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河南省长葛市以计生“亲情服务”活动为载体,大力开展“五访”服务,进一步提升了人口计生工作的亲和力。  相似文献   

2009年,河南省郸城县推出了“服务你我他,满意在计生”的主题活动,使不同层面计生人群不同程度地享受到“亲情套餐”。  相似文献   

刚进入新年,“关爱女孩,亲情牵手”优助活动就在高淳大地展开,1月13日高淳县计生系统举行了“关爱女孩,亲情牵手”优助活动仪式,全县80名贫困女孩,每人领到了200元的优助金和一套运动服。参加仪式的有县领导及各部门领导。县人口计生局局长、计生协副会长陈春花通报了“关爱女孩”活动情况,2006年全县广泛开展了“关爱女孩”活动,举办了“关爱女孩”知识竞赛活动,制定了优助政策,且有500多户享受到包括免费安装有线电视、免费参加合作医疗、减免学杂费等多项优惠政策,有98户享受到计生公益金救助,346人次享受“春雷计划”援助,37人享受到“希望工程”捐助和免费牛奶。  相似文献   

山阳区焦东街道办事处在“关爱女孩”行动中,通过大力开展“亲情关爱工程”和“就业致富工程”,让女孩户得到实实在在的好处,受到了辖区群众的普遍欢迎。  相似文献   

福建省泉州市鲤城区江南街道按照“属地管理、市民待遇、亲情服务”的原则,通过整合辖区资源,扎实开展“关爱流动人口·促进健康共享”的亲情保障工程,促进流动人口的社会融合,提升街道人口计生工作水平。健康项目共享服务。签订警民共建“人口·健康”关怀活动协议,定期组织开展义诊咨询、妇科病普查等系列活动。与医院、企业签订三方共建协议,为流动人口育妇发放“妇科免费普查卡”。健康教育共享服务。依托“江南人口”微信公众服  相似文献   

广西桂林市有流动人口56万人,其中流出人口39万人,流人人口17万人,流动已婚育龄妇女14万人。为破解流动人口计划生育服务管理难的难题,从2002年起,桂林市开展了积极有益的探索与实践,建立和全面推行了流出人口依托村(居)民自治实行“契约式”管理、亲情化服务和流人人口人来登记、人走注销的“旅店式”服务管理“两个模式”,逐步实现了以房管人、以静制动的源头管理新格局。  相似文献   

儿童是国家的未来,民族的希望。为了让留守儿童得到关爱和帮助,感受到亲情和温暖,贵州省赫章县教育局、人口计生局、计生协、妇联、团委、关工委6家单位联合开展以“奉献你的爱心、牵手留守儿童”为主题的关爱留守儿童活动,并举办了“关爱留守儿童万人签名”活动仪式。  相似文献   

美国一项最新的研究成果表明:由男人带大的孩子,在学校会取得更好的成绩,在社会上更容易成功。然而在现实生活中,普遍出现了“亲情关系向母性群体倾斜”的现象。  相似文献   

湖北省松滋市实施亲情关爱全覆盖行动,为全市失独家庭送去关爱和温暖。为缓解失独家庭成员没有子女所产生的孤寂和痛苦,最大程度抚平他们的心灵创伤,市人口计生局联合市总工会、市团委、市妇联,组织党(团)员干部,与失独家庭结对子,开展“一对一”亲情关爱活动,在生产生活上,除严格落实国家特别扶助制度外,另外由财政安排专项资金给予帮扶。  相似文献   

前不久,天津市蓟县人口计生委、天津市蓟县人民武装部联合在驻蓟66318部队举办“军队独生子女与蓟县留守儿童共享蓝天、亲情拉手”活动。北京军区、天津市警备区和天津市人口计生委分别为“结对子”家庭赠送了礼品,“结对子”家庭互换亲情联系卡、小朋友互赠小礼物,并在军营里开展了丰富多彩的联谊活动,孩子们度过了非常愉快的一天。留守儿童蒋鸣晨深有感触地说:  相似文献   

Public policies can be effective in raising people’s social inclusion as intended only reasonably through their implementation. With respect to the implementation perspective, this study examines the effectiveness of eight policies as perceived to implement in Hong Kong, China. The study employs data collected from 1,109 Chinese adults randomly sampled in a telephone survey. Results showed that perceived implementation of three of the policies, concerning elderly healthcare, civic education policy, and social enterprise, induced significant positive effects on social inclusion that the adult experienced. These effects represent externalities created by the policies, such that the policies are helpful to people other than those targeted. Furthermore, the study identified some background conditions, such as certain target and disadvantaged groups, for enhancing the effectiveness of the policy implementation.  相似文献   

城市外来人口居留意愿的影响因素研究:以苏州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居留意愿和行为是外来人口迁流过程中一项十分重要但又缺乏深入研究的内容。本研究试图以苏州市为例,通过问卷调查的方法,分析城市外来人口居留意愿和居留准备的影响因素,辨析外来人口居留意愿和居留行为之间的相互关系及其影响因素。研究发现,社会变量、迁移变量和制度变量(户口性质除外)都对居留意愿产生显著影响,经济变量产生边际显著影响,而人口学变量无显著影响。受教育年限、是否家庭迁移、月收入、社会融合程度、是否省内迁移、是否有子女在苏就读等变量对居留准备产生显著影响,其他变量未产生显著影响。居留意愿和居留准备对实际居留状态产生显著影响,但它们不是社会经济和制度变量与实际居留状态之间的中介变量。最后,论文指出了本研究存在的不足以及未来改进和深入研究的方向。  相似文献   



Midwives use telephone triage to provide advice and support to childbearing women, and to manage access to maternity services. Telephone triage practises are important in the provision of accurate, timely and appropriate health care. Despite this, there has been very little research investigating this area of midwifery practice.


To explore midwives and telephone triage practises; and to discuss the relevant findings for midwives managing telephone calls from women.


A five-stage process for conducting scoping reviews was employed. Searches of relevant databases as well as grey literature, and reference lists from included studies were carried out.


A total of 11 publications were included. Thematic analysis was used to identify key concepts. We grouped these key concepts into four emergent themes: purpose of telephone triage, expectations of the midwife, challenges of telephone triage, and achieving quality in telephone triage.


Telephone triage from a midwifery perspective is a complex multi-faceted process influenced by many internal and external factors. Midwives face many challenges when balancing the needs of the woman, the health service, and their own workloads. Primary research in this area of practice is limited.


Further research to explore midwives’ perceptions of their role, investigate processes and tools midwives use, evaluate training programs, and examine outcomes of women triaged is needed.  相似文献   

Results of this study indicate that pen and paper questionnaire procedures can be successfully adapted to random digit dialing telephone interview methods. Further, the study produced a reliable instrument for measuring attitudes about how residents perceive their communities as a place to live.  相似文献   

不同区域的人口具有不同的思想观念。思想观念对个体、群体、甚至民族的行为具有重要的影响。东西部的差距更深层次上是一种思想观念的差距。人口流动是促使东西部地区思想观念认同与变迁的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Morale, as a future-oriented indicator of well-being, is susceptible to caring and social exclusion in society, with respect to social integration theory. The influences of caring and social exclusion perceived in society merit the concern of the present study. In addition, the study explores personal background characteristics as conditions for moderating the influences. A telephone survey of 1,526 adults in Hong Kong in China provided data for the study. Results demonstrated the main effects of caring and social exclusion perceived in society on morale and conditions that moderated the effects. The strongest condition is age, such that social exclusion was particularly demoralizing to the older person. In contrast, the person’s wealth did not have a main effect on morale. Results therefore favor the idealist explanation rather than materialist explanation for morale.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine public response to a telephone screener used to identify a probability sample of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. METHODS: A telephone screener was designed to provide a representative sample of self-identified lesbians, gays, and bisexuals (LGB) in the 30 central cities of the 15 largest Consolidated Metropolitan Areas. RESULTS: Of 14,458 households contacted, 11,612 completed at least part of the survey. Of these, only 2.6% refused or responded "don't know" to the sexual orientation screener question. Respondents from the northeast were more reluctant to answer than respondents from the west. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a screener on a national telephone survey to screen households for self-identified lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults was a successful way to generate a representative sample.  相似文献   

Changes in marital and fertility behavior have influenced the role of father for many men. We use data from the first two waves of the National Survey of Families and Households to examine various sociodemographic, situational, and attitudinal characteristics that might influence the degree of contact between nonresidential fathers and their minor children. We tap two different dimensions of distance parenting and find that although several variables influence both visiting and talking on the telephone or writing letters, some factors (the presence of multiple children in a household) predict visiting only, while others (child’s age and gender) predict only verbal/written contact. Similarly, some of the life-course decisions made by fathers appear to crowd out their involvement with nonresidential children, whereas other decisions reinforce their parenting behavior.  相似文献   

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