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Definitions help us understand the characteristics of an object or phenomenon and are a necessary precursor to understanding what a good version of it looks like. Evaluation as a field has resisted a common definition (Crane, 1988; Morell & Flaherty, 1978; M. F. Smith, 1999), which has implications for marketing, training, practice, and quality assurance. In this position paper, I describe the benefits and challenges of not having a clear, agreed-upon definition, then propose and explore the implications of two definitions for the evaluation profession based on values and valuation as the core of evaluation practice. The purpose is to describe a possible way forward through definition that would increase our professional profile, power, and contribution to social justice. The paper concludes with implications for evaluator competencies and evaluation education and questions for further research.  相似文献   


One of the defining elements of a profession is its capacity to generate and transmit knowledge about practice. This paper reviews and assesses the state of scholarship and research in social work through diverse perspectives, among them research methods found in the core literature, the scholarly productivity of faculty and doctoral graduates, the research curricula in graduate programs, and the use of scholarship by practitioners. Finally it posits challenges for improving the profession's research training, scholarly production, and knowledge transmission.  相似文献   

The 1994 election was a turning point in South African political discourse concerning identity politics and an important period for research on legitimation processes and political discourse. Until the election, the racial and ethnic conflicts were the main issue in political discourse, causing violent riots and tension. But as the new political order was envisaged and the election was confirmed, the need for legitimation of collective identities and identity politics changed. In the political discourse leading up to the 1994 election, issues and conflicts on race and collective identity were silenced by media, thereby contributing to a kind of collective amnesia to reconcile the political conflicts of the past. Both the African National Congress (ANC) and the National Party (NP) used evaluative campaign research to develop their main strategies. While the ANC tried to downplay the role of cultural diversity in South Africa, the NP found it effective to stress minority rights and defence for ethnicity in its communication campaigns. Other smaller parties also chose this strategy. Since the 1994 election, a rhetoric of unity across multicultural cleavages has emerged.  相似文献   

Faculties at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) have demonstrated stellar contributions to social work, which include early thought and epistemology related to strengths, empowerment, and social justice perspectives; religious orientation; inclusive learning environment, and community-based research. W. E. B. DuBois was the most influential among these HBCU scholars; however, the DuBoisian tradition of scholar as activist must include works of Frazier, Haynes, Young, and others, who fueled discourse on contemporary social problems despite prejudice, discrimination, and Jim Crow. HBCUs provided direction for services to the new Black urban class when the profession was not prepared to do so. They led the profession to use new theoretical ideas, perspectives, and service modes for a new clientele.  相似文献   

当今世界正迈向后现代,中国正在推进社会工作专业建设,本文试图在这样的背景下探讨社会工作专业的使命问题。文章首先对国际社会工作界既有的有关社会工作专业使命的论述做出批判性检视,特别关注后现代的视角;而后作者尝试提出自己的一个后现代社会工作的构形并阐述其使命主张。最后,文章阐述了上述这些讨论对于建构中国社会工作专业的含义,得出结论应以遣使者—受任者关系为据来决定使命。  相似文献   


Public relations has a critical role in addressing culture difference and enhancing research outreach. An analysis of practice, education and research in Middle East provides an exemplar of the need to move the discipline’s scholarship from global isolation to cultural inclusivity. A review of current scholarship in the discipline's journals documents the preeminence of “Western” theory. Research with culturally collaborative studies of media, culture, technology, and society is needed to provide global perspectives. The paper argues five initiatives are needed next steps for the discipline to achieve global inclusivity: * Enhance research collaboration – Culturally collaborative studies of media, culture, technology, and society are needed to provide global perspectives in our discipline. *Address bilingual scholarship – Public relations theory needs to acknowledge varied traditions and methodologies. Research journals need Middle Eastern faculty editorial board members and need to explore translation options. *Align research with the profession – Globally, public relations research needs qualitative understanding. Cultural differences often regress quantitative analysis to meaningless implications for both theory and practice. *Assess curriculum globalization – Educators need to increase cultural content in courses. Textbooks are needed that reflect the globalization of the field from multiple perspectives. *Develop international accreditation standards – An accreditation model based on bilingual, global, and contemporary careers in the discipline is needed. International accreditation site teams must include bilingual members.  相似文献   

The ability to work interprofessionally is widely regarded as essential to professional education and training for social work. The changing contexts of social work practice and the requirement for integrated working are regular reminders of the need for social work students to develop collaborative competence. Guidance preceding the development of the social work degree emphasised that social work students should undertake specific learning and assessment in partnership working and information sharing. This suggests that aspects of interprofessional education are relevant to the teaching and development of social work students if graduates are to successfully engage in complex practice.

This paper seeks to identify the competencies needed for successful collaboration. It then draws on evaluative research of joint training programmes in learning disability nursing and social work in England to discuss the unique experiences and perspectives of graduates whose social work training was exceptionally interprofessional. The paper will discuss how some of the findings from this research can indicate lessons for promoting collaborative competence in singly trained social work students. It will argue that interprofessional learning opportunities are one of the key ingredients for the development of critical practice.  相似文献   

Decisions are connected with actions and changes of different complexity. In personally relevant situations it can even be possible to decide for a change of one?s life or to create a new self-image by new experiences which are coming along with decisions and who are linked with a new identity and a particular different environment. This complexity of decisions and problem solving is studied from different perspectives in a long research tradition. This paper applies a new perspective by focusing on a theory of the formation of inner conflicts and their consecuences, which lend to mental blocs. We examined inner blocs in decision-making situations and we show how they can be regulated by awareness and mindfulness.  相似文献   

The complexity of the Lithuanian social work profession is analysed in this paper. The aim of the research presented is to identify the patterns of relationships that Lithuanian social workers develop in the workplace when facing conflict. The research findings suggest that social work presupposes instability, mobility, fluidity, risks and consequently conflict and multiple emotional reactions from those involved. The complexity of social work, evoking various professional risks and conflicts, anticipates emotional reactions from social workers, such as anger and avoidance. Professional conflict and change can become a resource of positive emotional reactions and a stimulus for the development of the organisation. Professional relationships that are based on equality, openness and participation, even in situation of change or conflict can cultivate energy, creativity and enthusiasm. For conflict within an organisation to be resolved, external support that is methodologically grounded and professional is needed. Supervision can help to recognise the interrelation of patterns of relationships in the workplace when facing conflict, through reflection on one's professional functioning.  相似文献   

The rise of social innovation expresses a discontent with innovation as we know it, and its ability to deliver just and sustainable outcomes. Yet, social innovation is also notoriously vague as a concept, thereby putting into doubt whether the concept offers any real improvements or alternatives. This paper issues an invitation to think about social innovation as a collaborative concept. The conceptual framework shows collaboration, rather than contestation, to offer a space for the working together of different perspectives and actors. The collaborative concept frame welcomes and seeks to explain a diversity of uses. Singling out key features of social innovation as a collaborative concept, it seeks to contribute to an emerging practice that makes different contributions part of a progressive conversation about social innovation, the evaluative ideas associated with it and the evidence from policies and projects. Identifying transformative, taxonomical and transitional–sceptical uses of social innovation, the paper highlights the importance of analysing the evaluative aspects of the multisectoral reconfigurations associated with social innovation so as to keep track of its role for justice and sustainability.  相似文献   

This paper explores the differing approaches and objectives of Japanese and American philanthropy, as well as aspects of corporate giving and corporate citizenship. The historic roles of philanthropy, and the scope and purposes of the non-profit sector in both countries are examined, as is the concept of corporate good citizenship and the tendency towards giving by individuals and corporations. In addition, the paper examines the differing tax treatments, such as deductibility of charitable gifts, tax exemption of organisations, and relation of exempt entities to government, that logically follow from the two approaches, including changes in law and regulation through to the end of 1990. Although written by an American, this paper is not intended to present American-style philanthropy as a model for any others. Rather, it is intended to provide useful information for comparative study and to express the hope that Japan will bring a fresh approach to philanthropy around the world that goes beyond giving to traditional American causes and purposes and beyond giving solely as an export product used as a means of easing trade and investment friction.Susan Flaherty is a partner in the law firm of Roha & Flaherty in Washington,  相似文献   


Based on data collected in a British provincial university this article examines the structural, material and ideal elements which are the sources of variation in academic activity. Teaching was influenced jointly by pedagogic and disciplinary perspectives, with the latter providing the major source of variation. Not only the style of research but also the pattern of research relationships could also be seen to vary with the theoretical character of a discipline. The external professional activities of faculty expressed several wide-ranging principles, but they also provided an important source of segmentation within the academic profession.  相似文献   

This article deals with Estonian social workers' perspectives on the fundamentals of the social work profession in a society where radical social, political, and economic changes have occurred within a very short period of time. Estonia typically figures as a model country, sometimes as a positive model, sometimes as a negative one, but according to most commentators, Estonia has pursued social and economic transformations in a particularly dramatic way. Social workers have recognized that radical changes have created new types of problems and social work should deal with vulnerable people and families under uncertain and unforeseeable conditions. Estonia is a challenging example to understand social work in the context of a neoliberal market society. It is therefore necessary to find out what the new challenges for the development of social work as a profession are. This article explores a ‘direction’ toward which social work in Estonia is developing, focusing mainly on the influence of the Estonian political context. The results of the research are relevant to the entire social work profession, insomuch as they address questions about the essence of social work and the ethical principles of the social work profession in society and how they can be strongly influenced by neoliberal thinking and increasing complexity.  相似文献   

Due to the changing cultural composition of the U.S., social workers are increasingly working with clients from different cultures. As a result of globalization, our schools of social work are training international students who return home to work in their native countries and take with them our theories and models of practice. It is essential that, as a profession, we address questions about the relevance of our models to work with clients from different cultures. This paper will use theoretical concepts from anthropology and data from field research with Suwanrang, a social worker in Northern Thailand to address these issues. The implications of the debate between universalist, relativist, and cultural pluralist perspectives within anthropology for psychodynamic, developmental models and social work treatment will be explored. The paper will focus on the ways the treatment relationship is shaped by and varies with culture  相似文献   

South African municipalities are taking hesitant steps towards institutionalising evaluation practice. This paper explores how evaluation is being institutionalised at a municipal level, looking at both the legislative and regulatory requirements in terms of planning, budgeting, and reporting, as well as opportunities for evaluative practice. A well-established performance management system, coupled with certain constraints to innovation and building an evaluative culture are contributing to the creation of an evaluation function that serves a monitoring purpose. A combination of desktop research and participatory action research was used to understand the municipal practice of evaluation. The results have implications for how decentralised public sector evaluation systems are understood.  相似文献   

This paper presents an initial hour of therapy with 17 1/2 year old David, illustrating his distinctive experience, endowments, vulnerabilities and resiliencies. This first encounter permits a glimpse into typical adolescent conflicts and issues, how newer theoretical perspectives guide clinical thinking and technique, and the ways in which sociocultural forces intertwine with personal experience.in private practice.  相似文献   

美国插手海湾事务,客观上使海湾各种力量重新趋于平衡。美国主导海湾防务,必然会按照美国意志行事,以使海合会国家的安全利益服从于美国全球战略利益,这与海合会国家寻求美国庇护的初衷产生了矛盾。随着时间的推移,这种矛盾越发凸显,海合会国家的不安全感也越发强烈。虽然这些问题目前不会阻碍双方安全合作的进程,但会影响双方全面合作的深度。  相似文献   

In studying the draft resistance movement of the 1960's the author combined sociological observation with active and politically committed participation in the movement. The resulting conflicts of loyalty were rooted in basic characteristics of the movement, and of field research as a way of being in and experiencing the world. There were conflicts between political and research goals in daily decisions about how to allocate time and energy, and in larger choices about whether to take risks and to more fully join the community of fate of the movement. The role of researcher became a retreat, expressing limits to involvement and risk-taking, and providing a point of outside leverage which full participants lacked. The movement's ways of defining and interpreting experience ran counter to the more detached and routihizing perspectives of sociology. Conflicts between being a committed participant and an observing sociologist culminated in a sense of betraying the movement, and raised basic questions about uses, organization, and types of knowledge.  相似文献   

In Lebanon as in Jordan, the accountancy profession is faced with major regulatory and institutional reforms owing to policies of economic liberalization, which open markets and try to attract foreign investments. Light is shed on both the issues underlying resistance to these reforms and the conflicts that have flared up. By pointing out similarities and variations in the definition of this profession and of its boundaries, we notice: the weight of history and of institutional and political factors; the convergence owing to the globalization of markets; and national responses to changes determined by factors and pressures that are mostly supranational. This can help us better understand conditions under which a profession is constructed in quite different contexts.  相似文献   

Grounded theory research: Procedures,canons, and evaluative criteria   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Using grounded theory as an example, this paper examines three methodological questions that are generally applicable to all qualitative methods. How should the usual scientific canons be reinterpreted for qualitative research? How should researchers report the procedures and canons used in their research? What evaluative criteria should be used in judging the research products? We propose that the criteria should be adapted to fit the procedures of the method. We demonstrate how this can be done for grounded theory and suggest criteria for evaluating studies following this approach. We argue that other qualitative researchers might be similarly specific about their procedures and evaluative criteria.  相似文献   

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