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Postmodernism is assessed as inherently flawed and largely irrelevant to interactionist work. It is suggested that the stage approach used by postmodernists, in which they define themselves as representing the next, superior stage after modernism, be replaced with a lineage approach in order to assess the possible merits of postmodernism. It is argued that such an approach would reveal postmodernism as a weak approximation of interactionist and pragmatist thought.  相似文献   

中阿能源合作对双方社会经济可持续发展乃至全球国际能源安全意义重大。中国要恰如其分地评估阿拉伯世界尤其是海湾国家对我国国际能源合作的重要性及难度,正确处理好我国油气进口来源多元化与经营主渠道的关系。要及时抓住国际形势演变带来的新机遇,同时正视中阿能源合作面临的严峻挑战。新形势下的中阿能源合作要以新能源安全观为指导,积极利用中阿合作论坛等各种合作机制,在互利共赢中推动中阿战略合作关系的健康发展。  相似文献   

罗东 《城市观察》2015,(2):158-166
中国研究在西方学术界已走过六十年历史,期间经历了若干次的研究范式反思与重构。但关于中国常被集体性解读为单一性的乡土中国这一现象仍未提升到这些反思或重构的学术中心,城市或城市中国是不在场的。它的话语逻辑,仍是西方以及西方学术界对中国研究的霸权。当下,城市拆迁与业主维权等有关城市化运动的两幅图景正在重塑国家—社会关系,但遗憾的是,国家—社会这一理论框架在海外中国研究中又遭受到了质疑。相对于已形成研究路径依赖的西方学者来说,中国学者对于中国城市化运动在学术上更敏感,将是找回中国研究主体性的一次机遇。  相似文献   

Invisible elbow     
Compared to standards of efficiency or intention, social interaction entails incessant error followed by error-correction. Most order in social structures and processes therefore results not from rational action but from constraints on the correction of errors. Analytically but not concretely we can separate those constraints into culture (historically accumulated shared understandings and their representations) and previously established social relations. Counterfactual accounts, which are crucial to social explanation, acquire their validity from the accurate mapping and explanation of changes in culture and social relations, including their impact on error-correction. Revised version of address to the TillyFest, University of Toronto, October 6–8, 1995.  相似文献   

To better understand persistent race and gender inequality in the labor market, this article discusses the informal processes by which social connections provide individuals with access to information, influence, and status that help to further people’s careers. Because social networks are segregated by race and gender, access to these social capital resources tends to be greater for white men than for minorities and women. To illustrate this point, research on the invisible hand of social capital is presented. In short, high-level job openings are commonly filled with non-searchers – people who are not looking for new jobs – thanks to their receipt of unsolicited job leads. Recent studies find that this process operates more effectively for white men than for minorities and women, demonstrating how the invisible hand of social capital helps to perpetuate race and gender inequality. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings and directions for future research.  相似文献   

本文针对当前对少年儿童进行法制教育中存在的主要问题,试图探讨对少年儿童进行法制道德教育的原则与方法,以充实和体现青少年法律服务体系的内涵.  相似文献   

Most futurologists seem to assume that the best way of coping with the future is to perfect methodologies of prediction, but the ability to forecast accurately may not be the crucial element in dealing effectively with the future. Rather, trying to create the future might be far more fruitful, a possibility this paper explores in some detail.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will attempt to address questions about the dynamics of anorexia within family relationships, the ways in which anorexic thinking encapsulates itself in the mind, and how it can leave both the therapist and the family feeling ‘starved out’. I will also address some organisational issues, in the ways the therapeutic agency can come to mirror the anorexic dilemma. How does the metaphor of ‘growing’ and ‘growing up’ join with the anorexic crisis? I will discuss the cases of both a boy and a girl with anorexia, in order to think about the dynamic differences in the ‘becoming of a man’ and the ‘becoming of a woman’.  相似文献   

The paper examines the sociology of culture in Australia and New Zealand, with particular emphasis on the antipodean attitude that arises from the place of these nations and cultures in the larger world system. Recent popular literature is explored as a means of demonstrating the reciprocal movement of culture from centre to periphery and back. The paper closes with observations about practicing sociology in smaller places, with less differentiated professional structures but more interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration.  相似文献   

This article begins in the interior of Mozambique during the country's post-independence war with the stories of three girls variously affected by violence. It then follows girls' war experiences in general out from the frontlines to wider international locales where girls face domestic violence in their home communities and civil and labor violence at the hands of (shadow) transnational profiteers; who reap billions of dollars yearly on children's factory, domestic, and sexual labor. The article is set in an overall theoretical framework that explores how a politics of invisibility - literally of 'not-knowing' - has developed in which little public information is available on children's human rights violations or on the political tactics and economic gain that have attended to these violations.  相似文献   

Theoretical work in linguistics, mathematics, and physics has created changes in academic problem formulation. This meta-analysis presents the nature of the new academic environment using precepts from New Historicism to suggest connections with the New Economy. The marketplace is often the court of last appeal in conflict resolution. This can be as basic as determining a fair price for a goose in a farmers' market to the disposition of pension funds in an international merger. Economist Lawrence Summers provides insights into theory and practice. Game theory leads from John Nash's equilibrium point to modeling in economics. A University of Chicago economist discusses the application of market reforms to Chile. He worked with Chilean economists called The Chicago Boys. A call for unification, which includes economics, follows.  相似文献   

张明泽 《职业时空》2012,(2):167-168
通过使用网络同传技术,总结出了使用过程中需注意的一些问题,尤其是对网络环境的优化、交换机的配置等问题进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

大学生幸福感研究与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
幸福感研究是一个新兴研究领域.本研究对大学生幸福感及影响因素进行了调查与分析.发现大学生积极性情绪占优势,排在前三位的情绪是快乐、愉快、幸福.具体生活领域中,最满意的是道德、健康、家庭.价值观排在前三位的是成功、智力和知识、快乐.并在此基础上,探讨了幸福教育建构.  相似文献   

一、大学生社会实践在高校促就业工作方面的重要作用 社会实践有助于大学生树立正确的择业观。在经济快速发展的今天,社会竞争日益激烈,很多大学生对社会了解较少,弄不清当前社会最需要什么,不能很好地正视自己,同时对于自己所学的知识亦不能很好地运用,导致其对就业产生迷茫和担忧。而社会实践对于大学生知识理论转化为实践,  相似文献   

温朝霞 《城市观察》2014,(3):164-172
西关文化是岭南文化的重要组成部分。西关文化包含物质文化和非物质文化两个层面,以西关小姐、西关名人、西关民俗为代表的西关人文,以西关大屋、骑楼街、西关五宝为代表的西关物品,以及记载包括十三行文化在内的大量历史文献典籍成为研究西关文化的三类重要载体。打好人、物、志三张牌,对于培育、宣传西关文化品牌具有重要的历史价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

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