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滕绍华 《城市》2003,(1):60-61
瑞典王国面积44.9964万平方公里,人口883.8万,首都斯德哥尔摩.全国划分为24个省和284个市政区. 瑞典位于北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛东部,西以斯堪的纳维亚山脉为界与挪威相邻,东北以托尔尼奥河为界与芬兰接壤,东临波的尼亚湾,东南濒波罗的海,西南隔卡特和厄勃海峡同丹麦相望.瑞典地形南北狭长,地势由西北向东南逐渐倾斜,最高的山斯希纳山海拔2111米.  相似文献   

慕尼黑是德国第三大城市,巴伐利亚州首府,总人口127.5万,面积311平方公里。 慕尼黑地处阿尔卑斯山北麓平缓的高原上,平均海拔520米。附近地区河流、湖泊众多,森林茂密,湖光山色秀丽如画,一派南德风光。这里属温带海洋性气候,像温带大陆性气候的过渡地区,冬季较冷,1月份平均气温-2.1℃;夏季凉爽,7月份平均气温17.5℃。年平均降水量900毫米左右。 慕尼黑是德国南部最主要的经济中心,轻重工业都比较发达,汽车飞机制造、电子电  相似文献   

卢森堡大公国是欧洲最小的国家和低地国家之一,位于欧洲大陆西北角,总面积2586平方公里。海拔在230~408米之间,如此大的落差使其形成丘陵国家,地势北高南低,北部为阿登高原,占全国总面积的1/3;南部为古特兰平原。气候为海洋性气候,1月份平均气温为0~4℃,7月份为15~20℃。该国西、北与比利时交界,南与法国接壤,东与德国相连。总人口约37万人,卢森堡居民约占72%,外籍人近10万。种族构成以法国人和德国人为主,其余多为意大利人。官方语言是法语,德语在此也通用,卢森堡语为民间口语。这里97%的居民信奉天主教。  相似文献   

利隆是德国第四大城市,城区面积约250平方公里。绝大部分呈半圆形坐落在莱茵河西岸。城周环行公路以外是新兴工业区和乡村住宅区。科隆的交通很发达,每日过境火车1000多列。科隆是德国航空公司总部所在地,市东南有机场。高速公路通往国内外各地。科隆也是一座工业城市,机械、电子金属加工、化工、药业都有一定规模,褐煤的开采  相似文献   

佛罗伦萨是意大利中部城市,托斯卡纳大区的首府,欧洲文艺复兴的发源地,位于亚平宁山脉中段西麓的盆地中。阿诺河穿市而过,有10座桥横跨阿诺河沟通河两岸市区,佛罗伦萨是阿诺河通航起点,也是欧洲各国从陆路到罗马的必经之地,是意大利南北交通的要塞。  相似文献   

巴黎——法国的首都,世界著名大城市,也是欧洲大陆上的最大城市。它地处法国北部,跨塞纳河的两岸。在2000多年前,从塞纳河上的圣路易岛及西提岛开始兴建,至今市区面积已达105平方公里,人口约260万人,加上郊区人口,巴黎人口约1080万,面积约2118平方公里。巴黎曾是法国资产阶级民主革命的中心。1871年3月18日法国工人阶级曾在此建立了巴黎公社。  相似文献   

滕绍华 《城市》2002,(3):60-61
芬兰位于欧洲北部,是世界上最北的共和国,其面积33.81万平方公里,人口511.68万,首都赫尔辛基。全国分12个省,下设84个城镇市和377个乡村市。芬兰东靠俄罗斯,南邻芬兰湾,西濒波的尼亚湾,西北连瑞典。  相似文献   

荷兰位于欧洲西部,西、北面濒临北海,全境地势低平。1/3的土地海拔不到1米。1/4的土地低于海面,靠堤坝、沙丘保护以免被海水淹没。有近半地区为带有人工排水设备的堤坝围垦地(当地称波尔德)。国内河流密布,南部由莱茵河、马斯河、斯海尔特河三角洲连接而成。海岸线长1075公里。全国土地面积41473平方公里,人口1500万。属温带海洋性气候,冬温夏凉,1月平均气温2℃,7月平均气温17℃。全年只有约70天是晴天,我们在时正好赶上蓝天白云,牧场青绿,若不是身体感到寒冷,还以为是雨后天晴的夏天呢。 荷兰的园林业以栽培郁金香为主,农牧业以养牛为主,世人称荷兰的牛比人多,奶牛产奶居世界前  相似文献   

维也纳,德语译音,意为东方的国家。 维也纳是奥地利的首都、全国的政治、经济、文化中心,位于维也纳河与多瑙河的汇合处,面积414平方公里,全市分为23个行政区,人口150万。 维也纳的历史悠久,约在三万年前的石器时代,多瑙河地区已有人类的踪迹,印度日耳曼  相似文献   

威尼斯始建于罗马帝国末年,当时这里属于这个帝国的第十州,是由威尼托和伊斯德利亚两地区组成,也是帝国里最不安定的州之一。这个州的人民贫困,加上时有动乱,生活艰苦,所以百姓时常被迫远离家乡,躲在海岛上。威尼斯市是公元810年在“里沃阿尔托”岛上建立的,威尼斯的历史是由多种文化组成的,最早有逃避匈奴王与隆戈巴尔迪人入侵而逃难到岛上的一群人,他们把“威尼托”的传统带进来,以后拜占庭文化、哥特文化等文艺复兴时期的多种艺术流派被引入,形成了威尼斯特有的风格。  相似文献   

Western China's scenes affected me deeply and gave me so much enjoyment that I almost forgot to leave the region.Western China has such a natural beauty that all you need to do is press your camera's shutter and you will be satisfied with the photos.  相似文献   

昔日双飞燕,如今两离分; 悠悠情缱绻,冷冷成路人. 流水既已去,落花何劳神; 心知不该伤,眼却添泪痕.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a nationwide survey of the parent-child visiting policies of voluntary agencies providing foster care services. The majority of the 103 responding agencies had either developed their own visiting policy (54%) or adopted the policy of a public agency (18%), but a sizable minority (28%) had no visiting policy in effect. Those policies that had been developed emphasized the child's therapeutic needs and contained few standards regarding preferred frequency or location of visits or agency services to facilitate visiting, raising questions regarding protection of the parent-child relationship and correspondence between policies and the purposes of visiting as articulated in the literature.  相似文献   

主要介绍日本城市交通与企业管理。  相似文献   

Home visiting, while a very popular method of early childhood intervention, is not effective for all eligible at-risk families. The relationship between the home visitor and the family is central to the success of this type of intervention. This study aims to investigate, through 1024 home visit case notes from a French home visiting program, the ways in which the home visitor-family relationship develops, and identify the obstacles to and facilitators of a good quality relationship from the provider's point of vue. Results from a qualitative analysis suggest that the factors associated to the quality of relationship are present within the very first moments of the intervention. Poor relationship quality was found to be significantly associated with the family's mistrust towards the home visitor and with poor social conditions that make the supporting relationship difficult to develop. Good relationship quality was found to be facilitated by the parents' high involvement in the intervention and associated with a feeling of isolation and an ability to form social bonds. The necessitation for home visitor training is discussed, together with a reflection on the risk of home visiting programs to increase social inequalities, when they are not flexible enough to meet families' needs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to specify the characteristics that contribute to the perception of emotions expressed through dance movements and to develop an emotional model to show the relationships between impressions and the characteristics of expressive body movements. Six dancers expressed three different emotions through dance: joy, sadness, and anger. Observers (N = 192) rated both their impressions (33 dimensions) and the dance movements (26 characteristics) of 18 dance performances. The results showed that the observers could accurately perceive the emotional meanings expressed in the dances. The impressions of Dynamics, Expansion, and Stability—and the evaluated movements of Frequency and Velocity of Upward Extension, Frequency and Velocity of Downward Movements, Turning or Jumping, and Body Closing—were extracted via factor analysis as determinants of observers’ impressions of emotional expressions in dance. Additionally, covariance structure analysis and discriminant function analysis indicated that the emotional expressions of the dances expressing joy, sadness, and anger are each associated with particular factors. Through these analyses, we developed the Movements Impressions Emotions Model for dance.  相似文献   

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