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Nonparametric density estimation in the presence of measurement error is considered. The usual kernel deconvolution estimator seeks to account for the contamination in the data by employing a modified kernel. In this paper a new approach based on a weighted kernel density estimator is proposed. Theoretical motivation is provided by the existence of a weight vector that perfectly counteracts the bias in density estimation without generating an excessive increase in variance. In practice a data driven method of weight selection is required. Our strategy is to minimize the discrepancy between a standard kernel estimate from the contaminated data on the one hand, and the convolution of the weighted deconvolution estimate with the measurement error density on the other hand. We consider a direct implementation of this approach, in which the weights are optimized subject to sum and non-negativity constraints, and a regularized version in which the objective function includes a ridge-type penalty. Numerical tests suggest that the weighted kernel estimation can lead to tangible improvements in performance over the usual kernel deconvolution estimator. Furthermore, weighted kernel estimates are free from the problem of negative estimation in the tails that can occur when using modified kernels. The weighted kernel approach generalizes to the case of multivariate deconvolution density estimation in a very straightforward manner.  相似文献   

For manifest variables with additive noise and for a given number of latent variables with an assumed distribution, we propose to nonparametrically estimate the association between latent and manifest variables. Our estimation is a two step procedure: first it employs standard factor analysis to estimate the latent variables as theoretical quantiles of the assumed distribution; second, it employs the additive models’ backfitting procedure to estimate the monotone nonlinear associations between latent and manifest variables. The estimated fit may suggest a different latent distribution or point to nonlinear associations. We show on simulated data how, based on mean squared errors, the nonparametric estimation improves on factor analysis. We then employ the new estimator on real data to illustrate its use for exploratory data analysis.  相似文献   

We construct a density estimator in the bivariate uniform deconvolution model. For this model, we derive four inversion formulas to express the bivariate density that we want to estimate in terms of the bivariate density of the observations. By substituting a kernel density estimator of the density of the observations, we then obtain four different estimators. Next we construct an asymptotically optimal convex combination of these four estimators. Expansions for the bias, variance, as well as asymptotic normality are derived. Some simulated examples are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of adaptive density or survival function estimation in an additive model defined by Z=X+Y with X independent of Y, when both random variables are non‐negative. This model is relevant, for instance, in reliability fields where we are interested in the failure time of a certain material that cannot be isolated from the system it belongs. Our goal is to recover the distribution of X (density or survival function) through n observations of Z, assuming that the distribution of Y is known. This issue can be seen as the classical statistical problem of deconvolution that has been tackled in many cases using Fourier‐type approaches. Nonetheless, in the present case, the random variables have the particularity to be supported. Knowing that, we propose a new angle of attack by building a projection estimator with an appropriate Laguerre basis. We present upper bounds on the mean squared integrated risk of our density and survival function estimators. We then describe a non‐parametric data‐driven strategy for selecting a relevant projection space. The procedures are illustrated with simulated data and compared with the performances of a more classical deconvolution setting using a Fourier approach. Our procedure achieves faster convergence rates than Fourier methods for estimating these functions.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the estimation of intraclass correlation coefficient and identification of influential observations under one-way random effects model. We introduce an approach to correct negative estimation values induced by the method of moments estimator, and provide an interval estimation for intraclass correlation coefficient. We present the diagnostic tools to identify influential observations through the uncorrected estimate of intraclass correlation coefficient. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of our procedure for identifying influential observations. We also apply the method on a real data of repeated blood pressure measurements.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider estimation of the upper boundary point F −1 (1) of a distribution function F with finite upper boundary or 'frontier' in deconvolution problems, primarily focusing on deconvolution models where the noise density is decreasing on the positive halfline. Our estimates are based on the (non-parametric) maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of F . We show that (1) is asymptotically never too small. If the convolution kernel has bounded support the estimator (1) can generally be expected to be consistent. In this case, we establish a relation between the extreme value index of F and the rate of convergence of (1) to the upper support point for the 'boxcar' deconvolution model. If the convolution density has unbounded support, (1) can be expected to overestimate the upper support point. We define consistent estimators , for appropriately chosen vanishing sequences ( β n ) and study these in a particular case.  相似文献   

Optimal Change-point Estimation in Inverse Problems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We develop a method of estimating a change-point of an otherwise smooth function in the case of indirect noisy observations. As two paradigms we consider deconvolution and non-parametric errors-in-variables regression. In a similar manner to well-established methods for estimating change-points in non-parametric regression, we look essentially at the difference of one-sided kernel estimators. Because of the indirect nature of the observations we employ deconvoluting kernels. We obtain an estimate of the change-point by the extremal point of the differences between these two-sided kernel estimators. We derive rates of convergence for this estimator. They depend on the degree of ill-posedness of the problem, which derives from the smoothness of the error density. Analysing the Hellinger modulus of continuity of the problem we show that these rates are minimax  相似文献   

Existing research on mixtures of regression models are limited to directly observed predictors. The estimation of mixtures of regression for measurement error data imposes challenges for statisticians. For linear regression models with measurement error data, the naive ordinary least squares method, which directly substitutes the observed surrogates for the unobserved error-prone variables, yields an inconsistent estimate for the regression coefficients. The same inconsistency also happens to the naive mixtures of regression estimate, which is based on the traditional maximum likelihood estimator and simply ignores the measurement error. To solve this inconsistency, we propose to use the deconvolution method to estimate the mixture likelihood of the observed surrogates. Then our proposed estimate is found by maximizing the estimated mixture likelihood. In addition, a generalized EM algorithm is also developed to find the estimate. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed estimation procedures work well and perform much better than the naive estimates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider logspline density estimation for random variables which are contaminated with random noise. In the logspline density estimation for data without noise, the logarithm of an unknown density function is estimated by a polynomial spline, the unknown parameters of which are given by maximum likelihood. When noise is present, B-splines and the Fourier inversion formula are used to construct the logspline density estimator of the unknown density function. Rates of convergence are established when the log-density function is assumed to be in a Besov space. It is shown that convergence rates depend on the smoothness of the density function and the decay rate of the characteristic function of the noise. Simulated data are used to show the finite-sample performance of inference based on the logspline density estimation.  相似文献   

The error distribution is generally unknown in deconvolution problems with real applications. A separate independent experiment is thus often conducted to collect the additional noise data in those studies. In this paper, we study the nonparametric deconvolution estimation from a contaminated sample coupled with an additional noise sample. A ridge-based kernel deconvolution estimator is proposed and its asymptotic properties are investigated depending on the error magnitude. We then present a data-driven bandwidth selection algorithm with combining the bootstrap method and the idea of simulation extrapolation. The finite sample performance of the proposed methods and the effects of error magnitude are evaluated through simulation studies. A real data analysis for a gene Illumina BeadArray study is performed to illustrate the use of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A new semiparametric method for density deconvolution is proposed, based on a model in which only the ratio of the unconvoluted to convoluted densities is specified parametrically. Deconvolution results from reweighting the terms in a standard kernel density estimator, where the weights are defined by the parametric density ratio. We propose that in practice, the density ratio be modelled on the log-scale as a cubic spline with a fixed number of knots. Parameter estimation is based on maximization of a type of semiparametric likelihood. The resulting asymptotic properties for our deconvolution estimator mirror the convergence rates in standard density estimation without measurement error when attention is restricted to our semiparametric class of densities. Furthermore, numerical studies indicate that for practical sample sizes our weighted kernel estimator can provide better results than the classical non-parametric kernel estimator for a range of densities outside the specified semiparametric class.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider a bidimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process to describe the tissue microvascularization in anti‐cancer therapy. Data are discrete, partial and noisy observations of this stochastic differential equation (SDE). Our aim is to estimate the SDE parameters. We use the main advantage of a one‐dimensional observation to obtain an easy way to compute the exact likelihood using the Kalman filter recursion, which allows to implement an easy numerical maximization of the likelihood. Furthermore, we establish the link between the observations and an ARMA process and we deduce the asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator. We show that this ARMA property can be generalized to a higher dimensional underlying Ornstein–Uhlenbeck diffusion. We compare this estimator with the one obtained by the well‐known expectation maximization algorithm on simulated data. Our estimation methods can be directly applied to other biological contexts such as drug pharmacokinetics or hormone secretions.  相似文献   

We consider the nonparametric goodness-of-fit test of the uniform density on the sphere when we have observations whose density is the convolution of an error density and the true underlying density. We will deal specifically with the supersmooth error case which includes the Gaussian distribution. Similar to deconvolution density estimation, the smoother the error density the harder is the rate recovery of the test problem. When considering nonparametric alternatives expressed over analytic classes, we show that it is possible to obtain original separation rates much faster than any logarithmic power of the sample size according to the ratio of the regularity index of the analytic class and the smoothness degree of the error. Furthermore, we show that our fully data-driven statistical procedure attains these optimal rates.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We derive the asymptotic distribution of the integrated square error of a deconvolution kernel density estimator in supersmooth deconvolution problems. Surprisingly, in contrast to direct density estimation as well as ordinary smooth deconvolution density estimation, the asymptotic distribution is no longer a normal distribution but is given by a normalized chi-squared distribution with 2 d.f. A simulation study shows that the speed of convergence to the asymptotic law is reasonably fast.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the quantiles of a distribution function in a fixed design regression model in which the observations are subject to random right censoring. The quantile estimator is defined via a conditional Kaplan-Meier type estimator for the distribution at a given design point. We establish an a.s. asymptotic representation for this quantile estimator, from which we obtain its asymptotic normality. Because a complicated estimation procedure is necessary for estimating the asymptotic bias and variance, we use a resampling procedure, which provides us, via an asymptotic representation for the bootstrapped estimator, with an alternative for the normal approximation.  相似文献   


We consider a sieve bootstrap procedure to quantify the estimation uncertainty of long-memory parameters in stationary functional time series. We use a semiparametric local Whittle estimator to estimate the long-memory parameter. In the local Whittle estimator, discrete Fourier transform and periodogram are constructed from the first set of principal component scores via a functional principal component analysis. The sieve bootstrap procedure uses a general vector autoregressive representation of the estimated principal component scores. It generates bootstrap replicates that adequately mimic the dependence structure of the underlying stationary process. We first compute the estimated first set of principal component scores for each bootstrap replicate and then apply the semiparametric local Whittle estimator to estimate the memory parameter. By taking quantiles of the estimated memory parameters from these bootstrap replicates, we can nonparametrically construct confidence intervals of the long-memory parameter. As measured by coverage probability differences between the empirical and nominal coverage probabilities at three levels of significance, we demonstrate the advantage of using the sieve bootstrap compared to the asymptotic confidence intervals based on normality.


Prior information is often incorporated informally when planning a clinical trial. Here, we present an approach on how to incorporate prior information, such as data from historical clinical trials, into the nuisance parameter–based sample size re‐estimation in a design with an internal pilot study. We focus on trials with continuous endpoints in which the outcome variance is the nuisance parameter. For planning and analyzing the trial, frequentist methods are considered. Moreover, the external information on the variance is summarized by the Bayesian meta‐analytic‐predictive approach. To incorporate external information into the sample size re‐estimation, we propose to update the meta‐analytic‐predictive prior based on the results of the internal pilot study and to re‐estimate the sample size using an estimator from the posterior. By means of a simulation study, we compare the operating characteristics such as power and sample size distribution of the proposed procedure with the traditional sample size re‐estimation approach that uses the pooled variance estimator. The simulation study shows that, if no prior‐data conflict is present, incorporating external information into the sample size re‐estimation improves the operating characteristics compared to the traditional approach. In the case of a prior‐data conflict, that is, when the variance of the ongoing clinical trial is unequal to the prior location, the performance of the traditional sample size re‐estimation procedure is in general superior, even when the prior information is robustified. When considering to include prior information in sample size re‐estimation, the potential gains should be balanced against the risks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the Laplace transform of volatility within a fixed time interval [0,T] using high‐frequency sampling, where we assume that the discretized observations of the latent process are contaminated by microstructure noise. We use the pre‐averaging approach to deal with the effect of microstructure noise. Under the high‐frequency scenario, we obtain a consistent estimator whose convergence rate is , which is known as the optimal convergence rate of the estimation of integrated volatility functionals under the presence of microstructure noise. The related central limit theorem is established. The simulation studies justify the finite‐sample performance of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

Weighted log‐rank estimating function has become a standard estimation method for the censored linear regression model, or the accelerated failure time model. Well established statistically, the estimator defined as a consistent root has, however, rather poor computational properties because the estimating function is neither continuous nor, in general, monotone. We propose a computationally efficient estimator through an asymptotics‐guided Newton algorithm, in which censored quantile regression methods are tailored to yield an initial consistent estimate and a consistent derivative estimate of the limiting estimating function. We also develop fast interval estimation with a new proposal for sandwich variance estimation. The proposed estimator is asymptotically equivalent to the consistent root estimator and barely distinguishable in samples of practical size. However, computation time is typically reduced by two to three orders of magnitude for point estimation alone. Illustrations with clinical applications are provided.  相似文献   

We study the quantile estimation methods for the distortion measurement error data when variables are unobserved and distorted with additive errors by some unknown functions of an observable confounding variable. After calibrating the error-prone variables, we propose the quantile regression estimation procedure and composite quantile estimation procedure. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established, and we also investigate the asymptotic relative efficiency compared with the least-squares estimator. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, and a real dataset is analyzed as an illustration.  相似文献   

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