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The British Menopause Society Council is committed to provide up-to-date authoritative reviews to aid health professionals to inform and advise women about key issues in postreproductive health. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a leading cause of death in women. Observational studies have consistently shown estrogen to help prevent CHD in postmenopausal women. The large randomized controlled Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial did not confirm these observational findings. However, further analyses of the WHI study as well as the observational Nurses' Health Study have now found that the timing of onset of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use is important and that estrogen may have a protective role in CHD in women aged 50-59 years. This consensus statement will examine the evidence regarding HRT and non-estrogen therapies (lipid lowering agents, aspirin, antihypertensives, antidiabetic medications, selective estrogen receptor modulators [SERMs]) as well as diet, lifestyle and smoking cessation in the primary prevention of CHD in women.  相似文献   

Despite a re-evaluation of risks in recent years, hormone replacement therapy is still surrounded by controversy. Almost 30% of women in a recent survey sought a natural approach to combat climacteric symptoms. Nevertheless, a large proportion of patients felt that they wanted a good safety profile and strong evidence base for treatment. This article seeks to review the evidence supporting non-hormonal approaches to treatment. There is only conflicting evidence at best to support alpha-2 agonists, e.g. clonidine and limited evidence for dihydroepiandrosterone and natural progesterones. There is limited randomized controlled trial data for gabapentin, selective norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), many of these studies being related to breast cancer patients. Of the herbal medicinal products, the largest evidence base rests with phytoestrogens. A Cochrane Database review looking at all types of phytoestrogens, e.g. red clover extracts, dietary soya and soya extracts concluded that there was no evidence to support improvement in climacteric symptoms and the meta-analysis of a 178 studies on soy products was inconsistent. Nevertheless, other studies disagree. Mammographic density is not affected by soy or phytoestrogen products and recent in vitro work shows only a weakly proliferative effect of soy isoflavone on breast cancer cells and evidence that soy isoflavone blocks the proliferative effect of estradiol on these cells. There are no studies looking at clinical outcome measures for cardiovascular disease but a number of studies looking at biochemical markers including arterial wall stiffness and apolipo protein B. Recent studies have also looked at the effects of red clover isoflavone on mood and depression, using specific depression rating scales. Finally, it is important to note that herbal medicinal products should not be used without caution. Some may produce quite marked side-effects in high doses and others can interact with pre-existing medication. A strategy for which patients are suitable for herbal medicinal products is reviewed.  相似文献   

Individuals who participate in sexual behavior indeed expose themselves to multiple risks, including social, emotional, and physical risks. Outcomes associated with risk behavior can have detrimental consequences on one’s interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, and overall health and well-being. This study examined how four factors (relational, decision-making, sexual variables, and safety) operate in a postmenopausal women’s decision to engage in risky sexual behavior. Data were collected online from 44 women, ranging in age from 34 to 68. Results indicate this model explains 62.6% of the variance in risky decision-making for postmenopausal women. Implications and directions for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

An ongoing need for safe and effective pharmacological therapies exists for postmenopausal osteoporosis, which imposes a significant burden on both women and the health-care system. Bazedoxifene is a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator with a unique tissue-selectivity profile. In phase 3 clinical trials of nearly 10,000 postmenopausal women, bazedoxifene was shown to significantly reduce the risk of new vertebral fracture versus placebo, with favourable effects on bone mineral density, bone turnover markers and the lipid profile. Moreover, in a subgroup of women at increased risk of fracture, bazedoxifene significantly decreased non-vertebral fracture risk versus both placebo and raloxifene. Bazedoxifene has been shown to be safe and well tolerated, with no evidence of endometrial or breast stimulation. These data suggest that bazedoxifene may offer significant clinical benefit for postmenopausal women with or at risk of developing osteoporosis, which may subsequently lessen the medical and economic burden of this disease.  相似文献   

Since we last reviewed this topic in 2001, considerably more information about dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has accrued, but this has not necessarily left us any wiser about the use of this steroid in postmenopausal women. There is no further evidence that DHEA supplementation is likely to be useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease or cognitive impairment, or in the promotion of wellbeing. Evidence has, however, accumulated for beneficial effects of DHEA on osteoporosis, both in postmenopausal women and in patients receiving long-term glucocorticoid therapy. What is also emerging is a link between low DHEA levels and cardiovascular risk, and between high DHEA levels and breast cancer risk. In fact, the benefits and adverse effects of DHEA administration in postmenopausal women increasingly resemble those of conventional hormone replacement therapy. Overall, we conclude that DHEA is not currently to be recommended for therapeutic use in the majority of postmenopausal women. However, DHEA supplementation may be of benefit in two specific groups of women: those with the lowest circulating levels of DHEA; and those for whom osteoporosis is a particular problem.  相似文献   


The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is best defined as abdominal pain of greater than three months duration, with or without a change in bowel habits. Barium studies, sedimentation rate, and the lactose tolerance test are usually within normal limits. The underlying physiology includes a predominance of 3 cycles/minute basal electrical rhythm (BER). The abdominal pain is poorly localized and usually intermittent, without a clear relationship to medication. Differential diagnosis should include inflammatory bowel disease, infectious colitis or gastroenteritis, lactose intolerance, gallbladder disease, peptic ulcer disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts and tumors, and endometriosis. A sedimentation rate is an important part of the diagnostic workup which may or may not include barium studies. Anticholinergics have been shown to alter the abnormal BER of irritable bowel syndrome and have proven to be of use in treating this syndrome. Dietary counseling should include advising the patient to eat slowly and at regular hours, and heat applied to the abdomen in the form of a hot water bag has been useful. “Overprogrammed” individuals with irritable bowel syndrome should be advised to modify their activities as this type of stress may give rise to the symptoms.

“Effect of Estrogen/Progestin Potency on Lipid/Lipoprotein Cholesterol,” PATRICIA WAHL, CAROLYN WALDEN, ROBERT KNOPP, JOANNE HOOVER, ROBERT WALLACE, GERARDO HEISS, and BASH RIFKIND. We studied 374 women taking oral contraceptives, 284 women taking estrogen preparations after menopause, and 1086 women taking no hormones, to determine the relation of plasma lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations to various types of estrogen/progestin formulations. Premenopausal women using oral contraceptives containing a relatively low dose of estrogen combined with a medium or high dose of progestin (Norlestrin, Ovral, or Demulen) had a 24 per cent higher median concentration of low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol than did those not using hormones (P < 0.05). Women using oral contraceptives that are high in estrogen and low in progestin (Envoid or Oracon) had significantly higher concentrations of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol than did nonusers; those using Ovral, a low-estrogen and high-progestin formulation, had significantly lower levels of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol. In postmenopausal women the use of estrogen was associated with concentrations of low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol that were 11 to 19 per cent below the levels in postmenopausal women who did not use hormones. The effects of estrogen-progestin balance on low-density and high-density lipoproteins may underlie the increased incidence of stroke and myocardial infarction in women of childbearing age who take oral contraceptives. (New England Journal of Medicine 1983;308:862–7.)  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death in women but some of the challenges of management differ from those in men. This article addresses the gender-specific issues of cardiovascular management, with emphasis on ischaemic heart disease and modification of coronary risk factors. Women with ischaemic heart disease present later than men, and are therefore older and more likely to suffer from co-morbidities such as diabetes and hypertension. Proven CVD risk factors in women can be divided into those that are modifiable and those that are non-modifiable. The former include diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition; the latter include family history of heart disease and older age at presentation. It is this difference in age and general health that explains much of the variability in response to treatment. Pharmacotherapy, percutaneous intervention, surgical revascularization, and cardiac rehabilitation and disease prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

As in other areas of clinical activity, unintended harm to patients may occur in the course of postmenopausal health care, and measures to ensure patient safety should be actively promoted. This paper discusses the application of some basic principles of risk management to postmenopausal health care. To facilitate communication and reduce errors in diagnosis and treatment, risk management should be incorporated in the development of a dedicated menopause service.  相似文献   

Females live longer than males in many species, including humans. We have traced a possible explanation for this phenomenon to the beneficial action of estrogens, which bind to estrogen receptors and increase the expression of longevity-associated genes, including those encoding the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. As a result, mitochondria from females produce fewer reactive oxygen species than those from males. Administering estrogens has serious drawbacks, however--they are feminizing (and thus cannot be administered to males) and may increase the incidence of serious diseases such as uterine cancer in postmenopausal women. Phytoestrogens, which are present in soy or wine, may have some of the favorable effects of estrogens without their undesirable effects. Study of gender differences in longevity may help us to understand the basic processes of aging and to devise practical strategies to increase the longevity of both females and males.  相似文献   

The aim of this review was to identify the ways in which obesity affects the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of postmenopausal women. This was considered important because a growing body of literature has identified obesity as a significant predictor for a poor psychological wellbeing and negative HRQoL, particularly in women, and because during the transition through the menopause women tend to accumulate more body weight. After searching eight electronic databases, only nine papers appeared meaningful. Although a meta-analysis was not possible, we found that a body mass index (BMI) > 30 kg/m2 was associated with a poor HRQoL in postmenopausal women; particularly in the areas associated with physical functioning, energy and vitality, and health perceptions. Thus, clinical management of obese postmenopausal women should focus on weight reduction and exercise in an attempt to improve wellbeing in these areas. However, the paucity of research, the different instruments chosen to measure HRQoL and the methodological limitations of the studies identified, prevented firm conclusions being made about whether the relationship between BMI and HRQoL is linear in postmenopausal women. Further research is needed to explore this relationship; particularly in comparison with underweight postmenopausal women and obese premenopausal women, where a few papers have identified these women as having a worse HRQoL than their obese postmenopausal counterparts. Other measures of central adiposity, including waist circumference and waist-hip ratio are recommended as useful supplemental measures to BMI in future studies.  相似文献   

Background and methodology Sociodemographic trends mean increasing numbers of new relationships in later life. These trends may not only have health consequences for women and health services but also impact on the targeting of sexual health messages. This study aimed to examine attitudes and knowledge surrounding contraception, sexual health and unwanted pregnancy among those accessing the website www.menopausematters.co.uk. A voluntary online survey was completed. RESULTS: Survey was completed by 550 respondents. Three hundred and sixty-six women, 94% of whom self-classified as pre- or perimenopausal, had been sexually active with a male partner in the previous four weeks. Commonest contraceptive methods used by perimenopausal and postmenopausal women were condoms, combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) and male sterilization. Up to 42% of women surveyed were unhappy with their contraception. A total of 27% premenopausal, 32% perimenopausal women and 40% postmenopausal used no contraception. One-third of women were unhappy about this and 19 unplanned pregnancies had occurred. The majority of women were informed regarding COCP use over 35 years, hormone replacement therapy, emergency contraception and ceasing contraception. The majority of women were unaware that more terminations of pregnancy are performed in women over 40 than any other age group per total pregnancies.Almost a third of women were unaware that chlamydia incidence is increasing in older women. Most would use condoms in new relationship. Discussion and conclusions Women accessing www.menopausematters.co.uk are well informed about contraception and sexual health. The majority of those accessing the site are sexually active, but many use no contraception, or are unhappy with their chosen method, leaving them vulnerable to unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted infections in the older woman   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dependent upon sexual behaviour peri- and postmenopausal women are increasingly at risk of sexually transmitted infections, although the overall rates remain low when compared with younger people. Symptoms are often non-specific or absent and may be misinterpreted as being due to the menopause. In addition, both the women and their clinicians may not be aware of their infection risk, thus leading to a delayed or missed diagnosis. Risk assessment and referral for screening of infections should be carried out wherever appropriate.  相似文献   

Processed foods such as milk and cereal are allowed to use health claims limitedly. The purpose of this study was to document consumers and experts about their opinions on the permission of health claims on processed foods. We conducted a national survey of 1,000 adults and interviewed 16 experts. We found that consumers were generally favorable toward the permission of health claims on processed foods. Experts emphasized strict, scientific review by a government agency, effective consumer education, and cautious claims such as warnings and daily intake claims.  相似文献   

Elevated serum cholesterol levels have been shown to be associated with premature atherosclerosis in adolescents and young adults. The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends cholesterol screening for all adults aged 20 years or older, but normative data on the college-age population are limited. At a university where lipid profiles are made available to students in selected health/wellness courses, the authors analyzed and summarized lipid profiles on 1,088 undergraduates. Mean total cholesterol levels were similar for men (165 +/- 33 mg/dL) and women (168 +/- 27 mg/dL). The men, however, had significantly lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and higher low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol than the women. One hundred twenty-one students (11.1% of the sample) had elevated serum cholesterol levels (LDL-C > or = 130 mg/dL). Cholesterol screening can be used as an educational tool for college students to reinforce the link between lipid levels and health habits.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women in the Western world and is predominant among the elderly. A large body of evidence suggests that hormonal signaling plays a critical role in the regulation of cardioprotective mechanisms, as premenopausal women are at significantly lower risk of heart disease compared with men, but the risk greatly increases with the onset of menopause. This association indicates that estrogen may protect the heart from cardiovascular disease. Whereas a number of analyses of the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on postmenopausal women supported the idea that estrogen is a cardioprotective factor, the findings of the more recent Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study suggested that HRT may actually increase the risk of cardiovascular events. These conflicting reports have left both patients and clinicians reluctant to continue using current HRT regimes. The WHI findings do not, however, negate the epidemiological link between menopause and increased cardiovascular risk. Hence, the identification of the specific actions of estrogen that promote cardioprotective pathways without enhancing deleterious vascular mechanisms may provide novel estrogen-based alternatives to current HRT strategies. In this Review, we outline the known actions of estrogen on the cardiovascular system, focusing on cardioprotective mechanisms that may be targeted for the development of new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) represent a class of drugs that act as agonist or antagonist for estrogen receptor in a tissue-specific manner. The SERMs drugs are initially used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Bone health in prostate cancer patients has become a significant concern, whereby patients undergo androgen deprivation therapy is often associated with deleterious effects on bone. Previous preclinical and epidemiological findings showed that estrogens play a dominant role in improving bone health as compared to testosterone in men. Therefore, this evidence-based review aims to assess the available evidence derived from animal and human studies on the effects of SERMs on the male skeletal system. The effects of SERMs on bone mineral density (BMD)/content (BMC), bone histomorphometry, bone turnover, bone strength and fracture risk have been summarized in this review.  相似文献   


Background: Modifiable risk factors contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and erectile dysfunction (ED). We aimed to compare the knowledge about the contribution of modifiable risk factors to the pathogenesis of CVD and ED. The impact of patients’ having modifiable risk factors on the awareness of their negative influence on the development of CVD and ED was examined.

Methods: To this multicenter cohort study, we included 417 patients with CHD who had been hospitalized in the cardiology or cardiac surgery department during the previous six weeks and underwent cardiac rehabilitation in one of the five centers. Knowledge about modifiable risk factors was collected. ED was assessed by an abridged IIEF-5 questionnaire. Comparisons between groups were conducted using the Student’s t-test, Mann–Whitney U test, and Kruskal–Wallis test. Relationships were analyzed with Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.

Results: The mean number of correctly identified risk factors for CVD was significantly higher than those for ED (3.71?±?1.87 vs. 2.00?±?1.94; p?<?.0001). Smoking was the most recognized risk factor both for CVD and ED. Dyslipidemia was least frequently identified as a risk factor for CVD. Sedentary lifestyle was the only risk factor whose incidence did not affect the level of patient knowledge.

Conclusions: Cardiac patients with ED know more about risk factors for CVD than ED. It is necessary to include information about the negative impact of modifiable risk factors on sexual health into education programs promoting healthy lifestyles in men with cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD, comprising coronary heart disease and stroke) is the leading cause of death in both sexes in developed countries. Although women are nine times more likely to die from CVD than they are from breast cancer, there is a general public belief that the most common cause of death is cancer. The symptoms of acute myocardial infarction and acute coronary syndromes differ between the sexes. Women are less likely to experience chest pain and may have non-specific symptoms. Normal or non-obstructive coronary disease, as detected by angiography, is more common in women. Scintigraphy improves the detection of coronary disease in women. There is an urgent need to increase awareness of both coronary heart disease in women and the limitations of commonly used diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

The author collected data on serum cholesterol, blood pressure, and self-reported health behavior in 226 college students aged 18 to 26 years. Twenty-nine percent had undesirable total cholesterol levels, 10% had high cholesterol, 10% had high systolic blood pressure, and 11% had high diastolic blood pressure. Half or more of the participants consumed a diet high in saturated fats, engaged in binge drinking, had a parental risk for high cholesterol or blood pressure, or reported they experienced elevated stress levels. Men had higher risk-factor levels than women. Findings from a regression analysis revealed that smoking, binge drinking, lack of cardiovascular exercise, and eating a high saturated-fat diet were predictive of undesirable cholesterol levels. Study limitations included self-selection of participants and single measurements of blood pressure and cholesterol. Trained students served as screeners in the program for providing an effective, low-cost screening intervention.  相似文献   



Increased circulating levels of prolactin have been associated with increased risk of both in situ and invasive breast cancer. We investigated whether or not physical activity had a dose–response effect in lowering plasma levels of prolactin in postmenopausal women.


Four hundred previously inactive but healthy postmenopausal women aged 50–74 years of age were randomized to 150 or 300 min per week of aerobic physical activity in a year-long intervention. Prolactin was measured from fasting samples with a custom-plex multiplex assay.


A high compared to moderate volume of physical activity did not reduce plasma prolactin levels in intention-to-treat (Treatment Effect Ratio (TER) 1.00, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.95 – 1.06) or per-protocol analyses (TER 1.02, 95% CI 0.93 – 1.13).


It is unlikely that changes in prolactin levels mediate the reduced risk of breast cancer development in post-menopausal women associated with increased levels of physical activity.

Trial registration

clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01435005.

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