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泛亚 《经理人》2006,(2):122-123
猎头顾问是几乎所有职业经理人都不会拒绝的职业工作者。许多经理人甚至期待着这种“骚扰”,期望猎头能帮自己找到更知名的雇主、拿到更高的薪水。然而,猎头顾问要完成职业经理人的心愿,并非仅仅只是作为一个信息中介而存在,而是通过非常多的增值服务最终达成企业、经理人和猎头顾问的三赢局面。  相似文献   

王伟 《经理人》2005,(2):105-106
面试为何没有成功?因为你已在不知不觉间踏入了猎头的禁猎范围猎头公司在为企业提供各类高级人才时,都要全面、准确的调查经理人的背景,只有通过评估后,才能进入与企业沟通的过程。通常,猎头公司会要求经理人提供完整的人生和职业简历,在这个交流的过程中,经理人切莫心存侥幸, 只提供对自己有利的证据。事实上,在猎才过程中,为防止让雇主蒙受损失而影响猎头公司声誉的“人才”混进他们的视线,猎头公司都会有一份“黑名单”,缺乏诚信和坦率的经理人不知不觉中就会进入禁猎范围。  相似文献   

经理人权力、薪酬结构与企业业绩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经理人薪酬合约的安排,既是为了缓解代理问题,其本身也可能受到经理人权力的影响.本文实证检验了经理人权力对薪酬结构的影响,发现经理人权力越大时,越倾向于选择高额的货币化报酬,以替代在职消费.进一步看,本文结合经理人权力这一重要权变变量,探讨不同情况下,经理人薪酬结构安排对企业业绩的影响.结论表明,当经理人权力较大时,在职消费一定程度上能够协调公司的利益和经理人的私人利益相一致,对企业业绩发挥积极作用;但当经理人权力越大、同时货币薪酬对在职消费的替代性越强时,经理人越有可能滥用在职消费,降低企业业绩,导致在职消费激励效率低下的主要原因是其使用用途的不规范.不同于以往研究结论中一概而论地只关注在职消费激励的低效率,本文的研究结论部分支持了经理人权力和薪酬结构的相机治理原则.  相似文献   

肖华 《经理人》2004,(10):100-101
最后的结果自然是王刚得到了这个职位,而李强却始终陷在自己落选的阴霾下。猎头为高级人才和用人单位的最高决策层之间构建了一条便捷、畅通的交流渠道,使人才的价值得到最大限度的展现。在当今的高层职场上“猎头”已渐成为一个流行的词汇。然而在猎头为了一个工作职位所开列的长长名单上, 作为活跃的职业经理人,要想脱颖而出,被成功推荐,那么与猎头保持良好而有效的沟通将成为重要的一环。  相似文献   

本文以职业经理人完成工作的行为、过程为依据,分别以对职业经理人与利益相关者关系、对企业文化塑造的贡献、战略规划能力三个方面入手,形成一套专门对职业经理人业绩进行评价的指标体系,最后建立起对职业经理人业绩评价的综合模型,从而对企业如何激励和发展职业经理人队伍有积极的现实意义和重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

当前人才市场活跃,各个用人单位之间对人才的竞争也很激烈,好的人才可谓是千金难求,对高速公路企业来说,如何利用尽可能少的成本,招聘到适合企业的人才,其关键就在于企业对招聘渠道的选择。本文针对高速公路企业的行业特点及职业特点,结合工作实践,对招聘渠道的影响因素及现状进行了分析,并提出了招聘渠道有效性的评估标准。  相似文献   

肖静  陈维政 《领导科学》2012,(34):45-47
职业经理人(以下简称"经理人")是精英人才的一个重要类别,是现代企业制度的产物。目前,我国企业管理人才严重匮乏,已经成为制约我国相当多企业成长的瓶颈。经理人不但难以进入企业,而且流失严重。离职无论对于组织还是个人来说都意味着高昂的成本。能够拥有并留住高素质的经理人是企业成长与发展的关键。近年来,学者们研究了工作嵌入对组织核心员工、科技型员工和知识员工离职的影响,但缺乏从工作嵌入视角对经理人离职影响的分析。因此,本  相似文献   

经理人的反馈寻求行为是影响组织有效运营的关键因素之一,而已有文献还未能深入探讨在中国情境中如何有效地激发经理人主动寻求反馈这一课题.通过问卷调查广东家族企业高层领导及其下属经理人的配对样本,本文探讨了极具中国情境特质的关系元素对经理人反馈寻求行为的影响机制.研究表明,上下级关系对经理人反馈寻求行为具有显著的正向影响;绩效提升预期与印象管理预期在两者间起部分中介作用;政治技能在上下级关系与反馈寻求行为之间起正向的调节作用,即经理人的政治技能越强,上下级关系对反馈寻求行为的正向影响越强.  相似文献   

苏墨 《经理人》2002,(12):100-101
如果你对用人单位的报价不满意,猎头顾问会告诉你实现提高的可能性,并代表你与企业进一步沟通争取更多的利益。如果你是一位高级经理人,记住要太早拒绝与你联系的猎头  相似文献   

卜EAD高级研讨班培训系“技能”再到“情商” —培Ull为什么?3、情报速递:5一6月全国职业经理人重要培训、 管理漫画:企业成长,需要员工先成长4、兰邦市场调杳公司“顾客满意度”专题讲座会议资讯一览表告)人才推进加速度5、网上推进:全国三大招聘网站高级人才招聘信息 业界同仁:一流的服务给您一流的人才 —上海成达高级人才顾问有限公司 对充分信任我们的客户和人才表示尊敬 —广州中南精英猎头有限公司6、把握~次机遇、铸造一生成就 —经理人企管顾向公司招聆广告7、划一特质:厂成功企业家的个性’经理人加速度~~…  相似文献   

Based on a large survey of German companies, we investigate the influence of job characteristics on the recruiting success on labor markets with different degrees of informational asymmetry. We cluster companies’ recruiting channels in those with low (internal job markets and employee referrals) and high (job advertisements, the Federal Employment Agency and headhunters) degrees of informational asymmetry. We provide evidence that monetary aspects are important when quality aspects of the job and the company are not directly observable by job applicants. However, if recruiting channels are used where the level of asymmetric information is lower because applicants have more reliable information about job and company characteristics, the quality attributes of a workplace, such as flexible work times or a high job responsibility, become influential on the recruiting success. Finally, our results show that applicants with access to more information about the quality aspects of a job also seem to be in a better position to evaluate the information given with regard to their credibility.  相似文献   

What specific skills are employers and recruiters looking for in physician executive candidates? Here are the top dozen characteristics that were invariably mentioned in interviews with high profile headhunters, as well as in analyzing open job orders. The most sought-after skill is leadership. Employers want someone who has courage. Expect this list to change in 1997 as the industry changes. However, there will be more additions than deletions, in keeping with overall trends toward higher, not lower, expectations of physician managers.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in recruitment and selection, surprisingly little is known regarding recruiting practices and channels in foreign subsidiaries. This study focuses on the utilization and success of recruiting channels of foreign subsidiaries in Japan. Interviews with 40 company managers show that recruitment strategies in foreign subsidiaries progress through different stages. Lacking social networks but possessing substantial financial resources, small and newly established subsidiaries rely primarily on headhunters. However, larger subsidiaries with longer presence in Japan tend to diversify and localize their recruitment channels. Owing partly to a reduction in ethnocentric attitudes, foreign subsidiaries in certain industries are capable of attracting high-quality job candidates. Overall, the interviews revealed that referrals are the best recruiting channel for the production of high-quality candidates who fit in well, exhibit high company loyalty, and perform well on the job.  相似文献   

It's a booming job market. Currently, job hunters are excited by the opportunities to get all they can, and headhunters and hiring organizations are pressured to find the best recruits. When the market is overheated, as it is, both candidates and recruiters are tempted to trust each other and not sweat the details. They are also tempted to believe that "a good candidate can fit in anywhere." It's time to share some cautionary tales that apply to job hunting physicians. The litany of mistakes extreme prosperity induces are described, including: (1) sloppy, superficial research, (2) rushing the process, (3) relying on things to "work out," and (4) soft peddling performance expectations.  相似文献   

One of the peculiarities of the health care workplace right now is that while organizations are frantic to hire, they are also quicker to fire. Judging from surveys and reports from headhunters, it's obvious there are some new reasons why--and when--people get fired. The most common cause for firing is the inability to meet the boss's expectations. Three, often-documented, reasons for severance are examined: (1) not being able to produce what's needed with the culture; (2) lacking the level of technical skills required; and (3) not being emotionally committed to the role the candidate was hired to play. What can you do to protect yourself? Do your homework. Don't fall into the trap of being taken in by an over-eager hirer or by the prospect of making an inordinate difference.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework using Monte Carlo simulation to examine risk/return properties of intra-industry product portfolio composition and diversification. We use product-level data covering all Swedish sales of alcoholic beverages to describe the risk profiles of wholesalers and how they are affected by actual and hypothetical changes to product portfolios. Using a large number of counterfactual portfolios we quantify the diversification benefits of different product portfolio compositions. In this market the most important reductions in variability come from focusing on domestic products and from focusing on product categories that have low variability. The number of products also has a large effect in the simulations, moving from a portfolio of 10 products to one of 20 products cuts standard deviation of cash flows in relation to mean cash flows by more than half. The concentration of import origins plays a minor quantitative role on risk/return profiles in this market.  相似文献   

本文在对中外项目管理知识体系研究的基础上,借鉴国内外十余所大学的项目管理培训课程体系,并参考我国其他领域工程硕士的培养方案,总结提出了适用于我国项目管理领域工程硕士培养的课程体系以及学位论文培养方案。该方案已在北京航空航天大学的第一届项目管理工程硕士培养中试行。  相似文献   

We model a small open economy in which both domestic financial intermediaries and entrepreneurs face incentive constraints, as in Holmstrom and Tirole (1997) , to study the general equilibrium impact of various types of capital inflows on the efficiency and governance of domestic banks. Banks have an advantage in monitoring firms, but the latter can collude with banks and offer side‐payments to reduce the intensity of monitoring. Opening up to international capital flows makes domestic banks’ capital scarcer relative to uninformed capital, thus increasing the relative cost of monitoring. We show that capital account liberalization has ambiguous effects on the governance of the domestic financial system by sometimes increasing firms’ incentives to collude with banks. We characterize the conditions under which governance is more likely to deteriorate after opening up the capital account, and discuss the effects on investment, productivity and output. We also analyze the effects of foreign direct investment in the corporate and banking sectors. Stylized facts are consistent with the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

在产业集群背景下,跨国企业携技术领先优势进入集群,经历从竞争嵌入(斯坦伯格博弈)到融合均衡(古诺博弈)两阶段。基于此,本文研究集群原有供应链在跨国企业嵌入后,形成原供应链与新供应链之间相互竞争,以及最终达到集群整体网络动态均衡的变化过程,通过利用变分不等式和动态博弈方法,建立起考虑汇率下的链与链动态竞争网络模型,并给出相应的算法。通过实例发现,在第一阶段原有集群供应链能保持较高的消费者满意度,且市场占有率高于跨国企业供应链;在第二阶段,跨国企业供应链的市场占有率则反超。更重要的是,在第二阶段集群市场整体销量和整体利润总和均高于第一阶段。  相似文献   

For the banking sector in the EU, the UK is one of the most important countries, since over a quarter of all banking assets in the EU are held in the UK and it is the largest single international banking centre, accounting for 20% of the world's cross-border lending. The UK banking sector has traditionally been one of the most open and it is characterized by a rapidly increasing foreign bank presence. Foreign banks account for 55% of the total assets of the UK banking sector. The objective of this paper is to investigate the performance of the banking sector in the UK focusing on the performance of the domestic banks as opposed to the performance of the foreign banks operating in the UK. For this purpose, a multivariate analysis is performed to identify the existing differences between the financial characteristics of domestic and foreign banks, considering profitability, liquidity, risk and efficiency factors. The data sample covers 26 domestic and 32 foreign banks operating in the UK over the period 1998–2001.  相似文献   

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