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《深夜计程车》拉开了网络剧“深夜档”的序幕,改观了粗糙的网络剧创作面貌,为网络剧注入具有情感基因的新鲜血液。本文以《深夜计程车》的里程意义为切入点,分三个层次——开启,承接,后续进行叙述,简析其开创性,特色,以及对网络剧之后的多态式发展的启迪。  相似文献   

互联网+时代的IP经济强势来袭,涵盖文学、影视、动漫、游戏及衍生品等诸多领域。粉丝型御宅族通过对动漫IP的追捧与消费实现迷群建构与身份认同,呈现出黏合度强、忠诚度高、超前消费、正版购买的特征。这一趣缘群体的出现推动了动漫IP的开发与增值,兴起以粉丝用户的UGC模式为特点的弹幕文化,促进动漫IP从小众传播到大众视野的跨界融合,共同为动漫IP全产业链的形成贡献力量。  相似文献   

青年消费市场蕴藏着巨大的潜力。关注青年的消费行为,引导他们树立正确的消费观念、提高消费质量、进行适度消费,这是广大青年的心愿,也是社会应尽的责任。一、情感对青年消费行为的影响有的专家指出:“传统的一致性消费时代已经终结,一个全新的以收入、年龄、地域不同而呈现出消费取向不同的阶层消费时代已经来临。”①青年是一个特殊的消费阶层,其消费行为体现出追求新潮、时尚、情趣的特点,带有更多的情感因素。近年来,广大青年消费者不仅在商品内在质量上变得更加“挑剔”了,而且要求商品必须得到其情感和心理的认同。由于消费水平的提…  相似文献   

大学生是朝气蓬勃、风华正茂的新一代,他们是祖国的未来和希望,因为他们肩负重大的责任,因此要具备扎实的文化知识和健康的体魄,还需要具备健全的人格、道德修养、心理素质等。作为教育的重要组成部分,情感教育是指关注教育过程中学生的道德、态度、情绪、情感以及信念,以促进学生的个体发展和整个社会的健康发展,即使学生的身心感到愉快的教育。但由于应试教育的根深蒂固,情感教育匮乏的现象十分严重,很多人不了解什么是情感教育,情感教育有什么作用。所以在推行素质教育的同时,我们要对情感教育进行高度重视。  相似文献   

陈雪 《现代交际》2012,(2):227+226
对中南民族大学大一至大四的130名在读本科生进行了问卷调查,并用SPSS11.5对数据进行了分析研究。结果显示,自我控制能力能够预测非理性消费情况。男生和女生在自我控制以及负债消费因子上差异不显著,但是女生比男生更容易冲动消费。  相似文献   

如今文化已经渗透到了市场经济活动当中的各方各面,传统的景德镇日用陶瓷设计已经远远的不能陶瓷市场快速变化的需求,日用的陶瓷应该集合功用和文化于一体。本文从消费文化的特性入手,讨论了消费文化下景德镇日用陶瓷产品设计。  相似文献   

移动消费平台即在移动互联网购买商品或服务并实现支付的平台的总称,具有良好的发展前景,大学生消费群体是移动消费平台发展不可忽视的关键群体。通过网络问卷调查发现,大学生生活费水平与其在移动消费平台消费意愿无相关,移动消费平台的便捷性、安全性、信息展示度、服务质量与大学生消费意愿显著正相关,移动消费平台的消费成本与大学生消费意愿显著负相关,消费平台开发大学生垂直服务具有必要性。  相似文献   

高职生的负性情感在发展过程中存在着诸多问题.负性情感问题在高职生中普遍存在,且具有易感性和起伏波动性.本文分析了问题产生的四大原因,即高职生的身心特点和所处阶段,家庭教育的缺失,学校教育的误区.提出只有通过观察高职生的负性情感现状,分析其产生的原因,才能找出解决的办法.  相似文献   

二语习得的成功取决于很多因素,情感因素是其中很重要的影响因素之一,它间接或直接的影响着第二语言的学习。本文通过对情感过滤假说及其情感因素在二语习得过程中的影响分析,对对外汉语教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Divorce is a stressful life transition and does not have a single cause. This article presents the results of qualitative research on the causes for separation as perceived by women in Slovenia. Ten interviews were carried out with women divorced for less than 10 years and between 29 and 57 years old. The women created their own meanings of the reasons for divorce, all of which corresponded with other studies. The findings confirm the complex factors that contribute to the disintegration of marriage and that existed prior to the divorce. The research results present a vantage point for developing preventive activities that foster improved quality of interpersonal relationships in Slovenia.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship analyzes the role of emotions in social movements, focusing on the ways emotions contribute to the building and maintenance of movements and highlighting the function of positive affective bonds among members. This article analyzes the pejorative aspects of group life, the creation of negative affective bonds, and the production of emotions that are destructive to individuals and to group life. Using a case study of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the leading New Left organization of the 1960s, I analyze the factors that contributed to the deterioration of positive affective bonds among members and their replacement with negative group dynamics, which had a deleterious effect on individual activists as well as on the life course of the movement in terms of alienation, disaffection, and demobilization.  相似文献   

在虚拟的网络公共领域中,点击消费各种各样的丑行,似乎成了青年网民网络生活中的常态。丑行消费之所以流行,是其迎合了青年的心理需求。而需求背后折射的不良社会心态对社会和谐与青年的成长成才势必产生消极影响,必须予以正确的引导。  相似文献   

This article tries to tell the readers something about the causes and effects of the cultural conflicts in English Teaching,which will help the more English teachers to pay much attention to the Cultural Conflicts when they are going to teach.  相似文献   

三失青少年是指失学、失业和失管青少年.对G省1488名三失青少年的调查研究发现,该群体位于社会边缘地带,资本缺失严重,在家庭网络、同辈网络、学校网络和社区网络等社会网络建构方面能力不足,难以获取相应资源,较难融入社会主流.帮扶三失青少年就要改善其经济环境,构建帮扶部门联动机制,建立信息监测系统,通过精细化帮扶,健全三失青少年社会网络,提升三失青少年的文化资本.  相似文献   

新媒体时期移动互联网极速发展,智能手机的使用越来越普遍,上网的人越来越多,同时,网络社交方式也发生着相应的变化。互动交流的方式种类更加多元化,让每个人都获得更多的话语权,特别是随同新科技一起成长起来的青年。青年不仅仅拘束于语言文字等简单的交流形式,越来越多的青年利用非语言、文字的形式来进行自身情感的表达,追逐个性、喜欢另类的心理也在某种程度上促进了非语言符号表达形式的青年亚文化产生。  相似文献   

习近平总书记指出,要运用新媒体新技术使工作活起来,推动思想政治工作传统优势同信息技术高度融合,增强时代感和吸引力。针对大学生网络直播中所呈现的物理镜像和场景镜像,存在空间关系认知错乱、主客关系认知混乱和传播关系认知杂乱等问题,通过价值关系中空间规范的重构、价值关系中身份角色的重构和价值关系中技术生活的重构,促进他们理性参与公共事务、表达自我诉求,这对于提升他们的责任意识和担当精神、培养成担当社会重任的时代新人具有重要意义。  相似文献   

With over 22 million children considered overweight or obese, research needs to examine factors related to overweightness and obesity. Parents seem to have an influence on their children’s eating behaviors such as taste likes and dislikes and quality and quantity of food. Parents also seem to influence their children’s physical activity levels. A link between physical activity level and obesity exists, indicating that less active children have an increased risk for high BMIs, with children from single parent families having higher than normal BMIs compared to children from two-parent families. The purpose of this study is to examine whether family structure influences eating and exercise patterns of adolescent youth. The current study employed a secondary data analysis utilizing data from the HBSC (N = 6733). According to the data, participants engaged in approximately 3.76 healthy consumption behaviors per week and moderate levels of exercise (mean = 2.38). The linear regression analysis indicated a significant relationship between family structure and consumption patterns, as youth from single parent families, stepparent families, and multigenerational families have fewer healthy consumption patterns (?.256, ?.142, and ?.164, respectively) compared to youth from two-parent families. Healthy eating initiatives need to target both parents and children, as a relationship between consumption patterns and family structure exists. Additionally, future research needs to examine initiatives targeted at promoting physical activity, particularly among overweight and obese youth who are less likely to engage in physical activity.  相似文献   

蒋立业 《城市观察》2015,(4):172-178
田子坊作为一个城市空间,它的再生与开发实际上不过是空间的意义再建构的过程,并且这个过程创造出的文化意义,符合了当前文化消费的符号逻辑。因而,在经历了空间意义转化为符号消费对象之后它完成了商品化的过程。  相似文献   

A patient's suicide has a profound effect on the therapist and psychotherapy with a chronically suicidal patient is particularly troubling. Guilt over one's failure to recognize the warning signs, fear of one's incompetence or irresponsibility, shame that one has failed, and fear of being blamed by the patient's loved ones and by colleagues are feelings that frequently surface and that can result in isolating a practitioner from the very sources of peer support that are necessary in order to resolve the trauma. This article explores the effects of suicide on the private practitioner. It discusses how burnout and vicarious traumatization impact upon the therapist who treats the chronically suicidal patient. Two clinical examples illustrate the impact of working with imminent suicide and the aftermath of a patient's death from a personal perspective. Recommendations are made to help private practitioners maintain equilibrium when working with these overwhelming case situations.  相似文献   

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