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This article provides a critical survey of sociological research on addiction. It begins with the seminal research of Alfred Lindesmith on heroin addiction then proceeds through discussions of functionalist contributions, research that exemplifies what David Matza called the ‘appreciative’ turn in the sociology of deviance, rational choice theories, and social constructionist approaches. It is confined to research on addiction in its original meaning as putative enslavement to a substance or activity rather than merely deviant or disapproved activity more broadly. As will be seen, though, there is a ubiquitous and theoretically interesting tendency even among those who contend to be writing about addiction as such to slip into modes of analysis that effectively substitute questions regarding the social approval of an activity for questions concerning whether it is voluntary or involuntary. Hence, one purpose of this article is to explore whether, and how, this slippage might be avoided.  相似文献   

The technological leaps of our day, especially those in the communications area, touch issues at the very heart of sociological discourse; new communication technologies problematize the definition of interaction, the nature of social ties, and the scope of experience and reality. In light of such developments, one might guess that sociologists would be very busy. Yet, our voice on these matters registers as a mere whisper in comparison to many of our sister social sciences: communications, psychology, and anthropology. (Cerulo 1995, at annual American Sociological Association meetings)  相似文献   

An interpretation of selected portions of Bernstein's sociolinguistics is presented. The interpretation suggests that linguistic performance intervenes between social structure and self-concept. The theory is specified through a research application. The specification holds that two views of social structure are implicit within the theory: one micro-cosmic and the other macrocosmic. For Bernstein these views are linked to Mead and Durkheim, respectively. However, the present analysis attempts to show that both are properly understood as Meadian. Linguistic performance is related to self-derogation within a strict Meadian interpretation. The contribution of the theory seems to lie in a specification of a Meadian view of self relative to selected aspects of language.  相似文献   

Rapidly changing demographics of American families have redefined coparenting and brought about the need for cross‐disciplinary measurement and theory integration that is grounded in a developmental, life course perspective. First, we briefly review sociological scholarship on coparenting, highlighting both qualitative and quantitative work. Second, we provide a brief historical overview of coparenting from the psychological perspective, focusing on its theoretical foundation, multiple components, and importance for individuals and families. Third, we highlight the strengths and weaknesses of sociological approaches to coparenting and discuss the benefits of integration. Finally, we suggest avenues for future interdisciplinary work on coparenting that are heavily shaped by the shifting demographics of American families.  相似文献   


Since the 1950s, American sociologists have developed a substantial literature on poverty in urban American communities. This literature review examines some of these sociological theories of poverty and identifies four major explanations of urban poverty: social stratification, (including segregation and racism); lack of access to social capital; cultural and value norms; and social policies. The literature review concludes with a conceptual framework that focuses on multiple relationships that link theory to practice related to the reduction of poverty in inner-city communities.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s American schools have adopted a number of practices – zero tolerance, school police, metal detectors, drug sweeps, and surveillance cameras – that signal a shift from a discretionary student disciplinary framework to a crime control paradigm. The sociological sub‐field that centers on the examination and interpretation of the criminalization of school discipline is still in its formative stages and, consequently, even basic conceptual issues remain unsettled. However, sustained by a growing body of ethnographic research, the field’s theoretical discussions and debates regarding the causes, consequences, and social distribution of school criminalization are complex, vibrant, and synergistic. In the broadest terms, this field explores how school criminalization expresses, accommodates, and reinforces broader fears and political‐economic changes. The field also includes a disappointingly but understandably small number of quantitative studies that bear directly on these theories. The field’s critical, sociological insights will find and resonate with a broader audience (including policy‐makers) only after an equally innovative and vigorous quantitative empirical tradition emerges to refine and validate its theoretical contributions.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore a few ways in which the age-old impulse to gamble has evolved into a global force. We start out by critically summarizing historical and foundational thinking on gambling in society, and then move into contemporary perspectives on the gambling act. We then focus upon two important actors in these global stages: 'the house' (the businesses that profit from gambling) and 'the players' (the individuals who, for the most part, do not). These explorations highlight the ways in which the globalization of gambling has been characterized by homogenizing trends as well as resistance to homogenization forces.  相似文献   

This article discusses educational aspects of cross-cultural psychology in relationship to Japanese society. After exploring the present status of cross-cultural psychology in Japan, the paper delineates the factual, theoretical, and methodological implications of cross-cultural psychology for the teaching of psychology in Japanese universities. It is argued that an area approach incorporating comparative research on Japanese society can add context, detail, historical perspective, new methodology, and interdisciplinary richness to classes otherwise relying on traditional journal articles and textbooks of cross-cultural psychology. Such an approach is deemed useful for cross-cultural psychology classes taking place both inside and outside Japan. The article concludes with an annotated bibliography of research on Japanese society.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper examines the historical development of cricket in America and seeks to explain why, despite having a significant initial impact, the game ultimately became culturally marginal. It is argued that class and cricketing relations in England in the mid-nineteenth century had a significant and hitherto unacknowledged impact on the diffusion of the game to America, and that this unplanned social process can only be understood in the light of the specific interdependencies between the British and Anglo-Americans, between upper and lower class English immigrants, and between English immigrants and "Native White Americans". Correlatively, this analysis spreads new light on the establishment of baseball as America's national game, illustrating a greater level of dependence on the English and English sport than is traditionally attributed.  相似文献   

Female empowerment is a prerequisite for a just and sustainable developed society. Being the most developed non‐western country, Japan offers an instructive window onto concerns about gender worldwide. Although overall gender equality is advancing in Japan, difficulties remain, especially in achieving equality in the workplace. We draw on theories of ontological commitment and the psychology of fiction to critically analyse the role of popular culture — in this case manga — in the reproduction of gender inequality in the Japanese workplace. We present examples of four of the most popular mainstream manga aimed at working men and women in Japan and show how women are depicted. We argue that the hyper‐mediated fictional realism of representative tropes generates an ontological commitment to characters and narratives among consumers that reinforces the reproduction of a culturally exceptionalist national political economic space, one of whose essential defining characteristics is a gendered workplace. Our research suggests important implications for researching the relationship between culture, in all its forms, and spatial variation in persistent institutional biases among varieties of capitalism.  相似文献   

This paper revisits research procedures used to collect and analyze data for Fifty Years of the Southern Sociological Society: Change and Continuity in a Professional Society (1988) to comment on methodological issues. The fifty years of change were conceptualized as having shifted the Southern Sociological Society from a disciplinary to a professional mode of organization. The shift occurred both from evolutionary processes and from deliberate revolutionary actions of officials and members. Data for the study came mainly from the Society’s Archives. It included personal accounts by presidents, secretary-treasurers’ and committee reports, annual programs and newsletters. Evolutionary processes of adapting the association to the growth of membership, to differentiation of fields of sociological study, along with the rationalization and formalization of the Society’s governance and operation, were extracted mainly from annual programs, the most continuous and objective body of archival information. Revolutionary changes, including adaptation to societal challenges including racial segregation, from the Society’s founding onward were inferred from personal accounts, committee reports, and newsletters, and were confirmed from interviews with long-standing members.  相似文献   

La sociologie amérieaine des relations ethniques, aux niveaux de la théorie et de la décision politique, est fondée sur l'expérience de l'immigration européenne et sur celle des rapports avec la population afro-américaine. Ces deux cas y ont introduit, respectivement, les notions de pluralisme et d'intégration. L'examen des phénomènes du pluralisme et de l'assimilation chez les Chinois et les Japonais aux U.S.A., deux groupes raciaux défavorisés, met en lumière les conditions favorables à chacun de ces deux modes d'adaptation. La formation de eommunautés isolées et plutôt autonomes par le groupe chinois n'est pas surtout due á une aversion hostile du milieu ambiant; elle résulte davantage de dettes contractées lors de I'émigration, de la répartition de la population selon le sexe, des attitudes à l'endroit du travail en milieu urbain et de conllits interpersonnels au sein du groupe. L'idée si répandue de l'assimilation facile du Japonais tiendrait, au contraire, au caractére volontaire de Iémigration de celui-ci, à son isolement et à sa ségrégation en milieu rural, à la possibilityé qu'il a de contracter un mariage endogame et à l'instabilité des contrôles communautaires importés du pays d'origine. Les personnes d'origines chinoise et japonaise nées aux U.S.A. ont maintenant de meilleures possibilityés que naguère de s'intégrer à la société globale. Certains Japano-Américains éprouvent pourtant une désillusion silen-cieuse face à la destruction inévitable des moeurs et de la culture japonaises. L'étude du contraste entre les communautés chinoise et japonaise d'Amérique devrait nous amener à modifier la théorie de Park sur le processus des relations raciales et à donner plus d'importance aux conditions qui permettent la surviv-ance des civilisations-méres dans un nouveau milieu.  相似文献   


Volume Contents

Forthcoming in Sociological Forum  相似文献   

《Sociological Forum》1999,14(3):545-545
Sociological Forum -  相似文献   

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