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从二元论到二重性:布迪厄社会观理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布迪厄反对将社会看作实体性的物质结构,以为这一结构能够被感知和触摸;也反对将社会看作是种种表象和意志,呈现于主体性的感悟中.进而言之,他反对在社会与个人、物质与精神、结构与行动等二元论范式中寻求社会所在.就此而言,布迪厄的社会观,是将社会看作是实践者及其文化所型构而成的有机生命体.这一特定的社会观,建基于他对"doxa"概念的阐释.场域与习性则构成了一种具体的二重性存在.由此,布迪厄展开了其唯物主义人类学的分析.  相似文献   

国家间信任是关乎合作与冲突的重要议题,对不确定的国际体系而言尤为重要。梳理现有的研究文献,笔者归纳出国家间信任分析的三种主路径,它们的思路存在较大差异:博弈论从理性选择角度分析信任关系对成本支出的改变,进而影响合作建立与维持;合法化机制一方面从强式制度主义出发解释制度结构对信任的制约,另一方面也从弱势规范意义上分析了信任与规范、身份的关系,它认为国家选择信任除了利益动机之外还有被社会承认的合法化需要;网络分析则关注社会关系如何孕育信任,"嵌入性"视角试图在宏观与微观分析之间建立"第三条道路"。梳理、评介不同的研究路径有助于促进国际信任研究的发展。  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-four interviews between trained social workers and theirclients were recorded and compared with the findings of a studyof how doctors talk to their patients. The social workers' techniqueswere found to be much more elaborate and much less obvious thanthose used by the doctors.  相似文献   

林胜 《社会》2002,(9):47-50
择偶是婚姻过程中一个十分重要的环节 ,它不仅是婚姻缔结、家庭建立的前提 ,而且直接影响婚姻的质量和家庭的形式 ;同时它又是婚姻制度中较易受到外部社会环境影响的环节 ,特别是择偶标准 ,它总能率先反映社会经济文化的变迁。因此 ,择偶问题一直是家庭社会学研究的重要课题。一若对择偶的理论从内容上进行分类 ,可以分为这样三个明显的部分 :(一 )择偶标准。即对择偶对象包括政治因素如社会地位和政治立场 ,经济因素如财产多寡与经济状况 ,以及其他诸如门第高低、家庭环境和背景、受教育程度、文化修养、职业、年龄、性格、爱好、贞操、道…  相似文献   

Correspondence to John Harris, University of Warwick, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: J.Harris{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary Marshall's formulation of ‘social citizenship’ embodieda depoliticized understanding of what was seen as a given, progressiveand irreversible stage of societal development, which encompassedthe provision of state social work. A consequence of this approachwas the failure to situate social citizenship in a specificpolitical and policy context; in Marshall's case, the post-warBritish social democratic welfare state. Within this, a morecentral position was secured for state social work, throughits unification and incorporation into bureau-professional regimeswhich were made responsible for responding to citizens' socialneeds as clients of the state. The New Right's attack on theinstitutionalization of social citizenship in bureau-professionalregimes included the accusation that state social work had infringedservice users' rights and produced a passive, dependent clientele.The New Right's alternative formulation of the ‘consumer-citizen’led to the development of a new political consensus on socialcitizenship. Beginning from an acceptance of this consensus,procedural rights are seen as one way of extending social citizenshipin state social work and as a precursor to the possibility ofwider participation by service users in its provision.  相似文献   

陈雪雪 《社科纵横》2007,22(1):160-161
本文概要介绍了翻译研究的语言学理论期的理论发展情况,并对具有代表性的两个学派的主要观点进行了浅显的分析,最后对这一时期的翻译研究作了简要评价。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Michael Rutter, Henri Giller and Ann Hagell, Antisocial Behaviourby Young People  相似文献   

20世纪90年代的中国纪录片曾经有过一段辉煌,一方面以<东方时空·生活空间>为代表的短纪录片广受赞誉,一句"讲述老百姓自己的故事"成为受到百姓欢迎和纪录人自豪的流行语;另一方面,以吴文光、蒋樾等为代表的独立纪录片制作人,也因频获国际大奖而令人瞩目.但是到90年代末,人们发现无论是哪一类的纪录片,开始逐渐被人们冷落,"纪录片向何处去?"成为世纪之交人们的质疑和困惑.  相似文献   

The history of the social welfare systems in Europe in the postwar period appears as autonomous national processes because the construction of Europe which imposed common rules in many areas was equally consistent with the national development of social welfare systems, within each national culture. However, the idea of a common system of social protection has always remained linked to political and economic European construction which would create a more cohesive society. Many studies have analysed the trend of specific social policies and their convergence or divergence in Europe. Therefore, global convergence is often conceived as resulting from the domestic dynamics of each social risk. The paper focuses on one specific topic: the quantitative evaluation of convergence among the EU and OECD countries at the macroeconomic level. In the first part we explain the construction of social indicators which can assess the convergence or divergence of social expenditure in EU and OECD countries. In the second part we show many methodological problems and difficulties of interpretation of the social indicators. Then we see that the analysis of national trajectories of social expenditure and the link with economic development can enrich the analysis of convergence in social protection. Finally, the empirical analysis supports the idea of “adjustment” reforms rather than radical changes in a transitional period.  相似文献   

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