minimum radius with centers on L, whose union covers all the points in P.
  2. Computing the minimum radius circle centered on L that can enclose at least k points of P.
  3. If each point in P is associated with one of the k given colors, then compute a minimum radius circle with center on L such that at least one point of each color lies inside it.
We propose three algorithms for Problem (i). The first one runs in O(nklogn) time and O(n) space. The second one is efficient where k?n; it runs in O(nlogn+nk+k 2log3 n) time and O(nlogn) space. The third one is based on parametric search and it runs in O(nlogn+klog4 n) time. For Problem (ii), the time and space complexities of the proposed algorithm are O(nk) and O(n) respectively. For Problem (iii), our proposed algorithm runs in O(nlogn) time and O(n) space.  相似文献   

For a weighted 2-edge connected graph G=(V,E), we are to find a “minimum risk path” from source s to destination t. This is a shortest s?t path under the assumption that at most one edge on the path may be blocked. The fact that the edge is blocked is known only when we reach a site adjacent to the blocked edge. If n and m are the number of nodes and edges of G, then we show that this problem can be solved in O(n 2) time using only simple data structures. This is an improvement over the previous O(mn+n 2logn) time algorithm. Moreover, with use of more complicated data structures like Fibonacci Heaps and transmuters the time can be further reduced to O(m+nlogn).  相似文献   

This paper is our third step towards developing a theory of testing monomials in multivariate polynomials and concentrates on two problems: (1) How to compute the coefficients of multilinear monomials; and (2) how to find a maximum multilinear monomial when the input is a ΠΣΠ polynomial. We first prove that the first problem is #P-hard and then devise a O ?(3 n s(n)) upper bound for this problem for any polynomial represented by an arithmetic circuit of size s(n). Later, this upper bound is improved to O ?(2 n ) for ΠΣΠ polynomials. We then design fully polynomial-time randomized approximation schemes for this problem for ΠΣ polynomials. On the negative side, we prove that, even for ΠΣΠ polynomials with terms of degree ≤2, the first problem cannot be approximated at all for any approximation factor ≥1, nor “weakly approximated” in a much relaxed setting, unless P=NP. For the second problem, we first give a polynomial time λ-approximation algorithm for ΠΣΠ polynomials with terms of degrees no more a constant λ≥2. On the inapproximability side, we give a n (1??)/2 lower bound, for any ?>0, on the approximation factor for ΠΣΠ polynomials. When terms in these polynomials are constrained to degrees ≤2, we prove a 1.0476 lower bound, assuming P≠NP; and a higher 1.0604 lower bound, assuming the Unique Games Conjecture.  相似文献   

For given a pair of nodes in a graph, the minimum non-separating path problem looks for a minimum weight path between the two nodes such that the remaining graph after removing the path is still connected. The balanced connected bipartition (BCP2) problem looks for a way to bipartition a graph into two connected subgraphs with their weights as equal as possible. In this paper we present an algorithm in time O(NlogN) for finding a minimum weight non-separating path between two given nodes in a grid graph of N nodes with positive weight. This result leads to a 5/4-approximation algorithm for the BCP2 problem on grid graphs, which is the currently best ratio achieved in polynomial time. We also developed an exact algorithm for the BCP2 problem on grid graphs. Based on the exact algorithm and a rounding technique, we show an approximation scheme, which is a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for fixed number of rows.  相似文献   

The best known expected time for the all pairs shortest path problem on a directed graph with non-negative edge costs is O(n 2logn) by Moffat and Takaoka. Let the solution set be the set of vertices to which the given algorithm has so far established shortest paths. The Moffat-Takaoka algorithm maintains complexities before and after the critical point in balance, which is the moment when the size of the solution set is n?n/logn. In this paper, we remove the concept of critical point, whereby we make the algorithm simpler and seamless, resulting in a simpler analysis.  相似文献   

A variation of the classical channel assignment problem is to assign a radio channel which is a nonnegative integer to each radio transmitter so that ??close?? transmitters must receive different channels and ??very close?? transmitters must receive channels that are at least two channels apart. The goal is to minimize the span of a feasible assignment. This channel assignment problem can be modeled with distance-dependent graph labelings. A k-L(2,1)-labeling of a graph G is a mapping f from the vertex set of G to the set {0,1,2,??,k} such that |f(x)?f(y)|??2 if d(x,y)=1 and $f(x)\not =f(y)$ if d(x,y)=2, where d(x,y) is the distance between vertices x and y in G. The minimum k for which G admits an k-L(2,1)-labeling, denoted by ??(G), is called the ??-number of G. Very little is known about ??-numbers of 3-regular graphs. In this paper we focus on an important subclass of 3-regular graphs called generalized Petersen graphs. For an integer n??3, a graph G is called a generalized Petersen graph of order n if and only if G is a 3-regular graph consisting of two disjoint cycles (called inner and outer cycles) of length n, where each vertex of the outer (resp. inner) cycle is adjacent to exactly one vertex of the inner (resp. outer) cycle. In 2002, Georges and Mauro conjectured that ??(G)??7 for all generalized Petersen graphs G of order n??7. Later, Adams, Cass and Troxell proved that Georges and Mauro??s conjecture is true for orders 7 and 8. In this paper it is shown that Georges and Mauro??s conjecture is true for generalized Petersen graphs of orders 9, 10, 11 and 12.  相似文献   

This paper concerns about energy-efficient broadcasts in mobile ad hoc networks, yet in a model where each station moves on the plane with uniform rectilinear motion. Such restriction is imposed to discern which issues arise from the introduction of movement in the wireless ad hoc networks. Given a transmission range assignment for a set of n stations S, we provide an polynomial O(n 2)-time algorithm to decide whether a broadcast operation from a source station could be performed or not. Additionally, we study the problem of computing a transmission range assignment for S that minimizes the energy required in a broadcast operation. An O(n 3log?n)-time algorithm for this problem is presented, under the assumption that all stations have equally sized transmission ranges. However, we prove that the general version of such problem is NP-hard and not approximable within a (1?o(1))ln?n factor (unless NP?DTIME(n O(log?log?n))). We then propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm for a restricted version of that problem.  相似文献   

Broadcasting is an information dissemination problem in a connected network, in which one node, called the originator, disseminates a message to all other nodes by placing a series of calls along the communication lines of the network. Finding the broadcast time of a vertex in an arbitrary graph is NP-complete. The polynomial time solvability is shown only for trees. In this paper we present a linear algorithm that determines the broadcast time of any originator in an arbitrary unicyclic graph. As a byproduct, we find a broadcast center of the unicyclic graph. We also present an O(|V|+k 2) algorithm to find the broadcast time of an arbitrary unicyclic graph, where k is the length of the cycle. In the last section we give tight lower and upper bounds on broadcast time of a spanning tree based on the broadcast time of the unicyclic graph. The results of Sects. 2, 3 and most of the proofs in Sects. 2, 3 of this paper are presented by Harutyunyan and Maraachlian (Proceedings of 13th annual COCOON, pp. 372–383, 2007). All results in Sects. 4, 5 and the complete proof of Theorem 3 are new results.  相似文献   

A simple connected graph G with 2n vertices is said to be k-extendable for an integer k with \(0<k<n\) if G contains a perfect matching and every matching of cardinality k in G is a subset of some perfect matching. Lakhal and Litzler (Inf Process Lett 65(1):11–16, 1998) discovered a polynomial algorithm that decides whether a bipartite graph is k-extendable. For general graphs, however, it has been an open problem whether there exists a polynomial algorithm. The new result presented in this paper is that the extendability problem is co-NP-complete.  相似文献   

Let G be a nontrivial connected graph of order n and let k be an integer with 2??k??n. For a set S of k vertices of G, let ??(S) denote the maximum number ? of edge-disjoint trees T 1,T 2,??,T ? in G such that V(T i )??V(T j )=S for every pair i,j of distinct integers with 1??i,j???. Chartrand et al. generalized the concept of connectivity as follows: The k-connectivity, denoted by ?? k (G), of G is defined by ?? k (G)=min{??(S)}, where the minimum is taken over all k-subsets S of V(G). Thus ?? 2(G)=??(G), where ??(G) is the connectivity of G, for which there are polynomial-time algorithms to solve it. This paper mainly focus on the complexity of determining the generalized connectivity of a graph. At first, we obtain that for two fixed positive integers k 1 and k 2, given a graph G and a k 1-subset S of V(G), the problem of deciding whether G contains k 2 internally disjoint trees connecting S can be solved by a polynomial-time algorithm. Then, we show that when k 1 is a fixed integer of at least 4, but k 2 is not a fixed integer, the problem turns out to be NP-complete. On the other hand, when k 2 is a fixed integer of at least 2, but k 1 is not a fixed integer, we show that the problem also becomes NP-complete.  相似文献   

Given a k-connected graph G=(V,E) and V V, k-Vertex-Connected Subgraph Augmentation Problem (k-VCSAP) is to find SVV with minimum cardinality such that the subgraph induced by V S is k-connected. In this paper, we study the hardness of k-VCSAP in undirect graphs. We first prove k-VCSAP is APX-hard. Then, we improve the lower bound in two ways by relying on different assumptions. That is, we prove no algorithm for k-VCSAP has a PR better than O(log (log n)) unless P=NP and O(log n) unless NPDTIME(n O(log log n)), where n is the size of an input graph.  相似文献   

Given a graph G=(V,E) with node weight w:VR + and a subset SV, find a minimum total weight tree interconnecting all nodes in S. This is the node-weighted Steiner tree problem which will be studied in this paper. In general, this problem is NP-hard and cannot be approximated by a polynomial time algorithm with performance ratio aln n for any 0<a<1 unless NPDTIME(n O(log n)), where n is the number of nodes in s. In this paper, we are the first to show that even though for unit disk graphs, the problem is still NP-hard and it has a polynomial time constant approximation. We present a 2.5ρ-approximation where ρ is the best known performance ratio for polynomial time approximation of classical Steiner minimum tree problem in graphs. As a corollary, we obtain that there is a polynomial time (9.875+ε)-approximation algorithm for minimum weight connected dominating set in unit disk graphs, and also there is a polynomial time (4.875+ε)-approximation algorithm for minimum weight connected vertex cover in unit disk graphs.  相似文献   

For an edge weighted undirected graph G and an integer k > 2, a k-way cut is a set of edges whose removal leaves G with at least k components. We propose a simple approximation algorithm to the minimum k-way cut problem. It computes a nearly optimal k-way cut by using a set of minimum 3-way cuts. We show that the performance ratio of our algorithm is 2 – 3/k for an odd k and 2 – (3k – 4)/(k 2k) for an even k. The running time is O(kmn 3 log(n 2/m)) where n and m are the numbers of vertices and edges respectively.  相似文献   

Minimum Common String Partition (MCSP) has drawn much attention due to its application in genome rearrangement. In this paper, we investigate three variants of MCSP: MCSP c , which requires that there are at most c elements in the alphabet; d-MCSP, which requires the occurrence of each element to be bounded by d; and x-balanced MCSP, which requires the length of blocks being in range (n/k?x,n/k+x), where n is the length of the input strings, k is the number of blocks in the optimal common partition and x is a constant integer. We show that MCSP c is NP-hard when c≥2. As for d-MCSP, we present an FPT algorithm which runs in O ?((d!)2k ) time. As it is still unknown whether an FPT algorithm only parameterized on k exists for the general case of MCSP, we also devise an FPT algorithm for the special case x-balanced MCSP parameterized on both k and x.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more algorithms related to imprecise data have been proposed. Specifically, some algorithms on computing the maximum area convex hull are designed recently when the imprecise data are modeled as non-overlapping axis-aligned squares or as equal size squares. The time complexity of the best known algorithm based on non-overlapping axis-aligned squares is O(n 7). If the squares have equal size and can overlap, the time complexity of the best known algorithm is O(n 5). In this paper, we improve the former from O(n 7) to O(n 5) and improve the latter from O(n 5) to O(n 2). These results are obtained by exploiting the non-trivial geometric properties of the problems.  相似文献   

In a grid drawing of a planar graph, every vertex is located at a grid point, and every edge is drawn as a straight-line segment without any edge-intersection. It is known that every planar graph G of n vertices has a grid drawing on an (n?2)×(n?2) or (4n/3)×(2n/3) integer grid. In this paper we show that if a planar graph G has a balanced partition then G has a grid drawing with small grid area. More precisely, if a separation pair bipartitions G into two edge-disjoint subgraphs G 1 and?G 2, then G has a max?{n 1,n 2}×max?{n 1,n 2} grid drawing, where n 1 and n 2 are the numbers of vertices in G 1 and?G 2, respectively. In particular, we show that every series-parallel graph G has a (2n/3)×(2n/3) grid drawing and a grid drawing with area smaller than 0.3941n 2 (<(2/3)2 n 2).  相似文献   

A cyclic edge-cut of a graph G is an edge set, the removal of which separates two cycles. If G has a cyclic edge-cut, then it is called cyclically separable. We call a cyclically separable graph super cyclically edge-connected, in short, super-λ c , if the removal of any minimum cyclic edge-cut results in a component which is a shortest cycle. In Z. Zhang, B. Wang (Super cyclically edge-connected transitive graphs, J. Combin. Optim. 22:549–562, 2011), it is proved that a connected edge-transitive graph is super-λ c if either G is cubic with girth at least 7 or G has minimum degree at least 4 and girth at least 6, and the authors also conjectured that a connected graph which is both vertex-transitive and edge-transitive is always super cyclically edge-connected. In this article, for a λ c -optimal but not super-λ c graph G, all possible λ c -superatoms of G which have non-empty intersection with other λ c -superatoms are determined. This is then used to give a complete classification of non-super-λ c edge-transitive k(k≥3)-regular graphs.  相似文献   

Given a graph G with nonnegative edge costs and an integer k, we consider the problem of finding an edge subset S of minimum total cost with respect to the constraint that S covers exactly k vertices of G. An O(n 3) algorithm is presented where n is the order of G. It is based on the author's previous paper dealing with a similar problem asking S to cover at least k vertices.  相似文献   

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