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何枫鸣 《城市》2007,(6):41-43
一、概述 根据天津市城市综合交通规划,未来天津市公共交通将形成以轨道交通和常规公交为主,以出租车交通为补充,线网等级清晰、枢纽换乘便捷、运营管理高效的一体化客运交通体系,其中轨道线网将形成由地铁、轻轨、市郊铁路等多层次组成的放射式线网结构.  相似文献   

线网级市域铁路调度指挥系统负责管辖整个线网的运输调度指挥、应急处理,有的还须满足与国铁线路间的互联互通运营要求。该文对现有国铁和地铁的调度指挥系统进行了分析,结合线网级市域铁路的功能要求和业务特点,对市域铁路调度指挥系统架构选型、适应性进行分析,提出了适用于市域铁路调度指挥系统管控一体化的技术路线,并就该路线给出了总体技术方案、功能分布及主要岗位设置方案,为市域铁路调度指挥系统发展提供参考。  相似文献   

吴琳 《城市观察》2014,(1):180-187,159
回顾地铁发展史,作为载体之一的地铁公共艺术对城市而言,至少具有两个有益的作用:一是地域文化、彰显城市特色;二是引导市民行为、推动城市文明。有鉴于此,在当前中国城市地铁的快速发展时期,也应该同时注重地铁公共艺术的设计和建设。本文以武汉为例提出加强地铁公共艺术空间建设的具体建议。  相似文献   

汪敏  王冠 《交通与港航》2021,8(5):43-50
为加强城市地面公交与轨道交通双网设施融合,完善"轨道+公交"绿色出行链,充分发挥系统效益,结合运行现状和规划线网,整合城市路网、公交场站、公交线路等供给资源,探寻支撑武汉公交发展的指标体系与配置标准.该文针对影响地面公交线网服务水平和运行效益的关键要素,依托城市空间布局、轨道功能分区和公交线路分级进行情景分析,以公交线网和场站设施配置为研究对象,提出换乘型和覆盖型指标,评判地面公交服务的"精度"与"广度".综合采用多源数据定量挖掘方法和政策规程定性分析方法,建立匹配设施供给与线网需求的技术标准.  相似文献   

本文基于重庆市2010-2013年地面机动车流量数据及2014年地铁各站客流量数据,应用空间句法分析软件,分析了重庆城市大区域尺度范围内地面及地铁流量与空间线段地图分析结果的关联,验证了空间句法工具对城市大尺度范围流量分析的适用性。另外,基于地铁流量的实证数据,本研究重点对比测试了用空间句法分析地铁的两种建模方式:将地铁线路独立处理的"分离式"模型和将地铁线路纳入线段地图分析的"一体化"模型,发现"一体化"模型在分析站间截面流量时效果明显更好,但在分析进出站客流量时仅比"分离式"模型略好。作为结论,本文对地面和地铁两个问题的研究分别引出了连续运动和超链接两种空间机制,二者的共同作用使空间句法得以在超出视线和步行范围的大区域尺度上对城市进行有效分析。  相似文献   

上海市公共汽电车行业信息化的目标是建立面向全行业的运营监管和信息服务平台,它的基础是建立一个统一的数据中心,把分散在不同信息源的数据采集到数据中心,对数据进行加工和处理后实现相关的功能和应用,这就需要建立灵活的、可扩展的数据交换和处理体系架构。此架构的技术核心之一——数据交换利用了XML技术,使现有系统与将要建设系统的信息达到高度共享以及与其他信息系统互联与集成成为现实。  相似文献   

公共自行车项目在北京、武汉和杭州的命运各不相同。政府的作用被证明是至关重要,绝非市场机制能够替代。孟斯、徐楠分析比较了中国最重要的几个城市自行车系统运行个案。中外对话与自然之友合作对北京,杭州,武汉3个城市和英国伦敦的公共自行车服务做了深入调查。在4年前的北京,08"绿色奥  相似文献   

李昆达  杨新苗 《城市》2013,(2):62-66
一、我国公共交通场站建设现状我国城市公共交通系统由公共交通工具、公共交通线网及公共交通场站等部分组成,其中公共交通场站是公共交通系统中最为重要的部分。在提升城市公共交通系统的服务水平的过程中,公共交通场站建设有着举足轻重的作用。笔者所提及的公共交通场站是指城市公共汽、电车场站,包括首末站、中途站、换乘枢纽、停车场及保养场等。公共交通场站不但在整个交通系统中发挥着重要作用,其建设布局也为城市服务提供了关键  相似文献   

结合农村地区的生产生活方式构建满足农户需求的新型农村社区公共空间,提高农户满意度,已成为当前新型农村社区建设亟需解决的难题。以新型农村社区示范村——重庆市大柱新村为例,在新型农村社区公共空间内涵与构成分析的基础上,运用CSI评价法对大柱新村公共空间农户满意度进行评价,进而剖析公共空间存在的关键问题。基于此,以共生理念为指导重构公共空间。结果表明:受广场空间功能单一化、院落空间"城市社区化"、巷道空间功能衰退制约,大柱新村公共空间农户综合满意度为"一般";重构后的大柱新村公共空间呈现出"一心、两区、三带"的空间布局结构。CSI评价法与"资源共享、环境共建"的共生理念对于新型农村社区公共空间重构具有较强的适用性,既能有效破解公共空间现状中存在的关键问题,又能为"以人为本"的新型农村社区公共空间建设提供理论参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

现代公共艺术作品作为城市艺术形态中不可或缺的部分大量的存在于我们的生活中,不论是建筑、雕塑、壁画,种种艺术形式与我们的生活密切相关。雕塑和壁画都是公共艺术的一种强有力的表现形式.南京侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆的群雕和地铁壁画,便是优秀公共艺术的代表。  相似文献   

This article examined the degree to which personality hardiness (control, commitment, and challenge), career beliefs (status, preference, motivation, and flexibility), self-efficacy (general and social), and occupational choice status related to career self-efficacy among a sample of 181 college juniors and seniors. Results from an intercorrelation matrix and regression analysis indicated that motivation, self-efficacy, occupational choice status, and commitment correlated significantly to career self-efficacy. Applications of these findings to career counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

We renovate a classic experiment to define a research platform that provides data on network behavior and the causal effect of access to structural holes. Our hypothesis is that people are perceived to be leaders when they behave as network brokers, which is to say, when they coordinate information across structural holes. We focus on the perception of leadership to connect with the many field studies in which access to structural holes predicts success measures keyed to leadership. Our hypothesis is clearly supported. The broker-leader association we report is very similar in strength and form to broker-success associations reported in previous research. At the same time, it is also clear that people adapt to their randomly assigned network, re-shaping it to suit preferences that in some part emerge in team deliberations or outside the experiment. A modification to our hypothesis — at least for these small laboratory teams — is that monopoly brokerage is key to being cited as team leader. Leadership is ambiguous when multiple people are positioned to be brokers unless one person emerges by his or her network behavior as a monopoly broker. Our summary conclusion is that access to structural holes can be causal to the perception of leadership, a characteristic implicit in many success measures used to document the broker-success association.  相似文献   

万国邦 《职业时空》2012,(5):47-48,51
网络危机公关是指对由网络虚拟世界里形成的网络危机事件所引发的、对现实世界产生实际影响的公关危机(网络公关危机)的预防、识别和处理。通过对网络危机事件、网络公关危机和网络危机公关的分析,探讨了网络公关危机管理之道。  相似文献   

Network knowledge and the use of power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complementing recent work on the effects of power on network perceptions, we offer a theory specifying how knowledge of network structures and exchange processes differentially affect the use of power by advantaged and disadvantaged positions. We argue that under certain conditions, network knowledge is beneficial to occupants of low-power positions, but not to occupants of high-power positions. Any low-power actor can benefit from having superior information, but if all low-power actors have equally sound knowledge, then all are worse off—a type of social trap. We tested these arguments by manipulating power and the availability of information on network structure and exchange processes in an experimental exchange network setting. The results were supportive.  相似文献   

This article aims at evaluating how network analysis can contribute to studies on gender differences as also considered in different ethnic contexts. The article shows how the concept of network can be used in new ways and discusses the theoretical foundations of the two main research traditions in this field: (1) on one hand, the anthropological development of social networks within the framework of a situational and processual analytical interpretation; (2) on the other hand, the development of the mathematical and quantitative analysis of the relations between the individual units of the social system, within the framework of a structural analytical interpretation. The paper analyses some of the most interesting contributions of each tradition to show their differences with regard to theoretical elaboration, investigation perspectives and objects, and methods and techniques. It ends by identifying the areas in gender research to which each research tradition can be most appropriately applied.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the Internet is increasingly a part of everyday neighborhood interactions, and in what specific contexts Internet use affords the formation of local social ties. Studies of Internet and community have found that information and communication technologies provide new opportunities for social interaction, but that they may also increase privatism by isolating people in their homes. This paper argues that while the Internet may encourage communication across great distances, it may also facilitate interactions near the home. Unlike traditional community networking studies, which focus on bridging the digital divide, this study focuses on bridging the divide between the electronic and parochial realms. Detailed, longitudinal social network surveys were completed with the residents of four contrasting neighborhoods over a period of three years. Three of the four neighborhoods were provided with a neighborhood email discussion list and a neighborhood website. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to model over time the number of strong and weak ties, emailed, met in-person, and talked to on the telephone. The neighborhood email lists were also analyzed for content. The results suggest that with experience using the Internet, the size of local social networks and email communication with local networks increases. The addition of a neighborhood email list further increases the number of weak neighborhood ties, but does not increase communication multiplexity. However, neighborhood effects reduce the influence of everyday Internet use, as well as the experimental intervention, in communities that lack the context to support local tie formation.  相似文献   

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