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A Christian isolationism, adherence to doctrine the Roman/Byzantine Empire deemed heretical, has popularly been assumed to have been integral to medieval Armenian identity. However, Armenians’ isolation was only partial: pilgrimage to the Holy Land joined them to the wider Christian world; missionary work was limited rather by politics and internal problems; orthodoxy and desire for church union were strong in Armenian history. ‘National’ unity was not an ideal, but distinctiveness was asserted by propagating, in literature and sculpture, an Old Testament, Hebraic descent for rival aristocratic families, and an equivalence between their leaders and Old Testament figures.  相似文献   

受到文化界广泛关注的汉族民间叙事长诗<黑暗传>作为一种"活态诗史",具有"神话史诗"的特征;完全可以将<黑暗传>认定为"汉民族神话史诗".  相似文献   

满族萨满英雄史诗《乌布西奔妈妈》初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《乌布西奔妈妈》是满族先民东海女真人创作并传承下来的一部萨满英雄史诗。本文首次对《乌布西奔妈妈》的传承、主要内容和人文学价值进行了阐述,从而揭示其所具有的多学科的研究价值。  相似文献   

一 每个人,或许都有这样的经历,对生活中一些司空见惯的事情可能没怎么留心,也没想过为什么,或是即使想了,也想不出个所以然来.当有一天,他(她)偶然从一本书,或是其他地方晓得对这些事情较为深刻的解释以后,可能常常会发出这样的感慨:原来里边隐藏着这么大的道理!  相似文献   

The paper offers an interpretation of the African National Congress's conception of democracy. The interpretation is framed by three questions. Who are the people? How should the people govern? How should capital, capitalists and civil society be governed? Attention is given to the party's views on participatory democracy, its vanguardist claims and its views on aspects of state-capital and state-civil society relations. It is proposed that the party's tendency to discount diversity of interests, to persist with claims to superior understanding of complex issues and to preach hegemony as a virtue might signify government over the people rather than government by the people.  相似文献   

傣族泼水节的伴生神话与节日仪式的操演形成一组稳定的结构,在共同的心理基础上构成了活态的节庆神话.在以傣历周年为基本单位的社会时间谱系中,“佛事”与“农事”交错并行,构成了神话叙事的社会情境,诸多岁时祭仪皆是嵌在这一情境中的节点,与文化整体形成互动,再现了生态时间与社会时间,而仪式体系之间的结构性关联正是神话文本得以衍生和流变的基础.  相似文献   

本书论述了《中国北方神话论稿》一书的学术成就。  相似文献   

壮岱侬民族拥有同中有异的花婆神话.通过对它的分析,可以发现,中越文学的交流态势,实际上是建立在带有女性主义色彩的生态伦理缔结与交往的基础之上的.  相似文献   

田蕾  张原 《民族学刊》2017,8(3):57-63,115-117
基于印欧文明的比较神话学研究,杜梅齐尔提出了著名的社会三重功能论.其晚期作品《从神话到小说--哈丁古斯的萨迦》的研究表明,三重功能作为一种社会意识形态不但主导了早期印欧社会的神话叙事,也融入于其后世的历史书写和文学创作的题材中.通过论述第三功能神的属性特征,以及不同功能神的魔法等级关系,在说明印欧文明是如何想象完整社会之构成的同时,该书也充分展现了杜梅齐尔晚期成熟的学术思想面貌.围绕此书的研究,本文将大致梳理杜梅齐尔学术思想的发展轨迹,并就当代社会科学如何认识其理论学说的启发意义展开讨论.  相似文献   

西藏经济的过去、现实及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏学是一门综合性学科 ;是以藏族社会历史文化为主要研究对象的学科群体 ;是与中国的徽学、敦煌学、蒙古学很类似的一门涵盖各方面知识的地方学。究其内容而言 ,它属于社会科学的一个分支 ,但也包括自然科学的部分内容。近年来 ,藏学已经成为国内外学术界所关注的研究领域。但目前的藏学研究较多偏重于人文科学方面 ,国内外发表的有关研究文献大多数集中在历史、宗教、文学艺术等精神文化范畴 ,及西藏地方与中央政府、英、印、尼关系等领域 ;相比之下 ,对西藏社会经济形态及其变化的专门研究要少得多。实际上 ,经济活动作为人们赖以生存和发…  相似文献   

本文通过对西王母神话文化内涵的分析,对青海环湖地区先民的原始审美现加以探讨,旨在为人们进一步研究昆仑神话体系的形成、发展及其特点提供一个新的认识视角.  相似文献   

罗燕 《民族学刊》2023,14(2):120-127, 163
凉山彝族灾难观的形成与其神话传统、仪式实践以及生态伦理有着密切的关系。神话解释了灾难的起源与肇因,将灾难归咎于道德观念的失范与生态格局的失序。仪式为灾难的禳解提供了神圣路径,以自然崇拜和鬼魂观念为信仰核心,体现了彝人在与自然的长期相处中形成的生存策略和发展之道。生态伦理则在社会、心理两方面奠定了应灾的基础与策略。这使得彝人面对自然灾害时,在文学、仪式以及身体实践三个层面,形成了一套文学人类学意义上的禳灾表述传统,亦可称为减灾实践的“地方性知识”。作为中国多民族的传统文化资源,这样的表述值得进一步关注和开掘。  相似文献   

This article problematises the uptake and use of digital technologies by migrant and refugee-background young people, through the lens of a site-based arts pedagogy program, Culture Shack (CS), in Melbourne, Australia. It argues that online pedagogies including animation, Facebook, photoshop, mobile phones and Youtube can be used effectively for bridging cultural, gender and educational gaps, if the ways in which they are applied engage with communication preferences and discourses of culture, ethnicity and digital media technology – including issues related to technological determinism. Drawing on Dimitriadis’ attention to the power of public pedagogies and cyberculture theorists such as Leung and Nakamura, this article frames creative ICT use as not merely a tool but a contested, negotiated space in which young participants shape educational transits of being and becoming, and arts-based digital learning as twenty-first century global pedagogies.  相似文献   

托尔金《霍比特人》和《魔戒》的创作源于对北欧神话的热爱。他力图创造一种完整的文化,包括一套神话与历史谱系,一个语言系统和一种文学,希望为英国史诗传说的重建摸索出一条道路。托尔金自幼信奉天主教,他的创作无论是所表达的主题,还是重要正面角色的命运轨迹,都潜在地受到基督信仰和《圣经》叙事原型的影响。托尔金亲身经历了两次世界大战,他的作品中有很多描述都与他对战争的感受有关,批判贪欲、向往和平成为他的创作永恒的主题。托尔金的创作表现了对人类命运的深切关注,其对神话价值的重新发现和创造性再生功绩卓著,根据他的作品而改编的影视也成为了电影技术史上的里程碑。彼得·杰克逊执导的《指环王》(《魔戒》三部曲)开辟了电影史的新天地,在拍摄《霍比特人》时又采用了一些新技术,有人称这是第五次电影革命。讲好中国故事,应从托尔金的成功中得到启示。  相似文献   

通过对阿昌族史诗《遮帕麻和遮米麻》内容与结构的分析,认为史诗中的人物遮帕麻、遮米麻与中原神话中的大羿、嫦娥,伏羲、女娲有共同来源。遮米麻补天保持了女娲补天的原始形态,具有更为合理的盖天说理论的背景支持。  相似文献   

本文主要考察了<格萨尔>史诗中人物的文化和宗教意义.在文化现实的层面上,认为<格萨尔>民间传说是藏族民间文化认同的一个标志,蕴含着历史的和神话的内容;在宗教学和心理学的意义上,还认为格萨尔王也是一个原型人物(archetype).从荣格心理学的角度来理解,格萨尔人物的功能不仅局限在作为藏族民族英雄的框架中,更重要的是,他契合了藏传佛教历史上高僧大德的教义传播和大乘佛教中的菩萨的理念.虽然格萨尔王是一个藏族特有的民间人物,但他仍具有超越个人和跨文化的原型品质.  相似文献   

In increasingly diverse polities, the question of how minorities engage with national and local political processes is important. In the U.K., the Labour Party has traditionally benefited electorally from ethnic minority communities, often through ethnicity-based voting blocs. However, little attention has been paid to how the Party’s candidate selection process is influenced by strategic party membership and nomination. We argue that community clan or kinship (biraderi) networks found amongst British Pakistanis have been mobilised for this purpose. We examine the cases of Bradford and Birmingham with respect to the nominations for Prospective Candidates at both parliamentary and local council level. We show the continued importance of biraderi connections in spite of Labour Party attempts to ‘clean up’ selection contests through impositions of the National Executive Committee (NEC). Such practices favour the selection of candidates with strong biraderi links and, as such, often marginalise female candidates.  相似文献   


This paper aims to identify housing disadvantages faced by migrants and ethnic minorities; the legal, policy and market forces that shape them; how they have developed over time; how they are manifest nationally and locally; and how they are being responded to locally by those concerned with mitigating them. The paper thereby intends to provide a foundation to inform future research and policy and to engage with local actors to develop ways of overcoming migrant housing disadvantage and challenging discrimination. The paper finds that the interplay of legal changes, which have increasingly differentiated migrants since the 1940s, and shifting housing markets, has driven exclusion of migrants and minorities such that considerable disadvantage is revealed by analysis of census data. However, attention to local specificity provides evidence of positive responses. Examples are presented in relation to access to affordable housing, enactment of homelessness duties and community actions. Methodologically, this paper highlights the importance of simultaneous consideration of migration and ethnicity as markers of difference and exclusion, and the potential of co-production approaches for socially meaningful research concerned with inequalities.  相似文献   

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