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如今,电视中出现了相当多的"性暗示"广告.这些广告似乎确是能吸引大众眼球的杀伤力很强的武器,但很多家长都认为这些广告对中小学生有着极大的负面影响.本研究通过调查南京市的中小学生及其家长和老师,发现性暗示广告对中小学生的影响其实并不是像家长老师担心的那么可怕.同时通过相关调查统计结果也引发了我们对性暗示广告的生存、发展以及相关法律法规的思考.  相似文献   

不久前,国家广电总局、国家工商总局联合发布了<关于整顿广播电视医疗资讯服务和电视购物节目内容的通知>,要求对电视购物节目当中的药品、医疗器械、丰胸、减肥和增高五个种类的产品禁止播出,并将8月1日作为停播的大限.这道"禁播令"一时在社会引起了不小的震动,好评如潮,许多受害者和业界人士对此寄予重望.同时,它也在广电与广告两大行业燃起滚滚浓烟,重压之下,虚假广告如何藏身?人们都拭目以待.  相似文献   

广告已经深入到我们生活中的每一个角落.每天早晨,我们还没有睁开眼睛,迷迷糊糊之间打开收音机,听到的,是广告;走在马路上,抬眼所及,路边竖的、风中飘的、灯箱里闪烁的、沿街各店铺间那红红绿绿惹人眼的,是广告;翻开报纸、一二三四版,报眼、题花,都可以和可能登的,是广告.一份32甚至64个版面的报纸,厚厚一叠,只卖0.5元人民币,成本却要1.3元,不看广告看什么呢?打开电视,除了新闻,其余的节目是附着于广告而生存的,你看到的只好是广告;打开电脑,登陆网站,屏幕上首先跳出来的就是广告;甚至天上偶尔飞过的飞机身上涂的,马路上的少男少女冷不丁地塞给你的,都是广告.  相似文献   

郝宇 《现代交际》2011,(10):59-60
随着世界经济一体化的进程,随着国际合作交流和贸易的发展,英文广告配合国际商贸需要,起到重要的作用。广告英语在社会中通过各种方式无处不在,广播、报纸、电视、杂志,已经成为一种语言现象。本文结合大量实例,对英文广告的语言特点进行研究,展现英文广告的魅力,使读者更好地欣赏和分析英文广告。  相似文献   

好广告是市场促销的制胜武器,许多广告主都希望自己的广告做得好。经常听到电视里喊着这样一句广告语:“(新飞)广告做得好,不如新飞冰箱好”。这句话的意思实际上是在表述一个概念:即新飞的广告和冰箱都好。广告主自誉新飞广告好自有其道理:该广告有意混乱语法逻辑,  相似文献   

“广告播得好好的,怎么突然冒出个电视剧!”“现在都叫电视连续锯了,给你锯断了。甭管是广告还是连续锯,不错,强烈建议全播广告!“  相似文献   

世纪之交的今天,作为最早投入到放手市场的媒体先锋如今却遭遇广告市场的冷遇,电视和报纸两大媒体的发展使得广播阵地不断萎缩,祸不单行,号称第四媒体的因特网又向“老三”广播媒体发起了冲击。广播广告已被烽火连天的媒体广告大战所掩盖,仿佛在夹缝中求生存,有人说:“电视躺着等广告,报纸坐着接广告,广播跑着拉广告”,有数据表明,1999年全国广告经营额约500亿人民币,而近一万人从事的900多家经营性的广播广告电台营业额才近13亿元,  相似文献   

最近,聚美优品的创始人陈欧突然"走红",他的名字和形象至少出现在上千万人眼前,并引起了大量讨论.聚美优品是以化妆品为主打的电子商务网站,它在湖南卫视《快乐大本营》投放的两分钟长广告的主角就是陈欧. 让老板出演广告,以及在中国最贵综艺节目中投放广告,这都不稀奇,尤其是在以烧钱闻名的电子商务行业中.但陈欧及聚美优品却做到让这个广告形成社交媒体上热门讨论的话题,无论是上千万粉丝的名人还是普通用户都参加了讨论.对很多大品牌来说,过去擅长的传统广告与刚刚进行尝试的社交媒体营销往往各行其是,但聚美优品这一次成功地打通了电视与社交媒体的传播,产生了巨大的公关效应.  相似文献   

龚懿 《现代交际》2002,(6):43-43
站在济南路口,面对川流不息的车辆,我激动的心情终于平静下来。为一家报社拉广告的我突然觉得这座城市有点陌生。“还是回去吧!我们学生想拉成广告是不可能的。” 同行的老四劝我。“既然来了,干吗不去碰碰运气,瞎猫还能碰见死老鼠呢!”我豪情万丈。  相似文献   

如果我们观看电视广告时稍加留意,就会发现一种新型的广告形式,宛如一朵奇葩熠熠闪光、绽蕾怒放。请看: 1、广告做得好,没有新飞冰箱好。(这条广告现已改动,句首加了“新飞”二字。) 2、广告没做好,美乐电视好。 3、从来不用作广告,喝过的都知  相似文献   

This study examined the relation of gender and Sensation Seeking (SS) Scale scores to undergraduates' ratings of their past/present and expected future participation in four leisure activities that usually involve betting money. Subjects completed McKeachnie's (1975) Leisure Activities Blank (LAB), which included the gambling items, and Zuckerman's (1979) SS Scale. Men reported significantly more past/present leisure gambling than women; gender differences were insignificant in ratings of expected future gambling. No significant differences in reported past/present gambling related to any SS scale score. However, expected future gambling ratings were associated with scores on two SS subscales: Disinhibition (DIS) and Boredom Susceptibility (BS). Both male and female subjects with high DIS scores rated the frequency of expected future gambling higher than did subjects with low DIS scores. High BS scores were associated with high ratings of expected future gambling in the data for women subjects only. These results suggest that personality factors, among them SS, are more influential than early experience or sex-role socialization in determining a young adult's interest in gambling.  相似文献   

This study examined the parallel mediational processes between sensation seeking and parental rules on alcohol, in the emergence of heavy episodic drinking (HED) in adolescents. Data were drawn from a U.K. clustered randomized control trial (control arm only, N ≈ 6,300, Mage at baseline = 12.5). Using parallel process latent growth curve analysis, stricter parental rules at baseline were found to be associated with greater declines in sensation seeking over time and a lower risk of HED at follow‐up (+33 months). Higher initial levels of sensation seeking predicted a faster relaxation of parental rules and a greater risk of HED. By maintaining strict rules about alcohol, parents may promote a positive reduction in sensation seeking and a lower risk of HED.  相似文献   

Research investigating the relationship between gambling and sensation seeking has yet to establish conclusively whether pathological gamblers (PGs) are more or less sensation seeking than nonpathological gamblers (NPGs). Sensation seeking is usually measured with the Zuckerman et al. (J Consult Clin Psychol 46:139–149, 1978) SS Scale form V (SSS-V). Whereas previous studies relied on the SSS-V total score, the current study uses two samples to demonstrate the importance of the SSS-V subscales, which include Thrill and Adventure Seeking (TA), Experience Seeking (ES), Disinhibition (DS), and Boredom Susceptibility (BS). In two samples, strong intrascale correlations between DS and BS, and between TA and ES, suggest that certain subscales reflect similar underlying characteristics. In both samples PGs displayed higher scores than NPGs on the DS and BS subscales, with mean differences in Sample 2 reaching significant levels for both DS and BS. Results support the notion that the SSS-V can be divided into concepts reflecting actual behavior, based on the DS and BS subscales, and hypothetical behavior, based on the TA and ES subscales. Furthermore, PGs appear to have a preference for the more behavioral subscales while NPGs show a preference for the more hypothetical subscales. Reasons for the subscale divisions and preferences are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest the importance of identifying subtypes of pathological gamblers. This research studies sensation seeking, alexithymia and depression among a general population of French gamblers who play different types of game. Those games include games available in cafés (two cafés located in Paris suburb) like lottery, scratch-cards, etc., horse betting at the racetrack (five racetracks closest to Paris), slot machines and traditional games (roulette and card games) at the casino of Enghien-les-Bains (casino nearest to Paris). Sensation seeking was measured with the SSS form V, alexithymia with the TAS-20, and depression with the BDI-13. Pathological racetrack gamblers (42 males; mean age 29.1 years), who play active games involving skills, have the highest sensation seeking scores and are the most prone to alexithymia. Pathological gamblers playing the slot machines (12 males; 15 females; mean age 35.7 years) and games available in cafés (57 males; mean age 32.6 years), thus playing passive games that involve chance only, have low sensation seeking scores. Slot machines gamblers display alexithymia and have the highest depression scores. Pathological gamblers playing traditional games (15 males; mean age 37.8 years), games that involve strategy, do not perform well on any of these scales. These findings are consistent with the idea that clinically distinct subgroups of pathological gamblers can be identified. People displaying typical features could be attracted by specific games.  相似文献   

Although prior studies have shown that sensation seeking and impulsive decision-making are related to sexual risk-taking, it is still unclear whether these personality traits operate independently or synergistically. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the joint contribution of these personality traits to HIV and sexually transmitted disease (STD) risk behaviors using data from a large sample of sexually active young adults (N = 2,386). Regression modeling indicated that both sensation seeking and impulsive decision-making were consistently associated with sexual risk behaviors across 11 risk-related outcomes. Results further indicated that sensation seeking and impulsive decision-making operated synergistically with respect to the outcome variables of sex acts using drugs, acts with a partner using alcohol, and acts with a partner using drugs. In contrast to this, sensation seeking and impulsive decision-making operated independently with respect to the other sexual risk outcomes. Theoretical implications, as well as implications for HIV/STD prevention among high sensation seekers and impulsive decision-makers, are discussed.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking and impulsivity are two constructs of personality that are generally believed to be associated with risky behavior, including gambling. Despite the fact that pathological gambling is classified as an Impulsive Control Disorder in the DSM-IV, relatively little empirical research has investigated the relationship between gambling and impulsivity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sensation seeking, impulsivity, risky behaviors and gambling. One hundred and forty-four male undergraduate university students completed several inventories measuring sensation seeking, impulsivity, gambling, and risky behaviors. Statistical analyses revealed a very high percentage of participants were classified in the pathological gambler range of scores. In addition, a significant difference was found between the relationships of sensation seeking, impulsivity, and risky behaviors with gambling scores in the pathological versus non-pathological groups. Pathological gambler's scores on measures of sensation seeking and impulsivity did not correlate with their degree of gambling pathology. In contrast, the sensation seeking and impulsivity scores of non-pathological gamblers did correlate with their scores of gambling pathology. These results have implications on Jacob's General Theory of Addiction. The findings of this study also suggest that the classification of gambling as an impulse control disorder rather than an addictive disorder needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking (SS) and impulse control (IC) are constructs at the core of dual systems models of adolescent risk taking. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, age‐varying associations between SS and IC (predictors) and both any smoking in the previous 30 days and daily smoking (outcomes) were examined. The association between SS and both any smoking in the previous 30 days and daily smoking was strongest during adolescence. IC was consistently associated with any smoking in the previous 30 days and daily smoking, with the strongest association emerging during the mid‐20s to early 30s. The results provide a nuanced perspective on when the components of dual systems models may be most related to smoking.  相似文献   

Although sexual cues produce stronger neural activation in men than in women, mechanisms underlying this differential response are unclear. We examined the relationship of sensation seeking and the brain’s response to sexual stimuli across gender in 27 subjects (14 men, M = 25.2 years, SD = 3.6, 85.2% Caucasian) who underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while viewing sexual and nonsexual images. Whole-brain corrected significant clusters of regional activation were extracted and associated with gender, sensation seeking, and sexual behaviors. Men responded more to sexual than nonsexual images in the anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortex (ACC/mPFC), anterior insula/lateral orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral amygdala, and occipital regions. Sensation seeking related positively to ACC/mPFC (r = 0.65, p = 0.01) and left amygdala (r = 0.66, p = 0.01) response in men alone, with both of these correlations being significantly larger in men than in women (ps < 0.03). The relationship between brain responses and self-reported high-risk and low-risk sexual behaviors showed interesting, albeit nonsignificant, gender-specific trends. These findings suggest the relationship between sexual responsivity, sensation seeking, and sexual behavior is gender specific. This study indicates a need to identify the gender-specific mechanisms that underlie sexual responsivity and behaviors. In addition, it demonstrates that the nature of stimuli used to induce positive mood in imaging and other studies should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Among the suggested problems and harms associated with widespread pornography use among young people, risky sexual behaviors have been frequently mentioned. To further explore this public health concern, this article analyzed sexual sensation seeking (SSS) as a potential confounder of the association between pornography use and sexual risks using data collected in 2010 from a population-based sample of young Croatian adults aged 18 to 25 (n = 1,005). Significant, but small, correlations were found between the indicators of pornography use (age at first exposure, frequency of use in the past 12 months, and personal importance of pornography) and sexual risk taking. However, in a multivariate analysis, only age at first exposure to pornography remained a significant, albeit weak, predictor of sexual risk taking among both women and men. SSS, defined as the dispositional tendency toward the impulsive pursuit of sexual arousal and stimulation, neither confounded nor moderated this association. Overall, the findings do not support the notion that pornography use is substantially associated with sexual risk taking among young adults, but suggest that early exposure to sexually explicit material and high SSS are additive risk factors for sexual risk taking.  相似文献   

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