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The hidden Markov model (HMM) provides an attractive framework for modeling long-term persistence in a variety of applications including pattern recognition. Unlike typical mixture models, hidden Markov states can represent the heterogeneity in data and it can be extended to a multivariate case using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. This article provides a nonparametric Bayesian modeling approach to the multi-site HMM by considering stick-breaking priors for each row of an infinite state transition matrix. This extension has many advantages over a parametric HMM. For example, it can provide more flexible information for identifying the structure of the HMM than parametric HMM analysis, such as the number of states in HMM. We exploit a simulation example and a real dataset to evaluate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for multivariate Markov chains of order one or higher on the basis of the mixture transition distribution (MTD) model. We call it the MTD‐Probit. The proposed model presents two attractive features: it is completely free of constraints, thereby facilitating the estimation procedure, and it is more precise at estimating the transition probabilities of a multivariate or higher‐order Markov chain than the standard MTD model.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach is considered for identifying sources of nonstationarity for models with a unit root and breaks. Different types of multiple breaks are allowed through crash models, changing growth models, and mixed models. All possible nonstationary models are represented by combinations of zero or nonzero parameters associated with time trends, dummy for breaks, or previous levels, for which Bayesian posterior probabilities are computed. Multiple tests based on Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures are implemented. The proposed method is applied to a real data set, the Korean GDP data set, showing a strong evidence for two breaks rather than the usual unit root or one break.  相似文献   

Summary.  As biological knowledge accumulates rapidly, gene networks encoding genomewide gene–gene interactions have been constructed. As an improvement over the standard mixture model that tests all the genes identically and independently distributed a priori , Wei and co-workers have proposed modelling a gene network as a discrete or Gaussian Markov random field (MRF) in a mixture model to analyse genomic data. However, how these methods compare in practical applications is not well understood and this is the aim here. We also propose two novel constraints in prior specifications for the Gaussian MRF model and a fully Bayesian approach to the discrete MRF model. We assess the accuracy of estimating the false discovery rate by posterior probabilities in the context of MRF models. Applications to a chromatin immuno-precipitation–chip data set and simulated data show that the modified Gaussian MRF models have superior performance compared with other models, and both MRF-based mixture models, with reasonable robustness to misspecified gene networks, outperform the standard mixture model.  相似文献   

Multivariate data with a sequential or temporal structure occur in various fields of study. The hidden Markov model (HMM) provides an attractive framework for modeling long-term persistence in areas of pattern recognition through the extension of independent and identically distributed mixture models. Unlike in typical mixture models, the heterogeneity of data is represented by hidden Markov states. This article extends the HMM to a multi-site or multivariate case by taking a hierarchical Bayesian approach. This extension has many advantages over a single-site HMM. For example, it can provide more information for identifying the structure of the HMM than a single-site analysis. We evaluate the proposed approach by exploiting a spatial correlation that depends on the distance between sites.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian estimation method to non-parametric mixed-effect models under shape-constrains. The approach uses a hierarchical Bayesian framework and characterizations of shape-constrained Bernstein polynomials (BPs). We employ Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for model fitting, using a truncated normal distribution as the prior for the coefficients of BPs to ensure the desired shape constraints. The small sample properties of the Bayesian shape-constrained estimators across a range of functions are provided via simulation studies. Two real data analysis are given to illustrate the application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper considers the detection of abrupt changes in the transition matrix of a Markov chain from a Bayesian viewpoint. It derives Bayes factors and posterior probabilities for unknown numbers of change‐points, as well as the positions of the change‐points, assuming non‐informative but proper priors on the parameters and fixed upper bound. The Markov chain Monte Carlo approach proposed by Chib in 1998 for estimating multiple change‐points models is adapted for the Markov chain model. It is especially useful when there are many possible change‐points. The method can be applied in a wide variety of disciplines and is particularly relevant in the social and behavioural sciences, for analysing the effects of events on the attitudes of people.  相似文献   

When the results of biological experiments are tested for a possible difference between treatment and control groups, the inference is only valid if based upon a model that fits the experimental results satisfactorily. In dominant-lethal testing, foetal death has previously been assumed to follow a variety of models, including a Poisson, Binomial, Beta-binomial and various mixture models. However, discriminating between models has always been a particularly difficult problem. In this paper, we consider the data from 6 separate dominant-lethal assay experiments and discriminate between the competing models which could be used to describe them. We adopt a Bayesian approach and illustrate how a variety of different models may be considered, using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation techniques and comparing the results with the corresponding maximum likelihood analyses. We present an auxiliary variable method for determining the probability that any particular data cell is assigned to a given component in a mixture and we illustrate the value of this approach. Finally, we show how the Bayesian approach provides a natural and unique perspective on the model selection problem via reversible jump MCMC and illustrate how probabilities associated with each of the different models may be calculated for each data set. In terms of estimation we show how, by averaging over the different models, we obtain reliable and robust inference for any statistic of interest.  相似文献   

This paper develops a space‐time statistical model for local forecasting of surface‐level wind fields in a coastal region with complex topography. The statistical model makes use of output from deterministic numerical weather prediction models which are able to produce forecasts of surface wind fields on a spatial grid. When predicting surface winds at observing stations , errors can arise due to sub‐grid scale processes not adequately captured by the numerical weather prediction model , and the statistical model attempts to correct for these influences. In particular , it uses information from observing stations within the study region as well as topographic information to account for local bias. Bayesian methods for inference are used in the model , with computations carried out using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Empirical performance of the model is described , illustrating that a structured Bayesian approach to complicated space‐time models of the type considered in this paper can be readily implemented and can lead to improvements in forecasting over traditional methods.  相似文献   


Bayesian analysis often concerns an evaluation of models with different dimensionality as is necessary in, for example, model selection or mixture models. To facilitate this evaluation, transdimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) relies on sampling a discrete indexing variable to estimate the posterior model probabilities. However, little attention has been paid to the precision of these estimates. If only few switches occur between the models in the transdimensional MCMC output, precision may be low and assessment based on the assumption of independent samples misleading. Here, we propose a new method to estimate the precision based on the observed transition matrix of the model-indexing variable. Assuming a first-order Markov model, the method samples from the posterior of the stationary distribution. This allows assessment of the uncertainty in the estimated posterior model probabilities, model ranks, and Bayes factors. Moreover, the method provides an estimate for the effective sample size of the MCMC output. In two model selection examples, we show that the proposed approach provides a good assessment of the uncertainty associated with the estimated posterior model probabilities.


A Bayesian approach to modelling binary data on a regular lattice is introduced. The method uses a hierarchical model where the observed data is the sign of a hidden conditional autoregressive Gaussian process. This approach essentially extends the familiar probit model to dependent data. Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations are used on real and simulated data to estimate the posterior distribution of the spatial dependency parameters and the method is shown to work well. The method can be straightforwardly extended to regression models.  相似文献   

Abstract.  O'Hagan ( Highly Structured Stochastic Systems , Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003) introduces some tools for criticism of Bayesian hierarchical models that can be applied at each node of the model, with a view to diagnosing problems of model fit at any point in the model structure. His method relies on computing the posterior median of a conflict index, typically through Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. We investigate a Gaussian model of one-way analysis of variance, and show that O'Hagan's approach gives unreliable false warning probabilities. We extend and refine the method, especially avoiding double use of data by a data-splitting approach, accompanied by theoretical justifications from a non-trivial special case. Through extensive numerical experiments we show that our method detects model mis-specification about as well as the method of O'Hagan, while retaining the desired false warning probability for data generated from the assumed model. This also holds for Student's- t and uniform distribution versions of the model.  相似文献   

Due to the escalating growth of big data sets in recent years, new Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) parallel computing methods have been developed. These methods partition large data sets by observations into subsets. However, for Bayesian nested hierarchical models, typically only a few parameters are common for the full data set, with most parameters being group specific. Thus, parallel Bayesian MCMC methods that take into account the structure of the model and split the full data set by groups rather than by observations are a more natural approach for analysis. Here, we adapt and extend a recently introduced two-stage Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, and we partition complete data sets by groups. In stage 1, the group-specific parameters are estimated independently in parallel. The stage 1 posteriors are used as proposal distributions in stage 2, where the target distribution is the full model. Using three-level and four-level models, we show in both simulation and real data studies that results of our method agree closely with the full data analysis, with greatly increased MCMC efficiency and greatly reduced computation times. The advantages of our method versus existing parallel MCMC computing methods are also described.  相似文献   

缺少违约数据与债务人异质性是度量信用风险时面临的重要问题。贝叶斯模型中分层先验信息和马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)模拟方法的应用可以有效缓解数据缺失和测量误差问题,并能对债务人异质性进行评价和比较,从而避免低估风险。针对银行数据的模型拟合与模型诊断均展现了分层估计的适应性和灵活性,相关方法简洁清晰,利于国内风险分析人员采用。同时,涵盖宏观经济协变量的贝叶斯分层模型可以用于更加复杂的风险分析。  相似文献   

We propose a general Bayesian joint modeling approach to model mixed longitudinal outcomes from the exponential family for taking into account any differential misclassification that may exist among categorical outcomes. Under this framework, outcomes observed without measurement error are related to latent trait variables through generalized linear mixed effect models. The misclassified outcomes are related to the latent class variables, which represent unobserved real states, using mixed hidden Markov models (MHMMs). In addition to enabling the estimation of parameters in prevalence, transition and misclassification probabilities, MHMMs capture cluster level heterogeneity. A transition modeling structure allows the latent trait and latent class variables to depend on observed predictors at the same time period and also on latent trait and latent class variables at previous time periods for each individual. Simulation studies are conducted to make comparisons with traditional models in order to illustrate the gains from the proposed approach. The new approach is applied to data from the Southern California Children Health Study to jointly model questionnaire-based asthma state and multiple lung function measurements in order to gain better insight about the underlying biological mechanism that governs the inter-relationship between asthma state and lung function development.  相似文献   

The Bayesian estimation and prediction problems for the linear hazard rate distribution under general progressively Type-II censored samples are considered in this article. The conventional Bayesian framework as well as the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to generate the Bayesian conditional probabilities of interest are discussed. Sensitivity of the prior for the model is also examined. The flood data on Fox River, Wisconsin, from 1918 to 1950, are used to illustrate all the methods of inference discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Consider longitudinal networks whose edges turn on and off according to a discrete-time Markov chain with exponential-family transition probabilities. We characterize when their joint distributions are also exponential families with the same parameter, improving data reduction. Further we show that the permutation-uniform subclass of these chains permit interpretation as an independent, identically distributed sequence on the same state space. We then apply these ideas to temporal exponential random graph models, for which permutation uniformity is well suited, and discuss mean-parameter convergence, dyadic independence, and exchangeability. Our framework facilitates our introducing a new network model; simplifies analysis of some network and autoregressive models from the literature, including by permitting closed-form expressions for maximum likelihood estimates for some models; and facilitates applying standard tools to longitudinal-network Markov chains from either asymptotics or single-observation exponential random graph models.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of spatial location on the effectiveness of population‐based breast screening in reducing breast cancer mortality compared to other detection methods among Queensland women. The analysis was based on linked population‐based datasets from BreastScreen Queensland and the Queensland Cancer Registry for the period of 1997–2008 for women aged less than 90 years at diagnosis. A Bayesian hierarchical regression modelling approach was adopted and posterior estimation was performed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques. This approach accommodated sparse data resulting from rare outcomes in small geographic areas, while allowing for spatial correlation and demographic influences to be included. A relative survival model was chosen to evaluate the relative excess risk for each breast cancer related factor. Several models were fitted to examine the influence of demographic information, cancer stage, geographic information and detection method on women's relative survival. Overall, the study demonstrated that including the detection method and geographic information when assessing the relative survival of breast cancer patients helped capture unexplained and spatial variability. The study also found evidence of better survival among women with breast cancer diagnosed in a screening program than those detected otherwise, as well as lower risk for those residing in a more urban or socio‐economically advantaged region, even after adjusting for tumour stage, environmental factors and demographics. However, no evidence of dependency between method of detection and geographic location was found. This project provides a sophisticated approach to examining the benefit of a screening program while considering the influence of geographic factors.  相似文献   

Bayesian approach to inference for Markov chains (MC) has many advantages over classical approach. This paper discusses how tests for one-sided and two-sided hypotheses involving two or more parameters of finite Markov chains can be carried out. The posterior probabilities (P-values), Bayes factors, highest density regions (HDR) and central credible sets (CCS) and other measures are calculated for uniform and umbrella pattern prior distributions and for several functions of the two parameters in a two-state Markov chain. A numerical example is also worked out.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a Bayesian estimation procedure for semiparametric models under shape constrains. The approach uses a hierarchical Bayes framework and characterizations of shape-constrained B-splines. We employ Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for model fitting, using a truncated normal distribution as the prior for the coefficients of basis functions to ensure the desired shape constraints. The small sample properties of the function estimators are provided via simulation and compared with existing methods. A real data analysis is conducted to illustrate the application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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