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Dr. S. Vasoo, Associate Professorial Fellow of the Department of Social Work of the National University of Singapore and a key founder of the Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work, stepped down from being its Editor-in-Chief in July 2007, after providing 16 years of leadership to the Journal. On this occasion, an interview was conducted with him on “Making of a Social Work Journal” by Dr. Murli Desai, the Managing Editor of the Journal on October 9, 2007.  相似文献   

《社区工作》课程是社会工作专业的十大主干课程之一,如何上好本门课程,笔者进行了很多探索,本文在实验的基础上,主要分析了分组教学在《社区工作》课程教学中的意义,希望对其他课程的教学改革有所启发.  相似文献   

Policy makers, professionals and the public have become increasinglyconcerned with identifying and managing young people who arenot only troubled or at risk, but troubling or risky. Socialwork, however, has been relatively silent on the subject. Insocial work practice, young people have become largely ‘someoneelse’s problem’; in the academy, relatively littlecritical attention has been given to their risk taking, or tothe way we ‘make’ or construct it. This paper takesan exploratory rather than systematically comprehensive journey,across a range of discursive terrains, to open up the debate.Examining current concerns with youth and risk, it exploressome of the social and psychological theory bases whereby youthis constructed as a risky business. Drawing on empirical researchfrom several disciplines, it examines patterns and dynamicsof young people’s risk taking, and explores concepts ofrisk culture and cultural learning, identity capital and Bourdieu’snotion of ‘habitus’, to frame these. The discussionhighlights the need for critically reflective social work tounderstand the complex interplay of identity and agency, structure,culture and context that underpins young people’s risktaking. It encourages us to scrutinize our judgements of whatis acceptable or unacceptable riskiness, what within and whatbeyond the pale.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Language is infused in multiple dimensions of human behaviour,and social work is essentially a language-centred activity.Yet, despite the pivotal position of language to many socialwork activities, its significance has rarely been explored interms of difference. Moreover, the linguistic diversity thatcharacterizes the local and global contexts in which many practitionersoperate has been given minimal attention in the social workliterature. In this paper, I contend that how language is conceptualizedin social work both shapes and constrains the way that practitionersperceive issues relating to linguistic diversity. The papermaps out the limitations of some of the existing conceptuallens used for viewing language in relation to the multilingualmilieu in which social work takes place. It also draws attentionto the global pre-eminence of English, the significance of bilingualismand the limitations of a monolingual frame of reference forsocial work. A case is made for augmenting the existing knowledgebase on language with a multidisciplinary approach to languagethat incorporates bilingual perspectives. Rather than providinga definitive model for understanding language, I suggest thatsuch an approach expands the conceptual landscape for exploringlanguage and difference in social work.  相似文献   

Findings from surveys of qualified social work practitionersand students indicate a need for social work education and practiceto focus attention both on the importance of religious and spiritualbeliefs in the lives of many service users and on the potentialusefulness of religious and spiritual interventions. In thisBritish study, undertaken in 2003 and 2004, students were lesslikely than their qualified colleagues to consider religiousor spiritually sensitive interventions as appropriate. Attitudesvaried little between those students who held religious beliefsand those who did not, but Muslim students and qualified socialworkers were more likely to view these types of interventionsas appropriate. The authors conclude that there is a clear needfor all social work practitioners and educators to give greaterpriority to exploring the potential significance of religiousand spiritual beliefs in their training, in their professionalpractice and in the lives and perspectives of service usersand colleagues. Social workers need to be able to respond appropriatelyto the needs of all service users, including those for whomreligious and spiritual beliefs are crucial. ‘Culturallycompetent’ practice depends, amongst other things, onan understanding and appreciation of the impact of faith andbelief.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of decision-making among group work practitioneers in group situations where ethical dilemmas exist and choices must be made between two or more contradictory alternatives. The study investigated the bases upon which social workers with groups make ethical decisions and the actions they select when confronted by contradictory choices. Results indicated that practice wisdom is the primary basis for ethical decision-making by social workers with groups.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mary Lane, Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Sociology, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Summary Opening with a story about community work, this paper exploresdevelopments and challenges in social and political theory andthe implications for social work, particularly for collectivepractices. Feminism, postmodernism and green political theoryare of particular interest. The paper argues for an interpretiveapproach to practice which emphasizes the local and specific,yet aspires to broader political action in the pursuit of socialand ecocentric justice. Feminism has much to contribute to thisexercise, challenging, as it does, a modern/postmodern divide.The emerging discourse of ecofeminism offers a synthesis ofsocial and ecocentric purposes and values as a basis for tacklinginequalities, whilst postmodern feminists enlighten our understandingof difference and encourage us to renounce certainty and lastproofs.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Leola Furman, 1201 Yale Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55403, USA. E-mail: furmanlfurman{at}aol.com Summary In recent years, an expanding body of social work publicationsand professional conference presentations has materialized inthe United States due to a resurgence of interest in spiritualityand religion. In order to explore the level of interest in theUnited Kingdom, a random sample of 5,500 practising social workersfrom the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) membershipwere mailed a questionnaire that examined religious and spiritualbeliefs, practices and affiliations. A total of 789 BASW membersin direct practice from England, Scotland Wales, and NorthernIreland returned questionnaires, a response rate of 20 per cent.The majority of respondents believed that spirituality was afundamental aspect of being human. More than three-quartersof the sample reported little or no content on religion andspirituality in their training programme. Respondents stronglyapproved of raising the topic of religion and spirituality withclients who are experiencing terminal illness or bereavement.This also held true in matters of adoption and foster parenting.Approximately 47 per cent of all respondents believed that includingreligion and spirituality in direct practice was compatiblewith social work’s mission. This sample may representthose social workers with a stronger interest in religion andspirituality than a random sample of the general populationof UK social workers. These findings, nevertheless, raise concernabout the availability of practice models and training curriculafor social work practitioners and students.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Neil Thompson, Avenue Consulting Ltd, PO Box 2060, Wrexham LL13 OZG, Wales, UK. Summary This paper explores the relationship between social movements,social justice and social work. It examines the role of socialmovements in promoting social justice and considers the influencesof such movements in the development of emancipatory forms ofsocial work practice. It also considers the question of whethersocial work can be viewed as a form of social movement in itsown right. A central theme of the paper is the fundamental tensionbetween social work as a force for social regulation and asa force for social development and emancipation.  相似文献   

Correspondence should be addressed to Roger Fuller, Social Work Research Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA Summary A previous paper published in this journal (Fuller and Petch,1991) described a preliminary feasibility study designed toinvestigate the effects of organizing social work teams alongspecialist or generic lines. The main study which developedfrom this work is here reported. The study, using modified casereview forms, compares the way samples of referrals of elderlypeople (n=1232) were dealt with at initial assessment and forup to a year subsequently by 15 social work teams of contrastingorganizational approach. The latter include specialist and genericteams, and comparisons are also drawn with teams adopting aself-styled community social work approach. Although the organizationalagenda has moved on since the study began, the issues are ofcontinuing relevance for the implementation of community care,particularly in view of its growing focus on specialist services.While not arguing that there is any one optimal model of teamorganization, the paper sets out some of the measurable consequencesof opting for the various models; in particular, it emergesthat the strengths of specialization are more clearly apparentin certain aspects of their engage ment with clients than inothers and at certain stages of that engagement than at others.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Gary Craig, Professor of Social Justice, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. E-mail: G.Craig{at}hull.ac.uk Summary The concept of social justice has become a common part of thepolitical lexicon in recent years, with New Labour identifyingit as a key goal of its social strategy. In this article, Iset out my understanding of what the elements of a social justiceprogramme should look like and apply it to the performance ofthe New Labour government in the policy area which has traditionallypresented a major challenge to social workers, the issue ofpoverty. Finally, I raise some questions about what this analysismeans for the future role of social work shaped by values ofsocial justice.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the environment of inequality in which social work and the poor have recently operated. It explores pragmatic and idealist arguments concerning whether or not the poor need social work. Finally, policy solutions developed in consultation with social service users and carers are suggested in relation to poverty and social exclusion. Social exclusion can be linked to relative poverty as exclusion from economic and social norms. However, there is a wider brief in our own government’s publications and those of Europe, of examining how people are excluded from actions and policies of agencies who are there to support them. This paper will retain the concepts of poverty as lack of material income, and inequality as the gap between the rich and the poor, while being aware of the policy implications for social service users and carers of the more comprehensive process of being shut out partially or fully from social, economic, political and cultural systems. The debates around social work, social exclusion and inequality that follow establish: that some of the poor do need social work; that the poverty of social service users is related to policies that have restructured welfare in Britain; that the reason for individuals approaching or being referred to social services are complex but are likely to include financial deprivation as a key contributory factor; that if the poor do need social work, advocacy is essential rather than social work being seen as concerned only with social control—taking children into care, mentally ill people into hospitals, and advising the DSS on the suitability of claimants for benefits. Finally, the discussion turns to new policy agendas on social exclusion instigated by the Labour government. What positive difference can such policies make for social service users, their carers and social workers?.  相似文献   

沈黎 《社会工作》2012,(2):25-30
社会工作在实践过程中面临的最大困境是人与文化互动过程所形成的多元可能,这种多元可能往往使实务工作者在提供专业服务过程中遭遇价值抉择的两难。本研究运用质性研究的方法,以上海青少年社会工作者的实践为研究对象,着力探讨当下本土社会工作伦理实践中的困境及抉择。研究发现,本土社会工作常见的伦理困境包括:保密与否、案主自决、利益冲突、专业界限、公平分配、价值冲突、同事关系。而社工在进行伦理抉择时,遵循三大基本原则:案主生命优先原则,法律规定、机构规范优于个人价值,人际关系取向。此外,研究以"人在情境中"的概念为框架基础,提出个体因素(即社工个体对伦理抉择的影响)、问题因素(即伦理困境本身对伦理抉择的影响)、情境因素(即外部环境对伦理抉择的影响)这个三维分析架构来系统分析社会工作伦理抉择中的影响因素及其过程。最后,研究建议要建构本土的社会工作伦理体系,即建构本土导向的社会工作伦理原则、建立操作取向的社会工作伦理机制。  相似文献   

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