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如同历史一样,新疆各民族的民俗文化也经历着时间的洗礼而在历史的长河中变化、发展着,秦汉,魏晋隋唐,元明清时期的新疆民俗呈现出不同的发展轨迹和特点,在这些变化中,民俗事项本身体现出了鲜明的性别意识,在物质民俗与精神民俗中,男性与女性的表现是不同的。  相似文献   

Integration is often considered to be comprised of different dimensions which can influence each other in a linear fashion. For instance, if one becomes more proficient in the host country’s language, one’s labor market participation should also increase. In the Netherlands, this assumption has led to a plethora of policies (like mandatory integration courses) having targeted especially ‘Muslim’ women of Moroccan and Turkish descent, who are perceived as most isolated in society. Obliging them to learn Dutch was believed to increase their economic integration and their sense of home, the latter being considered pivotal for overall successful integration. However, the question is whether dimensions of integration really influence each other in this linear fashion – under all circumstances. With the help of biographical research conducted with first- and second-generation women of Moroccan and Turkish descent in the Netherlands and focusing on both linguistic and economic integration and their effects on sense of belonging, this study shows that mastering the new language and increasing labor market participation can actually have paradoxical non-linear, even curvilinear effects, leading to a decrease in sense of belonging. We try to capture this paradoxical phenomenon with the term doubleness of inclusion and exclusion.  相似文献   

海洛因、性、血液及其制品的流动与艾滋病、性病的传播   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
艾滋病或性病的传播在时空上是不平衡的 ,它是与海洛因、性、血液及其制品的流动以及一系列特定的政治经济与社会文化制度交织在一起的。从一定意义上说 ,艾滋病的蔓延暗示着社会的不平等以及社会变迁与社会文化制度不相协调的问题。本文基于作者在云南四个村落的田野调查以及对河南一个村落的访问 ,对艾滋病和性病在我国传播、蔓延的政治经济和社会文化背景做了描述和讨论。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教与回族服饰文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊斯兰教是回族文化的源头与核心。伊斯兰教对回族服饰文化有着广泛而深刻的影响。其影响的途径和方式有多种。在新的历史条件下,伊斯兰教仍不失为回族传统服饰文化传承发展的保障。  相似文献   

吴激、蔡松年同为金初著名词人。二人有着相似的仕宦经历,在入金前既已定交,入金后,交往颇深。以词而论,二人虽同号为“吴蔡体”,奠定了金源一代的词的创作,却因个人身世、词的题材、内容等方面的不同,在词的创作上亦表现出同中有异的风貌。  相似文献   

随着壮族与客家交往的增多,两者之间的文化互动越来越普遍,在语言、风俗习惯、宗教信仰等方面均相互包容,甚至相互吸收。在壮族与客家杂居地区,两者已经出现了文化上的融合,而且这种融合不是单方面的,而是"你中有我,我中有你",壮族的客家化与客家人的壮化同时并存。  相似文献   

This article explores the contrasts between the flexibility and openness of interethnic and diasporic identifications and the fixity of class distinctions in contemporary Britain. The author draws on fieldwork conducted in the Midlands area and a suburban town in the south east of England and traces the ways in which project participants mobilised their biographies and ancestries to express feelings of empathy and relatedness across black, white and Asian identities. The author discovered the same people articulated a strong sense of classed distinction between themselves and others who were thought to lack respectability, social ambition and mobility. These observations have led me to reflect upon the theoretical contrasts between what Stuart Hall has famously called ‘new ethnicities’ and what the author calls ‘old classities’.  相似文献   

Muslims constitute about 14% population of India and are the largest religious minority community spread over the length and breadth of the country. The minority community in question has been relegated to the lowest socio-economic stratum in Indian society especially after the partition and independence of the country. However, in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims are in majority constituting about 67% population of the state. In the current study, the Concentration Index of Muslim population, variation in literacy rate and work participation, occupational structure across region and religion, as well as the interrelationship between concentration of Muslim population, literacy rate and work participation in Jammu and Kashmir has been explored and explained. The present study is based upon secondary information obtained from Census 2001 and is also supplemented with government reports, published work wherever necessary. As far as share of Muslims in the sphere of education and employment in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, they have reported lower share among the population of literates, category of other workers and higher share in the occupational category of cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and non-workers in comparison to all religious groups. This means that despite being in majority, their situation is similar to their co-religionists at the all India level.  相似文献   

传统与现代化常被视为一对矛盾体,是不可调和的。二者之间有对立的一面,但传统对现代化也有积极作用。本文从传统的变异性、持续性入手,论述了传统对现代化的促进作用,点明了儒家文化的现代意义,说明传统与现代化是辩证统一的。  相似文献   

回族服饰文化与伊斯兰教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自元、明以来 ,回族的服饰在不断变化 ,但其中的宗教基因却保留不变。它既表现出华夏民族的文化传承 ,又涵盖着伊斯兰宗教文化的教义、教规与伦理道德 ,在中国少数民族服饰中独树一帜 ,为具有美观、端庄、俭朴等特色且表现出民族心理及审美观念的服饰文化。回族服饰文化是宗教礼仪服饰文化与世俗服饰文化的有机结合 ,体现着回族人民的智慧与民族精神  相似文献   

明清时期,广西区域社会开发不平衡现象进一步加剧,而且明显表现为东西发展不平衡,这与周边省区特别是两广的地缘关系是密不可分的。随着广东经济的迅速崛起,其以强大的地缘经济辐射力影响着桂东、桂东南地区,并且在文化上也产生了强烈的影响,造就了桂东地区与桂西地区在社会经济、文化方面的明显差异。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades the link – perceived and actual – between political extremism and football fans has been the subject of academic, political, and policing debate. It is not rare to witness manifestations of intolerance and ideological statements referring to regional, national and international issues at football stadia. In Italian football stadia, political representation has been evident for decades; politics has been integral to all realms of Italian society and culture since the origin of the nation. As one of the most significant Italian cultural practices, football has not been an exception. This combination of theory and action inspires thousands of young male football supporters. The football stadium might thus be interpreted as a twenty-first century social Agorá, where political opinions – otherwise ghettoized in society – can be freely expressed in pursuit of a wider consensus. This paper explores the under-researched milieu of neo-fascist ideology as displayed in contemporary Italian football stadia. Contributing original material and employing as conceptual frameworks the New Consensus Theory on fascism and the works of Julius Evola and Georges Sorel, this analysis hypothesizes that the neo-fascist tenets manifested by the ideologically-oriented ‘ultras’ fan groups, may be understood as both a consequence of, and a resistance against the dominant socio-cultural and political values of contemporary Italy. The research conducted between 2003–2007 sought to evaluate two internationally renowned ultras groups located in the Italian capital of Rome: the Boys of AS Roma and the Irriducibili of SS Lazio who enact their performances on their respective ‘curve’ [football terraces] of the city's Olympic stadium. Utilizing the ethnographic method, unique access was achieved in a notoriously difficult research milieu bringing the researcher into the social-cultural world of the participants and to the echelons of the extra-parliamentary Italian far right. Research sought to uncover the groups’ social interactions, values, and political beliefs, as a way of contributing to an understanding of both the Italian ultras of the twenty-first century and indeed the wider political milieu of the modern nation-state of Italy.  相似文献   

The tension between the sacred and the civil unfolds on myriad levels in Israel and the Palestinian territories. The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to sketch the evolution of the tension between the sacred and the civil in the modernisation process of the Middle East and in the birth of Israel in particular; second, to point out the limitations and ultimate failure of both governmental and peace‐building approaches that ignore the paradoxical nature of this opposition; and third, to attempt to find an alternative, phenomenological approach to religious space. The analysis is organised around four nested spheres: the Middle East in general, the Holy Land, Jerusalem and, finally, the Temple Mount/al Haram al‐Sharif at the centre. Though the Temple Mount/al‐Haram al Sharif is not a simple illustration among others, it constitutes the most powerful and comprehensive symbol of the forces at work in the constitution of religious space.  相似文献   

世界上任何语言都根植于特定的民族文化背景之中,反映着特定的文化内容.语言是文化的载体,也是民族文化的镜子;成语是语言的重要组成部分,具有很强的民族性,是民族历史的映射.汉语和俄语成语作为语言的基本要素,可以折射出两个民族特有的文化差异.  相似文献   

论族群与民族   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
族群概念的引入和使用为中国人类学和民族学的研究开辟了一个新天地。族群概念的界定是多义的 ,有的强调族群的内涵 ,有的强调族群的边界 ,有的是两者兼而有之 ,但简明准确的界定可以概括为“族群是对某些社会文化要素认同 ,而自觉为我的一种社会实体”。族群与民族的区别是 :(1)从性质上看 ,族群强调的是文化性 ,而民族强调的是政治性 ;(2 )从社会效果上看 ,族群显现的是学术性 ,而民族显现的是法律性 ;(3)从使用范围上看 ,族群概念的使用十分宽泛 ,而民族概念的使用则比较狭小。族群与民族的联系是 :族群可能是一个民族 ,也可能不是一个民族 ;而民族不仅可以称为族群 ,还可以包括若干不同的族群  相似文献   

加强宗教法制建设的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强宗教法制建设是依法管理宗教事务的前提和基础,依法管理宗教事务是党和国家确立的基本宗教政策,是新时期宗教工作方针的重要组成部分。本文结合黑龙江省宗教工作的实际,从加强宗教立法、完善宗教行政执法机制和在宗教界开展法制教育等方面阐述了加强宗教法制建设的理论与实践。  相似文献   

本文以19世纪前期的中亚为背景,勾勒了该时期英俄争夺中亚,并达成1873年英俄协定的历史概貌,以便使我们对英俄进行殖民掠夺的本性有一个全新的认识.  相似文献   

清土目职能由明代带兵、朝贡职能向清代"提唤"职能转换,不仅表明土目活跃于地方社会并参与地方事务,而且能够说它借助家族村社控制土司社会了。明朝时,土司区尚未完全形成朝廷、土司、家族村社三级互动模式,这种模式在明洪武年间处于发育期,基本以朝廷、土司的二级互动形式进行运动,到清朝"康乾盛世"时期才形成蔚为大观的规模,并迅速转化为朝廷与家族村社之间二级互动模式。  相似文献   

民族、宗教是我国民族地区普遍存在的一种社会现象,其存在必将会对我国民族地区和谐社会的构建产生影响,加强和提升民族、宗教工作是社会主义和谐社会构建的一项重要工作。对此,本文分别就民族、宗教工作的特点;民族、宗教工作是民族地区和谐社会构建中十分重要的工作;加强民族、宗教工作,为构建民族地区和谐社会创建工作机制等进行了论述。  相似文献   

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