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无障碍已成为国际公认的一项重要权利,而且与其他基本权利的实现密切相关.本文在厘清无障碍概念及发展的基础上,阐述我国无障碍立法的必要性和可行性,从依法治国的基本方略角度探讨无障碍立法在完善法治体系中的重要意义.无障碍立法对于引领全体社会成员正确理解和维护无障碍环境,对于我国残疾人事业和人权事业的发展都具有重要的推动作用.在无障碍立法中,应当参考域外无障碍法例,比较不同的立法模式,建立以权利为本位,以物质无障碍、信息无障碍、社区服务无障碍为主干,强化无障碍环境的监督和管理,完善法律责任,加大违法成本,从而建立和完善具有中国社会主义特色的无障碍法律制度.  相似文献   

社会工作视角下的信息无障碍,是指所有被称为“信息”的内容都能通过某种方式,被有权获取的人群合法、平等、便捷地获取及利用。建设信息无障碍环境,有助于公平对待困难群体并保障其合法权益。社工可以从以下环节,致力于信息无障碍环境建设:  相似文献   

社会立法的源头就是对贫困群体的救助,近代中国的社会立法也是从社会救助立法开始的。中国的社会救助立法分为截然分开的两个阶段,前一阶段是民国时期的社会救助立法,后一阶段则是新中国的社会救助立法。  相似文献   

无障碍环境建设行政公益诉讼所指涉的公共利益呈现出鲜明的社会性、公共性特质,此特质对监督行政机关提出了现实要求,与行政公益诉讼的监督功能共同塑造了此类公益诉讼的制度机理。因此,应强化无障碍环境建设公益诉讼监督行政机关履职的制度功能,以此破解无障碍环境建设因主体交错而存在的责任判别困境,亦需要通过类型化拓展受案范围的方式,分类别明确无障碍设施建设、信息交流、社会服务领域的重点工作,以保障日益多元的无障碍权益。此外,应考虑赋予残疾人联合会等主体以提起公益诉讼的权利,并允许公民通过无障碍私益诉讼维护公共利益,以此回应“全社会共建共治共享”的立法吁求。  相似文献   

Grounded in Bourdieu’s social capital theory, the study’s purpose was to investigate social capital accessibility of intermarrieds compared to intramarrieds. Using the 2001 Integrated Health Interview Series data, two generalized linear models with Poisson distribution and identity link were performed: Model 1 compared intermarrieds to intramarrieds; Model 2 compared specific types of intermarrieds to intramarrrieds. Model 1 indicated that intermarrieds had less accessibility to social capital than intramarrieds. Model 2 indicated that intermarrieds, particularly interracially marrieds, had less social capital accessibility than intramarrieds, although the influence was moderate. Social capital accessibility of the interethnically or internationally marrieds was not significantly different from that of intramarrieds. Findings provide partial support to previous research concerning a lack of social capital accessibility for intermarrieds.  相似文献   

结合国家"新基建"、"四网融合"发展的新趋势新要求,市域轨道的规划建设成为业界热点话题.从市域轨道的功能层次和范畴界定出发,确定不同制式轨道的适用性,充分发挥市域轨道的技术优势.市域轨道的规划建设,首先应强化与城市空间的融合,耦合城市中心,支撑外围新城开发;其次应重视不同功能层次轨道之间的融合,注重服务范围与规模的关系,促进资源的集约利用和高效衔接,以需求为导向提升通道客运服务水平.  相似文献   


This study explores the degree that social service agencies are aware of the ADA, the degree that agencies perceive they comply with the ADA, and the barriers these agencies face in making their services accessible. The directors of 28 randomly selected rural social service agencies in a midwestern state completed semi-structured telephone interviews. Interviews explored respondents& knowledge of the ADA, barriers rural agencies face in providing accessible services, types of accommodations they have made and degree of fit between the ADA and rural agencies. The findings suggest that while the ADA is not a significant burden for rural agencies, there is a need for enhanced training and outreach.  相似文献   


Various aspects of social work supervision are viewed from the competence perspective in order to conceptualize the grounds for competence-centered supervision, and to point out the potential enrichment of social work education. The paper defines worker competence and outlines several basic guidelines for competence-centered supervision. Discussion of both the content of competence-oriented supervision and the characteristics of the competence-oriented supervisor follow. Procedures of evaluating the supervisee's competence then are suggested. Finally, the processes of competence-centered supervision are analyzed, and the usefulness of a unifying scheme of competence for practice, supervision, and education in social work is highlighted.  相似文献   

生活质量高在很大程度上体现为人的幸福感,对1994名城市青年从社会资本视角进行的问卷调查发现,社会资本的普遍化互惠对青年幸福感具有积极影响;社会信任中的特殊信任因子、一般信任因子对青年幸福感具有显著影响,普通信任因子没有显著影响;社会参与中的协会型社团参与因子对青年幸福感具有正向统计显著性。  相似文献   

蔡禾 《社会学研究》2012,(4):10-16,241,242
社会管理不是要追求一个无差别、无矛盾的社会,而是要在不同利益群体之间建立一个有序的关系。当今中国社会矛盾的凸显和日显激烈的趋势与普遍存在的个体化诉求和利益博弈力量不对称相关,与利益诉求的转型和群体博弈制度的缺失相关。社会管理创新需要搭建与社会主义市场经济相符的利益博弈平台,探索利益诉求的群体表达机制;需要搭建能累积以网络、信任和规则为要素的社会资本的平台。由此,国家与个人之间的中间地带才能重新形成,政府才能真正回归到法律的执行者、秩序的维护者角色。  相似文献   

This article reviews current research on gender gaps in educational outcomes among children of new migrants (first, 1.5, and second generations) from a comparative cross‐national perspective. The article examines potential explanations for why gendered differences in educational outcomes among immigrants (vis‐à‐vis non‐migrants) continue to occur, focusing on individual, schooling, and institutional factors. For example, while gender gaps in expectations and aspirations as well as some cognitive outcomes are increasing (reading ability is considerably higher among females) and shrinking in specific subjects (e.g. math and science ability is slightly higher among boys), that process often has been less explored within and across immigrant vis‐à‐vis non‐immigrant students. We show that in some countries, gender gaps among disadvantaged ethnic minorities (in relation to other groups) continue to persist and are exacerbated by institutional factors. These disadvantages vary not only across different educational systems and at different rates over time but also are based on students' social background. Overall, we argue that these educational inequalities are key to understanding not only the socioeconomic and future political adaptation of migrants and their children but also future social policy developments in the European Union context.  相似文献   

为探析性侵儿童集体记忆的媒介建构,对《南方都市报》等三家主流都市报中的性侵儿童新闻进行系统研究后发现,我国新闻媒体对性侵儿童社会记忆的呈现经历了一个从集体失声到开放多元的历程;媒介在报道性侵儿童案件时进行着一种仪式化的呈现与编排策略;法制与教育成为媒体报道性侵儿童时的主流框架,基于现代新闻伦理道德的考虑,媒体更多地是把创伤复现和创伤处理置于两元对立的地位,对被侵害儿童的创伤叙事进行了遮蔽和掩盖。  相似文献   

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