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SC Aggarwal  DJ Clark 《Omega》1978,6(2):161-171
This paper attempts to develop a multiobjective model to help policy-makers choose the most appropriate mix of economic policies concurrent with the elimination of serious gaps. Each individual policy attempts to achieve a specific goal or a set of subgoals; but it may hinder the achievement of some other subgoals. To differentiate between the importance of different objectives, the analyst assigns different priorities to each of the given set of subgoals. Three sets of results are provided by three separate computer runs of this model. Each set of results corresponds to one of the three priority structures, and each run indicates quite differing underachievements or over-achievements of individual subgoals. A detailed explanation for each of these deviations (gaps) from the targeted subgoals is attempted in an overall framework and some interactions between various gaps (savings gaps, foreign exchange gap, domestic growth gap, GNP gap, etc.) are also identified.  相似文献   

企业信息化战略规划的一种新的分析框架模型   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
张玉林  陈剑 《管理科学》2005,8(4):88-98
对已有的企业信息化战略规划方法进行了评述.基于业务流程的价值分析和变革性分析,提出了一种新的企业信息化规划的分析框架模型.模型强调对价值链设计的快速响应能力,着力体现信息基础设施与应用的动态一致性,同时希望具有较强的支持高层决策的能力.  相似文献   

Using strategic planning to drive strategic change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article describes a case history of strategic planning, learning and change within a major division of Dowty plc. At Dowty CASE, a telecommunications company, the management team used strategic planning as a structured learning process to generate strategic change. There are many lessons which academics and practitioners alike can learn from this case of strategic planning and change in action.  相似文献   

This paper describes a representative, sectionalized, computer assisted strategic planning system, as developed and used by the authors. It suggests that the future direction of such programmes—with several already in use—is toward the development of approaches which combine simulation and linear programming to simultaneously address long and short-term objectives.  相似文献   

Horizons for strategic planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present a normative model for setting time horizons for planning. Provided that certain conditions are met, we can state that only part of the future is relevant for present strategic planning, and a study of the future beyond that time horizons is a waste of resources.Following the introduction the impact of predetermined planning horizon on planning is discussed. Next, the model is presented: the problem is defined, developed and solved. The discussion of the model is designed to incorporate—and to show its implication on—existing views and methods for setting time horizons for strategic planning. Thus, simplifying assumptions which facilitate the mathematical solution of the problem, are discussed and relaxed in order to show how realistic situations are illuminated by the model.  相似文献   

In this article the author describes how the adaptation and integration requirements of several corporations within the multinational environment were analyzed. A pattern of planning tasks for multinationals is then described which simplified planning while utilizing further task specialization.  相似文献   

Strategic management is a process that deals with the entrepreneurial work of the organisation, with organisational renewal and growth, and more particularly, with developing and utilising the strategy which is to guide the organisation's operations. Strategic management approaches emphasise the processes of strategic decision-making and adaptation to change. The paper reviews the literature to date and the modern strategic management paradigm and examines strategy formulation from an analytic perspective.  相似文献   

What is the current level of strategic planning in the United States? What objectives are quantified in the strategic plans? What kinds of environmental factors are identified in the planning process? What areas are planned for? How often are the strategic plans reviewed? These are among the questions which were raised in a recent survey of 323 companies whose results are summarized in this paper. It is hoped that this study will permit practitioners to compare their planning with planning being performed in their industry.Suggested improvements in the stategic planning process include more frequent monitoring of performance against the plans, more comprehensive environmental surveillance, and greater emphasis on organizational structure plans. The strategic planning process was found to be constantly evolving and cyclical. The strategic planning activity expanded during adversity and contracted when business prospects were good.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(5):118-124
Strategic planning is often dominated by left-brain thinking which emphasizes rational, analytical techniques. Imagery is a technique which has been widely applied in other disciplines such as sports, medicine, learning and counselling, which can be used by planners to enhance more right-brain thinking. The technique is especially useful for creative thinking in scenario building and goal setting. This paper reviews the technique, explains how it has been used in other fields, and how it can be used to enhance planning.  相似文献   

In this article the author considers a variety of financial issues which have an important bearing on strategic planning. Mr. Zettergren develops a financial model in the article with the objectives of making it easy to comprehend yet detailed enough to account for most pertinent factors.  相似文献   

Practical approaches have now been developed for use in corporate strategic planning. These methods can be applied to any type and size of business organization anywhere.  相似文献   

CF Doubleday  DE Probert  G Walsham 《Omega》1983,11(4):343-354
Strategic planning of telecommunications supply takes place in an increasingly turbulent environment due to factors such as the development of new and improved telecommunications services, the convergence of computing and telecommunications technologies and the emergence of the information society. This article is concerned with a model of future communications demand, developed under a research contract placed by British Telecom. The model describes dynamic trends in the supply and demand for communications products and services over a 30 year time horizon. Some key model features are outlined and an overview of the computer programme is given. The aim of the project was to provide decision-makers with a flexible, analytical tool for the exploration of policy issues and environmental impacts. The model should not be viewed as a forecasting tool but as an aid to structured thinking and the rapid assessment of alternative scenarios.  相似文献   

The literature of long-range planning is replete with justifications of the need for strategic planning and admonitions concerning its critical importance. However, both the literature of planning and its practice, as manifested in a variety of organizations as diverse as industrial firms, educational systems and law enforcement agencies, are deficient in specifying proven techniques and methodologies for marshalling organizational resources to effectively implement strategic planning.Over a period of years, the authors have consulted with a variety of business organizations and public agencies in the development and implementation of long-range planning processes. From this work has come an empirically-tested conclusion that the success of long-range planning in an organization is less sensitive to the parameters of the planning techniques that it is to the overall culture within which the planning is accomplished. Since most of the non-pontifical literature of planning focuses on planning techniques and specifications for planning processes, these conclusions suggest a critical void in planning methodology.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decision support methodology for strategic planning in tramp and industrial shipping. The proposed methodology combines simulation and optimization, where a Monte Carlo simulation framework is built around an optimization-based decision support system for short-term routing and scheduling. The simulation proceeds by considering a series of short-term routing and scheduling problems using a rolling horizon principle where information is revealed as time goes by. The approach is flexible in the sense that it can easily be configured to provide decision support for a wide range of strategic planning problems, such as fleet size and mix problems, analysis of long-term contracts and contract terms. The methodology is tested on a real case for a major Norwegian shipping company. The methodology provided valuable decision support on important strategic planning problems for the shipping company.  相似文献   

The question which, unfortunately, often goes unanswered, is whether a company's process of corporate planning is optimal. Furthermore, even if they wished to answer such a question there is little in the literature which can provide them with a direct, and explicit evaluative model. This paper examines the development of planning and the many different contributors towards its theoretical underpinning. Whilst recognizing that planning is a field which is a ‘semantic's jungle’ the authors carefully pick their way through the mine-field of misunderstanding and misquotation and clearly establish a base-line for evaluation and indeed propose a detailed methodology. It is hoped that this paper will be a fore-runner of many which will assist the executive in his important evaluative role concerning alternative planning approaches.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how an entity—called a ‘strategic data base’ (SDB)—can be developed to provide important information in a form which makes it directly useful in various phases of a strategic planning process. The strategic data bases are concise statements of the organizational and environmental situations which define the organization's most salient problems, opportunities, and constraints. These SDBs may be developed through a participative process involving tasks forces which are made up of managers representing the diverse interests of the organization. The strategic data bases thereby become important informational inputs to planning which can directly serve to enhance the quality of planning decisions. Moreover, the process of developing SDBs can be an important learning device for those middle managers who can become involved in such a process at a much earlier point in their career than that at which they might normally engage substantively in the organization's overall strategic choice process.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the relevance of key constituents in modern corporate strategic planning to policy determination in universities. The emphasis is on corporate policy making at the level of the individual institution, not the universities or higher education as a whole. From the outset it is assumed that a university has a measure of autonomy within a wider negotiated environment of which the universities, as a group, are a sector for negotiating purposes. There are therefore important elements in the working of any university that are bound not only by general laws and customs but by specific standard policies, practices and conditions applicable to all universities within a country, e.g. salary and wage-scales.First the environment of universities is examined to ascertain the relevance of such an approach to their problems before passing to an appreciation of their unique features in terms of decision-taking and adaptability. Only in the light of this survey is an attempt then made to concentrate on the particular issues which a university may have to resolve and to which such longer term planning can make a contribution.Inevitably this paper is coloured by the experiences and observations of the author when involved in two U.K. institutions that have undergone rapid growth and change at a pace previously unprecedented in the history of higher education in the United Kingdom. This experience has been shared by many universities and replicated in other higher educational institutions such as polytechnics.  相似文献   

MJ Foster  DN Foster 《Omega》1982,10(1):19-23
This paper describes a method for assessing the effectiveness of strategic planning systems in terms of the results actually observed subsequent to planning activity. The paper explains in particular how, in making the assessment, one might cope with the fact of environmental change subsequent to the setting of planned goals. This ends oriented approach to measuring effectiveness is shown to be complementary to process oriented approaches and is illustrated by an example from the coal industry.  相似文献   

建立血液战略储备库是应对大规模突发事件应急血液保障问题的重要途径之一.为提高应急血液保障能力,以灾后应急血液保障时效性最高及日常条件下血液战略储备库运营总成本最低为目标,基于非线性混合整数规划方法建立了一个考虑多情景、多阶段、多血型、随机需求、库存补充提前期、容量限制及协同定位等因素的血液战略储备库多目标选址—库存问题优化模型.根据该模型的性质,设计了一种基于小生境技术的多目标非支配排序遗传算法进行求解.算例分析结果表明,该算法能够有效获得Pareto前沿,产生一簇Pareto解,因而决策者可根据偏好与实际需要权衡应急血液保障成本与时效性,选择合适的血液战略储备库选址—库存决策方案.  相似文献   

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