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文章阐述了流动老人社会融合概念的内涵与外延,并建构该概念的测量指标体系。流动老人兼具老年和流动的双重特征,使得老年社会学和流动人口两种研究视角交织在一条轨道上来理解流动老人社会融合的内涵。流动老人社会融合是指流动老人在流入地通过自我应对,尤其是社会支持等途径,消减遭受社会排斥的风险,建立起与其生活空间的良好互动关系,从而满足各种老年生活基本需要,实现生活质量提高的状态。从流动老人所处生活空间的角度分析,流动老人社会融合包括心理认同、家庭融洽、社区融合、区域适应、制度包融五个维度,每个维度包含若干代表性指标。  相似文献   

基于2011年“中国健康与养老追踪调查”全国基线调查数据,研究城市老年人社会活动参与对其健康的影响。研究结果发现社会活动参与对老年人日常生活活动能力、抑郁情绪均有显著影响。社会活动参与越多的老年人,在日常生活活动能力方面表现得越好;抑郁情绪也越少。可见,社会活动参与能有效改善老年人的健康水平。本文的研究结论支持了活动理论的观点,即老年人参与社会活动,可以增进他们的身体和心理健康水平。此外,本文还发现性别、年龄、婚姻状况、医疗保险、吸烟、喝酒等变量均对老年人健康有显著影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of participation in productive activities on life satisfaction and its implications for social evaluation of productive aging. This study uses data collected from 1,250 elderly women living in urban areas. The regression model was used to examine the influence of elderly women's participation in productive activities on their life satisfaction. Elderly women who participate in volunteer work, learning, and social group activities commonly recognized their activities as meaningful, feeling like worthwhile members of society, and evaluated such activities as very positive. In contrast, elderly women who participated in household chores and family care activities expressed a negative life satisfaction. The difference in life satisfaction regarding productive activities stems not only from the physical and environmental differences but also from the gap between the official social value underpinned by the recognition of surrounding people, their support, and the value of productive activities.  相似文献   

This paper examines Taiwan’s folk happiness, which means the subjective well-being of the common people. Subjective well-being of people refers to the judgments people make about their life satisfaction or happiness. Such judgments may include their satisfaction of life as a whole (global life satisfaction) or of specific aspects of life (domain satisfaction). Based on survey data from a large sample, the life satisfaction of people is investigated in two aspects—people’s personal life and their perceived conditions of living in Taiwan, respectively presented as personal well-being and national well-being or societal well-being. The meanings of the well-being findings are interpreted against the socio-political environment of Taiwan. The paper also examines the socio-demographic aspects, including gender, age, marital status, education, income, religion of the folk happiness of Taiwan. It is found that people in Taiwan are moderately happy.  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to analyze the aging experiences of elderly women in Estonia and the factors influencing them. The assessments of two groups using social services are compared—the elderly living in Tallinn’s social houses and the elderly receiving care at home. From February to August 2011, a total of 80 elderly women were interviewed. Inhabitants of social houses find that their old age is satisfying more often (65% of the inhabitants of social houses and 40% of the people in home care). Many home care clients were convinced that it is best to spend old age among loved ones and in a familiar environment. Those living at home have many difficulties, which is why 20% of them are on a waiting list to go to a social house. Home services should include services with which the inhabitants of social houses are very satisfied.  相似文献   

Roh  Miyoung  Weon  Soyoon 《Social indicators research》2022,160(2-3):717-734

With a rapid aging population in South Korea, the elderly living alone has received particular attention from researchers and stakeholders. Although previous research has found that living alone negatively affects life satisfaction of the elderly, much remains unclear about how life satisfaction of the elderly changes over time as their living arrangement change. To advance knowledge on life satisfaction of the elderly, using the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging we tested the association between life satisfaction (overall life, health, and financial) of the elderly and their living arrangement. Our longitudinal research found that the elderly living with family had significantly higher life satisfaction compared to those living alone between 2006 and 2016. In addition, individuals who had a superior economic profile and maintained physical activity and social relations showed higher life satisfaction than their counterparts. Our findings suggest that to improve the life satisfaction of the elderly living alone, both material and psychological support programs are needed. Future research is needed to account for the multi-faceted nature of life satisfaction.


This study proposes that differentials in the determinants of life satisfaction can be used to test if the elderly have a new equilibrium. One's global life satisfaction is taken as an indicator for one's inner world and for the elderly, global life satisfaction is assumed to be not influenced by life domains which indicate drastic social changes, because they are supposed to be disengaged from social activities. On the other hand, global life satisfaction for other adults is affected by life domains indicating social changes, because they are still tightly involved with social activities. The differentials in the determinants of global life satisfaction thus indicate that the elderly have a new equilibrium.A national survey on Taiwanese living conditions conducted by the Ministry of Interior, the Republic of China, in 1998 is used to test the above hypotheses. The analytical results show that the elderly have perceived drastic social changes. Moreover, they do have an equilibrium that is different from the other two age groups.  相似文献   

本文利用2008年中国老年人口健康长寿跟踪调查数据,对实际居住方式及居住方式意愿对老年人生活满意度的影响进行分析。研究结果表明,老年人的居住方式和居住方式意愿是否得到满足对老年人的生活满意度有显著的影响。而且,居住方式及居住方式意愿是否被满足对老年人生活满意度的影响因婚姻状况不同而有所不同。居住方式及居住方式意愿是否得到满足对于单身(丧偶、离异或者未婚)老年人的生活满意度有显著的影响,但对配偶健在的老年人的生活满意度并没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

参合农民对新型农村合作医疗的满意度决定着农民的参合意愿,进而影响政策的运行。通过对青州市谭坊镇参合农民的200份问卷调查,运用SPSS18.0软件进行频数、交叉、有序Logistic分析,结合访谈过程中管理层次反映的经验和困难,分析参合农民对新型农村合作医疗的满意度。结果显示,参合农民对新型农村合作医疗总体上较为满意,但对筹资额的组成部分认知较差。参合农民对报销补偿等的满意情况、自身的身体状况、对经办机构(含经管办、收取个人缴费、政策宣传的村干部等)的满意情况、新农合对农民"看病难、看病贵"的改善情况等四个方面对满意度影响较大,家庭人均年收入对满意度有反向作用。  相似文献   

黄俊辉  李放 《南方人口》2013,28(1):28-38
在城镇化快速推进和家庭养老支持力弱化的背景下,农村老年人对养老院人住意愿也在发生变化。以人口老龄化严重、农村社会养老保险实现全覆盖的东部沿海经济发达省份江苏为例,运用Logistic旧归模型对农村老年人养老院的需求意愿进行实证分析。研究表明,农村老年人晚年生活满意度对养老院需求意愿存在负相关关系,即生活满意度低的老年人相比生活满意度高的老年人更倾向于选择入伟养老院。另外,农村老年人对养老院的需求意愿还受年龄、个人年收入、健康状况、存活儿子数和存活女儿数的影响。本研究的政策启示是,整合村组或社区中的多种力量,为农村老年人构建一个包含生活照料、精神慰藉等多方面的社会支持网络;科学预测农村人口老龄化水平和养老院的需求意愿,稳步推进农村地区养老机构事业发展;从农村地区实际出发,合理引导农村养老机构的资源配置和功能定位。  相似文献   

By 2040, the proportion of the elderly in China's population will be 20.9%. 3 problems that must be discussed are 1) the cost of supporting this large number of elderly people, 2) the relative decrease in the working population, and 3) the increased problems of older people. In 2040, the proportion of the working population will be 63.5% of the population, the aged will form 20.8% of the population, and children will form 15.7%. In 1982, the proportions were 61.6% working ages, 4.9% elderly, and 33.6% children. Expenditures on dependent aged people in the future will balance that on children now because elderly people do not remain consumers as long as children do and children's educations, cost more than health care for the elderly does. The standstill or decrease in the absolute number of people will lead to a stop in the growth of the absolute number of the working population. Production will then depend on the quality rather than the quantity of population. A low standard of living and backward social welfare facilities are problems in caring for the aged in China today. What is now being practiced in China in caring for the aged is a combined system of care by the individual, the collective, and the state. The overwhelming majority of the rural elderly are supported by their families, while the majority of the urban elderly are supported by the collective.  相似文献   

Using survey data collected from households living in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region, a rapidly growing metropolis in Australia, path analysis is used to test links between urban residents’ assessment of various urban attributes and their level of satisfaction in three urban domains-housing, neighbourhood or local area, and the wider metropolitan region – moderated by selected demographic characteristics of respondents. The analysis also shows the relative contribution of those urban domains to overall life satisfaction. Neighbourhood satisfaction is shown to be much less important in predicting overall life satisfaction than is satisfaction with housing and the region. However, neighbourhood satisfaction impacts indirectly on overall life satisfaction, mediated by regional satisfaction and housing satisfaction. In predicting regional satisfaction, the cost of living and government service provision are shown to be most important, with pollution important for younger people and parents, while improvements to transport systems are more important for the baby boomer generation. Neighbourhood satisfaction is best predicted by neighbourhood interaction and perceived crime, with neighbourhood interaction being more important for older people, while perceived crime is more important for younger and single people. Access to facilities is a poor predictor of neighbourhood satisfaction, except for parents. Satisfaction with housing is shown to be best predicted by housing age, temperature and home ownership. However, larger homes are important for parents, while young people prefer smaller homes. The importance of various urban attributes does not vary between genders. While material concerns like the cost of living and the provision of services are shown to be primary factors underlying overall satisfaction with urban living, the importance of environmental issues and demand for smaller homes might be expected to increase over time.  相似文献   

Who are the satisfied South Africans 10 years into democracy? How do material factors contribute to their life satisfaction? These are the questions addressed in this paper. Earlier South African research has consistently found a close positive relationship between life satisfaction and material standards of living in the apartheid and post-apartheid era. Recently, a new source of information has become available to shed further light on the association between material and subjective well-being. In 2002, Statistics South Africa, the country’s official source of statistical information, agreed to ask South Africans participating in the General Household Survey whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied with life. The 2002 General Household Survey (n26’000) used a measure developed for the Euromodule that allows for international comparison. The wide-ranging information contained in South Africa’s official?household survey offers a unique opportunity to explore what makes for satisfied and dissatisfied South Africans in relation to their material living standards. Results indicate that the improved living standards afforded to many black South Africans under democracy are associated with increases in life satisfaction. Furthermore, habituation does not appear to have diluted the positive relationship between living standards and well-being. However, political factors continue to play an important role in shaping subjective well-being. In conclusion, it is argued that material gains might also have restored the pride and dignity denied to black South Africans in the past.  相似文献   

人口老龄化和全球气候变暖已经成为世界各国共同关注的议题。在我国人口老龄化日益加剧、环境问题也逐渐引起社会各界广泛关注的背景下,家庭层面人口老化与碳排放之间关系值得深入研究。文章从微观家庭结构出发,对家庭内部人口老化与碳排放之间关系进行理论分析,利用中国家庭金融调查数据库(CHFS)2013年的截面数据对人口老化与碳排放的关系进行实证研究。研究结果表明家庭的老化特征与家庭碳排放之间呈现负相关,家庭的老化特征有助于减轻家庭的碳排放水平,老年人与年轻人共同生活的主干家庭更加"节能环保",这一结论与人们的一般感性认识有所不同。因此,应当鼓励年轻人与老年人共同居住,通过老年人的生活方式和消费习惯影响家庭的消费行为和消费结构,使家庭朝着节约环保型转变。本文的结论同时也表明人口老龄化产生的并非都是消极影响,其对社会的影响需要进行全面评估以积极应对老龄社会的到来。  相似文献   

本文从年龄组差异的角度分析了代际支持对老年人心理健康的影响。研究发现,在控制了客观健康状况等变量后,老年人的心理健康水平并非随着年龄增长呈现出下降趋势。其次,接受代际支持和给予代际支持都对老年人心理健康有着显著的促进作用。第三,对于不同年龄组来说,代际支持对老年人心理健康产生的效果既有共同点也存在着差异。相似之处在于充足的经济支持对65-74岁、75-84岁和85岁及以上这三个年龄组老人的心理健康都是有利的。然而,更突出的是这三个年龄组之间的相异点:对于65-74岁这一组别而言,老人与子女之间的经济交换最为频繁。这种经济上的互惠提升了老人的积极情绪、抑制了消极情绪的产生。就75-84岁的老年人来说,子女在日常照料的作用表现的十分显著。和子女共同居住、在生病时由子女照料的老人表现出更少的消极情绪。至于85岁以上的高龄老人,得到充足的情感支持对于提升主观幸福感的作用更为显著;最先和子女分享想法的老人有着更高的心理健康水平。因此就现实状况来看,当父母逐渐衰老,作为子女,应当更加关注对父母的日常照护和情感关怀。尤其是对于这些高龄老人,他们对子女的情感态度更为敏感;子女提供的充足的情感支持对其心理健康有着十分显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

参保行为与养老观念存在双向因果关系,倾向于子女养老的居民参加养老保险的概率较低,而参加养老保险也改变着居民的养老观念。通过联立方程模型以及工具变量控制内生性后,得出了养老保险淡化“子女养老”观念的净效应,进而指出养老保险制度不仅挤出了子女对老人的经济支持,同时也弱化了人们的家庭养老观念。国家大力推行的养老保障体系在行为与观念两个层面上挤出了家庭养老,以国家制度化养老保障体系为主体的社会养老模式对家庭养老模式具有替代性。在养老模式的变迁中要综合考虑各主体的功能与责任,联合各界力量共同承担社会养老责任。  相似文献   

张立龙  韩润霖 《人口学刊》2020,42(3):102-112
文章基于2008年、2011年、2014年北京大学中国老年人健康长寿影响因素追踪调查的死亡数据对中国老年人临终地点、影响因素及变化趋势进行研究。居住在城镇、年龄较小、社会经济地位高、拥有医疗保险、患有慢性疾病的老年人更可能"临终于医院";临终照护者为配偶、生活不能自理的老年人更可能"临终在家"。从变化趋势看,中国老年人"临终于医院"的比例有所上升,但仍以"临终在家"为主。研究认为其主要原因为80岁及以上高龄老年人占老年人口比例上升,城镇化发展背景下中国大多数老年人依然生活在农村,基层医疗卫生机构(如村卫生室)的发展增强了其临终医疗服务能力。在亲人的关心和注视下离开,在自己的家中接受临终关怀是多数老年人的临终心愿,也是临终的最佳选择。基于此,文章建议在中国老年人临终地点仍以"临终在家"为主的背景下,政府应出台相关政策,进一步增强基层医疗卫生机构的临终医疗服务能力,支持"家庭照护+上门医疗服务"的居家临终照护模式,这不仅能够满足多数老年人"临终在家"的意愿,减轻临终老年人的家庭经济负担,也可以在一定程度上缓解"临终于医院"所带来的医院床位资源紧缺。  相似文献   

For this study, a comprehensive test was conducted on the net effects of age and cohort on political satisfaction in Hong Kong. We use a newly developed methodology of Age–Period–Cohort analysis known as the Cross-Classified Random Effects Model and a pooled dataset of repeated cross-sectional surveys from 1997 to 2014. The findings reveal a U-shaped relationship between age and political satisfaction, in which the level of satisfaction of the youth is between that of the middle-aged and elderly, while the middle-aged express the least satisfaction and the elderly have the highest level of satisfaction. However, cohort effects are relatively weak. There is no evidence that later cohorts are less satisfied than earlier cohorts. These results indicate that the new generation is more politically dissatisfied due to their age rather than their cohort. We also find that period effects interact with age and cohort effects. The recent decline in the political satisfaction of 20-year-olds and of the cohort born in 1986 or later is more pronounced than that of older people and earlier birth cohorts. Under the rule of the current Chief Executive, young people were found to be much more dissatisfied than older people. The rise in the price of housing in recent years has also sharpened the differences in political satisfaction between those of different ages and cohorts.  相似文献   

Studies of life satisfaction among the elderly are based almost entirely on quantitative data, yet we have little knowledge of whether such data are consistent and valid representations of satisfaction. The present paper addresses this issue through a comparison of quantitative and qualitative data on satisfaction with housing, family, spouse, self-esteem, health, friends and life as a whole. The data were obtained from 15 elderly men and women living in rural Ontario who had participated in both a survey study of life satisfaction and an intensive qualitative study of loneliness, social activities and social relationships. The values selected by participants from scales of satisfaction were found to be fairly similar overall to judgements made by the investigators on the basis of qualitative data from interviews and diaries. But there were also a number of discrepancies across both participants and domains, and these discrepancies were not systematic. The scale values appear to be at best a superficial representation of participants' satisfaction. It is concluded that quantitative approaches are of limited utility in studies of the quality of life, and that they are most appropriately viewed as supplementary to approaches employing qualitative data and analysis.  相似文献   

Hosting events and festivals is the best way of providing the wine tourism experience. Wine festivals offer a wide range of experiences that are different from day-to-day living, offer a lifestyle package and are an indicator of lifestyle tourism experience. Tourists travel to wine festivals for wine and other leisure-related experiences, including opportunities for social and/or cultural experiences, interactivity and personal development. Therefore, wine festivals should provide an experience that can influence the quality of life (QoL) of the attending tourist. QoL is influenced by various life domains, which include social, leisure and recreational, intellectual, culinary, and travel life. By its nature, a wine festival is able to influence life domains, thereby decreasing or increasing the level of satisfaction with QoL, according to the level of satisfactory experience. The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of the wine festival experience on the QoL of attending tourists. The structural relationship between the wine festival experience on tourists’ QoL is shown in a structural equation model (SEM), which is based on the notion that the QoL of attending tourists will be influenced by their level of satisfaction in various life domains. A self-administrated questionnaire was distributed during the Wacky Wine Festival in Robertson South Africa. The data from 329 (N) eligible questionnaires was cleaned, captured and analysed using SPSS. Furthermore, Amos was used to test the structural model providing statistical support. From the study’s findings, managerial recommendations were made with the aim of maximising attending wine tourists’ QoL. The research contributes to the literature related to QoL.  相似文献   

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