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李巍军 《唐都学刊》2004,20(1):80-83
商业银行“惜贷”、“慎贷”的背后潜藏着我国经济运行过程中深层次的矛盾。“企业给银行打工”、“信贷员领导下的厂长责任制”同样是我国银企关系扭曲的真实写照。金融机构“存差”扩大的根本原因是由其负债的存款单一性和资产的多元化所造成的。当前的商业银行体系不是“夕阳产业” ,不应也不能加以“抛弃”。  相似文献   

P. J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion, 1688–1914 (1993), xiv + 490; British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction, 1914–1990 (1993), xiii + 326 (Longman, London, £17.99 and £3.99).

W. D. Rubinstein, Capitalism, Culture, and Decline in Britain, 1750–1990 (1993), viii + 182 (Routledge, London, £25.00).

Stanley Chapman, Merchant Enterprise in Britain: From the Industrial Revolution to World War I (1992), xvi + 336 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £40.00).  相似文献   

本文从台湾问题的现状出发,分析福田内阁的对华"协调外交"轨道及其国内外政治环境,认为有利于改善中日关系及台湾问题的机遇期不但相对稳定,而且可能延续至"后福田政权".今后日本与台湾地区的关系趋向多元化、复杂化,给中日、中美关系及中日美三边关系带来更多的不确定性,美日两国政府以及日台非官方名义下的防务合作,形成破坏台海稳定的潜在危机因素.实现多方合作共赢的目标,需要各国朝野的共同努力.  相似文献   

Social welfare reform has been implemented in Korea since the 1997 financial crisis. A dominant concern of the reform was on equality and social solidarity. A major means to this end was establishing universalistic social insurance programs like those in developed welfare states. The reform efforts produced some positive results but were not greatly successful. Income polarization and the deteriorating economic status of low-income families have become big social issues. Many low-income families have not gained many benefits from the reformed social security system. The rapid aging of the population is creating an exploding demand for social spending, risking the fiscal sustainability of major social insurance programs. The reform experience suggests that a social welfare system based on western-style universal social insurance may be too expensive to sustain and not very effective in protecting disadvantaged families in Korea. More attention is being paid to expenditure control and efficiency. Social insurance programs may need to be leaner than those in traditional welfare states. Targeted programs, such as the "making work pay" policy, are likely to be expanded more broadly to low-income families. The future of the Korean welfare state may hinge on successful employment support for working families and extensive investment in their human capital.  相似文献   

今日中国,拥有汽车已成为大多数城市家庭幸福生活的一种理想.在"汽车梦"的社会建构过程中,作为一种消费意识形态的汽车广告在其中起了非常大的作用.本文以<南方周末>(1998~2007)为例,对近十年的汽车广告内容进行分析.文章认为,"个体享乐性想象认同"和"社会参照性成功认同"是汽车广告用来建构"汽车梦"的两个重要的"认同策略",其影响作用远远超过了汽车广告中的"功用策略",对广告内容分析的结果证明了本文所提出的研究假设.文章最后对"汽车梦"为什么在近十年得到极力建构的社会根源进行了探讨,并对其所带来的潜在的社会后果进行了深刻的反思.  相似文献   

俄罗斯法治现代化之路的曲折性有目共睹,对于同时代其他转型国家具有极强的参照价值。俄罗斯法治现代化之路可以有两个考察路径,一般路径主要沿社会制度变革路线进行考察,特殊路径则通过文化哲学研究范式,以文化模式转换为线索进行考察。一般路径贯彻的是以社会制度来决定研究的基调和范围,特殊路径贯彻的是以文化模式转换来决定研究的视野,社会制度变迁在显性层面上表现出俄罗斯现代化进程的阶段性,文化模式转换则是这种阶段性表现的内在驱动力,二者一表一里共同表征俄罗斯法治现代化的内在逻辑。两种路径交融能够形成一种总体性视角,在研究对象、研究方式和研究内容等方面具有独特的立场,最终促成对俄罗斯法治现代化研究的方法论转向。  相似文献   

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