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中国上市公司组合治理机制实证研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
一般地,按公司治理机制发挥作用的机理不同,可将其划分为基于公司治理结构的内部治理机制、基于市场的市场治理机制和基于社会环境的社会治理机制。公司绩效是这些治理机制共同作用的结果。本文首先选择设计了15个公司内部与外部治理机制的实证分析指标和1个公司绩效指标:接着以公司绩效为导向,运用数据挖掘技术对截止到2003年3月26日已发布2002年度报的305家沪市上市公司进行实证分析,得到了不同公司治理机制组合与公司绩效的对应关系,这为优化和设置公司治理机制组合、提高公司绩效提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文认为,影响我国公司治理机制有效性的主要环境因素为政府控制,同时分析了政府控制对治理机制有效性的影响机理.本文利用我国上市公司的数据进行实证研究,结果表明,政府干预行为影响到了董事会、股权制衡机制、薪酬激励机制等治理机制作用的发挥.本文的研究结论主要为公司治理的完善首先需要的是政府治理的完善.只有政府治理完善,对上市公司的干预减少,董事会、股权制衡机制、经理人市场和控制权市场才会发挥其相应的作用.  相似文献   

随着银行业市场竞争的日益加剧,我国城市商业银行越来越多地通过引入战略投资者特别是境外战略投资者来完善落后的公司治理机制,提高银行的绩效。本文以2001年至2007年我国八家城市商业银行为样本,对城市商业银行引入境外战略投资者前后的特征进行了实证研究,并进一步探讨了境外战略投资者在城市商业银行公司治理决策中的作用。实证结果发现,引入境外战略投资者后城市商业银行在公司治理、盈利能力等方面显著优于引入之前;境外战略投资者同时对城市商业银行公司治理决策产生“用手投票”和“用脚投票”的积极效应,并影响其公司价值。本文的经验结果对于进一步提升境外战略投资者在城市商业银行公司治理中的作用,完善城市商业银行公司治理具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

本文重点剖析了国有企业的治理机制特点,并选择了中国103家矿业类上市公司2008年的数据,采用多元线性回归分析方法,对影响矿业类上市公司绩效的因素进行了实证分析,找出对公司绩效有显著影响的治理因素,帮助中国矿业类公司推进治理机制改革。  相似文献   

董事会是股东和管理层之间的桥梁,担任着双重的角色,在公司治理中有着举足轻重的地位。而公司的一个重要目标即是提高公司业绩,那么董事会的各特征会对公司业绩有何影响,如何建立更为有效合理的董事会治理机制,从而促进公司更好的发展?本文通过对我国上市公司董事会特征和公司业绩之间关系的实证研究,试图找出一些规律,为我国上市公司的董事会治理机制的完善提供一些思路。  相似文献   

公司成长性是公司董事会治理水平和健全与否的直接而有效的反应,良好的董事会治理必然与公司持续健康的发展相联系。因此,本文以截至2012年6月30日在中国创业板上市的公司为样本,对中国创业板上市公司的董事会治理对其成长性的影响进行实证分析,并在实证研究的基础上,对如何完善我国创业板上市公司董事会治理,促进公司健康高速成长提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

基于公司治理外部性理论,本文实证检验了机构投资者交叉持股对企业违约风险的影响。研究发现,机构投资者交叉持股能够有效降低企业违约风险。中介机制检验表明,交叉持股主要通过完善的公司治理和额外的信息优势两条渠道对企业违约风险产生影响。在进一步研究中,本文证实分析师监督、审计师监督、企业所在地开通高铁均能够与机构投资者交叉持股发挥协同治理效应,更大程度上降低企业违约风险。本研究打破了传统关注单个企业公司治理的讨论框架,不仅有利于拓展公司治理外部性在资本市场中的应用,也能够为上市公司构建合理的风险管控体系提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

中国上市公司治理指数与治理绩效的实证分析   总被引:76,自引:3,他引:76  
本文根据中国上市公司治理环境 ,设置了公司治理状况评价指标体系 ,并建立公司治理指数评价模型。在对模型的稳定性与可靠性检验的基础上 ,对中国上市公司治理状况进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:股权结构是决定公司治理质量的关键因素 ,国有股一股独大不利于公司治理机制的完善;良好的公司治理将使公司在未来具有较高的财务安全性、有利于公司盈利能力的提高 ,投资者愿意为治理状况好的公司支付溢价;控股股东的行为具有很强的负外部性;董事会治理状况尚有待改善 ,董事会参与战略决策的功能并没有发挥应有的作用;监事会治理水平对公司治理绩效并没有显著影响;我国经理层治理的总体水平较低 ,激励约束方面需要进一步完善制度建设;公司治理水平对信息披露质量产生了影响。  相似文献   

本文从股权治理、债务治理、董事会治理、管理层激励治理四个维度入手,定量考察了中小企业的内部治理机制对公司绩效的影响。研究发现:股权治理机制和债务治理机制与公司绩效负相关,高管激励治理机制与公司绩效正相关。但无论在单一机制还是整体治理机制中,董事会治理机制对公司绩效的提升作用不显著。  相似文献   

基于2004~2006年中国上市公司截面数据,在实证检验不同治理机制间替代效应的基础上,系统分析了终极控制、公司治理与企业价值间的互动关系,验证了公司治理的中介效应。结果显示:1.董事会治理与其它治理机制间存在显著的替代效应。第一大股东持股比例的增加会强化董事会治理与股权制衡度、监事会治理之间的替代效应,而会弱化董事会治理与管理层激励、信息披露之间的替代效应;2.终极控制股东两权偏离对公司价值具有显著的负面效应;3.公司治理对公司价值具有显著的正向效应,其在终极控制对公司价值的作用机制中具有显著的中介效应,中介效应占总效应的比例超过50%。基于实证分析结果,最后为优化中国终极控制型公司治理提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

组合与单一治理对供应链信息系统价值创造的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对供应链中契约与信任、权威与信任之间的治理作用是互补还是替代关系的争论,对不同治理机制选择与供应链信息系统价值创造的关系进行梳理,运用博弈分析方法探讨组合与单一治理机制选择对供应链信息系统价值创造的影响,通过25家企业的实地调查对博弈分析结论进行讨论.研究表明,当环境不确定性较高时,采用契约与信任、权威与信任组合治理比采用单一契约或权威治理对供应链信息系统价值创造的促进作用更大;当环境不确定性较低时,采用契约与信任、权威与信任组合治理比采用单一信任治理的促进作用更大;当环境不确定性处于中间状态时,难以确定上述组合与单一治理两者的优劣.  相似文献   

The main challenge of microfinance institutions and social economy firms remains their survival, and to meet this challenge, MFIs need to be competitive. The poor performance of MFIs is usually attributed to their decision-making and operational processes. The governance of MFIs is therefore identified as one of their main risks. Despite this, governance is still little explored in these organizations and empirical studies find a weak relationship between classical governance mechanisms and MFI performance, especially for the MFIs situated in Africa (Thrikawala et al. in Asian J Financ Account 5(1):160–182, 2013a). In this study, we examine whether the effect of governance mechanisms on the performance of MFIs differs according to their legal status in the Cameroonian context. On the one hand, our empirical results show that there is a significant relationship between some specific governance mechanisms and MFIs’ performance. On the other hand, adjusting the governance mechanisms according to the MFIs’ legal status improves their efficiency. The analysis of the impact of the governance mechanisms on the performance of MFIs requires not only an approach that is specific to this sector but also an approach that is adapted to their legal status. Moreover, from a managerial point of view, it would be desirable to adjust the governance mechanisms, depending on the legal status of the MFIs, to make them more efficient from the social as well as the financial standpoint.  相似文献   

Past work on exchange relationships has debated the efficacy of partnership versus arm's‐length governance on performance of a buyer–supplier relationship. However, how these governance approaches leverage key supplier specific relationship characteristics has not been examined. In this study, we examine the moderating role of governance choice (arm's‐length versus partnership governance) in leveraging key supplier specific characteristics to achieve superior performance for the buyer in a relationship. Specifically, drawing from residual rights theory, we argue that the governance choice buyers make moderates the impact of supplier flexibility, supplier human capital and relationship dependency on performance. Our findings suggest that, for a buyer, the benefits of supplier flexibility and relationship dependency are better realized in partnership governance as opposed to arm's‐length governance. Further, our findings suggest that although buyers choose a specific governance approach consistent with their outsourcing motivation, the choice of governance is critical to leveraging the impact of supplier characteristics due to the moderation effects studied. We elaborate on these effects and discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

彭珍珍  顾颖  张洁 《管理世界》2020,(3):205-219,233
本文从竞合视角审视联盟组合,结合动态关系观探讨有效的联盟治理机制,揭示了联盟组合中竞合关系(横向竞合、纵向竞合)、治理机制(契约治理、关系治理)和创新绩效之间的关系,并考察了动态环境特征(技术波动、竞争强度)的二次调节作用。在不同的竞合关系中,由于合作和竞争的强度不同,契约治理与关系治理机制的作用也存在差异,同时,治理机制与创新绩效之间的关系也受到两种不同环境动态性特征的影响。研究结果显示,在纵向竞合中,运用关系治理比运用契约治理能更好地提升创新绩效,技术波动正向调节契约治理、关系治理与创新绩效间的关系。在横向竞合中,运用契约治理比运用关系治理有效,竞争强度加强了契约治理对创新绩效的影响,即关系治理在波动的环境中更有效,契约治理在竞争的环境中更有效。本文为企业开展研发联盟组合管理提供了新的视角和管理对策。  相似文献   

The vast majority of research on the relationship between corporate governance and strategic management focuses on the impact of corporate governance on strategic management. In this article we propose a cyclical model, highlighting that strategic decisions can also affect corporate governance through shaping firm ownership structure. We discuss the impacts of strategic decisions on firm ownership structure and corporate governance in the contexts of publicly traded firms, private firms, and the privatization of state-owned enterprises. We hope that our cyclical model can promote researchers to develop a more complete view about the relationships between strategic management, ownership structure, and corporate governance.  相似文献   

The need to solve innovation problems and insource knowledge has led to an increasing number of organizations engaging in crowdsourcing activities and subsequently establishing working relationships with winning solution providers. Using a knowledge‐based view and the problem‐solving perspective, we develop a theoretical framework suggesting how specific innovation problem attributes (i.e. the decomposability, formulation and search space of the problem) influence the governance decision (unilateral vs. bilateral) of seekers to manage the relationship with winning solvers. We empirically analyse the framework using 582 challenges broadcast on the NineSigma crowdsourcing platform. Our results indicate that problem attributes – the formulation and search space of the problem – have a positive effect on seekers’ preference towards unilateral governance structures. However, we did not find any empirical confirmation of the effect that the decomposability of the innovation problem has on seekers’ preference towards unilateral governance structures. This study offers several contributions to the crowdsourcing literature, and also has important implications for managers of organizations aiming to insource knowledge through crowdsourcing for innovation contests.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate social responsibility behavior on the sustainability performance of focal companies and their partners in fast fashion supply chains. The attributes of sustainability and the mechanism of sustainability governance of the fast fashion supply chain are also discussed. From the perspective of strategic corporate social responsibility, we first analyze the motives for adopting sustainability governance in fast fashion supply chains, and identify seven competitive sustainable attributes of the fast fashion product based on sustainable development theory. Then, by establishing a sustainability governance framework, we identify seven factors that affect the sustainability governance decision-making and evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy mechanism of sustainability governance from internal and external perspectives. Finally, we explore the application of the governance mechanisms via a case study based on H&M’s seven sustainability commitments. The findings suggest that the core influence and centrality of a corporation should be strengthened from the perspective of internal governance, and stakeholders should collaborate to achieve sustainability governance throughout the entire fast fashion supply chain from the perspective of external governance.  相似文献   

董事会治理是影响高管薪酬契约有效性的关键,已有研究主要从董事会结构层面展开,缺乏对董事会内部运作机制与高管薪酬契约有效性关系的具体分析。基于董事权威不平衡性的治理效应视角,系统考察了董事会非正式层级与高管薪酬契约有效性的逻辑关系及其作用机理,得出了一些具有重要价值的结论,主要包括:1.董事会非正式层级对高管薪酬业绩敏感性具有显著的负向调节作用,且主要体现在业绩下滑的样本公司中,表明董事会非正式层级对高管薪酬契约的影响主要体现在公平性和风险匹配性方面。2.只有当最高层级董事身份为独立董事时,董事会非正式层级对高管薪酬业绩敏感性具有显著的负向调节效应。3.董事会非正式层级增强了高管薪酬的行业和地区薪酬敏感性,进一步验证了董事会非正式层级的社会公平效应。论文的研究为从微观运作层面理解董事会治理和高管薪酬契约有效性提供一种新的视角和结论,对于优化董事会治理和提高高管薪酬契约有效性等均具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to shed light on the cognitive as well as the disciplinary role of one important governance mechanism that is the board of directors in a privatization context. Using a sample of privatized French companies, we examine the relationship between the size, component and structure of this mechanism to the performance and value creation on the post privatization period. Thus, the majority of our findings have support on the theory of cognitive governance, one aspect of governance that was ignored in previous research.  相似文献   

Integrating the perspectives of transaction cost economics, the resource‐based view, and resource dependency theory, this study analyzes the institutional settings of enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations in China. Specifically, it examines how bilateral transaction‐specific investments (TSIs) and relational governance mechanisms influence customer satisfaction with ERP implementations. The model is empirically tested using data from on‐site interviews with 208 ERP customers in China. The results demonstrate that the effects of vendors’ and customers’ TSIs on customer satisfaction are facilitated by multiple‐stage micromediational chains. The influence of TSIs on customer satisfaction is mediated by relational norms, and the impact of relational norms on customer satisfaction is bridged by perceived service quality and customer trust. Furthermore, the influence of vendors’ TSIs is stronger than the influence of customers’ TSIs. The findings contribute to business research and practice by providing valuable insights into how ERP vendors and customers should strategize TSIs to enhance relationship performance.  相似文献   

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