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This study investigated adult children’s retrospective accounts of coping with a parent’s infidelity. To understand these experiences, 38 adult children whose parents had engaged in infidelity were interviewed. Results suggested that children placed communicative sanctions on their parent, acted out, and set ground rules for interaction. Last, a segment of participants discussed how communal coping stalled their ability to cope with these events. Combined, these findings highlight the complex nature of the communication surrounding parental infidelity and offer suggestions as to how these findings extend theorizing on topic avoidance.  相似文献   

Using symbolic interactionism we developed an open-ended question to examine marital meaning for young adults (N = 111). Themes to emerge were love and commitment. Participants were placed into clusters: contractual (low love, high commitment), optimistic-realistic (high love, high commitment), romanticizing (high love, low commitment), and casual (low love, low commitment). We examined marital meaning and associations with reasons to delay marriage, conceptualized as relational doubts and financial concerns. Optimistic-realistic and casual individuals reported fewer relational doubts than contractual individuals. Longer relationship length was associated with fewer financial concerns for optimistic-realistic individuals when compared with all others. We conclude that although love and commitment are central to marital meaning, for some, specific pairings of these themes have implications in understanding reasons young adults delay marrying.  相似文献   

This article discusses an approach to relational ethics in contemporary systemic practice. It explores the possibilities offered by traditions of moral philosophy in attending to problems from a relational ethics perspective. This includes a focus on relationships as a crucial element in the development and maintenance of a moral self and how couples and families construct an ethical platform together, both consciously and unconsciously; and also how relational ethics may inform ideas about the values‐driven problems people present in therapy. Finally, it suggests how ethical responsibility and accountability can be constructed as relational responsiveness. Despite our associations with morality as judgmental and rule driven, moral conduct and decision‐making can involve imaginative, creative and aesthetic possibilities.  相似文献   

在受美国遏制、制裁的国家中,利比亚的转变最为明显。2003年12月,利继与英、美就洛克比空难事件达成协议后,又宣布放弃寻求大规模杀伤性武器计划,使利、美关系上的最大障碍得以解除,但利、美关系在短期内要得以恢复仍很难。  相似文献   

Extramarital affairs and divorce are controversial issues in China. Using a mixed-methods approach, extramarital sex (EMS) was investigated by combining statistical data about behaviors and attitudes with a textual reading of contemporary newspaper and magazine articles related to EMS in China. On the basis of the 1999–2000 Chinese Health and Family Life Survey, this study indicated that about 15% of married men and 5% of married women in China have engaged in EMS. Opportunity and permissive attitudes were related to the likelihood of engaging in EMS, especially for men. The prevalence of EMS may reflect a redistribution of power, both between and within gender groups, with Chinese men and women of higher socioeconomic status more likely to engage in EMS.  相似文献   

Participants in this study were 182 men of Puerto Rican ancestry who lived in New York City and had sex with other men. They were recruited from various gay- and non-gay-identified environments. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to assess the participants' sexual attitudes and behavior. Based upon participants' self-labeling of their sexual behavior, four main groups were identified: straight MSM, bisexual MSM, gay MSM, and drag queens. Although similar in terms of age and the number of members infected with I-W, the four groups differed significantly on socioeconomic (SES), attitudinal, and behavioral parameters. It is postulated that MSM of low SES subscribe to stereotypical "machista" and "marianista" roles, while MSM of comparatively higher SES can feel more independent from those gender role expectations. It is concluded that Puerto Rican MSM are reachable and willing to participate in behavioral studies and behavioral change programs. Behavioral change programs must be sensitive to class and SES, tailored to different subgroups of MSM, and generated by a heterogeneous team that includes members of the target population.  相似文献   

Commonly known as “civic engagement,” getting involved within communities in a formalized way has served a foundational role in the development of the United States. Missing from foundational conceptualizations of analyses is theoretical and empirical research that does not center White people and experiences. In this article, I argue that researchers need to incorporate an understanding of Black American's relationship with civic engagement to increase the accuracy of literature on civic engagement. Toward this goal, I first outline the foundational conceptualizations of civic engagement. I next discuss the limitations of civic engagement theories with a focus on data sources and the exclusion of non‐White persons within foundational texts. I then highlight the historical civic activities of Black Americans that has been foregrounded in research on Black voluntary associations. This project pushes for a discussion on the relationship between civic engagement and race with a focus on Black Americans that is relevant to sociological understandings of civil society. I conclude by discussing how filling this gap has a far‐reaching impact in the field of collective behavior and social movements.  相似文献   


Objectives: The present study explored married and partnered individuals’ ads on Craigslist seeking extra-dyadic sexual relationships. An analysis of the ads containing words related to health and safety was conducted to better understand the ways that individuals communicate about safe sex when seeking extra-dyadic relationships online. Methods: A total of 819 ads containing 6,279 words were analyzed. Thematic analysis revealed that the words used in the ads fell into 8 unique categories, with one category comprising words related to health and safety. Results: The results revealed that men seeking men used more words related to health and safety than men seeking women, women seeking men, and women seeking women, though ads within all 4 groups noted health and safety concerns. For men seeking women, broader issues of safety (often pertaining to meeting up) were also expressed, and for women seeking men, issues of discretion arose. Lastly, women seeking women were the only group to mention polyamorous or nonmonogamous relationships, in addition to expressing concerns about sexual safety. Conclusions: The findings revealed that partnered or married men seeking sexual activity with other men posted the most ads and had the largest percentages for several key words related to safe sex, though such concerns were also prevalent in the ads of men seeking women, women seeking women, and to a limited degree (given the small sub-sample), women seeking men. These results suggest that interventions should aim at encouraging individuals who seek relationships online to not only state safe sex preferences and concerns, but also to continue such conversations and implement safe sex behaviors in offline contexts.  相似文献   

Little research exists regarding sex differences in touching behavior in sport or recreational settings. This study investigates sex differences in amounts, types, and factors influencing same-sex touching in a sport context. Subjects were 119 members of four men's college varsity baseball teams and 52 members of three women's college varsity softball teams. All touches performed on-field between team members were recorded and classified using an ethogram designed for this study. As hypothesized, statistically significant differences were found in the following areas: females performed more touching behaviors than males, almost half of the behavior types observed were performed more frequently by one sex than the other, males performed touching behaviors more frequently at away than home games, females performed touching behaviors more frequently at home than away games, and females performed more touching behaviors than males after negative game events. The findings and implications are discussed in relation to the touching behavior literature, ethology, and comparative psychology.  相似文献   

Given negative effects of cohabitation, we examine negative (ambivalence, conflict) and positive (commitment, satisfaction) relationship quality, as explained by perceptions of ease of relational sacrifices and spirituality, for unmarried cohabitors expecting their first child (46 individuals). Controlling for race/ethnicity and education, perceived ease of relational sacrifice was associated with greater satisfaction and lower ambivalence and conflict, whereas spirituality was not associated with any of the relationship quality variables. Examined together, greater ease of relational sacrifice and higher spirituality were associated with greater commitment and satisfaction and lower ambivalence and conflict. Given that many studies of cohabitation focus on demographic factors and that many studies of spirituality focus on married couples, the current study expands knowledge regarding relationship quality for nontraditional couples.  相似文献   

This study replicated and extended previously reported sex differences involving both viewer and target in the recognition of threatening facial expressions. Based on the assumption that the evolved cognitive mechanisms mediating anger recognition would have been designed by natural selection to operate quickly in the interests of survival, brief tachistoscopic presentation of stimulus photographs was used. Additionally, in contrast to prior published studies, the statistical methods of signal detection research were used to control for the confounding effects of non-random guessing. The main hypothesis, that anger posed by males would be more accurately perceived than anger posed by females, was supported. A secondary hypothesis, that female-posed anger would be more accurately perceived by women than by men, received partial support. Testosterone levels, measured inferentially in terms of diurnal cycles, failed to show the hypothesized positive relationship to accuracy of anger perception.  相似文献   

The current study used dyadic data to investigate the impact of relationship type and social support on the retrospective accounts of commitment trajectories of romantic relationships. Past research suggests that social support is a positive contributor to relationship stability and commitment, which may be especially true for partners in interracial relationships who face broader societal opposition than intraracial couples. Using multilevel modeling, we investigated the effects of sex, relationship type, and social support on reports of commitment. Results showed differences in trajectories of commitment based on couple type (interracial vs. intraracial) for both men and women. Social support was found to have an especially strong impact for women in interracial relationships compared with women in intraracial relationships, but there was no differential impact among men.  相似文献   

This study seeks to expand empirical knowledge of commitment to social work using a sample of 212 Norwegian students. The first aim is to investigate the development of students’ commitment to social work from the start of education (first year) to its end (third year). The second aim is to investigate how theoretical and relational knowledge contribute to commitment to social work. The third aim is to examine how compatibility between students’ abilities and the vocational demands of social work contribute to professional commitment. A paired samples t-test and an ordinary least squares regression were conducted to test the aims of the study. The results document that students experience weaker professional commitment at the end of education compared to the beginning. It also seems that theoretical and relational knowledge contribute to professional commitment. The findings also indicate that students whose abilities are compatible with the vocational demands of social work experience stronger professional commitment than those for whom a discrepancy exists.  相似文献   


The present research examined gender differences in community corrections officers' (CCOs') attributions for child sexual offending. Eighty-five CCOs were asked to write down the reasons why they thought men sexually abused children, and then rate their reasons using Benson's Attributional Dimensions Scale. The results found that CCOs' reasons regarding why men sexually abuse children strongly paralleled current scientific theories on the etiology of child sexual abuse. Also, significant gender differences were found regarding the frequency with which participants cited certain types of reasons for child sexual abuse. Female CCOs were more likely to cite power and control as a reason, while male CCOs were more likely to cite psychopathology as a reason for child sexual abuse. No other gender differences were found. The research, clinical, and educational implications pertaining to these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiences that are deeply engaging and enjoyable, engender full concentration, and present a balance between challenge and skill promote children's development. This chapter describes a study that sought to identify the kinds of settings and activities that foster engagement and, by extension, positive youth development. The after-school experiences of 191 ethnically diverse youth living in three states, some of whom participated in after-school programs and some of whom did not, were studied. Youth were equipped with logbooks and watches that were programmed to signal at random times. When signaled, youth recorded their location, social partners, activity, and feelings. The study found pervasive differences in the experiences at programs and elsewhere. Youth spent more time in academic and arts enrichment, organized sports and physical activities, community service, and homework at programs versus elsewhere, and they spent less time eating and watching TV at programs. They also reported higher levels of motivation, engagement, and positive affect at programs. At the same time, there were few differences in activities, emotions, effort, or motivation of program participants and nonparticipants when both groups were elsewhere. The similarities in these experiences while elsewhere suggest that the program context, not differences in youth characteristics or interests, was responsible for the feelings of engagement that were reported at programs.  相似文献   

Using a large survey of Czech high school students (n?=?1103), aged 15–20 years, this paper explores youth prejudice to a wide range of minority groups (n?=?21) where family, school, and community contexts are taken into account. General Structural Equation Models are used to explore the determinants of prejudice for 21 minorities using a comparative explanatory framework where the focus is gender differences in prejudice to minorities are examined using three social theories: Social Dominance Theory (SDT), the Theory of Gendered Prejudice (TGP), and Gender Role Beliefs (GRB). This research shows that gender plays a strong role in expressing prejudiced attitudes where females express (a) less prejudiced attitudes toward the Roma, black Africans, Gays and those with mental or physical disabilities, and (b) more prejudiced attitudes towards the homeless, Vietnamese, Muslims, and lesbians. This gendered pattern is explained in terms of insights from SDT, TGP, and GRB.  相似文献   

“Rigor” is a term which has been used in sexology to imply that there is a hierarchy of methodologies and approaches to sex research. This paper argues that “rigor” is actually a term used rhetorically in an attempt to achieve professional legitimacy in a field perennially threatened because of its politically relevant subject matter. Rather than worry about a seat at the table, we need to look more towards the postmodern richness of diverse and even contradictory standards and approaches to sex research to reveal the range and depth of our subject matter. Recent issues of JSR introducing feminist perspectives offer examples of the range of work which should be acceptable to those interested more in intellectual challenge and quality than traditional respectability.  相似文献   


Objectives: This study explored predictors of STI screening among a heterogeneous group of women who have sex with women and men. Methods: Following bivariate analyses, a multivariate logistic regression model was conducted to assess the relationship between testing and sociodemographic, relationship characteristics. Results: The majority of participants reported not receiving STI screening in the past year. Gender expression, and not sexual orientation, was a significant predictor of screening. For each increase in masculinity, participants had lower odds of receiving an STI test. Conclusions: More research is needed to understand how gender expression of WSW(M) relates to preventative health behaviors.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that cooperation in a social dilemma context could be facilitated by inducing participants to emit social psychophysical cues, information in the perceptual array that affords meaningful and consequential social inferences. In particular, participants were asked to engage in mutual eye gaze, to touch one another gently, to communicate in a virtual chat room, or to tap out rhythms in synchrony. All but the last of these manipulations increased contributions to a public good in all-male but not all-female groups. These results suggest the inference systems that are engaged when individuals make decisions about whether or not to cooperate in a group context are responsive to relatively low level nonverbal behavioral cues.  相似文献   

In this commentary, the author offers three related perspectives regarding (in)securitization: first, an overview of ongoing discussions taking place among US‐based ethnographers of colour about the effects of surveillance on ethnography; second, an example of the impact that (in)securitization may have on the researcher/researched relationship in contemporary ethnographic research; and third, an extension of Garfinkel’s notion of the “breach” within the current sociopolitical context. Throughout this essay, the author calls for a greater sense of connection to and solidarity with those “vulnerable subjects” that we engage with ethnographically.  相似文献   

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