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Progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from continuous distributions have been studied rather extensively in the literature; see Balakrishnan and Aggarwala [2000. Progressive Censoring: Theory, Methods and Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston]. In this paper, we derive the joint and marginal distributions of progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from discrete distributions. We then use these distributions to show the non-Markovian property as well as to discuss some properties in the special case of the geometric distribution.  相似文献   

Mixed Poisson processes have been used as natural models for events occurring in continuous or discrete time. Our main result is the derivation of the joint asymptotic distributions of statistics, including parameter estimators, computed in different time intervals from data generated by mixed Poisson processes. These distributions can be used, for example, to test the hypothesis about the adequacy of the mixed Poisson process against data. We provide some simulation results and test the model on actual market research data.  相似文献   

Elliptically contoured distributions can be considered to be the distributions for which the contours of the density functions are proportional ellipsoids. We generalize elliptically contoured densities to “star-shaped distributions” with concentric star-shaped contours and show that many results in the former case continue to hold in the more general case. We develop a general theory in the framework of abstract group invariance so that the results can be applied to other cases as well, especially those involving random matrices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generalization of the multivariate slash distribution and investigate some of its properties. We show that the new distribution belongs to the elliptically contoured distributions family, and can have heavier tails than the multivariate slash distribution. Therefore, this generalization of the multivariate slash distribution can be considered as an alternative heavy-tailed distribution for modeling data sets in a variety of settings. We apply the generalized multivariate slash distribution to two real data sets to provide some illustrative examples.  相似文献   

We propose a class of state-space models for multivariate longitudinal data where the components of the response vector may have different distributions. The approach is based on the class of Tweedie exponential dispersion models, which accommodates a wide variety of discrete, continuous and mixed data. The latent process is assumed to be a Markov process, and the observations are conditionally independent given the latent process, over time as well as over the components of the response vector. This provides a fully parametric alternative to the quasilikelihood approach of Liang and Zeger. We estimate the regression parameters for time-varying covariates entering either via the observation model or via the latent process, based on an estimating equation derived from the Kalman smoother. We also consider analysis of residuals from both the observation model and the latent process.  相似文献   

We propose different multivariate nonparametric tests for factorial designs and derive their asymptotic distribution for the situation where the number of replications is limited, whereas the number of treatments goes to infinity (large a, small n case). The tests are based on separate rankings for the different variables, and they are therefore invariant under separate monotone transformations of the individual variables.  相似文献   

It is well known that, in the continuous case, the probability that two consecutive order statistics are equal to zero, whereas it is not true when the distribution is discrete. It is, perhaps, for this reason that order statistics from discrete distributions has not been investigated in the literature as much as from a continuous distribution. The main purpose of this paper, therefore, is to obtain the probability of ties when the distribution is discrete. Also it is shown that, in the discrete case, the Markov property does not hold good. However, the order statistics from a geometric distribution forms a Markov chain.  相似文献   

We propose optimal procedures to achieve the goal of partitioning k multivariate normal populations into two disjoint subsets with respect to a given standard vector. Definition of good or bad multivariate normal populations is given according to their Mahalanobis distances to a known standard vector as being small or large. Partitioning k multivariate normal populations is reduced to partitioning k non-central Chi-square or non-central F distributions with respect to the corresponding non-centrality parameters depending on whether the covariance matrices are known or unknown. The minimum required sample size for each population is determined to ensure that the probability of correct decision attains a certain level. An example is given to illustrate our procedures.  相似文献   

We consider the comparison of mean vectors for k groups when k is large and sample size per group is fixed. The asymptotic null and non-null distributions of the normal theory likelihood ratio, Lawley–Hotelling and Bartlett–Nanda–Pillai statistics are derived under general conditions. We extend the results to tests on the profiles of the mean vectors, tests for additional information (provided by a sub-vector of the responses over and beyond the remaining sub-vector of responses in separating the groups) and tests on the dimension of the hyperplane formed by the mean vectors. Our techniques are based on perturbation expansions and limit theorems applied to independent but non-identically distributed sequences of quadratic forms in random matrices. In all these four MANOVA problems, the asymptotic null and non-null distributions are normal. Both the null and non-null distributions are asymptotically invariant to non-normality when the group sample sizes are equal. In the unbalanced case, a slight modification of the test statistics will lead to asymptotically robust tests. Based on the robustness results, some approaches for finite approximation are introduced. The numerical results provide strong support for the asymptotic results and finiteness approximations.  相似文献   

A broad spectrum of flexible univariate and multivariate models can be constructed by using a hidden truncation paradigm. Such models can be viewed as being characterized by a basic marginal density, a family of conditional densities and a specified hidden truncation point, or points. The resulting class of distributions includes the basic marginal density as a special case (or as a limiting case), but also includes an array of models that may unexpectedly include many well known densities. Most of the well known skew-normal models (developed from the seed distribution popularized by Azzalini [(1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scand. J. Statist. 12(2), 171–178]) can be viewed as being products of such a hidden truncation construction. However, the many hidden truncation models with non-normal component densities undoubtedly deserve further attention.  相似文献   

Matsumoto and Yor [2001. An analogue of Pitman's 2M-X2M-X theorem for exponential Wiener functionals. Part II: the role of the GIG laws. Nagoya Math. J. 162, 65–86] discovered an interesting invariance property of a product of the generalized inverse Gaussian (GIG) and the gamma distributions. For univariate random variables or symmetric positive definite random matrices it is a characteristic property for this pair of distributions. It appears that for random vectors the Matsumoto–Yor property characterizes only very special families of multivariate GIG and gamma distributions: components of the respective random vectors are grouped into independent subvectors, each subvector having linearly dependent components. This complements the version of the multivariate Matsumoto–Yor property on trees and related characterization obtained in Massam and Weso?owski [2004. The Matsumoto–Yor property on trees. Bernoulli 10, 685–700].  相似文献   

In this note, we correct the proof of Representation 1 of Balakrishnan and Dembińska [2008. Progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from discrete distributions. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 138, 845–856] which relates the joint distribution of progressively Type-II right censored order statistics corresponding to an arbitrary population to progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from the standard uniform distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper a set of residuals for the multivariate linear regression model is introduced. These residuals are shown to be independent with known distributions which do not depend on the parameters of the model. Transformations of the mentioned residuals may be used to construct exact α goodness-of-fit tests for the multivariate regression model.  相似文献   

Reduced-rank regression models proposed by Anderson [1951. Estimating linear restrictions on regression coefficients for multivariate normal distributions. Ann. Math. Statist. 22, 327–351] have been used in various applications in social and natural sciences. In this paper we combine the features of these models with another popular, seemingly unrelated regression model proposed by Zellner [1962. An efficient method of estimating seemingly unrelated regressions and tests for aggregation bias. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 57, 348–368]. In addition to estimation and inference aspects of the new model, we also discuss an application in the area of marketing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate some properties of 2-principal points for location mixtures of spherically symmetric distributions with focus on a linear subspace in which a set of 2-principal points must lie. Our results can be viewed as an extension of those of Yamamoto and Shinozaki [2000. Two principal points for multivariate location mixtures of spherically symmetric distributions. J. Japan Statist. Soc. 30, 53–63], where a finite location mixture of spherically symmetric distributions is treated. As an extension of their paper, this paper defines a wider class of distributions, and derives a linear subspace in which a set of 2-principal points must exist. A theorem useful for comparing the mean squared distances is also established.  相似文献   

We define a class of count distributions which includes the Poisson as well as many alternative count models. Then the empirical probability generating function is utilized to construct a test for the Poisson distribution, which is consistent against this class of alternatives. The limit distribution of the test statistic is derived in case of a general underlying distribution, and efficiency considerations are addressed. A simulation study indicates that the new test is comparable in performance to more complicated omnibus tests.  相似文献   

Scientific experiments commonly result in clustered discrete and continuous data. Existing methods for analyzing such data include the use of quasi-likelihood procedures and generalized estimating equations to estimate marginal mean response parameters. In applications to areas such as developmental toxicity studies, where discrete and continuous measurements are recorded on each fetus, or clinical ophthalmologic trials, where different types of observations are made on each eye, the assumption that data within cluster are exchangeable is often very reasonable. We use this assumption to formulate fully parametric regression models for clusters of bivariate data with binary and continuous components. The regression models proposed have marginal interpretations and reproducible model structures. Tractable expressions for likelihood equations are derived and iterative schemes are given for computing efficient estimates (MLEs) of the marginal mean, correlations, variances and higher moments. We demonstrate the use the ‘exchangeable’ procedure with an application to a developmental toxicity study involving fetal weight and malformation data.  相似文献   

Multivariate inverse Gaussian distribution proposed by Minami [2003. A multivariate extension of inverse Gaussian distribution derived from inverse relationship. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods 32(12), 2285–2304] was derived through multivariate inverse relationship with multivariate Gaussian distributions and characterized as the distribution of the location at a certain stopping time of a multivariate Brownian motion. In this paper, we show that the multivariate inverse Gaussian distribution is also a limiting distribution of multivariate Lagrange distributions, which is a family of waiting time distributions, under certain conditions.  相似文献   

In the present paper we examine finite mixtures of multivariate Poisson distributions as an alternative class of models for multivariate count data. The proposed models allow for both overdispersion in the marginal distributions and negative correlation, while they are computationally tractable using standard ideas from finite mixture modelling. An EM type algorithm for maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the parameters is developed. The identifiability of this class of mixtures is proved. Properties of ML estimators are derived. A real data application concerning model based clustering for multivariate count data related to different types of crime is presented to illustrate the practical potential of the proposed class of models.  相似文献   

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