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Software packages usually report the results of statistical tests using p-values. Users often interpret these values by comparing them with standard thresholds, for example, 0.1, 1, and 5%, which is sometimes reinforced by a star rating (***, **, and *, respectively). We consider an arbitrary statistical test whose p-value p is not available explicitly, but can be approximated by Monte Carlo samples, for example, by bootstrap or permutation tests. The standard implementation of such tests usually draws a fixed number of samples to approximate p. However, the probability that the exact and the approximated p-value lie on different sides of a threshold (the resampling risk) can be high, particularly for p-values close to a threshold. We present a method to overcome this. We consider a finite set of user-specified intervals that cover [0, 1] and that can be overlapping. We call these p-value buckets. We present algorithms that, with arbitrarily high probability, return a p-value bucket containing p. We prove that for both a bounded resampling risk and a finite runtime, overlapping buckets need to be employed, and that our methods both bound the resampling risk and guarantee a finite runtime for such overlapping buckets. To interpret decisions with overlapping buckets, we propose an extension of the star rating system. We demonstrate that our methods are suitable for use in standard software, including for low p-value thresholds occurring in multiple testing settings, and that they can be computationally more efficient than standard implementations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We propose a confidence envelope for false discovery control when testing multiple hypotheses of association simultaneously. The method is valid under arbitrary and unknown dependence between the test statistics and allows for an exploratory approach when choosing suitable rejection regions while still retaining strong control over the proportion of false discoveries.  相似文献   

Case-control studies of genetic polymorphisms and gene-environment interactions are reporting large numbers of statistically significant associations, many of which are likely to be spurious. This problem reflects the low prior probability that any one null hypothesis is false, and the large number of test results reported for a given study. In a Bayesian approach to the low prior probabilities, Wacholder et al. (2004) suggest supplementing the p-value for a hypothesis with its posterior probability given the study data. In a frequentist approach to the test multiplicity problem, Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) propose a hypothesis-rejection rule that provides greater statistical power by controlling the false discovery rate rather than the family-wise error rate controlled by the Bonferroni correction. This paper defines a Bayes false discovery rate and proposes a Bayes-based rejection rule for controlling it. The method, which combines the Bayesian approach of Wacholder et al. with the frequentist approach of Benjamini & Hochberg, is used to evaluate the associations reported in a case-control study of breast cancer risk and genetic polymorphisms of genes involved in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks.  相似文献   

We present a unifying approach to multiple testing procedures for sequential (or streaming) data by giving sufficient conditions for a sequential multiple testing procedure to control the familywise error rate (FWER). Together, we call these conditions a ‘rejection principle for sequential tests’, which we then apply to some existing sequential multiple testing procedures to give simplified understanding of their FWER control. Next, the principle is applied to derive two new sequential multiple testing procedures with provable FWER control, one for testing hypotheses in order and another for closed testing. Examples of these new procedures are given by applying them to a chromosome aberration data set and finding the maximum safe dose of a treatment.  相似文献   

We are concerned with a situation in which we would like to test multiple hypotheses with tests whose p‐values cannot be computed explicitly but can be approximated using Monte Carlo simulation. This scenario occurs widely in practice. We are interested in obtaining the same rejections and non‐rejections as the ones obtained if the p‐values for all hypotheses had been available. The present article introduces a framework for this scenario by providing a generic algorithm for a general multiple testing procedure. We establish conditions that guarantee that the rejections and non‐rejections obtained through Monte Carlo simulations are identical to the ones obtained with the p‐values. Our framework is applicable to a general class of step‐up and step‐down procedures, which includes many established multiple testing corrections such as the ones of Bonferroni, Holm, Sidak, Hochberg or Benjamini–Hochberg. Moreover, we show how to use our framework to improve algorithms available in the literature in such a way as to yield theoretical guarantees on their results. These modifications can easily be implemented in practice and lead to a particular way of reporting multiple testing results as three sets together with an error bound on their correctness, demonstrated exemplarily using a real biological dataset.  相似文献   

We consider hypothesis testing problems for low‐dimensional coefficients in a high dimensional additive hazard model. A variance reduced partial profiling estimator (VRPPE) is proposed and its asymptotic normality is established, which enables us to test the significance of each single coefficient when the data dimension is much larger than the sample size. Based on the p‐values obtained from the proposed test statistics, we then apply a multiple testing procedure to identify significant coefficients and show that the false discovery rate can be controlled at the desired level. The proposed method is also extended to testing a low‐dimensional sub‐vector of coefficients. The finite sample performance of the proposed testing procedure is evaluated by simulation studies. We also apply it to two real data sets, with one focusing on testing low‐dimensional coefficients and the other focusing on identifying significant coefficients through the proposed multiple testing procedure.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, including the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, are very commonly used in Bayesian statistics for sampling from complicated, high-dimensional posterior distributions. A continuing source of uncertainty is how long such a sampler must be run in order to converge approximately to its target stationary distribution. A method has previously been developed to compute rigorous theoretical upper bounds on the number of iterations required to achieve a specified degree of convergence in total variation distance by verifying drift and minorization conditions. We propose the use of auxiliary simulations to estimate the numerical values needed in this theorem. Our simulation method makes it possible to compute quantitative convergence bounds for models for which the requisite analytical computations would be prohibitively difficult or impossible. On the other hand, although our method appears to perform well in our example problems, it cannot provide the guarantees offered by analytical proof.  相似文献   

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