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Changes in the French political, administrative system and trends in the economy starting in the 1970s have reshaped power at the municipal level. The figure of the mayor as a “notable” has apparently taken a more entrepreneurial and managerial turn in line with changes in local government, its sources of revenue and contractual procedures. By studying the mayor through the prism of the production of public policy at the local level, this shift can be qualified: the role as a notable is tapped in mobilizing resources, while the dynamic entrepreneurial role comes into play in steering policies, timing interventions and assessing the related risks. The observation of the whole process of producing the two urban policies described in Dunkerque sheds light on how the “municipal team” led by the mayor defines the rules of the game, takes diverging interests into account and maintains an interdependence between the various actors involved in policy-implementation. This article seeks to open a dialog between a case study of a municipal government and the observation of local public policy so as to understand changes in the levers of local power.  相似文献   

To inquire into innovation in public policy, attention is focused on the work done by a group that proposed an innovative project for “preventing” drug-use in a prison in Luxembourg. After several events and reversals, the final arrangements, which brought together disparate interests, was grounded in the contingent attachment of various persons to the leading role played by a general practitioner and the “permanent attachment” of authorized needles distributed in a case. In a situation where attempts to work out a theory in terms of “positions”, “power” and “control” would have difficulty coming up with a convincing explanation of this surprising process, preference is given to describing this innovation in terms of “passages” and “attachments”.  相似文献   

This paper explores the post-handover surge of civic activism in Hong Kong by examining the controversy over the demolition of the Hunghom Estate—a government subsidized housing project that was sold to private developers during a recession in early 2004. In a departure from “business as usual,” the high-profile demolition was stopped 10 months later after a series of protests mobilized by environmental activists. This result was widely hailed as a triumph of corporate responsibility and environmental consciousness. By tracing the competing narratives over the course of the controversy, this paper attempts to elucidate this “success” story by revealing the inherent conflicts between different stakeholders, and how these narratives nevertheless share and sustain a number of long-held myths about Hong Kong's economy and housing market. It argues that these myths obscure the ongoing political choices of an interventionist administration, which maintains legitimacy by tightly controlling urban development and securing support from powerful economic actors. By connecting the various claims of the present case with historic discourses of the territory, the paper aims to shed light on the power relations embedded in the development policies that characterized Hong Kong over the colonial period, and which continues to shape the practices of housing in the present.  相似文献   

To better understand the politicians involved in EU politics and their staffs, attention is turned toward access to a position as assistant in the European Parliament and to the tasks and career opportunities related thereto. These graduates with five years of postsecondary education are tightly selected and, sometimes, well paid. They work in the background while holding subordinate, precarious positions as political advisors. They are helping to build the EU, and will hold future positions in European-level institutions and interest groups. A position as assistant is a step in a “rite of institution” that opens the way to a career in EU public offices.  相似文献   

This analysis of how the staffs of members of the French parliament are organized focuses on the tasks that deputies assign to their parliamentary assistants. The distribution of tasks among assistants suggests that the organization and division of labor should be understood mainly in relation to the pressures generated by elections in the home district. Most staff-members are assigned to this work, since a seat in the National Assembly very much depends on providing services to constituents. The staff is so involved in solving constituents’ “personal” problems of various sorts that its members are forced to devise strategies for regulating demand and providing often token responses. Developing relations with constituents even affects the staff's legislative tasks. For deputies, it is a way to reduce the “occupational” risks inherent in elective office. Deputies adapt to a voting system that pushes them to adopt a conception of representation closer to being a spokesperson for a district's inhabitants than being a representative of the Nation.  相似文献   

The mass media continue to be among the most crucial instruments for the practitioner of public relations, and, to be sure, among the most frustrating. How are the media changing? How will those changes affect public relations? And should there be new public policies about mass media in a twenty-first century where technical, political, social, and economic realities will be radically different from previous centuries, including the twentieth?Although most public relations professionals have shied away from public criticism of the media, and have not been vocal advocates for changing public policies about media, nevertheless they need answers to the questions raised above. In this thoughtful essay, Claude-Jean Bertrand looks at a possible mass media half a century from now and provides a dream scenario.Unfortunately, Professor Bertrand describes some “twentieth-century” public relations practices as part of the “old” problems and “dreams up” some changes in those practices, as well. It may be that a public relations professional or professor should write an essay devoted to a dream scenario for public relations in 2045. The Public Relations Review invites such commentary.  相似文献   

In this essay, we draw on the political economic and humanities paths in critical gerontology, and on our own personal reflections, to further probe the notion of civic engagement in older adults. We ask why, as older women and critical gerontologists, we are so discomfited by this rallying cry. We ponder whether the status of contemporary later life as a unique time in human history necessitates the carving out of a new set of “productive” roles in order for its occupants to be valued. We also look more deeply at the calls for civic engagement (operationalized as volunteering) to fill gaping holes in the safety net and argue that this implicitly lets government off the hook in providing for basic human needs.  相似文献   

Early in his first term. President Nixon initiated an effort to make major cuts in the number of personnel of federal agencies engaged in public relations as well as in the agencies' public relations budgets. He described those public relations employees as “covered up pretty properly.” His goal was to “get the public relations complement in each Department reduced by 50 per cent regardless of what they are officially called.” This article reports on the origin, implementation and denouement of President Nixon's war on public relations in public administration at the federal level of government.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the belief that online activism is essential for understanding the role and potential of public relations in modern campaigns. In relation to the issue of gender violence against women in football, analyzed and compared are the responses of two official, resource-rich organisations – the National Rugby League (NRL) and Australian Football League (AFL) – and an unofficial, resource-poor fan advocacy group, called Football Fans against Sexual Assault (FFASA). In cooperation and conflict with the leagues, FFASA positioned itself in the market place, taking the widely unoccupied niche of “fan advocacy”—different from “expert advocacy” or “player advocacy”.The article discusses in more detail the major strategy of the group, the Purple Armband Games, which carries many elements of cutting-edge public relations such as advocacy as third-party endorsement; “fan activism” as empowering of “expert advocacy”; “symbolic outsourcing” of participants by facilitating their mode of engagement, the “emblematic richness” of the purple armband symbol, the “oneness” of which overcomes any confrontational dualism.  相似文献   

The western United States offers a case study on the importance of access to large population centers and their markets, via road and air travel, for economic development. The vast distances between towns and cities in the American West can be a detriment to business, yet they also serve to attract technology and knowledge-based workers seeking to live in a picturesque setting. In spite of the increasing importance of amenities to migration and business location, also needed is access to markets, particularly via commercial air service. We test a new county classification system for the western United States to reflect differing degrees of access to population centers and account for the increasing importance of airports. Past classifications are based on population size and cross-county commuting. We examine the validity of this new classification and test for differences in economic performance among the three county types. Our findings show that there are three distinct Wests that can be classified using economic performance measures and socioeconomic characteristics. The results show that “metro” and “isolated” counties are clearly distinct, but “connected” counties, those that are rural in nature but have ready access to metropolitan areas via air travel, can be difficult to distinguish from “metro” and “isolated” counties. Much of the variation is explained by travel distance to airports. The findings illustrate the importance of airports in rural development, and the limitations facing those communities that are isolated from markets and population centers. The results apply to other parts of the world with similar characteristics that include large expanses of open space, natural amenities that attract migrants and stimulate new business, and different degrees of access to large population centers via road or air travel, and therefore different rates of economic growth.  相似文献   

Research is needed on the “institutionalization” of public relations as a strategic-management function. How and why public relations ought to be institutionalized certainly remains highly debatable. This study, thus, engages the current debate on the necessity and advantages of the institutionalization of public relation by taking on Chinese government crisis communication in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake as a test case.This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, consisting largely of online and textual research, convenient and confidential telephone interviews, content analysis of government communication materials, and intercept surveys in Beijing (China's capital city) and Chengdu (the provincial capital of the Sichuan Province where the earthquake hits).The study finds that the institutionalization of government public relations in China has visible results, especially, in the areas of crisis communication and management, as well as stakeholder-relationship building. Within the Chinese context, it suggests, “institutionalization” of the government public relations tends to render legitimacy to public relations practice and empower the practitioners by according PR practice a strategic function toward the achievement of public-institution effectiveness. Although a preliminary analysis, this study supports the argument on the necessity and advantages for PR practice becoming institutionalized.  相似文献   

Change in rural activities is frequently seen as: (1) reaction to changes in other areas and sectors, and (2) negative. This downplays the role and importance of entrepreneurs, both farm and non-farm, in sustaining the vitality of rural areas. The notion of entrepreneur can be extended to entrepreneurial activity by other people, e.g. local government activity, which is an integral part of rural community economic development. Both the entrepreneur and the quasi-entrepreneur in local government are critical leaders in urban fringes and other rural areas alike. Their activity in an area is partly dependent upon the broader political, social and economic environment which influences: (1) the need to change and (2) whether any “benefit” can be derived from entrepreneurial activity. A framework is presented in this paper to place entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activity into the context first, of decision-taking generally in the rural environment, and second, of the broader “enabling” environment. It is argued that constraints originating in this broader environment are often necessary, but they may have unforeseen side-effects in discouraging innovation. Changes in such constraints or in the manner in which they are implemented may be a necessary ingredient to maintain rural vitality through encouraging entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

Asian urban sustainability in the era of globalization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The process of achieving urban sustainable development is uncharted. We only know that plans should address the economic, environmental and social health of the city and this task can only be accomplished by approaching each of these issues at different scales. For rapidly developing world cities, “sustainability” is becoming an increasingly elusive objective, in part, because of impacts by forces beyond their borders. Using the Asia-Pacific region as a case study, a framework relates regional transnational flows to the state of the urban environment and the social conditions of linked rapidly developing cities. The “functional city system” within the Asia-Pacific increasingly is both the engine of urban growth and the force behind differentiating urban environmental and social issues. At the same time, while globalization forces have been particularly strong within cities in the Asia-Pacific, local factors also play a crucial role in urban development. Globalization driven growth has not translated into a single path of development, rather localities have demonstrated contextually specific paths.  相似文献   

Mental level and grasp of consciousness in economic behaviour. In economic psychology mental level is one of the most useful parameters. This notion provides a solution for the construction of a general model, and can also be applied to several specific questions. The idea of grasp of consciousness is the “internal” or ‘subjective” aspect of these studies relating to economic efficiency. But, in this context, interdisciplinary research is necessary and this has been made possible by the many surveys carried out, among others, by the Laboratory of Economic Psychology of the University of Strasbourg during the last twenty-seven years, in different countries of Europe, Africa and Asia.The concept of mental level allows utilisation of models: simplication, synthesis of quantitative and qualitative factors, and the careful selection of statistical and psychological data are necessary for a positive work. In each country we consider the situation of groups, such as provinces, corporations, enterprises and families, and the notation of mental level explains the principles of behaviour. We observe important thresholds of dynamism between these groups.Grasp of consciousness is a notion that enables further explanation: here, studies and observations are related with the mechanism of degrees of rationality. If the level of consciouness is low, the judgement includes little information, the choices and the forecase do not take into account all the factors. Economic growth and equilibrium are not satisfactory. It is possible to give many examples of this situation. Surveys in Greece and Portugal show the importance of the crossin of thresholds. “Economic horizon” is larger and information better after the period of transition.A second point concerns relative dépendance of this parameter upon external factors (stimuli). When the level of consciousness is not sufficient and rationality weak, influence of stimuli is strong. On the contrary, with high levels, considerations of personal interest are more powerful. Economic Psychology defines schemes of behaviour in the different situations. Surveys of Economic Psychology make use of methods adapted to qualitative investigations. These methods bring together measures for certain factors and notations for others. With questions on the past, present and future foreseeable life of the firm, it is possible, through good research, to determine the main features concerning an enterprise. For larger groups and for countries, the methods are parallel. Forecasting and better diagnosis are possible and qualitative surveys are good technique for improvement of applied economy.  相似文献   

Russian regions display remarkably different patterns of economic and political development. These differences come into sharp focus when comparing two nearly identical northwestern regions, Novgorod and Pskov. Novgorod's success and Pskov's failure are attributed to the local elite's creative use of key cultural symbols and myths to support regional development. Contrasting two popular approaches to culture and development—“cultural adjustment” and “cultural congruence”—the author argues that the cultural congruence model, adopted by Novgorod, dramatically improves the chances for rapid social and economic transformation.  相似文献   

The development of initiatives for Local Agenda 21 for the cities of Peru, their documentation for the “best practices” programme of HABITAT II, and the demand for a formalized programme of support, capacity building and technical assistance has stimulated the establishment of the Peru Urban Management Education Programme (PEGUP). The PEGUP represents an innovative approach to capacity building, working through different mechanisms of education and training, technical assistance to municipal development of Local Agenda 21 and the promotion of networking and experience exchange. The experiences to date indicate that the set of support mechanisms is in line with the requirements of local governments which need a variety of support on the long road to develop urban management capacities that allow the solution of their urban and environmental problems. PEGUP offers a variety of services which are part of the development strategy of “Forum of Cities for Life” network.  相似文献   

To “review the urban question” in terms of sustainable development, the premise is formulated that improving infrastructures, equipment and services to preserve the natural and built urban environment is costly and generates expenses of all kinds—at economic and social levels. Without the introduction of equalisation mechanisms, these expenses will increase inequalities between different parts of the urban population.As confirmed by 2 Latin American case studies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and La Paz Bolivia, the quality of urban environment depends directly on improving living conditions for the resident population. The aim is to assist the poor in developing a rubbish disposal service for the families living in the informal settlements of La Paz, or to extend water supply to the poorer areas on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The collective benefits of these “innovations” are self-evident. However, understanding the environmental issues involved, and evaluating the social impact of these innovations, means examining what motivates their implementation.The first difficulty was in finding financial and economic information on the global cost of the new technologies, due to the lack of managerial culture and the discretional attitude of private enterprises and public administration.A second observation is that the social dimension of the environmental upgrading process in Latin America cities has been neglected by the main urban decision-makers. In all the contexts, the evolution of the projects’ implementation clearly demonstrates that social issues cannot be dissociated from political ones. Although the players themselves often find it difficult to estimate economic costs, these are nonetheless real and represent burdens that should be distributed equitably among the beneficiaries of services; but which are, in practice, often viewed in terms of profit. This leads to conflicts between different population groups, the political authorities and private intermediaries.Rather than viewing technological action as an unique “source” of innovation, we must consider its global dimension via the social practices it generates. On the other hand, we should reposition every specific event in its immediate environment and see how it reflects contemporary macro-social processes, in a world of “globalisation”.  相似文献   

Public relation’s search for a unifying theory may be fulfilled through application of Alasdair MacIntyre’s concept of a “practice,” a very specific and value-laden concept. This article explores what it would mean to be a public relations practice in MacIntyre’s concept of the term and argues that such an approach to public relations is of value for the field.  相似文献   

This paper infuses a new perspective into scholarship on anti-aging science: the experiences of individual scientists as they have entered and navigated this controversial field. We draw on in-depth interviews with 43 prominent biogerontologists to accomplish three objectives. First, we highlight key factors that draw scientists into biogerontology – especially the unique and complex puzzles posed by aging. Second, we examine how biogerontologists define themselves and their research in relation to “anti-aging” science – particularly how scientists distance themselves from the tarnished history of the field and employ powerful language to distinguish legitimate from illegitimate scholarship, and science from industry. Finally, we explore how individual scientists manage any social, religious, and ethical objections to conducting “anti-aging” research — and the repertoire of responses they use to simultaneously dismantle objections and reinforce the legitimacy of their science. The analyses reveal how much is ultimately at stake for these individual scientists on the front line.  相似文献   

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