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扶贫开发是-项重大的民生工程.宁夏回族自治区党委、政府历来高度重视扶贫工作,千方百计解决贫困地区发展和贫困群众生产生活问题,加快推进贫困地区脱贫致富步伐,取得了显著成效.  相似文献   

王勇 《职业》2010,(27)
杭帮菜约有二千多年历史,凝聚着历代杭州厨师的智慧和心血,积淀了杭州饮食文化的精髓."杭帮菜"深厚的文化内涵、灵活多变的经营理念和贴近大众的市场定位使之深受各地消费者欢迎.1998年以来,杭帮莱先赴上海抢滩,后又陆续登陆北京、天津、大连等北方城市,以极快的速度遍及全国走向境外."杭帮菜"所到之处,都产生了拉动整个社会餐饮消费的轰动效应,这种现象被称之为"杭帮菜现象"或"一种值得研究的经济现象".  相似文献   

任何事物发展都有着自身规律,小城镇发展也不例外."以地生财"只是小城镇发展的外部因素,离开工业化时代资本、土地、人力等生产要素市场发展的内在推动力,脱离小城镇的力所能及的综合经济实力,单纯指望"以地生财"做大小城镇,建起的有可能是沙滩上的楼阁,而且很可能因为迫于建设资金短缺的压力去追逐土地利润的最大化,从而提高了农民进小城镇的门槛,把大部分农民拒之于小城镇门外,结果是"以地生财"建了镇,又"以地生财"关了门.  相似文献   

"网络民主"一词最早是由美国学者马克·斯劳卡(Mark Slouka)在1995年提出的.他认为"网络民主"可以理解为以网络为媒介的民主,或者是在民主中渗入网络的成分.  相似文献   

本文通过论述近年来出现的"公办民助"模式纪念馆的建立和发展,探讨新形势下新型纪念馆该如何发展.  相似文献   

牛盾 发挥农技推广站作用 农业部副部长牛盾在接受记者采访时表示,在十七届三中全会召开以后,农业发展进人了第二次飞跃,未来30年或更长时间,农业发展要靠农业科技进步和创新,以及农业的合作经营和适度规模经营,以此推进中国特色农业现代化对农业增效和农民增收的作用.  相似文献   

职业教育是我国教育体系的重要组成部分,在实施人才强国战略中具有特殊的地位,对推动经济发展、改善民生发挥着重要作用.本文围绕职业教育发展中"软实力"这一主题进行探讨,分别从教育软环境的培育、师资力量之主导、素质教育之重、教育质量等方面进行分析阐述,提出职业教育发展面临的问题需要正确认识,对于影响职业教育发展的软实力问题的解决,以及进一步发挥职业教育对经济发展的推动作用.  相似文献   

内河航运作为上海市综合运输体系的组成部分,为上海市城市建设、城市安全运营、上海国际航运中心集疏运提供了经济、可靠的运输保障,成为城市发展、安全运营的重要支撑.文章分析了上海市内河航运发展现状及存在的问题,同时在我国经济由高速发展转变为高质量发展新阶段、上海市城市总体规划新要求的背景下,研判发展新形势,并提出新形势下上海市内河航运"十四五"高质量发展思考.  相似文献   

李昊 《公关世界》2016,(19):73-77
现在很多智慧城市建设规划只是将"高楼大厦、跨马路、大广场"的物质建设型城镇化模式进行了信息化升级. 经济的变局中,城市的发展起落不定,一方面,一些曾经拥有辉煌历史和重要政治经济地位的城市,现在却"泯然众城矣";而与此同时,另一些城市正在依托新的经济引擎,步入发展的快车道.  相似文献   

在高职院校中,"双师型"教师成为其发展的重要人力资源.20世纪90年代初,学者提出"双师型"教师这一概念以后,各高职院校都将这一概念变为其教学评估的重要指标."双师型"教师在高职院校中的培养方式以及策略等就成为所有教师关注的热点项目和问题.  相似文献   

The author highlights the importance of the difference between the efficiency and effectiveness of using the EU-subsidies. If Hungary cannot use the financial means of the EU efficiently and effectively, then the goal of cohesion and convergence to the level of the old, developed countries of the EU will be much more difficult and slower. The efficiency of the EU-subsidies involves a quantitative approach, where the ratio of the obliged and disposable amount of EU-subsidies can be measured. The effectiveness of EU-subsidies, on other hand, requires a much more complicated and complex approach, than the efficiency. The effectiveness of the usage on a project level can be measured by the “added value” of the project; on program level it can be measured by the added GDP growth or employment. The article presents the results of research carried out in the Research Group of Professor Tibor Palánkai at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. S. G. Nagy is a member of the OTKA Research Group of Professor Tibor Palánkai (NI 68085).  相似文献   

张扬 《交通与港航》2021,8(2):33-38
在"新时代、新机遇、新发展"的大背景下,上海交通信息化和智能交通建设,正在向智慧交通发展的新阶段迈进.围绕城市精细化管理、交通强国建设、数字交通规划、新型基础设施建设、城市数字化转型等重要发展理念,文章梳理上海智能交通建设现状和基础,分析"十三五"末期发展特点与新时代智慧交通的发展要求,对"十四五"时期智慧交通的发展进行前瞻与思考,提出了"交通场景泛感知基础建设网络化、城市交通治理与城市精细管理融合化、一站式公众出行信息服务综合化、创新技术驱动交通智慧化、长三角区域综合交通信息一体化、城市交通数字化转型常态化"的发展目标.以数据驱动、科技赋能,以机制创新、业务协同,全面激发智慧交通建设的创造力与活力,把握数字化新时代的发展主动权.  相似文献   

Parent involvement in the process of creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law in the United States that ensures children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free appropriate public education alongside their peers without disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Yet much research has shown that parents often feel like outsiders during the process. To understand parent perspectives about how educators might help make the IEP process more collaborative and inclusive, this study collected qualitative data from 35 parents of students with disabilities who have worked to develop an IEP with a school team. Our findings provide insight into parent experiences and evidence that parents have many suggestions for how educators can improve the IEP process. In our discussion section, we provide educators with strategies to address parent suggestions.  相似文献   

The under‐representation of women in higher education (HE) leadership is a persistent global phenomenon. The purpose of this research is to re‐examine this issue through symbolic interactionism (SI). Eight women aspiring to leadership were invited to participate in semi‐structured interviews after attending a leadership programme specifically designed to enhance their leadership prospects. Analysis indicated ambiguities and contradictions that surround notions of leadership, in particular how the participants position themselves and are positioned in their workplace. This was evidenced by the meaning they attributed to: recognizing a leader; interactions with existing leadership; and speculation regarding their leadership capacity. Gendered notions were apparent in their constructed meanings. Similarity attraction was also evident, with men being observed as ‘paying it forward’, therefore facilitating promotion. Formal leadership training was advocated rather than experiential processes.  相似文献   

生命教育与青少年发展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
现代社会,物质生活和精神生活发展的不平衡,使一些青少年陷入了精神迷惘和意义危机中,从2002年的"刘海洋伤熊事件"到2004年的"马加爵杀人事件",反映了青少年教育机制中人文教育的缺失.因此,本文提出当前构建和谐社会,必须加强青少年"生命教育"和"全人格教育",倡导科技加人文的平衡发展,强化青少年的心理、情感训练等对策建议.  相似文献   

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