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浙江大学生宗教信仰的成因与对策探析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对浙江大学生宗教观的问卷调查,分析了浙江大学生信仰宗教的现状,探讨了大学生信教的原因,并提出了相应的对策建议。关心大学生的精神需求,研究大学生的宗教意识状况,对促进大学生思想政治教育、打造“平安校园”以及构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Moore D 《Gender Issues》2000,18(2):3-28
In the study this article explores, the meaning of gender identity for religious and seclar Jewish and Arab women in Israeli society is examined. The study focuses on how Israeli women rank gender identity relative to other identities like being Jewish/Arab, being Israeli/Palestinian, religious or secular, of a certain ethnic group, and political identity. It examines the characteristics of gender identity and the attitudes that are associated with it. The analysis shows that the hierarchies of identities are different for religious and secular Jewish and Arab women, and that this is related to having different sociopolitical attitudes (e.g., Women’s social and political involvement, social obedience, social influence). Thus, the hierarchy of identities and the sociopolitical attitudes of religious women indicate a more consensual acceptance of the social order than the hierarchy of identities and the sociopolitical attitudes of secular women, especially among Arab women. Her main fields of interest are sociopolitical attitudes, perceptions of justice and gender issues. She is currently conducting a comparative research on the attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes of Jewish, Arabs, and Palestinian high school students. Dr. Moore is also an advisor to the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) Committee for Women's Status. The research was financed by the Eshkol Institute for Social, Political, and Economic Research. We are grateful to Hanna Levinson and Majid al-Haj who managed data collection at the Guttman Institute of Applied Research.  相似文献   

贫困大学生社团参与的价值探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对F大学的222名贫困生社团会员和280名非贫困生社团会员的问卷调查与比较,结合F大学5名已经毕业的优秀贫困生社团会员的深度访谈得出:对贫困大学生而言,社团参与的价值在于有利于发展他们就业的人力资本、社会资本和文化资本,有利于传承学生自治、和谐校园、教育公平等大学精神。  相似文献   

对粤西城乡30所学校的2 197名中小学生进行了问卷调查,以了解其课外体育活动参与现状.研究表明,粤西城乡中小学生课外体育活动以骨骼力量项目为主,肌肉力量项目缺乏.课外以中等强度运动为主,但大部分学生体育活动不足.近半数的学生锻炼行为处于"行动阶段".无组织的个人随意活动及与同伴一起活动是其主要的课外运动形式与方式.近3/4的学生近1年参加过至少1次有组织的体育竞赛;校运会的参赛比例最大,但覆盖面不大.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to explore therelationship between religiosity and contraceptivemethod choice, among users of contraception. Weanalyze a representative sample of 1,751 married urbanIsraeli Jewish women interviewed in 1987–1988. Ourfindings indicate that the contraceptive choices ofreligious women are determined largely byconsiderations unrelated to religious doctrine. Acombination of factors, including the suitability ofspecific methods to fertility control needs, peerinfluences, and other cultural effects, appear tomodify the acceptance and application of a particularreligious theology.  相似文献   

大学生学习适应性现状研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以江苏工业学院和河海大学的1192名在校大学生作为被试,从学习环境、学习动机、学习能力、教育风格及身心健康五个维度对学习适应性问题进行了研究,结果显示:大学生的学习适应性总体上并不乐观,总体适应性水平的偏低;在具体维度上,大学生对学习环境的适应性最差,其余依次为教育风格、身心健康、学习动机、学习能力。男女生在学习动机、教育风格、学业成就上存在显著性差异,女生明显优于男生;在学习身心健康适应方面,男生优于女生,但差异不显著。  相似文献   

针对中国大学生创业活动参与率较低的现状,采用问卷调查法和"重要—表现"分析法,分析了辽宁省大学生创业能力15个构成要素的重要程度和表现程度。提出可以从提高大学生创业意识、创业实践能力、学习能力和组织协调能力入手,提升大学生创业能力的建议。  相似文献   

A quick Google search for the keywords Muslim women travel will lead to myriad travel stories online. Undoubtedly, an increasing number of Muslim women are travelling beyond borders, breaking bigotry and gender bias. In light of the dynamic changes in the travel landscape, this study seeks to unveil the voices of Asian Muslim women. It offers an alternative viewpoint as most available discourses propose interpretations of Muslim women by focusing on travel experiences of the Arab Muslim woman. Based on in-depth interviews with 10 Asian Muslim women travellers aged between 22 and 37 years old from four different countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia), the findings were explored and explained from three dimensions of empowerment proposed by Kabeer namely resources, agency and achievements. Research findings show that Muslim women in Asia are travelling without abandoning their cultural or religious beliefs. The proliferation of Muslim women travellers contests the view that gendered interpretations of religious texts promote patriarchal orientation in Muslim community that suppresses women leisure. In a way, this paper challenges the continuous misconceptions about Islam and travel among Muslim women. These women learn to unlearn patriarchy by seeking answers in the right places while they learn more about their self, religion and the world.  相似文献   

云南民族音乐图像不同程度地表现宗教主题、世俗生活、象征性、联觉效应和文人意识。它们以反映宗教主题为主,但也不乏反映世俗生活的部分。宗教主题的云南民族音乐图像大多蕴含宗教的象征性和文化艺术意蕴,并引发联觉效应。丰富多彩的云南民族音乐图像显现强盛生命力和独特风采,起步好、表现手法好、艺术效果好是其主要特征。它们具有传统延续性与时代鲜活性、宗教主题多元化、群体参与性及多样交融性、载体多样性及艺术价值多元性。独特的人文生境孕育滋生的云南民族音乐图像为世界民族音乐图像研究提供了独特的文化范本。  相似文献   

文章在对乌鲁木齐大学生的新媒体使用与身份认同进行问卷调查的基础上,分析了维吾尔族大学生的新媒体使用与身份认同的关系。研究认为维吾尔族大学生在新媒体使用中表现出的国家印象比较正面、积极,对各类事件的关注和参与体现出对国家的归属感。族群认同方面,维吾尔族大学生在新媒体使用中对于自己所属族群的情感态度、归属感比较强烈。新媒体在族际交往方面区隔意义大于联系意义。  相似文献   

近二十年中国宗教旅游研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宗教旅游作为一种以宗教文化为核心的旅游体验活动,是国内外旅游学术界重要的研究内容。通过对中国期刊网上检索到的244篇(1991~2009)相关研究文献的分析,发现20年来国内的宗教旅游研究主要集中在宗教旅游内涵、宗教与旅游的关系、宗教旅游资源评价及开发、宗教旅游可持续发展、宗教生态旅游等5方面。这些成果从总体上反映出我国宗教旅游研究领域狭窄、研究方法单一、成果水平不高、适用性不强的特征。今后应加强宗教旅游的基础理论研究,建立系统的宗教旅游理论体系;丰富研究内容,拓宽研究领域;创新研究方法,注重多学科联合,并加强国际合作。  相似文献   

文化适应是不同文化群体在相互接触交往过程中,其成员在心理和行为上会出现某种主流文化或原文化的趋同,从而采取某种文化适应模式。本研究通过开放式问卷对云南少数民族大学生的文化适应状况进行调查和分析,结果发现文化差异对他们造成的消极问题较少,面对文化适应过程中的不适应,少数民族大学生多采取积极的整合性的文化适应方式,但是部分学生也表现出消极甚至极端的应对方式取向。  相似文献   

“恶妇”和“妖妇”分别是中西文学中各具文化特色的邪恶妻子形象。这种创作认知的产生,既源于中西父权社会中普遍存在的“红颜祸水论”的共性认识,又源于各自不同的伦理文化价值根基。值得注意的是,通过邪恶妻子形象的创作样态可以发现,在较长的历史时期中,儒家伦理与宗教伦理在对待女性的统治上出现跨越时空的父权制话语共谋。在现代社会,这种权利话语共谋分别遭到中西不同文化视野下女权主义的批判。由此,邪恶妻子形象获得新的创作和解读,展现出中西女性共同的主体意识觉醒潮流。  相似文献   

传统观念认为,"发展"与"宗教信仰"之间有着不可逾越的鸿沟,"可持续发展"与宗教信仰之间更是无法建立某种关联,宗教信仰与可持续发展之间只能是对立的、排斥的关系。但是,通过对四川硗碛藏族乡在"集体化以前"、"集体化期间"、"集体化以后"三个时间段宗教信仰与经济发展之间关系的考察,发现实际情况却并非如传统所想象的那样:在少数民族地区,尤其是藏族聚居的地区,宗教信仰作为一种文化形式的理性存在,在某种程度上按照"天人合一"藏传佛教生存理念整合着人与自然、人与社会以及人与人之间的关系,是现代社会追求可持续发展道路上不可或缺的文化资本之一。  相似文献   

以合肥工业大学部分学生为对象,对大学英语课堂学生消极参与的原因进行了问卷调查和分析,并联系近代外语教学理论提出一些针对性的教学建议,旨在改善大学英语教学中学生消极参与的现象,提升大学英语教学效果,增强大学生运用英语交际的能力。  相似文献   

宗教问题关系到社会稳定、国家安全、民族团结、祖国统一。在我国现有各类宗教信徒中,农村女性信徒占绝大多数。考察她们信教的原因,主要表现为宽松的政治环境、农村基层组织宣教工作不力、妇女科技文化素质偏低、农村精神文化生活贫乏、宗教文化诱导乡村文化环境失范等。农村女性信教对社会造成了诸如削弱基层民主政权、危及社会治安、妨碍脱贫致富、制约精神文明建设、异化亲情友情等危害。因此,应采取提高认识,落实齐抓共管机制;强化载体,提升妇女思想道德境界;加大力度,提升妇女科学文化知识;加强建设,丰富农村文化活动,优化素质、提高队伍管理水平等措施。  相似文献   

In this article the authors examine different ways of organizing and financing pension systems in China, France, Ghana, Jordan, Mexico, Poland, and Sweden. They explore the advantages and disadvantages of the combinations of different features with special reference to gender differences. Men and women have different patterns of work history, with women usually having a lower participation rate in the formal labor market, including interrupted career in response to child rearing, as well as lower wages in general. Women have a longer life expectancy than men and are more likely to become widows than men are to become widowers. These differences influence the financial resources available to women in old age, depending on how a pension system is designed.  相似文献   

以中外合作办学项目100名新生为研究对象,通过问卷及词汇试卷调查学生词汇策略使用状况,分析词汇策略和词汇成绩之间的相关性,以及词汇策略使用差异。结果表明:中外合作项目学生在词汇学习观念上存在偏差,且观念和行动不一致;词汇策略使用总体状况不理想,即使是成绩优秀的学生,也不善综合使用元认知策略和多种认知策略促进词汇学习。在研究结果基础上,对词汇教学提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着新媒体时代的到来,女性参与“非遗”传承面临着特殊的机遇和挑战。通过对国内外“非遗”舞蹈女性参与研究文献的梳理,结合新媒体时代我国“非遗”舞蹈传承研究现状,文章发现目前我国“非遗”舞蹈女性参与研究虽然已经取得一定成果,但尚存在若干不足。新媒体时代女性参与“非遗”舞蹈传承与保护,不仅要充分发挥女性对网络社交平台的独特优势,借助身体的动态影像实现“非遗”舞蹈传播;更要关注在交互过程中通过个体经验阐释“非遗”舞蹈的文化精神,提高性别意识,发出女性的主体声音,在虚拟空间与现实空间共同寻求真正的性别平等。   相似文献   

Recent research reports a, link between diet-related behavior and alcohol abuse among women, but fails to explain this relationship. In the present study, a grounded theory approach is used to explore the link between diet-related behavior, body image, and alcohol use among a sample of college students. In the feminist tradition of “giving voice,” 78 college students participated in semi-structured, face-to-face interview to generate insight into the sociocultural practice of diet behavior and its association with alcohol use. Four specific categories of diet-related behaviors in the context of alcohol use emerged. Students reported altering their eating and drinking patterns, self-induced purging, or exercising to stave off unwanted weight gain believed to be caused by alcohol use. These categories are useful for understanding the alcohol-use and diet-related behavior associations reported in previous studies Results suggest drinking behavior among some college students is perhaps mutually influenced by socio-cultural pressures to conform both to dody-image norms and to drinking, norms. Interventions to reduce college alcohol use and the social consequences that accompany such behavior may need to take into account these social and psychological factors. His research focuses on how social structural and cultural features of communities affect individual behavior. In his research he addresses the roles of race, gender, and sexuality in alcohol use and alcohol-related interpersonal violence. I would like to thank professors Cynthia Robbins, Margaret Andersen, and Ronet Bachman for their support and guidance on all aspects of this research. I am indebted to the insight and suggestions made on, drafts of this paper from J. M. Cruz, Ph. D., and P. Guerino. To Tricia Wachtendorf and Erin Gladding, thank you for all your assistance in the collection and analysis of data. For the careful and critical though put into an earlier draft of this paper, I would like to acknowledge the anonymous reviewers at Gender Issues. And finally, I am grateful to the students who shared with me their views and experiences with alcohol use.  相似文献   

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