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Lin Duan pointed out in his paper “Lawand Society in Taiwan” published in Qinghuafazhi lunheng, no. 5, that one of our con-cerns is whether the public have faith in thejudiciary in Taiwan and what the public’sopinion is of legal personnel such as judges,procurators and policemen. Forensic soci-ology has put an end to the “forensic myth.”Through forensic sociological studies we notonly have an understanding of the limitedusefulness of lawsuits but know that law-suits are not necessarily …  相似文献   

With the advent of economic globaliza-tion and the knowledge economy, a country’scapacity for technological innovation has in-creasingly become the outstanding drivingforce in its economic growth, while the quan-tity of independently owned intellectual prop-erty it possesses is an important gauge of itseconomic strength and international competi-  相似文献   

Amidst the decline in the proportion of FDI, a number of new features can be detected in China’s absorption of foreign capital:1. New ways of absorbing foreign capitalhave emerged. While FDI growth is declining,  相似文献   

The trial by the people’s court of a caseinvolving administrative licensing is, in fact,a process involving the judicial review of thelegitimacy of the administrative licensing act.The core of the trial consists in reviewingwhether the administrative licensing act(including administrative licensing and otherclosely related administrative acts of denialof administrative licensing and canceling ofadministrative licensing) abides by legalregulations. The Administrative License Lawdefines a set …  相似文献   

1. Theoretical and practical grounds forapplying model law to China’s realitiesThere are benefits in two aspects. First,benefits in terms of time. In China, legisla-tion is subject to central planning, but cen-tral legislative organs cannot prepare all thenecessary laws at one go, and this deficitwill not be made up in the short term.  相似文献   

Under present conditions in China, the staffing formula for the number of judges in a court is closely related to the reduction of their numbers, but not to this variable alone. For a particular court, how many judges are needed is decided by two factors: one is the number of cases received in a year; the otheris the number of cases handled by one judge in a year. In a static state,  相似文献   

Tieling, a big granary in the northern part of Liaoning Province, teems with maize, soybean, paddy, etc. and is one of the national four bases in grain production. Its grain yield occupies the one fifth of the total output in Liaoning and the export of grain amounts to the half of the provincial total. Therefore Tieling is famous in China for farm produce.  相似文献   

Dandong is not only a coastal city but also a frontier city in northeast area. At present, a railway through the northeast area has been under the construction. The expressway from Dandong to Tonghua and to Haicheng will be soon on the construction. The expressway from Dandong to Dalian will be finished recently. In the near future, Dandong will be of the regional traffic hub. Dandong is rich in resources, solid in industrial base, perfect in basic establishment, particular in touring resou…  相似文献   

The 27 years since the reform is only asplit second in the thousands of years ofChinese history. And in this split second his-torical changes took place in China. A miracleof development was created in world history.It will not only have a profound impact onChina’s future development in the long run,but exert extensive influence on the futureof the world. Has China found a unique roadto modernization? How can such an enor-mous change take place in China? And whatkind of society is China t…  相似文献   

As a world of meaning, a piece of literary work is structured by a system of organized discourse, and literary discourse grows in specific ecological environments. This is to say that the meaning of literature is generated in the ecosystem of discourse in which it exists. And so any cognition and interpretation of the meaning of a given piece of literary work,  相似文献   

The subconscious, of which man is not directly aware, always playsa role, together with consciousness, in the formation and development ofthought. It is a special element in the entire process of thought since itreflects both the biological and social attributes of man. There have beena large number of studies on the subconscious, but most of them haveapproached it from a psychological angle in terms of instinct, sexualdeterminism and irrationality, and the field is confused and problematic.I …  相似文献   

Different groups of people have differ-ent views on the difficulties university gradu-ates face in finding jobs. One mainstreamview holds that the graduates’ failure to getjobs is due mainly to their too high expecta-tions of employment, that theirs is a selec-tive unemployment: it is not difficult for themto get jobs, only difficult to get better jobs.People holding this view base their argumenton the gap between the income of workingemployees and the graduates’ expected pay.However, this a…  相似文献   

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) ruled China for 22 years and influenced the development of Chinese history in the 20th century. It is only natural for historians to attach much importance and attention to the study of its history. Study of this field has a long history, but it is only recently that it has unfolded on the Chinese mainland in ever more dimensions and with ever more findings, as a result of the declassification of domestic and overseas archives, changes in researchers’ id…  相似文献   

To a great degree, the development ofthe current international system has provedthat provided an anarchic state exists, the“national security dilemma” is an unavoid-able reality. In the context of this dilemma,the rise of a big power in the internationalarena always leads to fierce competition fornational security, even culminating in theoutbreak of war. Hence it is natural for real-ist Western scholars of international relationsto speculate that the dramatic growth ofChina’s comprehensive …  相似文献   

There is a viewpoint that claims that, in essence, globalization is the globalization of capitalism, or a new stage of the capitalistic development. Hence, the overall situation would not appear to favor socialism. This  相似文献   

In the new organizational and institutional design of townships and villages, a village is defined as an autonomous entity and the village level organization as the administrator of public affairs of the village. However, townships and towns on one side and villages on the other have moved in op- posite directions since 1990. On the one hand, autonomous resources and organiza- tional structures have been coming into being and developing within the villages and farmers' desire to govern themselves is increasing, On the other,  相似文献   

正Born in 1911,Xu Bangda is a well-known connoisseur on ancient paintings and calligraphy in China and honored as"Xu Banchi"by insiders.However,the littleknown identity he possessed is a painter and calligrapher.Xu’s paintings and calligraphy  相似文献   

This is a case study of the formal power structure of the ruralcommunities at village and town (township) levels in the hinterland ofnortheast China. Changwuzhen (Changwu town ) in Zhaodong City,Heilongjiang province was selected as the site of study. Changwuzhen is acommunity formed in the early 20th century by immigrants from manyparts of the country. It has a total area of 139. 5 sq. km. and apopulation of 40, 000 or so, and consists of one market town, 18administrative villages and 54 na…  相似文献   

The fact that industrial and commercial taxation in the Song dynasty greatly exceeded agricultural taxation was unprecedented in previous dynasties. This is mainly explained by the Song government’s financial and economic policy which was dominated by industrial and commercial taxation, made good use of the laws and characteristics of market relations and the commodity economy in business operations, actively stimulated consumption and was clearly utilitarian. Under this policy, the rulers, in p...  相似文献   

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