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<正>匈牙利匈牙利首都布达佩斯有170万人口,公共交通网总长2135km,包括3条地铁线、33条有轨电车线、199条公共汽车线、14条无轨电车线和5条郊区铁路线。城市交通的客运量中公共交通占60%,私人汽车占40%。公共交通的营运单位是Budapest Transport Limited(BTL),2003年的客运  相似文献   

正"触屏指"这个近年才出现的慢性病正在手机发烧友中蔓延。在中医看来,即使没有"触屏指",活动手指也是有好处的,因为人的5个手指与6条经脉相关。建议大家用"孔雀开屏"法来保健手指。首先吸足气,用力握拳,再用力吐气,同时急速依次伸开小指、无名指、中指、食指,左右手各做10次。  相似文献   

孟祥林 《城市》2016,(5):41-47
石家庄是京南的第一个省会城市,在京津冀一体化进程中扮演着重要角色.“一城四星”的石家庄城市团需要通过与保定整合并不断向东侧扩展,才能够与京津大都市形成鼎足发展格局.以石家庄为中心向外围空间扩展需要分四步进行,分别扩展到C1环、C2环、C3环和C4环,从而更好地与京津大都市进行对接,在冀中南区域内形成“弓弦+弓背”的城市体系:“弓弦”即“石家庄+保定”城市链, “弓背”即“石家庄+辛集+安平+蠡县+清苑+保定”弧形链.“弓弦”与“弓背”在石家庄、保定会合,此间由于“唐县—望都—安国—安平”链和“行唐—新乐—无极—深泽—安平”链的构建,安平会成为“弓背”上重要的节点城市,并且新乐和望都也会在“弓弦+弓背”城市体系中发挥较大的支撑作用.  相似文献   

加拿大是一个遍植枫林、以盛产枫糖著称的国家.据说,每到秋天,满目都是"霜叶红于二月花"的醉人景色. 吃穿与众不同 我们先后走访了多伦多、渥太华和蒙特利尔,这3个城市在加拿大最东部,濒临大西洋,几乎等距离地排列在一条铁路线上.  相似文献   

陆纯 《职业》2022,(16):76-78
混合式教学是将传统的课堂教学模式与信息化网络在线教学模式进行深度融合,以教学资源为载体,引导学生紧扣学习目标,开展课前线上自主学习、课中线下合作探究、课后线上答疑讨论,为学生呈现多元、立体的课堂教学的模式。本文以中职会计专业为例,就如何提高混合式教学的有效性,从教学分析、教学准备、教学实施和考核评价四个方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

4A网络教学平台集课程信息发布与交流平台、课程资源管理平台优势功能于一体,将传统的以"库"为核心的课程资源建设模式革新为以"站"和"互动教学"为核心的新一代课程资源建设和应用模式。本文浅析了4A网络环境下对外汉语教学所面临的问题与对策。  相似文献   

张帆 《城市》2012,(3):68-70
一、河北省旅游产业布局现状(一)景区类产品主要集中在秦皇岛、石家庄、承德、保定一带河北省有中国优秀旅游城市10座,国家级5A景区5处,4A景区93处,AAA景区65处,AA景区193处,A景区130处。5A和4A级景区主要集中在秦皇岛、石家庄、保定和承德地区。  相似文献   

孟祥林 《城市》2016,(8):14-20
邢台是河北省南部城市,在京津冀“1+9+3”的都市圈规划中被边缘化。为了营造更好的区域发展环境,邢台需要充分依托区域条件与周边的大城市石家庄、济南、邯郸和太原等进行整合,逐渐形成以邢台为核心,包括隆尧、巨鹿和平乡3个次级城市核在内的“三星伴月”的区域经济发展格局。在与周边行政区划的关系上,要实行“分步发展”的对策,在邢台周边形成石家庄、衡水、德州、济南、聊城和邯郸6个规模较大的城市团,通过构建3个“城市环”,形成以邢台为中心的区域经济结构,“用边缘促进中间”,并将邢台放在环渤海地区中进行考虑,在大尺度上实施“广义邢台”区域发展战略。  相似文献   

积雪草 《女性天地》2013,(12):46-46
左手的第四根手指像一个离经叛道的人,不知道恪守本分.只一宿的工夫,便肿涨得像棵洋葱头。十个手指,尽管不像水葱一样嫩,但也是绵绵玉手,而左手的第四根手指却以逆向思维的方式,很快在十个手指中博得我的特别关注。  相似文献   

冀东民歌,深沉热烈、豪迈奔放,具有鲜明的特点和独特的风格。原有冀东民歌的创作发展方向是继承借鉴、发展创新,在这一原则的基础上对冀东民歌的创作工作作出了巨大贡献。随着多种文化的多元化,人们的娱乐方式也有了多种选择。冀东民歌的创作也要跟随时代的进步而进步。勇敢尝试以原有的音乐风格作为基础并加上新的音乐元素,对冀东民歌的创作进行进一步的探索,才是今后冀东民歌的创作与发展的方向所在。  相似文献   

"双因素理论"对我国垄断企业建立激励机制的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

徐凤臣  徐翔 《城市》2010,(5):8-11
就全国而言,土地交易市场出现“地王”现象已有8年之久,并非新生事物。然而,2009年全国“地王”频出,数量之多、规模之大、影响之深,均已远超2007年的峰巅,有人称2009年为“地王年”。前不久,北京和长春又出现“大地王”,继续挑战宏观调控,不仅引起地产界,而且引起社会的广泛关注,各级政府更是难以漠视旁观。笔者试从以下5个方面对我国“地王”经济现象进行分析。  相似文献   

Cohen (1997) employed the term “classical” diaspora in reference to the Jews. Indeed, a vast corpus of work recognizes the Jewish people as examples of quintessential diasporic groups. However, a broader conceptualization of the term diaspora allows for the inclusion of immigrant communities that would be otherwise sidelined in the conventional literature on diaspora. This study is therefore a departure from the traditional diasporic literature, which tends to use the Jewish Diaspora as the archetype. It favours, rather, the classification of three principal broad historical waves in which the Jewish Diaspora can be interpreted as part of a classical period. The historicizing of diasporization for the purpose of this paper is achieved by an empirical discussion of the three major historical waves that influenced the diasporic process throughout the world: the Classical Period, the Modern Period, and the Contemporary or Late‐modern Period. The paper discusses these three critical phases in the following manner: first, reference is made to the Classical Period, which is associated primarily with ancient diaspora and ancient Greece. The second historical phase analyses diaspora in relation to the Modern Period, which can be interpreted as a central historical fact of slavery and colonization. This section can be further subdivided into three large phases: (1) the expansion of European capital (1500–1814), (2) the Industrial Revolution (1815–1914), and (3) the Interwar Period (1914–1945). The final major period of diasporization can be considered a Contemporary or Late‐modern phenomenon. It refers to the period immediately after World War II to the present day, specifying the case of the Hispanics in the United States as one key example. The paper outlines some aspects of the impact of the Latin American diaspora on the United States, from a socio‐economic and politico‐cultural point of view. While the Modern and Late‐modern periods are undoubtedly the most critical for an understanding of diaspora in a modern, globalized context, for the purpose of this paper, more emphasis is placed on the latter period, which illustrates the progressive effect of globalization on the phenomenon of diasporization. The second period, the Modern Phase is not examined in this paper, as the focus is on a comparative analysis of the early Classical Period and the Contemporary or Late‐modern Period. The incorporation of diaspora as a unit of analysis in the field of international relations has been largely neglected by both recent and critical scholarship on the subject matter. While a growing number of studies focus on the increasing phenomenon of diasporic communities, from the vantage of social sciences, the issue of diaspora appears to be inadequately addressed or ignored altogether. Certain key factors present themselves as limitations to the understanding of the concept, as well as its relevance to the field of international relations and the social sciences as a whole. This paper is meant to clarify some aspects of the definition of diaspora by critiquing the theories in the conventional literature, exposing the lacunae in terms of interpretation of diaspora and in the final analysis, establishing a historiography that may be useful in comparing certain features of “classical” diaspora and “contemporary” diaspora. The latter part of the paper is intended to provide illustrations of a contemporary diasporic community, using the example of Hispanics in the United States.  相似文献   

This response to Milton’s recent article on the ontological status of autism and double empathy also explores, through the lens of ‘double empathy’ and ‘theory of mind’, the issues of relationality and interaction that researchers in the fields of cognitive neuroscience and psychology hardly acknowledge. I go on to consider Wittgenstein’s criteriological view of mind, propose a synthesis of theory to describe autism, and suggest that public criteria of a non-autistic ontology enable many autistic people to eventually develop the understanding of other (non-autistic) minds that, in turn, enables them to survive, and even thrive.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,美国兴起了一场关于护理院的"文化变革运动",在其影响下,护理院经历了从"机构化"向"家庭化"发展的演变."文化变革运动"的"家庭化"理念表现在伦理价值观、机构管理、护理服务、环境设计四个方面,其形成的动因在于:代际间服务需求的变化、政府监管以及护理院的利益驱动."家庭化"的理念与美国文化相契合,和福利机构"去机构化"发展相互补充,对美国护理院行业发展产生了深远影响,但也在新冠肺炎疫情中暴露出其缺陷."文化变革运动"中的经验做法对中国失能老年人、残疾人的长期护理实践有着借鉴价值.  相似文献   

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