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Social Indicators Research - In India, despite heavy constitutional protection, due to caste-based discrimination, millions of residents are still struggling to access their basic rights such as...  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper was to investigate the developmental patterns of social exclusion among older Koreans over time. In addition, we identified the significant determinants that may increase the risk of social exclusion among older Koreans. The analyses were based on the panel data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing and included older adults from 2008 to 2012 (N?=?24,074) for the final analysis. Social exclusion was categorized into four different sub-dimensions: financial, social relational, social cultural, and emotional. The analysis was based on a semi-parametric group-based approach followed by multinomial logistic regression. The results showed considerable variations and different developmental trajectories by the social exclusion sub-dimensions among older Koreans; in particular, the results showed that being older, male, and less educated were significant indicators of social exclusion. This study adds to the limited body of literature on longitudinal studies of social exclusion among older Koreans, and the results will help develop interventions for older Koreans who are socially isolated.


Demand management policy and practice has been focused on the need to reduce car‐based trips and the level of congestion. Mode‐shift goals of transport policy now require a greater balance between congestion reduction objectives and the equally important policy objectives of social inclusion and safety. This paper examines transport disadvantage and social exclusion in urban Scotland. The work provides an overview of the trends and transport patterns in deprived areas. It examines the impact of income and gender on journey time and lifestyle and demonstrates the differential effects of transport access on the ability to access goods and services. The paper also looks at policies that are being developed to tackle the effects of transport disadvantage.  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating empirically the relationship between self-declared satisfaction with life and an individual’s well-being as measured by the indices of deprivation and social exclusion proposed in the income distribution literature. Results on European countries show that life satisfaction decreases with an increase in deprivation and exclusion after controlling for individual’s income, relative income and other influential factors in a multivariate setting.  相似文献   

This paper explores the domains and indicators ofsocial inclusion and exclusion and their interactionat national and community level, within the context ofthe social quality construct and the notions of Demosand Ethnos.Social inclusion/exclusion is conceptualiseddynamically within the overarching construct of socialquality. Micro and macro aspects of social quality arediscussed along with the relationship betweenorganisations and institutions and communities, groupsand individuals. The relationship between these levelsis explored in relation to Delantys distinctionbetween Demos and Ethos. Drawing on the work ofMcMillan and Chevis, two domains of community areidentified – identification and participation.Relevant attributes and indicators are suggested foreach domain.Interactions between social inclusion and exclusion atnational and community level are then exemplified,ranging from inclusion to exclusion both communallyand nationally via intermediate stages of inclusion inone realm and exclusion in the other. Social policyimplications of the relationship between national andcommunity exclusion are drawn, both formacro/institution and organisational levels (inrelation to legislation and society-wide serviceprovisions) and micro and group and citizen level (inrelation to social work).  相似文献   

Morale, as a future-oriented indicator of well-being, is susceptible to caring and social exclusion in society, with respect to social integration theory. The influences of caring and social exclusion perceived in society merit the concern of the present study. In addition, the study explores personal background characteristics as conditions for moderating the influences. A telephone survey of 1,526 adults in Hong Kong in China provided data for the study. Results demonstrated the main effects of caring and social exclusion perceived in society on morale and conditions that moderated the effects. The strongest condition is age, such that social exclusion was particularly demoralizing to the older person. In contrast, the person’s wealth did not have a main effect on morale. Results therefore favor the idealist explanation rather than materialist explanation for morale.  相似文献   

We examine the perception of social exclusion and quality of life and their interactions among a group of Turkish citizens. For this purpose we used the social exclusion scale developed by Jehoel-Gijsbers and Vrooman and the WHOQOL-BREF scale. The study group consists of 2,493 participants who are residents of a city in Turkey. Our study was based on self reporting and voluntary participation. We used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) for the analysis. We observed significant paths among several dimensions of quality of life and social exclusion. We found that the material deprivation dimension of social exclusion has a direct and negative impact on the environment and social relationships domains of quality of life. The material deprivation dimension explains 36% of the variation in the environment and 16% of the variation in social relationship domains of quality of life. This finding indicates that the material deprivation and social participation play an important role in the perception of environmental and psychological life quality. Physical health, social relationships, and environmental domains of life quality are important in the social participation dimension of perceived social exclusion.  相似文献   

According to Hunan Daily,Hunan Province has already achieved full coverage of urban-rural social old-age insurance system. As the end of August2012,New Rural Social Old-age Insurance(NRI) and Urban Social Old-age Insurance(UI) in 26 pilot counties,cities and districts of Hunan were all allocated successfully.Before this,the government had already offered the insurance in 96 pilot counties,cities and districts in three batches.The new 26 pilot counties,cities and districts this year are the last batch in Hunan  相似文献   

易成栋 《南方人口》2004,19(3):58-64
在我国加速城市化进程中 ,非正式迁移的农村人口已经在城市工作、定居 ,成为城市常住人口的重要组成部分 ,并具有长期定居倾向。我国的二元社会经济结构依然存在。转型阶段的制度安排导致了劳动力市场、住宅市场、城市政治和社会文化环境等对非正式迁移的农村人口的社会排斥 ,并导致非正式迁移的农村人口边缘化 ,成为弱势群体。社会排斥通过住房表现出来 ,导致非户籍迁移人口与市民的居住分异。通过武汉市第五次人口普查资料实证研究表明 ,与市民相比 ,非正式迁移的农村人口住宅的数量少 ,质量差 ,产权情况不同 ,存在空间隔离和社会分异 ,证明了社会排斥的客观性。我国应进行与城乡统一的户籍制度相应的制度创新 ,平等对待非正式迁移的农村人口 ,将其融入市民社会 ;住房政策应在社会公平与市场效率的结合中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Using data from surveys on “social quality survey questionnaires”, carried out by the Asian Consortium for Social Quality between 2009 and 2011, this study investigates the causes of social exclusion in six Asian societies. About 6,460 questionnaires were completed and the analysis of the data reveals the features and the causes of social exclusion in these societies. The study concludes that the impact of social factors (maritual status, parental relations, and personal relations with local communities) on social exclusion is stronger than the political and economical factors (including class stratification and lack of financial resources). The findings indicate that the lack of social capitals is the most significant cause of social exclusion in these societies.  相似文献   

流动、剥夺、排斥与融合:社会融合与保障权获得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民市民化是中国现代化、城市化进程中的必然趋势,城市化和市民化现实表现为"流动、定居、融合"的社会过程。但中国当前却出现了进城农民"流动但不定居、定居但不融合"的现象。造成这一现象的主要原因是进城农民"内在市民化"滞后于"外在市民化"。"内在市民化"现实表现为自我角色的定位与认同,文章通过对自我角色认同这一表征的多元回归分析发现,造成进城农民"内在市民化"滞后的原因在于进城农民文化水平、年龄、婚姻等因素的差异,而其中最根本的原因在于农民无法稳定获得与市民平等、无差异的包括基本社会保障权在内的基本公民权利,存在"权利剥夺"。在分析结论的基础上,提出了加快进城农民社会保障权利获得等建议,以期加快市民化进程。  相似文献   

於嘉  谢宇 《人口研究》2017,(2):3-16
文章分析2014年中国家庭追踪调查数据,考察我国男性与女性初婚前同居的状况及其影响因素.结果表明,我国居民中具有初婚前同居经历的比例约为10%,且这一比例在较年轻的群体中更高.在最近结婚的人群当中,同居比例达到1/3以上.根据发展范式这一理论框架,结合我国的社会情境,文章提出,人们观念的改变与制度的变化是造成我国同居比例上升最主要的推动力.多元回归分析的结果表明,出生世代、教育程度、城市生活经历、流动经历、党员身份和居住地经济发展水平这些因素,对我国居民是否具有初婚前同居的经历均有着显著的影响.文章对同居的分析能够帮助我们更好地理解当前我国初婚年龄的推迟等婚姻与家庭领域中发生的变化.  相似文献   

本研究基于对96位60岁或以上的拾荒老人的问卷调查和17名老人的深度访谈,揭示了拾荒老人这一特殊群体的基本生活图景,并辨识出他们面对各种不同形式的社会排斥,包括经济排斥(缺乏工作机会与消费能力)、政治排斥(缺乏工会/机构保护其利益)、社会关系排斥(因拾荒而受到歧视或生活孤独)和福利排斥(没有领取社会保障金和无法企及社会福利服务)。  相似文献   

The eventual objective of social disciplines is to ensure the existence of peaceful and prosperous societies through the provision and protection of property rights for all segments of society. The deprived and socially excluded persons attempt to violate the formal rules and informal norms of the society. Developing countries have been facing rapidly increased number of violators of rules and norms, causing to higher crime rate which confronts multifarious ethnic problems, religion, multi-lingual problems. The case of Pakistan dose not varies when our study consider socioeconomic causes of crimes i.e. ethnic diversity and social exclusion. Present study is a contribution in this blistering issue, particularly in case of Pakistan. Therefore, our study explores the socioeconomic determinants of crime rate in Pakistan, by using bound testing and auto regressive distributive lag technique for the data period of 1970–2015. The estimated results reveal that ethnic diversity, social exclusion and deterrence have positive and significant impact on property, violence crime rates, and on overall crimes in Pakistan. While per capita income and population density, both have negative and significant impact on property and violence crimes.  相似文献   

Recently,Shanghai,thelargestmetropolisinChina,hitnewspaperheadlineswithitsOldAgeMutual-AidAssociations.Thesemembership-basedassociationsoffertwoprograms:"servicedeposit"and"monetarymutualaid".Underservicedeposit,membersparticipateincaringactivitiesor...  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - China has seen an unprecedented increase in rural-to-urban migrants in the last three decades, and the extension of welfare programmes to these migrants has been a...  相似文献   

As cities of the Gulf Cooperation Council grow and integrate with global markets, questions relating to their unique social compositions continue to emerge. Abu Dhabi has been competing with other cities in the region through massive investments in infrastructure and megaprojects, including the provision of public transportation. The paper examines the issues of bus ridership in Abu Dhabi and relates it to the broader debates on social exclusion and transportation. As a globalizing city with a majority expatriate population, and with a large presence of blue-collar workers, unique rifts in the society are further complicating the ‘usual’ prejudice against buses. The paper reports on results from fieldwork including surveys and observations. It concludes that the bus system could be more effective in fostering social inclusion if a broader accessibility planning approach is used.  相似文献   

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